Calling a webservice through a mobile client - web-services

I am working with phonegap and jquery mobile at the moment. I just want to know whether there is a library that I can use or a way to call SOAP an RESTful webservices to my mobile client.
I did a lot of research and did not find anything that I can use. Do I need to write this from scratch?
Thank you.

First forget about SOAP, at from pure javascript point of view. On the other hand if you are willing you can use Java to create a web service client side code. Next step would be to connect jQuery and native Java part of Phonegap. It can be done easily if you create your own plugin.
Then again if this is a to much job for you there is also another solution. Same function used for jQuery REST call can be also used for jQuery SOAP call. More information can be found in this tutorial. But be warned, you will need to write client side XML. Still this is not that great solution.
On the other hand I would rather choose REST over SOAP. While SOAP is great it creates to much data overhead and we need smallest possible data footprint. Because Phonegap is HTML/JS/CSS wrapper it is commonly used to communicate via XHR/Ajax. So in our case it's better to use jQuery Ajax functions. Here you can find an excellent tutorial.
One great thing about using $.ajax function inside a Phonegap app for REST call is that you don't need to worry about CROSS-DOMAIN calls.
There's also third solution, rather hard but probably best of them all. Instead of using jQuery $.ajax function you should think about using Backbone MVC framework with jQuery Mobile. It will take time to master this combination but from my experience this is No. 1 solution if you want to use REST to communicate with your server.


Django&REST-framework architecture

Hello I am tasked with translating a current Excel tool to a web application. I decided to use Python and Django. Lately I studied the Django REST framework. I have the following related questions.
Is it for such an application a good idea to first write a web REST API so that I
firstly only need to focus on the backbone of the web application. I.e. implement the PUT, POST, GET and DELETE methods and the Django models.
The second step would be to implement the user interface... But if this is a valid method how can I reuse the REST views??? I followed the REST tutorials, but they don't show how to build a nice slick user-interface on top of the REST API.
Since REST views inherit from Django, I think it's maybe not such a good idea to write a Django view which inherits from a REST Apiview? Or can I directly use an API endpoint in a template. If so where can I get some nice examples?
Writing the back-end separately using Django REST Framework is a great idea.
There is a strong architecture based on the idea of decoupling the back-end from the front-end. After you finish the project's backbone, as you are calling it, you can start creating you front-end but your don't have to use Django template rendering in that case.
You can take the pros of using REST APIs and you can use one of the good front-end frameworks or libraries as Angular and React.js.
Another advantage of this that the same API can work with mobile development and so on.
So you develop one back-end and multiple front-ends depends on your need.
Also you can read a discussion about your question on Quora:

Can SOAPUI be used to create REST Test Cases before the Webservice is developed?

I'm a QA and know a little about coding, the developers will convert our SOAP webservice to REST and I want to write tests for this. Basically I want to read our SOAP XML, understand the request/parameters and create a REST Test Case in SOAPUI to be run when they finish the implementation.
Is it possible?
Sorry for my poor english, it's not my native language.
Technically, it's possible.
However, if the developers will be aiming for REST level 3, testing this through hard-coded URLs inside SOAPUP kinda defeats the purpose - ideally you'd be able to navigate between resources through discoverable links.
HAL Browser is one useful tool for navigating such RESTful APIs, however you need a dedicated tool for testing.
Here's an very detailed possible answer for your question.

Ember.js consuming REST Services

I have been working on a web app using .NET web forms. Now I'm trying to move to a Web API and a client side application. I'm trying to use Ember.js right now. I'm starting to get confused with Ember 2.0, Ember-Data and stuff.
My problem right now is that I'm trying to consume some of the REST services in order to show a list of things in my Ember app. Is it mandatory for me to use Ember-Data? If not, how can I consume the services to create, read, update and delete items (I mean, am I able to use only ajax or something)?
The Web API was built in order to be usable for many technologies. I need to build an specific URL for each request (even a simple GET has some mandatory parameters). That's why ember-data is not working well for me, at least not what I have learnt about it. Because won't allow me to build the URL I need.
Is it mandatory for me to use Ember-Data?
No, it's not. You can use other libraries such as Ember RESTless, or write your own.
You can even use simple jQuery AJAX calls whenever you need to fire a request to your API, however, you'll loose many benefits of Ember Data, such as lazy, asynchronous loading of models when they are needed.
That's why ember-data is not working well for me, at least not what I
have learnt about it. Because won't allow me to build
the URL I need.
You can override buildURL method of adapter you're using(for example RESTAdapter), source code on GitHub could be helpful if you would like to do that, and you can find everything you need to create your own behavior for buildURL method in Ember API documentation.

communication method between django <-> application server (node.js)?

