I previously asked a question concerning message passing Abstraction here: MIT Scheme Message Passing Abstraction
The question asked that I:
Write a mailman object factory (make-mailman) that takes in no parameters and returns
a message-passing object that responds to the following messages:
'add-to-route: return a procedure that takes in an arbitrary number of mailbox objects
and adds them to the mailman object's “route”
'collect-letters: return a procedure that takes in an arbitrary number of letter
objects and collects them for future distribution
'distribute: add each of the collected letters to the mailbox on the mailman's route
whose address matches the letter's destination and return a list of any letters whose
destinations did not match any mailboxes on the route (Note: After each passing of
'distribute the mailman object should have no collected letters.)
I had already written 2 procedures earlier as part of this assignment to make a mailbox and make a letter:
(define (make-letter destination message)
(define (dispatch x)
(cond ((eq? x 'get-destination) destination)
((eq? x 'get-message) message)
(else "Invalid option.")))
(define (make-mailbox address)
(let ((T '()))
(define (post letter)
(assoc letter T))
(define (previous-post post)
(if (null? (cdr post)) post (cdr (previous-post post))))
(define (letter-in-mailbox? letter)
(if (member (post letter) T) #t #f))
(define (add-post letter)
(begin (set! T (cons letter T)) 'done))
(define (get-previous-post post)
(if (letter-in-mailbox? post)
(previous-post post)
(define (dispatch y)
(cond ((eq? y 'add-letter) add-post)
((eq? y 'get-latest-message) (get-previous-post T))
((eq? y 'get-address) address)
(else "Invalid option.")))
After being given a very good explanation on what my current answer was doing wrong and making many necessary changes to my code, I was told that any problems I have in that code would be better off asked in this question. Therefore, here is the code that builds off my previous question:
(define (make-mailman)
(let ((self (list '(ROUTE) '(MAILBAG))))
(define (add-to-route . mailboxes)
(let ((route (assoc 'ROUTE self)))
(set-cdr! route (append mailboxes (cdr route)))
(define (collect-letters . letters)
(let ((mailbag (assoc 'MAILBAG self)))
(set-cdr! mailbag (append letters (cdr mailbag)))
(define (distribute-the-letters)
(let* ((mailbag (assoc 'MAILBAG self))
(mailboxes (cdr (assoc 'ROUTE self)))
(letters (cdr mailbag)))
(if (null? letters)
(let loop ((letter (car letters))
(letters (cdr letters))
(not-delivered ()))
(let* ((address (letter 'get-address))
(mbx (find-mailbox address mailboxes)))
(if (equal? address letter)
((mbx 'add-post) letter)
((mbx 'add-post) not-delivered))
(if (null? letters)
(begin (set-cdr! mailbag '()) not-delivered)
(loop (car letters) (cdr letters) not-delivered)))))))
(define (dispatch z)
(cond ((eq? z 'add-to-route) add-to-route)
((eq? z 'collect-letters) collect-letters)
((eq? z 'distribute) distribute-the-letters)
(else "Invalid option")))
Essentially, I'm running into a different error now that instead returns that the distribute-the-letters procedure is being passed as an argument to length, which is not a list. I do not know why this error is being returned, since I would think that I am passing in the lists as they are needed. Would anyone be able to shed some light on what's going on? Any help will be appreciated.
UPDATE: Using this procedure in my make-mailman code now:
(define (find-mailbox address mailbox)
(if (not (element? address self))
(if (element? mailbox self)
Your error is here:
(define (distribute-the-letters)
(let* ((mailbag (assoc 'MAILBAG self))
(mailboxes (cdr (assoc 'ROUTE self)))
(letters (cdr mailbag)))
(if (null? letters)
(let loop ((letter (car letters))
(letters (cdr letters))
(not-delivered ()))
(let* ((address (letter 'get-address))
(mbx (find-mailbox address mailboxes))) ;; has to be impl'd
;; (if (equal? address letter) ;; this makes
;; ((mbx 'add-post) letter) ;; no
;; ((mbx 'add-post) not-delivered)) ;; sense
;; here you're supposed to put the letter into the matching mailbox
;; or else - into the not-delivered list
(if mbox ;; NB! find-mailbox should accommodate this
((mbox 'put-letter) letter) ;; NB! "mailbox" should accom'te this
(set! not-delivered ;; else, it wasn't delivered
(cons letter not-delivered)))
(if (null? letters)
(set-cdr! mailbag '()) ;; the mailbag is now empty
not-delivered) ;; the final return
(loop (car letters)
(cdr letters)
find-mailbox still has to be implemented here. It should search for the matching mailbox, and return #f in case it is not found, or return the mailbox object itself if it was found. The "mailbox" objects must be able to respond to 'put-letter messages and have "addresses". The "letter" objects must also have "addresses" (which we retrieve with the call (letter 'get-address), and for mailbox we'd call (mbox 'get-address)), and these addresses must be so that we can compare them for equality.
