Working directory for google test in Visual Studio - c++

I have a Visual Studio 2012 C++ solution generated using CMake in which I use google test for unit tests. This works mostly fine, but in one of my tests I want to read a settings file from a local directory. To find the file I copy the file as a post build step from my source code tree to the build and install directory using the following CMake commands:
install(FILES ./adapters/settingFile.txt DESTINATION .)
add_custom_command(TARGET testAdapters POST_BUILD
COMMENT "Copying elastix parameter files")
This works fine: after building my test the settingFile.txt is in the same location as the testAdapters.exe. Using a right click on the testAdapters project and starting a Debug session also works find.
However if I choose to run the test from within the "Test Explorer" window, either by "Run All" or by right clicking the test and choosing "Run selected tests", the test cannot find settingsFile.txt. By right clicking and choosing "Debug selected tests" I found that running the test from the "Test Explorer" the working directory defaults to the visual studio program directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE. I can think of several possible solutions, but don't know how to achieve this:
Set the working directory for the "Test Explorer"
Set the working directory for each test executable
Set the working directory for all google tests
Using CMake set some define that points to a user specified location and use that in the test code. (I consider this a rather ugly solution)
I need a solution that is platform independent. Does anyone know how to achieve (1) or (2) or do you know of a better solution?

With the current version 0.12.3 of GTA you can at least achieve (1):
Google Test Adapter (or use Search Options)
Working directory (at the bottom)
Unfortunately GTA seems to only support $(ExecutableDir) (the default) and $(SolutionDir). It seems that GTA cannot tell which project is the unit test project, so it is not possible to use the project directory as a start directory.


Deploy a custom built project with QtCreator

I am using a custom build system (not CMake or qmake) with QtCreator 4.6.0 IDE on Linux, though I have both of these plugins installed.
My project is cross-compiled for an embedded Linux device, which I have set up the kit for. It builds fine, but the trouble is in the deployment step, where the custom build system does not tell it the executable file, so it does not know which files to deploy to the device. I have been referring to this page:
In my Run Settings page, I have the Deployment section to "Upload files via SFTP", but the "Files to deploy" list is empty (see the first screenshot in the above link). When I attempt to deploy/run, it confirms no files were deployed, as it outputs:
No deployment action necessary. Skipping.
Deploy step finished.
The documentation link first says to "Edit the qmake INSTALLS variable in the project .pro file to add the missing files.", however, my project has no .pro file at all. I created one for fun, and QtCreator has no idea it exists to be able to look at the INSTALLS line anyway, so that doesn't work.
In the "Deploying CMake Projects to Embedded Linux Devices" section at the bottom, it then says "You must specify all other files in the QtCreatorDeployment.txt file that you create and place in either the root directory of the CMake project or the build directory of the active build configuration." So I created such a file in the main project directory, as well as the build directory:
The file makes no difference to the "Files to deploy" list, even after restarting. It seems to suggest this method is for CMake anyway. However, I have not even explicitly turned off the CMake building in the Build&Run > Kits, so I would not even know how to start making it build with CMake (and there is no insight from the documentation page: The one thing I did change on the Build Settings page was in the "Build Steps" to do "Custom Process Step" instead of the usual Make step.
How do I add files to the "Files to deploy" list?
QtCreator 4.9 now supports specifying the QtCreatorDeployment.txt file for generic (non-CMake) projects to achieve this.

XAML build not able to run Unit Test

I am trying to run Nunit Test using Visual Studio test Runner from XAML build in TFS,but i am getting error saying
TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid ''.
Based on your history, I assume you are using VSTS, you can refer to these steps to run Nunit test:
Create a unit test project via VS
Install NUnit and NUnit3TestAdapter packages
Add solution to source control (if the package files not added to the source control, you can refer to the steps below)
Open Source Control Explorer in VS
Add a new folder (e.g. Tools) and add Nuget.exe to the source control
Add bat file to your test project (For example: Tools\nuget35.exe restore NUTest2\NUTest2.sln)
Open XAML build definition and map Tools source folder to agent
Select Process section
Choose TfvcTemplate.12.xaml build template
In the Advance section of Build, specify Pre-build script path with previous bat file.

Building/Running Google Test

I am trying to build and run Google Test but encountered some issues.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I used CMake 2.8 (with UI) to create .sln and .vcproj files in the D:/MyBuild
directory (as mentioned in the README file of google test).
However, when I try to run the .sln file in the MyBuild directory,
here is what I get (image):
Also, here is a screenshot of the CMake which I used to
create .sln files and .vcproj files in the D:/MyBuild directory.
ps. One thing I noticed is that README was giving instructions how
to use non graphical version of CMake (e.g., 2.6) to install
google test, however I used one with user interface - maybe
I did something wrong there?
You appear to have successfully built gtest's libs in Debug mode. However, by default the .sln doesn't contain any executables, so you can't actually run anything.
If you select the checkboxes in the CMake GUI for gtest_build_samples and/or gtest_build_tests and hit "Generate", then the Visual Studio solution should contain some executables.
From memory, these don't build cleanly, but I don't have MSVC 2010 to hand, so I can't be sure.

