Print button in Windows 8 Store app HTML + JS for Split Template app - list

I have an app made in WinJS for Windows 8 App store, and I use the Split Page template. So on the split page I have two colums the one named List column and the one named Item detail column. It is for recipes, and in the list are the pictures and small details, and in the right in the item detail block is the recipe with details and pictures. I want a Print button that will print only the right column with details, not the entire windows with list and etc.
Can someone give me an example better than the one from msdn?

As taken from to print a fragment:
function printFrag(printEvent) {
var printTask = printEvent.request.createPrintTask("codeSHOW Print Frag", function (args) {
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
frag.appendChild(q(".print #printFromApp").cloneNode(true));
// Register the handler for print task completion event
printTask.oncompleted = printTaskCompleted;
Which is in turn cloning this html node and then printing it
<div id="printFromApp">
<h2>Invoke print</h2>
<p>Wow, printing is fun.</p>
<button id="invokePrint">Print</button>
All the print samples can be mostly cut and pasted from there, check it out. It's also available in the Windows Store and is an essential HTML/JS dev tool for Windows Store apps.


In C1 CMS How to create a list dynamically by getting input from user at the function property window?

Actually I am trying to create two controls one is drop down and another is List. Both are similar and easy for static values or values which are already stored somewhere.
But what I want is, I want the Power user to create or add / edit list items at the run time ( When he is inserting function to the page )
so similar concept to this :
<div data-role="content">
<div id="items">
<input type="text" id="item" />
<input type="button" value="Add item to list" onclick="appendToList()"/>
var listCreated = false;
function appendToList(){
$("#items").append("<ul id='list' data-role='listview' data-inset='true'></ul>");
listCreated = true;
var value = $("#item").val();
var listItem = "<li>" + value + "</li>";
but in the function property window.
Currently I am using comma separated list from user but its not viable solution as my next step is to add url as well with the input data from user so Lets say user wants to create a drop-down button and user is adding items and associating particular link to its items.
As you can see in above image i am getting data from user but instead of that text box i want to use above mentioned similar concept.
How can I make this possible ? or Is it possible in C1-CMS ? if yes please explain with Example in detail.
Thank you for your time and thanks reading this post.
It is not possible with the currently built in widgets.

Not able to make the navbar items dynamic in ember

I have navbar component which I have placed in an application.hbs so that it should be visible always.But I want to change the title of the navbar with each page I visit ( say I am on index page it should say "Home" , if I am on profile page it should say profile,etc).Right now what is happening is navbar title always remains "Home" for all the page.This is happening because the navbar gets rendered onlu during the time it loads the page in browser and after that it doesn't change according to page.
{{top-navbar dp_url=model.profile.dp_url first_name=model.profile.first_name title=title}}
Here the I am computing the value of title depending upon which page the user is.
if (currentPage === "" || currentPage === "#"){
else if(currentPage === "Userprofile"){
In here the currentpage has the current url of app and I am comparing it and deciding the value of title for navbar.
But the top-navbar title value gets calculated only for the first time when user load the app in browser and not when I move ffrom one route to another.
I have also tried the Ember.Evented but not able to solve it.
I don't know what Ember.js and Ember-data version are you using, currentState is deprecated since 2.1, anyway looks like you're using a private method intended for Ember internals and not meant to be used in an application.
A possible (but maybe unnecessary complicated) way to accomplish what you want is:
Create a model with the information you want to mutate in the navbar (e.g. navbar-data).
In the route where the navbar is rendered, create and return a record for it using a fixed numeric ID (e.g. store.createRecord('navbar-data', { id: 1, title: "index" })).
Pass the created record to the component (instead of just a string).
Whenever you want to change, peek the record with store.peekRecord('navbar-data', 1) and change the value you want to change in the navbar.
Of course, the record you use for that must not be saved with