That means that letters and mailboxes should be objects defined through the same kind of procedure as here the mailman is defined, with internal procedures, and the dispatch procedure exported as the object itself.
This all needs to be further implemented, or perhaps you have them already as part of some previous assignment?
now that you've provided your additional definitions, let's see.
make-letter seems OK. A letter supports two messages: 'get-destination and get-message.
make-mailbox has issues.
(define (make-mailbox address)
(let ((T '()))
(define (post letter)
(assoc letter T)) ;; why assoc? you add it with plain CONS
(define (previous-post post)
(if (null? (cdr post)) ;; post == T (11)
(cdr (previous-post post) ;; did you mean (prev-p (cdr post)) ? (12)
(define (letter-in-mailbox? letter) ;; letter == T ??????? (3)
(if (member (post letter) T) #t #f))
(define (add-post letter)
(begin (set! T (cons letter T)) 'done)) ;; added with plain CONS
(define (get-previous-post post)
(if (letter-in-mailbox? post) ;; post == T (2)
(previous-post post) ;; post == T (10)
(define (dispatch y)
(cond ((eq? y 'add-letter) add-post)
((eq? y 'get-latest-message)
(get-previous-post T)) ;; called w/ T (1)
((eq? y 'get-address) address)
(else "Invalid option.")))
you add letters with add-post, and it calls (set! T (cons letter T)). So it adds each letter into the T list as-is. No need to use assoc to retrieve it later, it's just an element in a list. Just call (member letter T) to find out whether it's in. post has no function to perform, it should be (define (post letter) letter).
(if (member letter T) #t #f) is functionally the same as just (member letter T). In Scheme, any non-false value is like a #t.
Your previous-post (if fixed w/ (12) ) returns the last cdr cell of its argument list. If it holds letters (a b c d), (previous-post T) returns (d). Didn't you mean it to be a ? The message it handles is called 'get-latest-message after all. Whatever you just added with cons into list ls, can be gotten back with one simple call to ... (what?).
And why is it called get-latest-message? Does it return a letter, or the message within that letter? (and here the word message is used in two completely unrelated senses in one program; better call letter's contents, maybe, letter-contents ??
Lastly, we call (find-mailbox address mailboxes) in the main program, but you define (define (find-mailbox address mailbox) .... It should compare (equal? address (mailbox 'get-address)). self isn't needed, so this utility function can be put into global scope.
And it must enumerate through those mailboxes:
(define (find-mailbox address mailboxes)
(if (not (null? mailboxes))
(if (equal? address ((car mailboxes) 'get-address))
(car ..... )
(find-mailbox address .... ))))
I have been trying to transform a linear list into a set but with no avail. Everytime I run this, I get some weird compilation errors like "badly formed lambda" which points to the way I use append. Here is my code:
(defun mem(e l)
((null l) nil)
((equal e (car l)) t)
((listp (car l)) (mem e (car l)))
(t(mem e (cdr l)))
(defun st(l k)
((null l) nil)
(( mem '(car l) 'k) (st (cdr l) k))
((listp (car l)) (st (car l) k))
( t (st (cdr l) (append((car l) k)) ))
(t(mem e (cdr l)))
EDIT: frankly I just want to remove the duplicates from list l
Prefer Standard Library Functions
EDIT: frankly I just want to remove the duplicates from list l
Common Lisp has a remove-duplicates function. The documentation inclues examples:
(remove-duplicates "aBcDAbCd" :test #'char-equal :from-end t) => "aBcD"
(remove-duplicates '(a b c b d d e)) => (A C B D E)
(remove-duplicates '(a b c b d d e) :from-end t) => (A B C D E)
(remove-duplicates '((foo #\a) (bar #\%) (baz #\A))
:test #'char-equal :key #'cadr) => ((BAR #\%) (BAZ #\A))
(remove-duplicates '((foo #\a) (bar #\%) (baz #\A))
:test #'char-equal :key #'cadr :from-end t) => ((FOO #\a) (BAR #\%))
Are you trying to flatten the list too?
From your code for mem, where you do:
((listp (car l)) (mem e (car l)))
it looks like you want your member function to also recurse into sublists. That's a bit questionable, even when working with sets, since sets can traditionally include other sets. E.g., {{3},{4},5} is a set containing 5, the set {3}, and the set {4}. It's not the same as the set {3,4,5}. Your st function also looks like it's trying to recurse into lists, which makes it seem like you want to flatten you lists, too. Again, that's a bit questionable, but if you want to do that, then your conversion to a set would be easier as a "flatten, then remove duplicates" process:
(defun flatten (list)
"Returns a fresh list containing the leaf elements of LIST."
