Vim: How to delete repetition in a line - regex

I am having a log file for analysis, in that few of the line will have repetition of it own, but not complete repetition, say
Alex is here and Alex is here and we went out
We bothWe both went out
I want to remove the first occurrence and get
Alex is here and we went out
We both went out
Please share a regex to do in Vim in Windows.

I don't recommend trying to use regex magic to solve this problem. Just write an external filter and use that.
Here's an external filter written in Python. You can use this to pre-process the log file, like so:
python logfile.txt > chopped.txt
But it also works by standard input:
cat logfile.txt | > chopped.txt
This means you can use it in vim with the ! command. Try these commands: goto line 1, then pipe from current line through the last line through the external program
Or you can do it from ex mode:
Here's the program:
import sys
infile = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) < 2 else open(sys.argv[1])
def repeated_prefix_chop(line):
Check line for a repeated prefix string. If one is found,
return the line with that string removed, else return the
line unchanged.
# Repeated string cannot be more than half of the line.
# So, start looking at mid-point of the line.
i = len(line) // 2 + 1
while True:
# Look for longest prefix that is found in the string after pos 0.
# The prefix starts at pos 0 and always matches itself, of course.
pos = line.rfind(line[:i])
if pos > 0:
return line[pos:]
i -= 1
# Stop testing before we hit a length-1 prefix, in case a line
# happens to start with a word like "oops" or a number like "77".
if i < 2:
return line
for line in infile:
I put a #! comment on the first line, so this will work as a stand-alone program on Linux, Mac OS X, or on Windows if you are using Cygwin. If you are just using Windows without Cygwin, you might need to make a batch file to run this, or just type the whole command python If you make a macro to run this you don't have to do the typing yourself.
EDIT: This program is pretty simple. Maybe it could be done in "vimscript" and run purely inside vim. But the external filter program can be used outside of vim... you can set things up so that the log file is run through the filter once per day every day, if you like.

Replace with:\1 or $1
If you want to deal with more than two repeating sentences you can try this
|->avoids matching individual characters in word like xxx
Use \< and \> instead of \b

You could do it by matching as much as possible at the beginning of the line and then using a backreference to match the repeated bit.
For example, this command solves the problem you describe:


Select two ranges, one immediately after another using regular expressions [duplicate]

I have a large log file, and I want to extract a multi-line string between two strings: start and end.
The following is sample from the inputfile:
start spam
start rubbish
start wait for it...
here end
start garbage
start second match
win. end
The desired solution should print:
start wait for it...
here end
start second match
win. end
I tried a simple regex but it returned everything from start spam. How should this be done?
Edit: Additional info on real-life computational complexity:
actual file size: 2GB
occurrences of 'start': ~ 12 M, evenly distributed
occurences of 'end': ~800, near the end of the file.
This regex should match what you want:
Use re.findall method and single-line modifier re.S to get all the occurences in a multi-line string:
re.findall('(start((?!start).)*?end)', text, re.S)
See a test here.
Do it with code - basic state machine:
open = False
tmp = []
for ln in fi:
if 'start' in ln:
if open:
tmp = []
open = True
if open:
if 'end' in ln:
open = False
for x in tmp:
print x
tmp = []
This is tricky to do because by default, the re module does not look at overlapping matches. Newer versions of Python have a new regex module that allows for overlapping matches.
You'd want to use something like
regex.findall(pattern, string, overlapped=True)
If you're stuck with Python 2.x or something else that doesn't have regex, it's still possible with some trickery. One brilliant person solved it here:
Python regex find all overlapping matches?
Once you have all possible overlapping (non-greedy, I imagine) matches, just determine which one is shortest, which should be easy.
You could do (?s)start.*?(?=end|start)(?:end)?, then filter out everything not ending in "end".

