Retrieving images from GridFS using django-tastypie-mongoengine - django

I have a project in Django, and I'm using mongoengine to save images into a Mongo database using GridFSStorage.
All ok so far, but the problem is... when trying to retrieve the images via http request, with a REST API made with django-tastypie-mongoengine, I get back a json object like this:
{"file": "<GridFSProxy: 516ed7cf56ba7d01eb09f522>", "id": "516ed7cf56ba7d01eb09f524", "resource_uri": "/api/v1/pic/516ed7cf56ba7d01eb09f524/"}
Does anybody know how could I get the file from GridFS via http request?
Many thanks!

You'll need to write your own view, but you can make it seem like it's part of the API. First, the view:
def api_image(pk):
obj = get_object_or_404(Model, pk=pk)
image_file = obj.file
return Response(,
mime_type='image/png') # or whatever the MIME type is
Then, you can map it in your
url('^/api/v1/pic/(?P<pk>\w+)/file/$', api_image)
And to make sure tastypie shows what you want in the output:
def dehydrate_file(self, bundle):
return '/api/v1/pic/%s/file/' % (
Just make sure the fake API view appears ahead of your actual API definitions, and you should be all set!

Paul's hint was very useful. Here i have implemented this completely in tastypie manner for uploading and downloading images.
Here you go..
1. Overriding deseriazer to support 'multipart'.
class MultipartResource(object):
def deserialize(self, request, data, format=None):
if not format:
format = request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json')
if format == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
return request.POST
if format.startswith('multipart'):
data = request.POST.copy()
return data
return super(MultipartResource, self).deserialize(request, data, format)
2. Model class
class Research(Document):
user = ReferenceField(User)
academic_year = StringField(max_length=20)
subject = StringField(max_length=150)
topic = StringField(max_length=50)
pub_date = DateTimeField()
authored = StringField(max_length=20)
research_level = StringField(max_length=20)
paper_presented = BooleanField()
thesis_written = BooleanField()
proof_image = ImageField()
3. Resource class
class ResearchResource(MultipartResource, MongoEngineResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Research.objects.all()
list_allowed_methods = ['get','post']
resource_name = 'research'
authentication = SessionAuthentication()
authorization = Authorization()
def prepend_urls(self):
return [
url(r"^(?P<resource_name>%s)/$" % self._meta.resource_name,
self.wrap_view('dispatch_list'), name="api_dispatch_list"),
#url to download image file.
url(r"^(?P<resource_name>%s)/(?P<pk>\w+)/file/$"% self._meta.resource_name,
self.wrap_view('get_image'), name="api_get_image"),
#Preparing image url dynamically
def dehydrate_proof_image(self, bundle):
return '/api/v1/%s/%s/file/' % (self._meta.resource_name,
#view will call based on image url to download image.
def get_image(self, request, **kwargs):
obj = Research.objects.get(id=kwargs['pk'])
image_file = obj.proof_image
return HttpResponse(, content_type="image/jpeg"))
Hope this will be very useful for everyone in future. :)


"The submitted data was not a file. Check the encoding type on the form." validation error, despite uploading correct file (django rest framework)

I'm trying to create endpoint for uploading images, in my api, which i'm building with django rest framework.
When I try to test the endpoint with postman, i'm getting response
"image": [
"The submitted data was not a file. Check the encoding type on the form."
with status code 400.
When I try to print variable with image to console I get
[<TemporaryUploadedFile: test.jpg (image/jpeg)>]
I've checked out some tutorials and I think i'm sending the file correctly.
That is my post man configuration
that's the view
class ImageView(APIView):
parser_classes = (MultiPartParser, )
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated, IsRestaurant)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
data = {
file_serializer = RestaurantImageSerializer(data=data)
if file_serializer.is_valid():
return Response(status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
return Response(file_serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
the serializer
class RestaurantImageSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = RestaurantImage
fields = '__all__'
and model
class RestaurantImage(models.Model):
info = models.ForeignKey(RestaurantInfo, related_name='images', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
image = models.ImageField()
def __str__(self):
Your Postman configuration could be an issue, try removing all the wrong or unnecessary headers. I think you need only Authorization in your case. This also could help you out:

How to pass data saved from a POST method to the GET method using REST API Django (without a model)?