How can I use Visual Studio to work with large non-VS codebase?

I'm a fairly experienced C# dev, but have very little C++ knowledge. I have set my self a project to get a custom Firefox build running, and be able to control it from C# code.
I have got so far as getting and building the Firefox source, and creating a Visual Studio solution for the exe. This means I can now run via F5 in Visual studio. If I open a source file, I can set break points and have them hit.
What I'm not sure how to do, is load the entire source, as if I were working with a C# .NET solution. As I understand it, there are no project files with the Firefox source, as it is not windows specific source. I have followed an online example that suggests creating using 'project from existing code' option in VS, which resulted in VS grinding to a halt as there were so many files.
What are the steps to getting the code into an environment (preferably Visual Studio) that makes it simple(ish) to edit, debug and navigate the source code.
Note: Instructions I have been working through so far are here:
From you question, I beleive you are almost there. You have a working build ? That means you have :
A Solution File (*.sln)
A Project file (*.vcxproj or *.vcproj depending on yoru visual studio version)
With that in hand, what works best for me is this layout (adapted to your needs) :
Starting from a root folder of you liking, say MyProject
Create a new Empty solution there
Move the folder with your working build in a subdirectory, like MyProject\MyCustomFirefox
In Visual Studio "Add an existing project" and find your vcxproj file
In the same solution, create a C# project like you always do, in a directory at the same level as your FF build, like MyProject\MyFirefoxController
In short the solution file is pretty much alone in the root directory, and each project is in its own directory.
You will also need to adjust build options so that the output files (a DLL or an EXE) is seen by your C# project. While your are at it, make the C# project dependent on your Firefox build : it will instruct the msbuild to rebuild one if you change the other.
This will not work with the Express edition, I beleive. They are single language.
If you have a command line build path, which is creating a VS-debuggable executable, you could try adding all the source files to the project, but marking them 'exclude from build'. Then add a 'post-build step' to call the command line tools.
You may have to do a little more tweaking in the project properties to get the command line output recognized as the output to debug, but theoretically this could work.

Unit tests aren't run with multiple build configurations in TFS 2010

I am using MSBuild in my TFS Buildprocess using the DefaultTemplate to build multiple configurations(Debug/Release) of the same solution. When I build only release or only debug the unit tests are run but when I run the build with both configurations the unit tests are not run.
When I am running multiple configurations I have each of them Defined in the build definition under Process-> Items to Build-> Configurations to Build which is Mixed Platforms|Release,Mixed Platforms|Debug. When I run a single configuration I am using Mixed Platforms|Release or Mixed Platforms|Debug.
I am unable to put the entire log here(It is over 6000 lines long) but it appears that it isnt finding any of the testAssemblies.
Here are the actual sections of the log. I'm not sure where Mixed Platforms\Release is coming from in the searchpathroot.
I should also add that we compile into our Source's folder because a few of our scripts only work in that layout.
Debug Only(works)
Run MSTest for Test Assemblies
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe /nologo /usestderr /testSettings:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Product\Local.testsettings" /searchpathroot:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources" /resultsfileroot:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\TestResults" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestCommon\bin\Debug\UnitTestCommon.dll" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestCommon\bin\Release\UnitTestCommon.dll" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestWCF\bin\Debug\UnitTestWCF.dll" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestWCF\bin\Release\UnitTestWCF.dll" /publish:"" /publishbuild:"vstfs:///Build/Build/964" /teamproject:"ProductName" /platform:"Mixed Platforms" /flavor:"Debug"
Loading C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Product\Local.testsettings...
Loading C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestCommon\bin\Debug\UnitTestCommon.dll...
Loading C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestCommon\bin\Release\UnitTestCommon.dll...
Debug and Release(Does not work)
Run MSTest for Test Assemblies
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe /nologo /usestderr /testSettings:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Product\Local.testsettings" /searchpathroot:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Mixed Platforms\Release" /resultsfileroot:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\TestResults" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestCommon\bin\Debug\UnitTestCommon.dll" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestCommon\bin\Release\UnitTestCommon.dll" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestWCF\bin\Debug\UnitTestWCF.dll" /testcontainer:"C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Test\UnitTestWCF\bin\Release\UnitTestWCF.dll" /publish:"" /publishbuild:"vstfs:///Build/Build/962" /teamproject:"ProductName" /platform:"Mixed Platforms" /flavor:"Release"
Directory "C:\Builds\6\ProductName\BuildName\Sources\Mixed Platforms\Release" not found.
If you click on the properties of your solution (the solution that you build as part of your build). You will have configuration manager. At the configuration manager you will be able to see 'Debug', 'Released', 'Mixed', etc any other configurations you may have defined. Can you see the test project checked to be build in the mixed configuration? If this is not being build, the test.dll will not be available which means, MSBuild will not have any tests to run.
Another way to verify why the tests are not running, is to look at the build drop directory and see if you can see the test.dll there. If the test.dll is not there then the problem is with how you have the projects configured in the configuration manager.
Turns out my outputDirectory was setup wrong for how our projects are compiled. Which is where the searchpathroot problem came from.