Non - blocking RPC invocation, using gSoap - c++

Is this even possible?
I know, I can make a one-way asynchronous communication, but I want it to be two-way.
In other words, I'm asking about the request/response pattern, but non-blocking, like described here (the 3rd option)
Related to Asynchronous, acknowledged, point-to-point connection using gSoap - I'd like to make the (n)acks async, too

You need a way to associate requests with replies. In normal RPC, they are associated by a timeline: the reply follows the response before another response can occur.
A common solution is to send a key along with the request. The reply references the same key. If you do this, two-way non-blocking RPC becomes a special case of two one-way non-blocking RPC connections. The key is commonly called something like request-id or noince.

I think that is not possible by basic usage,
The only way to make it two way is via response 'results of the call'
But you might want to use little trick
1] Create another server2 at client end and call that server2 from server
Or if thats not you can do over internet because of NAT / firewall etc
2] re architect your api so that client calls server again based on servers responce first time.

You can have client - server on both end. For example you can have client server on system 1 and system 2. (I specify sender as cient and receiver as server). You send async message from sys1 client to sys 2 server. On recieving message from sys1 you can send async response from sys 2 client to sys1 server back. This is how you can make async two way communication.

I guess you would need to run the blocking invocation in a separate thread, as described here:


gRPC callback vs streaming in C++

I'm writing an application where a client will connect to a server and subscribe to data updates. The client tells the server what data items it is interested in, and then subscribes using a method with a streaming response. This works well.
However, there are also non-data related notifications that the client should know about. I'm not sure about the best way to handle those. I've thought of:
Adding another method to the existing service. This would be just like the data subscription but be used for event subscription. The client could then subscribe to both types of updates. Not sure what the best practice is for the number of methods in a service, or the mixing of responsibilities in a service.
Exposing a second service from the server with a streaming method for event notifications. This would make the client use multiple connections to get its data - and use another TCP port. The event notifications would be rare (maybe just a few during the lifetime of the connection) so not sure if that is important to consider. Again - not sure about best practices for the number of services exposed from a server.
This one seems unorthodox, but another method might be to pass connection info (IP address and port) from the client to the server during the client's connection sequence. The server could then use that to connect to the client as a way to send event notifications. So the client and server would each have to implement both client and server roles.
Any advice on ways to manage this? Seems like this a problem that would already have been solved - but it also appears that the C++ implementation of gRPC lags a bit behind some of the other languages which offer some more options.
Oh - and I'm doing this on Windows.
I've come up with another alternative that seems to fit the ProtoBuf style better than the others. I've created ProtoBuf message types for each of the data/event/etc notifications that the server should send, and enclosed each of them inside a common 'notification' message that uses the 'oneof' type. This provides a way to have a single streaming method response that can accommodate any type of notification. It looks like this:
message NotificationData
oneof oneof_notification_type
DataUpdate item_data_update = 1;
EventUpdate event_data_update = 2;
WriteResponse write_response_update = 3;
service Items
rpc Subscribe (SubscribeRequest) returns (stream NotificationData) {}
Any comments or concerns about this usage?

Boost::Beast Websocket Bidirection Stream (C++)

I'm looking into using the Boost::Beast websocket library to create an asynchronous bidirectional pipe to pass data between a server and a client. I leveraged some code from the async example (I can post some at a later time if necessary, don't have access to it now). I currently have a class which creates several threads running a SocketListener. When a client connects, it creates a Session shared_ptr to do the async read and write functions. The problem is, this session object will only write out when the client has sent me a message. I'm looking for an implementation that allows my server to write on demand to all the clients connected to it and also listen for incoming data from those connections.
Is this possible? Am I using the wrong technique for this? The other way I though this may be achievable is to have an incoming websocket and and outgoing websocket. Incoming would allow a client to drop configurations for the server and outgoing would just monitor a message queue and do a async write if a message is available.
Is this possible?
Am I using the wrong technique for this?
The other way I though this may be achievable is to have an incoming websocket and and outgoing websocket, and No respectively.
That is not necessary, a websocket stream is full-duplex. You can read and write at the same time.
outgoing would just monitor a message queue and do a async write if a message is available.
This is the correct approach, but you can do that in the same Session object that also handles the reads.
Here's an example that reads continuously and can also write full-duplex:

which zmq pattern can I use for router communications?

I want to connect peer-to-peer by TCP. With which zmq pattern I can connect them? Does I need server/ client for each side?
You can use several patterns for p2p.
Here is socket features in brief:
REQ-REP sync pair of sockets. pros: doesn't drop messages when HWM is reached. cons: this pair of sockets is sync and blocking, it means that if REQ socket sent a message, it will wait for a reply forever and there is no reply, you can use it again only after recreating.
DEALER-ROUTER async pair of sockets. pros: these socket are not blocking and you can route your messages, but cons: it HWM of ROUTER socket is reached it will drop messages and there is no API to let you know about it.
PUSH-PULL async pair of sockets. pros: no blocks, no message drops, async, cons: no routing, so its ideal for p2p, but if you have 1-to-N connection all messages will be distributed by round robin
If you have N-to-N or your peers come and go and you have no discovery service, you may use any pattern with broker (but you must implement broker by yourself, its not very hard to do).
Here is The Guide, you can find a lot of examples on python there.