Foundation Reveal Modal and HTML5 history API manipulation

I am trying to solve an issue with modals. What I want to do is allow the user to click the browser's back button to dismiss a modal and return to the original state of the page, this is: without modal. For such purpose I thought about using HTML 5 history API.
I started trying to append a querystring parameter to the URL, such as[yes|no] but I ended leaving this approach because I couldn't handle all the stuff involving popstate event, pageshow event, etc. I couldn't make it work and it overwhelmed me.
Then I tried with a more simple approach involving a hash appended to the URL, such as, and the hashchange event. This approach is working better for me and I almost have it.
When the user clicks the button to show the modal, he or she can click the browser's back button and it will dismiss the modal. Furthermore, after that, the user can click the browser's forward button and it will show the modal again. Very nice! The user can also navigate directly to the URL with the hash to access directly this state of the page, as well as he or she can bookmark such state of the page. It's working pretty neat and I'm rather happy with the results.
The problem is that it is not working totally perfect. When the user dismiss the modal by clicking the background, the ESC key or the X in the upper right corner, the history starts to mess up. Try it: open the modal by clicking on the button, then click the background to dismiss it (look a the URL in the address bar, first problem here is that the hash isn't removed), then click your browser back button and you will see it isn't working correctly. You will end with a duplicate in your history and you have to click the back button twice in order to go to the previous page. This is not desirable from an UX viewpoint. Does anyone know a solution to this?
I provide my code in this CodePen and at the end of this question. I suggest trying it in your own machine and NOT IN Codepen, so you can view the hash in the URL, etc. Also, it doesn't work in Codepen Full mode, I don't know why.
I am using Foundation 5.2.1
<div class="row">
<div class="small-12 columns">
<h1>Reveal Modal</h1>
<h2>Manipulation of the browser history for a better UX</h2>
<a class="button radius" href="#" data-reveal-id="sampleModal" id="button">Show Modal...</a>
<!-- ############# -->
<!-- MODAL -->
<!-- ############# -->
<div id="sampleModal" class="reveal-modal medium" data-reveal>
<p>You may think you are on a new page now, but you aren't. Try to click your browser <kbd>Back</kbd> button to dismiss this modal and return to the the page you were viewing.</p>
<a class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
function setModalHash(url, present) {
var a = $('<a>', { href:url } )[0]; //
var newHash = "";
if (present === true) {
newHash = "#modal";
// Build the resulting URL
result = a.protocol + "//" + a.hostname + ":" + a.port + a.pathname + + newHash;
return result;
$("#button").on('click', function() {
history.pushState(null, null, setModalHash(document.URL, true));
$(window).on("hashchange load",function(e) {
// Handling also the load event allows navigation directly to http://host/path/to/file#modal and bookmarking it
if (document.location.hash == "#modal") {
else {
I've been messing with the history api/History.js in combination with session storage to maintain modal state, and open/close based upon user navigation. I've finally achieved about 90% of my goal, but history is implemented very poorly in Safari and iOS Safari so remove the features for these browsers.
Some of the problems you may be running into with the hash approach is that when you use the # with pushstate it actually doesn't push a new object into the history state. It sometimes seems to push history onto the stack and you could use history.back() to fire a popstate, but if you were to say refresh the page with your hashurl and do some sort of check for hash on page initiation, there doesn't seem to be a new history pushed onto the stack, and therefore on backwards navigation the user will leave the site rather than closing the modal.
Here is my implementation working for all browsers except for where it falls back to normal behavior is Safari:
Like I said I use History.js in combination with sessionstorage because annoyingly enough, in the popstate for closing the modal the history object is removed, which is exactly when I would need it. In all a very poorly implemented API.
I don't change the URL because this project does not have a backend, so if I change the URL with no hash, on page refresh the page would not be found. An alternate implementation would be a query string, which will properly update history when used in the pushstate, but ends up being bad UX because if the user closes the modal not using the backwards navigation (i.e. hitting the cancel button or clicking off), removing the query string would result in a page refresh.