A client talks to Django, and django uses node.js to do some javascript related work to give back the client a http response.
I wonder how I should set up the link(?) between the django and node.js.
Simply, I could use python's requests library and talk http, but is this best I can do?
If I were to build the communication link in c++, I would create non-block socket with Send/Recv Thread and use mutex(or similar) between the django view code and the send/recv thread.
I guess that's what is called asynchronous io in node.js world.
Is there a similar thing in python so that I could use on django side to talk to another server?
I heard many big companies use Thrift, would it fit here?
I also see gevent might be relevant keyword here, but not sure.
I am not sure if my answer is still relevant, but I'll give it a try.
IMHO, the best solution for you would be to have a RESTful API for your Django app. This has several advantages:
it provides a lot of decoupling between your Django app and your Node.js one, so in case you ever want to reuse any of them or to replace one of them, it will be easy
it allows you to design an API for each of them and to hide the rest of your implementation (your Django app should not care how Node.js does its job, but only the response that it provides)
there are many great frameworks out there that can help you quickly build your APIs (at leat for Django there is Django REST framework)
If you don't want to build a RESTful API, python's request library is probably the best and easiest way.
Good luck.

Calling REST web services from a classic asp page

I'd like to start moving our application business layers into a collection of REST web services. However, most of our Intranet has been built using Classic ASP and most of the developers where I work keep programming in Classic ASP. Ideally, then, for them to benefit from the advantages of a unique set of web APIs, it would have to be called from Classic ASP pages.
I haven't the slightest idea how to do that.
You could use a combination of JQuery with JSON calls to consume REST services from the client
if you need to interact with the REST services from the ASP layer you can use
Set HttpReq = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", "Rest_URI", False
You should actually use MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP from ASP/server side applications. XMLHTTP should only be used client side because it uses WinInet which is not supported for use in server/service apps.
See, questions 3, 4 & 5 and
This is quite important, otherwise you'll experience your web app hanging and all sorts of strange nonsense going on.
Here are a few articles describing how to call a web service from a class ASP page:
Integrating ASP.NET XML Web Services with 'Classic' ASP Applications
Consuming XML Web Services in Classic ASP
Consuming a WSDL Webservice from ASP
A number of the answers presented here appear to cover how ClassicASP can be used to consume web-services & REST calls.
In my opinion a tidier solution may be for your ClassicASP to just serve data in REST formats. Let your browser-based client code handle the 'mashup' if possible. You should be able to do this without incorporating any other ASP components.
So, here's how I would mockup shiny new REST support in ClassicASP:
provide a single ASP web page that acts as a landing pad
The landing pad will handle two parameters: verb and URL, plus a set of form contents
Use some kind of switch block inspect the URL and direct the verb (and form contents) to a relevant handler
The handler will then process the verb (PUT/POST/GET/DELETE) together with the form contents, returning a success/failure code plus data as appropriate.
Your landing pad will inspect the success/failure code and return the respective HTTP status plus any returned data
You would benefit from a support class that decodes/encodes the form data from/to JSON, since that will ease your client-side implementation (and potentially streamline the volume of data passed). See the conversation here at Any good libraries for parsing JSON in Classic ASP?
Lastly, at the client-side, provide a method that takes a Verb, Url and data payload. In the short-term the method will collate the parameters and forward them to your landing pad. In the longer term (once you switch away from Classic ASP) your method can send the data to the 'real' url.
Good luck...
Another possible solution is to write a .NET DLL that makes the calls and returns the results (maybe wrap something like RESTSharp - give it a simple API customized to your needs). Then you register the DLL as a COM DLL and use it in your ASP code via the CreateObject method.
I've done this for things like creating signed JWTs and salting and hashing passwords. It works nicely (while you work like crazy to rewrite the ASP).
Another possibility is to use the WinHttp COM object Using the WinHttpRequest COM Object.
WinHttp was designed to be used from server code.
All you need is an HTTP client. In .Net, WebRequest works well. For classic ASP, you will need a specific component like this one.