I have created an API that allows me to upload an image using the POST method in POSTMAN. After submission, I want to display that image name after making a GET request. I am not using any model and I don't intend to grab the image from the directory it is stored in; since I will be uploading images in a server later.
I have looked at multiple sources. A few examples are this, and this.
This is my current code so far but not successful:
class API(APIView):
parser_classes = (MultiPartParser,)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
name = self.request.GET.get('image')
if name:
return Response({"img_name": name}, status=200)
return Response({"img_name" : None}, status = 400)
def post(self, request):
file =
img_file = file['image'] #store the image data in this variable
if img_file:
uploaded_file = img_file
img = [{"image_name": uploaded_file}]
serializer = ImgSerializer(img, many = True).data
return Response(serializer, status = 200)
return Response("Please upload", status = 400)
from rest_framework import serializers
class ImgSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
image_name = serializers.CharField()
My expected result within GET request should be like this:
{'image_name' : 'image_name_from_POST_Request'}
But I am getting this result instead:
How can I pass data from the POST request to the GET request using Django's rest framework? Is there an efficient way to deploy this requirement without using a model?
I figured it out. I just created a JSON file in the POST method and stored the necessary data in it. Finally, in order to view the data within the GET method, I opened the file and returned it as a Response.
class API(APIView):
parser_classes = (MultiPartParser,)
def get(self, request):
with open('data.txt') as json_file:
data = json.load(json_file)
if data:
return Response(data, status=200)
return Response({"name" : None}, status = 400)
def post(self, request):
posted_file =
img_file = posted_file['image']
if img_file:
uploaded_file = img_file
data = [{"image_name": uploaded_file}]
json_data = {"image_name": uploaded_file}
data = {}
data['key'] = []
with open('data.txt', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(image, outfile)
serializer = ImgSerializer(image, many = True).data
return Response(serializer, status = 200)
return Response(serializer.errors, status = 400)

tastypie, GET/POST a field of a model?

I have a model like below.
class Checklist(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, default="mylist")
items = JSONField(default=get_default_checklist)
user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='checklists')
For a given, I want to get items field only, so I created a resource for it.
class ChecklistItemsResource(ModelResource):
def dehydrate_items(self, bundle):
return json.dumps(bundle.obj.items, ensure_ascii=False)
class Meta:
queryset = models.Checklist.objects.all()
resource_name = 'checklist_items'
fields = ['items']
and I get the data with url /api/v1/checklist_items/8/?format=json
id=8 is actually id of checklist not id of checklist.items.
edit -
I think /api/v1/checklist/8/items/ looks better than /api/v1/checklist_items/8/.
To represent items field of checklist(id=8).
How do you create resource/url to fetch/update a specific field of a model?
You could use the prepend_urls hook to create a /items/ subresource for your Checklist resource. Add the following to your resource:
from django.conf.urls import url
from tastypie.bundle import Bundle
from tastypie.utils import trailing_slash
def prepend_urls(self):
return [
url(r"^(?P<resource_name>%s)/(?P<%s>\w[\w/-]*)/items%s$" % (self._meta.resource_name, self._meta.detail_uri_name, trailing_slash()), self.wrap_view('get_items'), name="api_get_items"),
def get_items(self, request, **kwargs):
pk = kwargs[self._meta.detail_uri_name]
checklist = Checklist.objects.get(pk=pk)
except Checklist.DoesNotExist:
return self.create_response(request, {}, status=404)
if request.method == 'GET':
bundle = Bundle(request=request, obj=checklist)['items'] = self._meta.fields['items'].dehydrate(bundle)
if hasattr(self, 'dehydrate_items'):['items'] = self.dehydrate_items(bundle)
return self.create_response(request, bundle)
elif request.method == 'PATCH':
data = self.deserialize(request, request.body, format=request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json'))
checklist.items = data
return self.create_response(request, {})
To update the items field, send a PATCH request to the /items/ endpoint with new serialized new value in the body. This view can be easily extended for general case.