(if (listp list)
(mapcan 'flatten list)
(list list)))
;; CL-USER> (flatten '(1 2 (3 4) 5 ((6))))
;; (1 2 3 4 5 6)
(defun to-set (list)
"Returns a set based on the elements of LIST. The result
is a flat list containing the leaf elements of LIST, but
with any duplicate elements removed."
(delete-duplicates (flatten list)))
;; CL-USER> (to-set '(1 3 (3 4) ((4) 5)))
;; (1 3 4 5)
I get some weird compilation errors like "badly formed lambda" which points to the way I use append.
Yes, you're trying to call append like: (append((car l) k)). That's actually not a problem for append. Remember, the syntax for a function call in Lisp is (function argument…). That means that you've got:
(append ((car l) k))
<function> <argument1>
But your argument1 is also a function call:
((car l) k )
<function> <argument1>
In Common Lisp, you can't use (car l) as a function. The only thing that can appear for a function is a symbol (e.g., car, append) or a lambda expression (e.g., (lambda (x) (+ x 1)).
You want to call (append (car l) k) instead.
First, CL does not have a set data type.
Lists, however, can be used as sets, you do not need to write any special code for that.
Second, I don't understand what your st function is supposed to do, but I bet that in the second cond clause you should not quote (car l) and k. You should use meaningful names for your functions and avoid abbreviations. As per your explanation in the comment, you should use pushnew instead.
Third, your mem function is quite weird, I am pretty sure you do not mean what you wrote: e is searched along a path in the tree l, not in the list l. As per your explanation in the comment, you should check both car and cdr:
(defun tree-member (tree element &key (test #'eql))
(if (consp tree)
(or (tree-member (car tree) element :test test)
(tree-member (cdr tree) element :test test))
(funcall test element tree)))
I want to write a recursive function that checks the list and either returns true if the list is in ascending order or NIL otherwise. If the list is empty it is still true. I am completely new to Lisp, so its still very confusing.
(defun sorted (x)
(if (null x)
(if (<= car x (car (cdr x)))
(sorted (cdr x))
The recursive version:
(defun sorted (list)
(or (endp list)
(endp (cdr list))
(and (<= (first list) (second list))
(sorted (cdr list)))))
The more idiomatic loop-based predicate accepting a :test argument:
(defun sortedp (list &key (test #'<=))
(loop for (a b) on list
while b
always (funcall test a b)))
The version accepting a :key; we only call the key function once per visited element:
(defun sortedp (list &key (test #'<=) (key #'identity))
(loop for x in list
for old = nil then new
for new = (funcall key x)
for holdp = T then (funcall test old new)
always holdp))
Some tests:
(loop for k in '(()
((1) (2))
((2) (1))
((1) (2) (3))
((3) (2) (1)))
collect (sortedp k :test #'> :key #'car))
=> (T T NIL T NIL T)
This one also works with other kinds of sequences:
(defun sortedp (sequence &key (test #'<=) (key #'identity))
(reduce (lambda (old x &aux (new (funcall key x)))
(if (or (eq old t)
(funcall test old new))
(return-from sortedp nil)))
:initial-value t))
The above test gives:
(T 1 NIL 1 NIL 1)
... which is a correct result thanks to generalized booleans.
If you are doing your homework (seems so), then the above answers are fine. If you are just learning Lisp, and don't have constraints about recursivity, then the following might give you a glimpse about the power of Lisp:
(defun sorted (l)
(or (null l) (apply #'< l)))
The first problem with your solution is the base case You need to stop not at the end of the list, but when looking at the last to elements, as you need to elements to do the comparison. Also the parens are missing in the call to (car x)
(defun sorted (list)
(if (endp (cddr list))
(<= (car list) (cadr list))
(and (<= (car list) (cadr list))
(sorted (cdr list)))))
Bare in mind that recursive solutions are discouraged in CL
I am writing a procedure which returns a list with all of the negative odd and positive
even integers removed (strings can stay), by using lambda in the primitive filter procedure. I also am avoiding using recursion, but that is what's stumping me.
What I have so far is:
(define (f2b lst)
(cond ((null? lst)'()) ; if the list is empty, return the empty list
((pair? (car lst)) ; if the current element isn't a list
(filter (lambda (x) (or (even? x) (positive? x))) (car lst))
(filter (lambda (x) (or (odd? x) (negative? x))) (car lst)))
(else (string? (car lst)) ;otherwise, if the current element is a string,
(car lst) ; then return that element
(f2b (cdr lst)))))
I'm also not sure how I can apply both of the filter procedures at the same time.
