Cairo: Refilling an object(circle) and deleting it - c++

I'm drawing some arcs using cairo, Here's the function.
cairo_t* drawCircle(cairo_surface_t *container, int x, int y, int r, int cr, int cg, int cb, int ca)
cairo_t *cairoInstance; //Create instance
cairoInstance = cairo_create(container);
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairoInstance, 0,0,1,0.5);
cairo_arc(cairoInstance, x, y, r, 0, 2*M_PI);
gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(GTK_WIDGET(window), 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); //Redraws the window
return cairoInstance;
First question: When I change the source_rgba later and then fill, it fills over the previous color. Is there a way to reset the fill before filling again with a different color?
Second of all, If I wanted to unrender/delete the arc/circle later on, how do I do that? I tried to use cairo_destroy but it seems to destroy the instance and not delete the actual object.

Cairo uses the stencil/paint model so drawing is (usually) done on top of the existing image1.
It doesn't maintain layers or objects. Just like drawing on paper, you can't move or modify the circle after its drawn. It has become a pattern in the pixmap.
To delete the circle, fill the whole image with the original background (cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 1, 1, 1); cairo_paint(cr)), and redraw everything except the circle.
1. You can change the raster opcode to do other types of compositing.


SDL Resetting Surfaces

I draw some text to a surface (using SDL_ttf) and then I want to change the text on the surface. If I just redraw the surface the text does not go away. I have looked at several forum posts on how to fix the problem but I just cannot seem to figure it out. In particular I cannot understand why this solution does not work: (code is long so this just gives the essentials)
In Class file declared:
SDL_Surface* box; // These two are initialised to the
SDL_Surface* boxCopy; // same image
At the start of my render function:
*box = *boxCopy; \\Reset box surface
My understanding of pointers and C++ (which is admittedly limited) suggests that this should make the surface pointed at by box equal to the surface pointed at by boxCopy. Instead the boxCopy surface becomes a copy of box. I have no idea how boxCopy can be changed by this line of code but it seems like that is what is happening.
I'm not sure i completely understand your problem but hopefully this can help.. It's easier to update the text whenever the surface it's drawn on is to be updated rather than updating it whenever the actual text is updated. It might not be as optimized performance wise but i would say it's easier in most cases.
A typical program loop would include a re-rendering of a surface representing the screen followed by an SDL_Flip of this surface. You can of course optimize your re-rendering so you only render what has actually been updated since last frame. Is that what you're working on perhaps? If so, and if you use the method below you should be aware that the new text only covers the size of the new text and not the entire old text. I usually solve this by first drawing a filled rectangle and then the new text.
Here is a TTF example showing how text can be drawn on a surface (here called m_Screen, which is the surface flipped to screen every frame) in the simple case where i have one background color only:
void drawText(const char* string, int x, int y,
int fR, int fG, int fB, int bR, int bG, int bB)
SDL_Color foregroundColor = { fR, fG, fB };
SDL_Color backgroundColor = { bR, bG, bB };
SDL_Surface* textSurface = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(m_Font, string,
SDL_Rect textLocation = { x, y, 0, 0 };
SDL_BlitSurface(textSurface, NULL, m_Screen, &textLocation);
Notice that this has been done before calling drawText (with some suitable font size):
m_Font = TTF_OpenFont("arial.ttf", size);
And this is done at cleanup:

Maintaining Aspect Ratio and Scale Independent of Window Size with freeglut

I've been wanting to experiment with platforming physics using freeglut, but before I would allow myself to start, I had an old problem to take care of.
You see, I want to write a reshape handler that not only maintains the scale and eliminates any distortion of the view, but also allows all of the onscreen shapes to maintain their size even while the window is too small to contain them (i.e. let them be clipped).
I've almost got all three parts solved, but when I scale my window, the circle I have drawn onto it scales just slightly. Otherwise, I got the clipping, and I have eliminated the distortion. Update: What I want to achieve is a program that maintains scale and aspect ratio independent of window size.
Here's my code:
void reshape(int nwidth,int nheight)
//here begins the code
double bound = 1.5;
double aspect = double(nwidth)/nheight;
//so far, I get the best results by normalizing the dimensions
double norm = sqrt(bound*bound+aspect*aspect);
double invnorm = sqrt(bound*bound+(1/aspect)*(1/aspect));
if(nwidth <= nheight)
//without setting the modelview matrix to the identity form,
//the circle becomes an oval, and does not clip when nheight > nwidth
Update: As per Mr. Coleman's suggestion, I've tried switching out single precision for double. The scaling issue has improved along the vertical axis, but whenever I drag the horizontal axis in either direction, the shape still scales by a noticeable amount. It's still the same shape throughout, but a visual inspection tells me that the shape is not the same size when the window is 150x300 as it is when the window is 600x800, regardless of which glOrtho is being executed.
I've got it. Here's how I changed my code:
//at the top of the source file, in global scope:
int init_width;//the initial width
int init_height;//the initial height
void reshape(int new_width, int new_height)
//moved the glViewport call further down (it was part of an earlier idea that didn't work out)
glLoadIdentity();//these two lines are unchanged
double bound = 1.0; //I reduced the edge distance to make the shape larger in the window
double scaleX = double(new_width)/init_width;
double scaleY = double(new_height)/init_height;
glOrtho( -bound*scaleX/2, bound*scaleX/2, //these are halved in order to un-squash the shape
-bound*scaleY, bound*scaleY, -1,1 );
That is what my code looks like now. It maintains the scale and shape of what I have on screen, and allows it to go offscreen when the window is too small to contain the entire shape.

Changing the drawing color using Xlib

I am writing an application using Xlib. I set the foreground of the window up like this:
XSetForeground (dpy, gc, WhitePixel (dpy, scr));
But now I need to change the drawing colour to something else, I first wanted to do that like this:
void update_window (Display* d, Window w, GC gc, Colormap cmap)
XWindowAttributes winatt;
XColor bcolor;
char bar_color[] = "#4E4E4E";
XGetWindowAttributes (d, w, &winatt);
XParseColor(d, cmap, bar_color, &bcolor);
XAllocColor(d, cmap, &bcolor);
// Draws the menu bar.
XFillRectangle (d, w, gc, 0, 0, winatt.width, 30);
XFreeColormap (d, cmap);
But this doesn't work. What does XParseColor and XAllocColor do then? And do I need to use XSetForeground again to change the colour?
You need to use XSetForeground. Try something like this:
XColor xcolour;
// I guess XParseColor will work here = 32000; = 65000; = 32000;
xcolour.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
XAllocColor(d, cmap, &xcolour);
XSetForeground(d, gc, xcolour.pixel);
XFillRectangle(d, w, gc, 0, 0, winatt.width, 30);
Also, I don't think you can use that color string. Take a look into this page:
A numerical color specification consists of a color space name and a set of values in the following syntax:
The following are examples of valid color strings.
Edit/Update: as #JoL mentions in the comment, you can still use the old syntax, but the usage is discouraged:
For backward compatibility, an older syntax for RGB Device is supported, but its continued use is not encouraged. The syntax is an initial sharp sign character followed by a numeric specification, in one of the following formats:
//I write additional function _RGB(...) where r,g,b is components in range 0...255
unsigned long _RGB(int r,int g, int b)
return b + (g<<8) + (r<<16);
void some_fun()
//sample set color, where r=255 g=0 b=127
XSetForeground(display, gc, _RGB(255,0,127));
//draw anything
XFillRectangle( display, window, gc, x, y, len, hei );
All colour changes are done with respect to a certain GC. That GC is then used for drawing. Yes XSetForeground is the most convenient way to do that.
You can have several GCs if you have a handful of colours you use often.

OpenGL Rotate something that has been popped off matrix

I have a question about applying transformations to textures/vertices (I'm an OpenGL learner). I've got a situation where I'm using SharpGL's DrawText function. You can specify the X and Y coordinate but I want to rotate the text so that it's oriented vertically. The function doesn't take an angle though. The way that SharpGL writes text is that it gets an array of bitmaps that it writes to the screen.
No matter what I try, my text always comes out horizontal.
The gl.DrawText function does the following (I dug into the source code).
int[] viewport = new int[4];
gl.GetInteger(OpenGL.GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
gl.Ortho(0, width, 0, height, -1, 1);
// Create the appropriate modelview matrix.
gl.Color(r, g, b);
gl.RasterPos(x, y);
gl.PushAttrib(OpenGL.GL_LIST_BIT | OpenGL.GL_CURRENT_BIT |
gl.Color(r, g, b);
gl.RasterPos(x, y);
// Set the list base.
// Create an array of lists for the glyphs.
var lists = text.Select(c => (byte) c).ToArray();
// Call the lists for the string.
gl.CallLists(lists.Length, lists);
Is there a way that I can make transformation calls apply to any drawing that has already been made and had the associated matrices popped off?
If SharpGL is using glBitmap() behind the scenes you'll have to render the text to a texture (glReadPixels()/PBO/FBO) then render a (rotated) quad with that texture.