errors when using tastypie resource in view

here is my resource:
class ImageResource(ModelResource):
album = fields.ForeignKey(AlbumResource, 'album')
upload_by = fields.ForeignKey(UserResource, 'upload_by')
class Meta:
filtering = {
"album": ('exact',),
queryset = Image.objects.all()
cache = SimpleCache(timeout=100)
resource_name = 'image'
authorization = ImageAuthorization()
class ImageAuthorization(Authorization):
def read_list(self, object_list, bundle):
# This assumes a ``QuerySet`` from ``ModelResource``.
userprofile = UserProfile.objects.get(user = bundle.request.user)
album = Album.objects.filter(
return object_list.filter(album__in=album)
and when I try to use ImageResource in view like:
def upload(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
if request.FILES:
uploadedfile = request.FILES
file = uploadedfile['item']
album = Album.objects.get(pk=int(request.POST['album_id']))
img = Image(
album = album,
name =,
upload_by = request.user,
ir = ImageResource()
uploaded_img = ir.obj_get(src=file)
print uploaded_img
return HttpResponse('True')
this will always rasie an error says
obj_get() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
what's wrong with my code??? and how can I get the just uploaded image's resouce
Why are you trying to create instances of ImageResource? That makes no sense.
obj_get is a method for a tastypie resource, which is part of the resource flow chart. It expects a bundle object.
obj_get(self, bundle, **kwargs): ...
You do not have to create a resource on the fly for every image you upload, you don't even need to instantiate one, as the url module does this for you.
I recommend you re-read the documentation and register an ImageResource and/or AlbumResource accordingly. Those resources will pickup uploaded images or albums automatically after you register the resources to your urls module.

Adding root element to json response (django-rest-framework)

I am trying to determine the best way to add a root element to all json responses using django and django-rest-framework.
I think adding a custom renderer is the best way to accomplish what I want to achieve and this is what I have come up with so far:
from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer
class CustomJSONRenderer(JSONRenderer):
#override the render method
def render(self, data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None):
#call super, as we really just want to mess with the data returned
json_str = super(CustomJSONRenderer, self).render(data, accepted_media_type, renderer_context)
root_element = 'contact'
#wrap the json string in the desired root element
ret = '{%s: %s}' % (root_element, json_str)
return ret
The tricky part now is dynamically setting the root_element based on the view that render() is being called from.
Any pointers/advice would be greatly appreciated,
For posterity, below is the final solution. It has grown slightly from the original as it now reformats paginated results as well.
Also I should have specified before, that the reason for the JSON root element is for integration with an Ember front end solution.
from rest_framework.serializers import ModelSerializer
from api.models import Contact
class ContactSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Contact
#define the resource we wish to use for the root element of the response
resource_name = 'contact'
fields = ('id', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'phone_number', 'company')
from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer
class CustomJSONRenderer(JSONRenderer):
Override the render method of the django rest framework JSONRenderer to allow the following:
* adding a resource_name root element to all GET requests formatted with JSON
* reformatting paginated results to the following structure {meta: {}, resource_name: [{},{}]}
NB: This solution requires a custom pagination serializer and an attribute of 'resource_name'
defined in the serializer
def render(self, data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None):
response_data = {}
#determine the resource name for this request - default to objects if not defined
resource = getattr(renderer_context.get('view').get_serializer().Meta, 'resource_name', 'objects')
#check if the results have been paginated
if data.get('paginated_results'):
#add the resource key and copy the results
response_data['meta'] = data.get('meta')
response_data[resource] = data.get('paginated_results')
response_data[resource] = data
#call super to render the response
response = super(CustomJSONRenderer, self).render(response_data, accepted_media_type, renderer_context)
return response
from rest_framework import pagination, serializers
class CustomMetaSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
next_page = pagination.NextPageField(source='*')
prev_page = pagination.PreviousPageField(source='*')
record_count = serializers.Field(source='paginator.count')
class CustomPaginationSerializer(pagination.BasePaginationSerializer):
# Takes the page object as the source
meta = CustomMetaSerializer(source='*')
results_field = 'paginated_results'
Credit to ever.wakeful for getting me 95% of the way there.
Personally, I wanted to add meta data to every api request for a certain object, regardless of whether or not it was paginated. I also wanted to simply pass in a dict object that I defined manually.
Tweaked Custom Renderer
class CustomJSONRenderer(renderers.JSONRenderer):
def render(self, data, accepted_media_type=None, renderer_context=None):
response_data = {}
# Name the object list
object_list = 'results'
meta_dict = getattr(renderer_context.get('view').get_serializer().Meta, 'meta_dict')
meta_dict = dict()
response_data['meta'] = data['meta']
response_data[object_list] = data['results']
response_data[object_list] = data
response_data['meta'] = dict()
# Add custom meta data
# Call super to render the response
response = super(CustomJSONRenderer, self).render(response_data, accepted_media_type, renderer_context)
return response
Parent Serializer and View Example
class MovieListSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Movie
meta_dict = dict()
meta_dict['foo'] = 'bar'
class MovieViewSet(generics.ListAPIView):
queryset = Movie.objects.exclude(image__exact = "")
serializer_class = MovieListSerializer
permission_classes = (IsAdminOrReadOnly,)
renderer_classes = (CustomJSONRenderer,)
pagination_serializer_class = CustomPaginationSerializer
paginate_by = 10