Find and remove specific string from a line

I am hoping to receive some feedback on some code I have written in Python 3 - I am attempting to write a program that reads an input file which has page numbers in it. The page numbers are formatted as: "[13]" (this means you are on page 13). My code right now is:
for line in f:
if pattern in line:
re.sub('\[\d\]',' ')
output.write(line.replace('\[\d\]', ''))
I have also tried:
for line in f:
if pattern in line:
When I run these programs, a blank file is created, rather than a file containing the original text minus the page numbers. Thank you in advance for any advice!
Your if statement won't work because not doing a regex match, it's looking for the literal string \[\d\] in line.
for line in f:
# determine if the pattern is found in the line
if re.match(r'\[\d\]', line):
subbed_line = re.sub(r'\[\d\]',' ')
Additionally, you're using the re.compile() incorrectly. The purpose of it is to pre-compile your pattern into a function. This improves performance if you use the pattern a lot because you only evaluate the expression once, rather than re-evaluating each time you loop.
pattern = re.compile(r'\[\d\]')
if pattern.match(line):
# ...
Lastly, you're getting a blank file because you're using output_file.write() which writes a string as the entire file. Instead, you want to use output_file.writeline() to write lines to the file.
You don't write unmodified lines to your output.
Try something like this
if pattern in line:
#remove page number stuff
output_file.write(line) # note that it's not part of the if block above
That's why your output file is empty.

regex expression works in Python 2.7.12, but not Python 2.7.8

I wrote a simple script to scan a directory for a filetype (.htm), open them. and replace some text. This script works fine on my home computer (Python 2.7.12), but not on my work computer(Python 2.7.8) and I can't figure out why. It simply doesn't find any matches. The files it is looking at are the same format, encoding, etc.
The expression is:
core = re.compile(r'(.*?)(FeatureCatalogue_Core_v??4\.\d_20[123]\d-??[01]\d-??[0123]\d)(.*?)')
"FeatureCatalogue_Core_v4.4_2016-12-31" should match
"FeatureCatalogue_Core_4.4_20161231" should match
"FeatureCatalogue_Core_v5.0_2017-12-31" should not match
I am sure I am missing something simple or my expression isn't quite right, but I just can't see it.
I solved the problem. It actually was finding matches. My 'break' condition wasn't working. I came up with a solution by using a counter, so after so many successful attempts it would break.
for x,y,z in os.walk(pathTRD):
for doc in z:
Path = os.path.join(x,doc)
if Path.endswith('.htm'):
dataR = open(Path, 'r')
filedata =
for line in filedata.split(None):
for q in Qs:
mtch = re.match(q, line)
winLoop += 1
if winLoop > 6:#<--- this isn't how wanted to do this, but the work computers are being dumb
seekLoop += 1

How do i delete first 2 lines which match with a text given by me ( using sed )?

How do i delete first 2 lines which match with a text given by me ( using sed ! )
E.g :
#file.txt contains following lines :
And i want to delete first 2 "abc"
Using "sed"
While #EdMorton has pointed out that sed is not the best tool for this job (if you wonder why exactly, see my answer below and compare it to the awk code), my research showed that the solution to the generalized problem
Delete occurences "N" through "M" of a line matching a given pattern using sed
indeed is a very tricky one in my opinion. There seem to be many suggestions for how to replace the "N"th occurence of a matching pattern with sed, but I found that deleting a specific matching line (or a range of lines) is a much more complex undertaking.
While the generalized problem with arbitrary values for N, M, and the pattern would probably be solved best by writing a "sed script generator" on the basis of a Finite State Machine, the solution to the special case asked by the OP is still simple enough to be coded by hand. I must admit that I wasn't very familiar with the obfuscated intricacies of the sed command syntax before, but I found this challenge to be quite useful for gaining more experience with non-trivial sed usage.
Anyway, here's my solution for deleting the first two occurences of a line containing "abc" in a file. If there's a simpler approach, I'm eager to learn about it, as this has taken me some time now.
A final caveat: this assumes GNU sed, as I was unable to find a solution with POSIX sed:
sed -n ':1;/abc/{n;b2;};p;$b4;n;b1;:2;/abc/{n;b3;};p;$b4;n;b2;:3;p;$b4;n;b3;:4;q' file
or, in more verbose syntax:
sed -n '
# BEGIN - look for first match
/abc/ {
# First match found. Skip line and jump to second section
n; bsecond;
# Line does not match. Print it and quit if end-of-file reached
p; $bend;
# Advance to next line and start over
n; bfirst;
# END - look for first match
# BEGIN - look for second match
/abc/ {
# Second match found. Skip line and jump to final section
n; bfinal;
# Line does not match. Print it and quit if end-of-file reached
p; $bend;
# Advance to next line and start over
n; bsecond;
# END - look for second match
# BEGIN - both matches found; print remaining lines
# Print line and quit if end-of-file reached
p; $bend;
# Advance to next line and start over
n; bfinal;
# END - print remaining lines
' file
sed is for simple substitutions on individual lines, that is all. For anything else you should be using awk:
$ awk '!(/abc/ && ++c<3)' file

