Django Admin doesn't recognize files uploaded on Google App Engine - django

I am using Django 1.4 on Google App Engine.
I have a model called Media, where the admins can upload files to use in their website. It has a field:
file = models.FileField(upload_to='/uploads/%Y/%m/%d')
It works perfectly with images (although the URL provided is weird), but that is not a problem.
The problem is when they try to upload a PDF (or anything else). Everything seems to work, but when you go to edit it, it doesn't contain any file - there is no "Currently" or anything else.
If I go to Google App Engine dashboard, the file is in Blob Viewer, and the record is also saved and available through the Datastore Viewer, with the correct blob key.
Why Django is not recognizing it? And how I can fix it?

djangoappengine contains a storage provider for the blobstore.
To me it doesn't seem like a full-featured solution, just something to get file uploads running.
I had to add this to get some functionality I needed (urls to the files).
It might make the admin work too:


Sharing files from google cloud storage to GAE

I have one Django application running GAE.The application uses content folder which contains images and html snippets.The content folder was uploaded in google cloud storage.I would like to render a image in static file using img tag.For using img tag I want to know the url of that image.I have seen that when we set the permission to share publicly it will give us a url.But I don't want to share that files publicly.If I share an another application can use my files.I don't want that.I there any way to do that with out log in a user
Sharing it publicly is the best way to go.
You could also base64 encode the image data when you render out the template, which means the url of the image will not be shown to the public on your page. Then you can obfuscate the image names in the GCS. This way it's still public but hard to reach.

Sitecore - not publishing media library

We are using Sitecore 6.5 and have a multi-site Sitecore solution (with lots of library code we have inherited)
Publishing the Media Library by item from Staging to Production but we are not seeing the image on the web.
The images are in the web database and the path to the images in the web site is good.
Error we are getting when the file is requested (same in browser window address bar) is http://domainname/error?aspxerrorpath=/~/media/OSS/Images/WaterAndWildlife/myimage.jpg.
There is no media prefix in the web.config
Any idea?
....Looking into it now but site is going live tomorrow so help very appreciated! Help!!
We faced a similar problem when, in production, media files were not published which resulted in 404 errors.
Solution: The problem was that media files were not saved to the database because a file path was provided with the Sitecore media files while uploading.
So the images were saved on the file system instead of in the database. But based on our web.config configuration we were fetching images from the database.
If you are facing a similar issue, just download the media image, remove the file path, and save it. Then re-upload the same image, save and publish the image.
Hope your problem will be solved.
One question, are these staging and production environments separate code files? if they are, what is the setting in your web.config for the settigns UploadAsFiles? because if that's true it will store them on server and the images will be on staging but not on prod. But usually if this setting is true and the files are getting stored in file system, specially in CM/CD environment it should push the physical files on publish as well, but sometime there might be other issues going on like permission etc..... and the files cant get to the destination.
"<setting name="Media.UploadAsFiles" value="false">"

python upload image from a url to google drive api

For my Python app,I had completed the basic settings to interact with google drive api and found it working by a test upload of a CSV file. Now I need to upload an image from a url to a newly created folder named 'myappname' in Google Drive.
Thanks in advance
For now, there is no way you can directly upload file from url. There are two workaround I can think of
Download file and upload it back using Files.insert()
Use Save to Drive button
Using save to Drive button requires user interaction to click the button which might not be the one you want. In that case, downloading and uploading is the only way I can think of.

How to upload file in django google app engine?