It's way simpler than that. All you have to do is filter the list. You just need the appropriate predicate.
When do you want to keep an element? You phrased it in terms of what you want to remove, so let's start with that. You want to remove if it's a negative odd or a positive even integer, and leave everything else in. It's easier to break it down into smaller functions.
(define (positive-even? x) (and (positive? x) (even? x)))
(define (negative-odd? x) (and (negative? x) (odd? x)))
(define (remove-num? x) (or (positive-even? x) (negative-odd? x)))
This defines whether to keep a number. But the list element might not be a number. So we
keep it if it's not a number, or if it doesn't match remove-num?:
(define (keep-element? x) (or (not (number? x)) (not (remove-num? x))
Then your function just has to call filter:
(define (f2b lst) (filter keep-element? lst))
Seems to work:
(f2b '(-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 "a string" "another"))
=> (-4 -2 0 1 3 "a string" "another")
Here's how it would look as one big honkin' function:
(define (f2b lst)
(lambda (x)
(or (not (number? x))
(not (or (and (positive? x) (even? x))
(and (negative? x) (odd? x))))))
Personally, the nested or not or and gets a bit hard to read for my taste...
Ok, apparently you have nested lists. All you have to do here is map the result of the filter with a function which:
when given a list, returns (f2b lst)
otherwise, returns the element unchanged.
I will leave it as an exercise for you since, if you thought my function could possibly work on a nested list, clearly you have a lot of learning to do...
I have written this function to 'check' if the list contains only 2-elements pairs like these: ((1 2)(3 1)(6 2)) --- (sorted based on first elements & no repetition of 1st elements). But I am getting errors, can anyone please give an idea:
(define Bag?
(lambda setlist
(cond ((null? setlist) '())
((and (pair? (caar setlist)) (= (length (caar setlist)) 2)))
((> (caar setlist) 0) (< (caar setlist) (car (cdr (car setlist) ))))
(else(Bag? (cdr setlist))))
The list traversal doesn't look right. The lambda is incorrectly declaring its parameter, and the second condition is wrong, you're not advancing the recursion there.
It'd better to start from scratch. I'll give you a high-level solution in Racket stating what needs to be checked, it's up to you to rewrite it in terms of simpler procedures:
(define (bag? setlist)
(and (apply < (map car setlist))
(andmap (lambda (e) (and (pair? e) (= 2 (length e))))
The above verifies that the first-elements in each pair appear sorted in ascending order, and that each pair in the list contains exactly two elements.
im trying to write a function in Scheme where i accept a list and return all the different derangements (look below for definition) as a list of lists
derangement: A list where no item is in the same place as the original list
ex: '(a b c) -> '(cab)
any help is appreciated!
Compute all of the permutations of the input list and then filter out the ones that have an element in the same position as the input list. If you need more detail, leave a comment.
Edit 1:
Define (or maybe it's defined already? Good exercise, anyway) a procedure called filter that takes as its first argument a procedure p and a list l as its second argument. Return a list containing only the values for which (p l) returns a truthy value.
Define a procedure derangement? that tests if a list l1 is a derangement of l2. This will be handy when paired with filter.
The most obvious solution would be something like this:
(define filtered-permutations
(lambda (lst)
(lambda (permuted-list)
(deranged? permuted-list lst))
(permute lst))))
Since the number of derangements is considerably lower than then number of permutations, however, this is not very efficient. Here is a solution that mostly avoids generating permutations that are not derangements, but does use filter once, for the sake of simplicity:
(define deranged?
(lambda (lst1 lst2)
(if (null? lst1)
(if (eq? (car lst1) (car lst2))
(deranged? (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2))))))
(define derange
(lambda (lst)
(if (< (length lst) 2)
;; a list of zero or one elements can not be deranged
(permute-helper lst lst))))
(define derange-helper
(lambda (lst template)
(if (= 2 (length lst))
(let ((one (car lst))
(two (cadr lst)))
(lambda (x)
(deranged? x template))
(list (list one two) (list two one))))
(let ((anchor (car template)))
(let loop ((todo lst)
(done '())
(result '()))
(if (null? todo)
(let ((item (car todo)))
(if (eq? item anchor)
;; this permutation would not be a derangement
(loop (cdr todo)
(cons item done)
(let ((permutations
(lambda (x)
(cons item x))
(derange-helper (append (cdr todo) done)
(cdr template)))))
(loop (cdr todo)
(cons item done)
(append result permutations)))))))))))