Regular Expression over multiple lines

I'm stuck with this for several hours now and cycled through a wealth of different tools to get the job done. Without success. It would be fantastic, if someone could help me out with this.
Here is the problem:
I have a very large CSV file (400mb+) that is not formatted correctly. Right now it looks something like this:
This is a long abstract describing something. What follows is the tile for this sentence."
This is another sentence that is running on one line. On the next line you can find the title.
As you can probably see the titles ",Title1" and ",Title2" should actually be on the same line as the foregoing sentence. Then it would look something like this:
This is a long abstract describing something. What follows is the tile for this sentence.",Title1
This is another sentence that is running on one line. On the next line you can find the title.,Title2
Please note that the end of the sentence can contain quotes or not. In the end they should be replaced too.
Here is what I came up with so far:
sed -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/\."?.*,//g;p;}' out.csv > out1.csv
This should actually get the job done of matching the expression over multiple lines. Unfortunately it doesn't :)
The expression is looking for the dot at the end of the sentence and the optional quotes plus a newline character that I'm trying to match with .*.
Help much appreciated. And it doesn't really matter what tool gets the job done (awk, perl, sed, tr, etc.).
Multiline in sed isn't necessarily tricky per se, it's just that it uses commands most people aren't familiar with and have certain side effects, like delimiting the current line from the next line with a '\n' when you use 'N' to append the next line to the pattern space.
Anyway, it's much easier if you match on a line that starts with a comma to decide whether or not to remove the newline, so that's what I did here:
sed 'N;/\n,/s/"\? *\n//;P;D' title_csv
$ cat title_csv
don't touch this line
don't touch this line either
This is a long abstract describing something. What follows is the tile for this sentence."
seriously, don't touch this line
This is another sentence that is running on one line. On the next line you can find the title.
also, don't touch this line
$ sed 'N;/\n,/s/"\? *\n//;P;D' title_csv
don't touch this line
don't touch this line either
This is a long abstract describing something. What follows is the tile for this sentence.,Title1
seriously, don't touch this line
This is another sentence that is running on one line. On the next line you can find the title.,Title2
also, don't touch this line
Yours works with a couple of small changes:
sed -n '1h;1!H;${;g;s/\."\?\n,//g;p;}' inputfile
The ? needs to be escaped and . doesn't match newlines.
Here's another way to do it which doesn't require using the hold space:
sed -n '${p;q};N;/\n,/{s/"\?\n//p;b};P;D' inputfile
Here is a commented version:
sed -n '
$ # for the last input line
p; # print
q # and quit
N; # otherwise, append the next line
/\n,/ # if it starts with a comma
s/"\?\n//p; # delete an optional comma and the newline and print the result
b # branch to the end to read the next line
P; # it doesn't start with a comma so print it
D # delete the first line of the pair (it's just been printed) and loop to the top
' inputfile