I am new to Google App Engine. I have deploy the pure django application in google app engine. It is working fine. But I wrote the django file upload functionality as shown below,
def forhandler(list, project_id, task_id, request):
for i in list:
filename = i
extension = filename.content_type
print i
newdoc = FileUpload(project_id=project_id, task_id=task_id, file=filename, filetype=extension)
When I run the ./ runserver. The above functionality working correctly and uploading files correctly. When I use google app engine means my_project. It is perfect but when I upload the file using above functionality It gives an error as shown below,
Exception Value: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: u'/home/nyros/Desktop/projectstat/projectstat/media/documents/2013/05/24/1354676051_chasm_fishing_w1.jpeg'
How do I upload the file using django with google app Engine ? Please solve my problem.Thanks......
The problem here is that App Engine uses a read-only filesystem, and the default Django file upload mechanism wants to store files on disk. (Regardless of whether you're using App Engine or not, storing images in an ordinary database is a bad idea.)
Instead, you should use AppEngine's Blobstore API to save the image. This is special storage App Engine provides for storing large data uploaded by users.
The good news is there's a plugin that takes care of all of this for you:
Just follow the instructions there and you should be in business.
(Note: I've only tried this with django-nonrel. I've never tried with with vanilla Django.)
The best way to upload files in google app engine with python is using the blobstorehandler.
class Upload(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler):
for upload in self.get_uploads():
img = Image()
img.primary_image = upload.key()

Need help setting up django-filetransfers

My setup is: Django 1.3/Python 2.7.2/Win Server 2008 R2/IIS 7.5/MS SQL Server 2008 R2. I am developing an application whose main function is to analyze uploaded files and produce a report.
Reading over the documentation for django-filetransfers, I believe this is a solution to a problem I've been trying to solve for a while (i.e. form-based file uploads completely block all Django responses until the file-transfer finishes...horror for even moderate-sized files).
The documentation talks about piping uploads to S3 or Blobstore, and that might be what I end up doing eventually, but during development I thought maybe I could just set up my own "poor-man's S3" on a server that I control. This would basically just be another Django instance (or possibly a simple ASP.NET app) whose sole purpose is to receive uploaded files. This sounds like it should be possible with django-filetransfers and would solve the problem of Django responsiveness (???).
But I am missing some bits of understanding how this works in general, as well as some specifics. Maybe an example will help: let's say I have MyMainDjangoServer and MyFileUploadServer. MyMainDjangoServer will serve the views, including the upload form. MyFileUploadServer will "catch" the uploaded files. My questions/confusion are as follows:
My upload form will contain additional fields beyond just the file(s) I understand correctly that MyMainDjangoServer will somehow still get that form data, minus the file data (basically: request.POST), and the file data gets shunted over to MyFileUploadServer? How does this work? Will MyMainDjangoServer still block during the upload to MyFileUploadServer?
I assume that what I would need to do on MyFileUploadServer is have a view/URL that handles the form request and sucks out the request.FILES data. What else needs to happen? What happens to the rest of the form data?
How would I set up my for this scenario? The django-filetransfers examples seem to assume either S3 or GAE/Blobstore but maybe I am missing some basics.
Any advice/answers appreciated...this is a confusing and frustrating area of Django for me.
"MyMainDjangoServer will somehow still get that form data, minus the file data (basically: request.POST), and the file data gets shunted over to MyFileUploadServer? How does this work? Will MyMainDjangoServer still block during the upload to MyFileUploadServer?"
I know the GAE Blobstore, presumably S3 as well, handles this by requiring you to give it a success_url. In your case that would be the url on MyMainDjangoServer where your file receiving view on MyFileUploadServer would re-post the non-files form data to once the upload is complete.
Have a look at the create_upload_url method here:
You need to recreate this functionality in some form (see below).
"How would I set up my for this scenario?"
You'd need to create your own filetransfers backend which would be a file with a prepare_upload function in it.
You can see the App Engine one here:
The prepare_upload method just wraps the GAE create_upload_url method mentioned above.
So in your you'd have something like:
PREPARE_UPLOAD_BACKEND = 'myapp.filetransfers_backend.prepare_upload'
(i.e. the import path to your prepare_upload function)
For the rest you can start with the ones provided by filetransfers already:
SERVE_FILE_BACKEND = 'filetransfers.backends.url.serve_file'
# if you need it:
PUBLIC_DOWNLOAD_URL_BACKEND = 'filetransfers.backends.url.public_download_url'
These rely on the file_field.url being set (see Django docs) and since your files will be on a separate server you probably need to look into writing a custom storage backend for Django too. (the S3 and GAE cases assume you're using the custom Django storage backends from here)