how to get non topmost qgraphicsitem from the scene - c++

Excuse me if so topic is also created. I have look for it and, regardless, not found one.
Can I get qgraphicsitem by click coordinates that is just beneath the topmost item by cute small way? I mean I can try to use this fact that scene sends click-signal to all items beneath the cursor position, but it seems like unnecessary complication.

Use QGraphicsView::items(const QPoint& pos) const to return all the items under a viewport coordinate, they are in descending stacking order (docs).


Qt: Custom QGraphicsItem not showing when boundingRect() center is out of view

I'm making a Diagram (Fluxogram) program and for days I'm stuck with this issue:
I have a custom QGraphicsScene that expands horizontally whenever I place an item to it's rightmost area. The problem is that my custom arrows (they inherit QGraphicsPathItem) disappear from the scene whenever it's boundingRect() center is scrolled off the view. Everytime the scene expands, both it's sceneRect() and the view's sceneRect() are updated as well.
set ui->graphicsView->setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::FullViewportUpdate)
the item flags QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations and QGraphicsItem::ItemSendsGeometryChanges, setActive(true) on the item as well, and everytime I add an arrow to the scene i call the update(sceneRect()) method. Still, everytime I scroll the view, as soon as the arrow's boundingRect() center moves away from the view, all the arrow disappears. If I scroll back and the boundingRect() center enters the view, all the arrow appears again.
Can someone give me a tip of what I might be missing? I've been using Qt's example project diagramscene as reference, so a lot of my code is similar (the "press item toolButton -> click on the scene" relation to insert items, the way they place the arrows to connect the objects,...).
In the meanwhile I'll try to make a minimal running example that can show what my issue is.
Your Arrow object inherits from QGraphicsPathItem, which I expect also implements the QGraphicsItem::shape function.
Override the shape function in your Arrow class, to return the shape of the item. This, along with the boundingRect is used to collision detection and detection of an item on-screen.
In addition, before changing the shape of an item by changing its boundingRect, you need to call prepareGeometryChange.
As the docs state: -
Prepares the item for a geometry change. Call this function before changing the bounding rect of an item to keep QGraphicsScene's index up to date.
So, in the Arrow class, store a QRectF called m_boundingRect and in the constructor: -
m_boundingRect = QRectF(-x, -y, x*2, y*2);
Then return m_boundingRect in the boundingRect() function.
If this is still an issue, I expect it's something in QGraphicsPainterPath that's causing the problem, in which case, you can simply inherit from QGraphicsItem and store a QPainterPath with which you draw in the item's paint function and also return the painter path in shape().
You are making your life too complicated. Do not subclass QGraphicsPathItem just use it and update its path value every time position of anchors (from to) changes.

How to clear existing content before redrawing QGraphicsItem?

I have a drawing that is built inside a QGraphicsScene with several layers of QGraphicsItem derived objects.
I am repositioning the QGraphicsItem objects based on some parameters and have noticed that there are some "ghost" trails left unless I call graphicsArea->viewport()->update(). I am repositioning the QGraphicsItem objects quite frequently (i.e. when a slider is moved) and updating the viewport only works if I call it manually some time after drawing is finished (e.g. on a button click).
One possible solution that I found was to fill the background of each QGraphicsItem to be a neutral colour. This doesn't work when I have overlapping items though, as the underlying items can get overwritten.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Qt QGraphicsScene origin point

Whenever I add a new item to a QGraphicsScene, the origin of the QGraphicsScene seem to change for the position of the item I have just added.
How to make the QGraphicsScene origin fixed?
Do I need to add the item first in the QGraphicsScene and then specify a position for the item?
Well, by default the content of the scene will be centered in the QGraphicsView. The origin of the graphics scene does not change randomly.
You might want to use setSceneRect() to define the size of the scene, so that the QGraphicsView always centers the scene in the view in a fixed manner. (If you don't set it manually, the rect will be calculated based on the items in the scene, which changes if you add more.)
I answered a related question about a year ago that may be helpful:
How to draw a point (on mouseclick) on a QGraphicsScene?
Ditto to what badcat.
There are a lot of controls for adjusting or manipulating your viewport(s) that you have pointing at your scene. The scene sets what is on the stage. The view is how you look at it. Be sure to set the sceneRect or set it indirectly using centerOn or fitInView or scale or translate from the QGraphicsView class.
QGraphicsScene::setSceneRect ( const QRectF & rect ) will make it absolute.

How to actually remove a QGraphicsItem from the screen?

I've got a QGraphicsItem (a map) that has some children (icons on that map). No issues so far.
However, I want to be able to remove the icons from the screen. In order to do this, I tried to just break up the parent-children relationship:
foreach(QGraphicsItem* item, displayedIcons) {
In some way, the map and the icons are detached from each other, i.e. when I pan the map, the icons remain at their absolute position on the screen. But the problem is, that the icons are still displayed at all.
Is there anything I am missing in order to actually remove the icons from the screen?
Use QGraphicsScene::removeItem().

Qt C++ Let multiple QGraphicsItem handle one mouse event

I've created an object Chartblock that implements QGraphicsItem. My goal is to create a grid of these objects, and when the mouse button is pressed (and held) and is drug over each block, perform something on each block as the cursor enters it.
Since a QGraphicsItem grabs the mouse events when it is clicked within it, other Items will not fire for the mouseMoveEvent. I then created an object based on the QGraphicsItemGroup to handle all the mouse events, but then I would need some way to pass mousePressEvent/mouseReleaseEvent as well as mouseMoveEvent to each child that the cursor is over.
Am I overthinking how to do this? It seems like such a simple action shouldn't be that difficult to create, but with QGraphicsItems holding onto the mouse events for itself, I'm not sure how to get around it. I've read similar situations, but nothing seems to give a straightforward answer.
Edit: I suppose a way to do this would keep track of the coordinates/sizes of every single QGraphicsItem I create in an array, then get the position of the cursor in the Group mouseMoveEvent, and see if there's a hit..
I was able to pull together a few similar answers to create a solution; I dropped the idea of placing all my QGraphicItem's in a Group, and placed them directly on a scene. With the scene grabbing all mouse events, I have the mouseMoveEvent check to see if the current position is on top of a QGraphicsItem - if so, perform something.
I still need to try and get itemAt() to work for my own classes that implement QGraphicsItem, as itemAt returns only QGraphicsItem's, but I'm sure some cast should get it working.
void ChartScene::mouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
QPointF mousePosition = event->scenePos();
QGraphicsItem* pItem = this->itemAt(mousePosition.x(), mousePosition.y());