Multithreaded Server Issue

I am writing a server in linux that is supposed to serve an API.
Initially, I wanted to make it Multi-threaded on a single port, meaning that I'd have multiple threads working on various request received on a single port.
One of my friends told me that it not the way it is supposed to work. He told me that when a request is received, I first have to follow a Handshake procedure, create a thread that is listening to some other port dedicated to the request and then redirect the requested client to the new port.
Theoretically, it's very interesting but I could not find any information on how to implement the handshake and do the redirection. Can someone help?
If I'm not wrong in interpreting your responses, once I create a multithreaded server with a main thread listening to a port, and creates a new thread to handle requests, I'm essentially making it multithreaded on a single port?
Consider the scenario where I get a large number of requests every second. Isn't it true that every request on the port should now wait for the "current" request to complete? If not, how would the communication still be done: Say a browser sends a request, so the thread handling this has to first listen to the port, block it, process it, respond and then unblock it.
By this, eventhough I'm having "multithreads" , all I'm using is one single thread at a time apart from the main thread because the port is being blocked.
What your friend told you is similar to passive FTP - a client tells the server that it needs a connection, the server sends back the port number and the client creates a data connection to that port.
But all you wanted to do is a multithreaded server. All you need is one server socket listening and accepting connections on a given port. As soon as the automatic TCP handshake is finished, you'll get a new socket from the accept function - that socket will be used for communication with the client that has just connected. So now you only have to create a new thread, passing that client socket to the thread function. In your server thread, you will then call accept again in order to accept another connection.
TCP/IP does the handshake, if you can't think of any reason to do a handshake than your application does not demand it.
An example of an application specific handshake could be for user authentication.
What your colleague is suggesting sounds like the way FTP works. This is not a good thing to do -- the internet these days is more or less used for protocols which use a single port, and having a command port is bad. One of the reasons is because statefull firewalls aren't designed for multi-port applications; they have to be extended for each individual application that does things this way.
Look at ASIO's tutorial on async TCP. There one part accept connections on TCP and spawns handlers that each communicate with a single client. That's how TCP-servers usually work (including HTTP/web, the most common tcp protocol.)
You may disregard the asynchronous stuff of ASIO if you're set on creating a thread per connection. It doesn't apply to your question. (Going fully async and have one worker-thread per core is nice, but it might not integrate well with the rest of your environment.)

What is the best way to implement a heartbeat in C++ to check for socket connectivity?

Hey gang. I have just written a client and server in C++ using sys/socket. I need to handle a situation where the client is still active but the server is down. One suggested way to do this is to use a heartbeat to periodically assert connectivity. And if there is none to try to reconnect every X seconds for Y period of time, and then to time out.
Is this "heartbeat" the best way to check for connectivity?
The socket I am using might have information on it, is there a way to check that there is a connection without messing with the buffer?
If you're using TCP sockets over an IP network, you can use the TCP protocol's keepalive feature, which will periodically check the socket to make sure the other end is still there. (This also has the advantage of keeping the forwarding record for your socket valid in any NAT routers between your client and your server.)
Here's a TCP keepalive overview which outlines some of the reasons you might want to use TCP keepalive; this Linux-specific HOWTO describes how to configure your socket to use TCP keepalive at runtime.
It looks like you can enable TCP keepalive in Windows sockets by setting SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS using the WSAIoctl() function.
If you're using UDP sockets over IP you'll need to build your own heartbeat into your protocol.
Yes, this heartbeat is the best way. You'll have to build it into the protocol the server and client use to communicate.
The simplest solution is to have the client send data periodically and the server close the connection if it hasn't received any data from the client in a particular period of time. This works perfectly for query/response protocols where the client sends queries and the server sends responses.
For example, you can use the following scheme:
The server responds to every query. If the server does not receive a query for two minutes, it closes the connection.
The client sends queries and keeps the connection open after each one.
If the client has not send a query for one minute, it sends an "are you there" query. The server responds with "yes I am". This resets the server's two minutes timer and confirms to the client that the connection is still available.
It may be simpler to just have the client close the connection if it hasn't needed to send a query for the past minute. Since all operations are initiated by the client, it can always just open a new connection if it needs to perform a new operation. That reduces it to just this:
The server closes the connection if it hasn't received a query in two minutes.
The client closes the connection if it hasn't needed to send a query in one minute.
However, this doesn't assure the client that the server is present and ready to accept a query at all times. If you need this capability, you will have to implement an "are you there" "yes I am" query/response into your protocol.
If the other side has gone away (i.e. the process has died, the machine has gone down, etc.), attempting to receive data from the socket should result in an error. However if the other side is merely hung, the socket will remain open. In this case, having a heartbeat is useful. Make sure that whatever protocol you are using (on top of TCP) supports some kind of "do-nothing" request or packet - each side can use this to keep track of the last time they received something from the other side, and can then close the connection if too much time elapses between packets.
Note that this is assuming you're using TCP/IP. If you're using UDP, then that's a whole other kettle of fish, since it's connectionless.
Ok, I don't know what your program does or anything, so maybe this isn't feasible, but I suggest that you avoid trying to always keep the socket open. It should only be open when you are using it, and should be closed when you are not.
If you are between reads and writes waiting on user input, close the socket. Design your client/server protocol (assuming you're doing this by hand and not using any standard protocols like http and/or SOAP) to handle this.
Sockets will error if the connection is dropped; write your program such that you don't lose any information in the case of such an error during a write to the socket and that you don't gain any information in the case of an error during a read from the socket. Transactionality and atomicity should be rolled into your client/server protocol (again, assuming you're designing it yourself).
maybe this will help you, TCP Keepalive HOWTO
or this SO_SOCKET