CustomItemGenerator and the Page Editor

Sitecore 6.6 Update 4
We're using CustomItemGenerator 1.0 and I was using this to help build a primary navigation menu for a site. This worked as expected and everything was rendered properly.
My problem is when I attempt to edit the menu via Page Editor; I don't even see the menu.
I use a repeater and repeat over a list of links to include in the nav. Due to the way the HTML was created, each LI element needs to have its own, specific ID ("Nav Id" Field in Sitecore) that ties into the CSS. Code inside of my repeater's ItemDataBound event:
// Cast the item using CustomItemGenerator-generated class
GenericContentPageItem navItem = (GenericContentPageItem)e.Item.DataItem;
liMenuItem.ID = navItem.NavId.Rendered; // I tried "navItem.NavId" by itself as well
So while this renders properly in the browser, it doesn't when I'm in Page Editor:
<li id="<input id='fld_B72EB6696DCF41A49671972D5EA5DEB8_2163B90C08AB4A18970A7F3ECE79DCFC_en_1_f71bd37d18d146c19e222e89fcffe278_3' class='scFieldValue' name='fld_B72EB6696DCF41A49671972D5EA5DEB8_2163B90C08AB4A18970A7F3ECE79DCFC_en_1_f71bd37d18d146c19e222e89fcffe278_3' type='hidden' value=" Home?="">
... instead of it rendering like this:
<li id="Home">...</li>
Now, that having been said, I can change my code to not use the CustomItemGenerator and it works fine in the browser and Page Editor as follows:
GenericContentPageItem navItem = (GenericContentPageItem)e.Item.DataItem;
Item nav = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(navItem.ID);
liMenuItem.ID = nav.Fields["Nav Id"].ToString();
I would like to avoid having to hardcode field names in my code, which is why I am using CustomItemGenerator. Is there something that I'm doing wrong with my code that it doesn't want to work in Page Editor?
If you need the actual value out of the field regardless of if you are in the page editor or not, you want to use the Raw property:
liMenuItem.ID = navItem.NavId.Raw;

How To I Replace New Elements Added To A Page With Jquery

Here is the scenario... I have a a checkbox next to each field that I am replacing on page load with jquery with "Delete" text that enables me to delete the field via jquery, which is working fine. Like so...
$(".profile-status-box").each(function(){ $(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">' + 'Delete' + '</span>') });
The problem comes in however is that after page load, I am also giving the user the option to dynamically add new fields. The new added fields though have the checkbox and not the delete link because they are not being replaced by jquery since they are being added after the initial page load.
Is't possible to replace the content of new elements added to the page without doing a page refresh? If not, I can always have two templates with different markup depending one for js and one for non js, but I was trying to avoind taht.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the .livequery() plugin, like this:
$(this).replaceWith('<span class="delete">Delete</span>')
The anonymous function is run against every element found, and each new element matching the selector as they're added.
Have a look at this kool demo. It removes and adds elements like a charm.
Here's how:
First of all, the (x)html is real simple.
xHTML Snippet
<input type="hidden" value="0" id="theValue" />
<p>Add Some Elements</p>
<div id="myDiv"> </div>
The hidden input element simply gives you a chance to dynamically call a number you could start with. This, for instance could be set with PHP or ASP. The onclick event handler is used to call the function. Lastly, the div element is set and ready to receive some children appended unto itself (gosh that sounds wierd).
Mkay, so far so easy. Now the JS functions.
addElement JavaScript Function
function addElement() {
var ni = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;
numi.value = num;
var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
var divIdName = 'my'+num+'Div';
newdiv.innerHTML = 'Element Number '+num+' has been added! <a href=\'#\' onclick=\'removeElement('+divIdName+')\'>Remove the div "'+divIdName+'"</a>';
And if you want to,
removeElement JavaScript Function
function removeElement(divNum) {
var d = document.getElementById('myDiv');
var olddiv = document.getElementById(divNum);
and thats that. bobs your uncle.
This is taken from this article/tutorial:
I've just learnt this myself. thank you for the question
Hope that helps.