Rendering sprites from spritesheet with OpenGL?

Imagine the following scenario: you have a set of RPG character spritesheets in PNG format and you want to use them in an OpenGL application.
The separate characters are (usually) 16 by 24 pixels in size (that is, 24 pixels tall) and may be at any width and height without leaving padding. Kinda like this:
I already have the code to determine an integer-based clipping rectangle given a frame index and size:
int framesPerRow = sheet.Width / cellWidth;
int framesPerColumn = sheet.Height / cellHeight;
framesTotal = framesPerRow * framesPerColumn;
int left = frameIndex % framesPerRow;
int top = frameIndex / framesPerRow;
//Clipping rect's width and height are obviously cellWidth and cellHeight.
Running this code with frameIndex = 11, cellWidth = 16, cellHeight = 24 would return a cliprect (32, 24)-(48, 48) assuming it's Right/Bottom opposed to Width/Height.
The actual question
Now, given a clipping rectangle and an X/Y coordinate to place the sprite on, how do I draw this in OpenGL? Having the zero coordinate in the top left is preferred.
You have to start thinking in "texture space" where the coordinates are in the range [0, 1].
So if you have a sprite sheet:
class SpriteSheet {
int spriteWidth, spriteHeight;
int texWidth, texHeight;
int tex;
SpriteSheet(int t, int tW, int tH, int sW, int sH)
: tex(t), texWidth(tW), texHeight(tH), spriteWidth(sW), spriteHeight(sH)
void drawSprite(float posX, float posY, int frameIndex);
All you have to do is submit both vertices and texture vertices to OpenGL:
void SpriteSheet::drawSprite(float posX, float posY, int frameIndex) {
const float verts[] = {
posX, posY,
posX + spriteWidth, posY,
posX + spriteWidth, posY + spriteHeight,
posX, posY + spriteHeight
const float tw = float(spriteWidth) / texWidth;
const float th = float(spriteHeight) / texHeight;
const int numPerRow = texWidth / spriteWidth;
const float tx = (frameIndex % numPerRow) * tw;
const float ty = (frameIndex / numPerRow + 1) * th;
const float texVerts[] = {
tx, ty,
tx + tw, ty,
tx + tw, ty + th,
tx, ty + th
// ... Bind the texture, enable the proper arrays
glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, verts);
glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, texVerts);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRI_STRIP, 0, 4);
Franks solution is already very good.
Just a (very important) sidenote, since some of the comments suggested otherwise.
Please don't ever use glBegin/glEnd.
Don't ever tell someone to use it.
The only time it is OK to use glBegin/glEnd is in your very first OpenGL program.
Arrays are not much harder to handle, but...
... they are faster.
... they will still work with newer OpenGL versions.
... they will work with GLES.
... loading them from files is much easier.
I'm assuming you're learning OpenGL and only needs to get this to work somehow. If you need raw speed, there's shaders and vertex buffers and all sorts of both neat and complicated things.
The simplest way is to load the PNG into a texture (assuming you have the ability to load images into memory, you do need htat), then draw it with a quad setting appropriate texture coordinates (they go from 0 to 1 with floating point coordinates, so you need to divide by texture width or height accordingly).
Use glBegin(GL_QUADS), glTexcoord2f(), glVertex2f(), glEnd() for the simplest (but not fastest) way to draw this.
For making zero top left, either use gluOrtho() to set up the view matrix differently from normal GL (look up the docs for that function, set top to 0 and bottom to 1 or screen_height if you want integer coords) or just make change your drawing loop and just do glVertex2f(x/screen_width, 1-y/screen_height).
There are better and faster ways to do this, but this is probably one of the easiest if you're learning raw OpenGL from scratch.
A suggestion, if I may. I use SDL to load my textures, so what I did is :
1. I loaded the texture
2. I determined how to separate the spritesheet into separate sprites.
3. I split them into separate surfaces
4. I make a texture for each one (I have a sprite class to manage them).
5. Free the surfaces.
This takes more time (obviously) on loading, but pays of later.
This way it's a lot easier (and faster), as you only have to calculate the index of the texture you want to display, and then display it. Then, you can scale/translate it as you like and call a display list to render it to whatever you want. Or, you could do it in immediate mode, either works :)