extracting file inside of directory with miniz - c++

Is there someone that can explain me how i can get files from directories inside a zipfile.
I use c++ and miniz(code.google.com/p/miniz/). thank you in advance.
here my code i have that i use right now:
size_t uncomp_size;
mz_bool status;
mz_zip_archive zip_archive;
memset(&zip_archive, 0, sizeof(zip_archive));
status = mz_zip_reader_init_file(&zip_archive, "data.zip", 0);
if (!status){
puts("failed to open zip file\n");
return 0;
void* p = NULL;
std::string file_to_extract = "data//test.txt";
int file_index = mz_zip_reader_locate_file(&zip_archive, file_to_extract.c_str(), NULL, MZ_ZIP_FLAG_IGNORE_PATH);
if (file_index < 0)
mz_bool is_dir = mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(&zip_archive,file_index);
throw std::exception("file_index = folder");
throw std::exception("cannot find file in zip(0)");
p = mz_zip_reader_extract_to_heap(&zip_archive, file_index, &uncomp_size, NULL);
throw std::exception("cannot find file in zip(1)");
std::fstream fp1("test.txt",ios::binary|ios::out);
delete p;
}catch(std::exception ex){
cout << ex.what() << endl;

This code is working for me using miniz from here.
string str_zip; // The zip archive in string form.
string str_unzip; // The uncompressed contents of the first file in the zip archive.
// Read in or assign zip contents to the string.
// In my case I receive the zip file via a web service.
// The processing all takes place in memory.
// But you can easily read a file's contents into the zipfile string, as well.
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned int uint;
mz_zip_archive zip_archive;
mz_bool status;
// Now try to open the archive.
memset(&zip_archive, 0, sizeof(zip_archive));
// You can provide the zip data in memory as I did...
status = mz_zip_reader_init_mem(&zip_archive, str_zip.c_str(), str_zip.size(), 0);
// Or you can just give a filename...
// status = mz_zip_reader_init_file(&zip_archive, "myfile.zip", 0);
if (!status)
cout << "zip file appears invalid..." << endl;
// Get the first file in the archive.
if (mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&zip_archive) != 1)
cout << "zip file does not contain our 1 file..." << endl;
mz_zip_archive_file_stat file_stat;
if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&zip_archive, 0, &file_stat))
cout << "zip file read error..." << endl;
// Unzip the file to heap.
size_t uncompressed_size = file_stat.m_uncomp_size;
void* p = mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap(&zip_archive, file_stat.m_filename, &uncompressed_size, 0);
if (!p)
cout << "mz_zip_reader_extract_file_to_heap() failed..." << endl;
str_unzip.assign((const char*)p,uncompressed_size);
// Close the archive, freeing any resources it was using

I came up with a solution for this.
Lets we have;
In your C directory:
+-- ZipFile /
+-- folder1 /
+-- file1
+-- folder2 /
bool decompress_folders_inside_zip()
const std::string archive_name = "ZipFile.zip";
const std::string decompress_path = "C:\\";
mz_zip_archive archive {};
boost::filesystem::path dec_path { decompress_path + archive_name };
if (!mz_zip_reader_init_file(&archive, dec_path.string().c_str(), 0))
return false;
const int file_cnt = (int)mz_zip_reader_get_num_files(&archive);
if (0 == file_cnt)
return false;
mz_zip_archive_file_stat file_stat;
if (!mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&archive, 0, &file_stat))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < file_cnt; ++i)
mz_zip_reader_file_stat(&archive, i, &file_stat);
if (mz_zip_reader_is_file_a_directory(&archive, i))
boost::filesystem::path dir(decompress_path + file_stat.m_filename);
boost::filesystem::path file_out(decompress_path + file_stat.m_filename);
boost::filesystem::path out_file(file_out.parent_path().generic_string() + "/" + file_out.filename().string());
if (!mz_zip_reader_extract_to_file(&archive, i, out_file.string().c_str(), 0))
return false;
if (!mz_zip_reader_end(&archive))
return false;
std::cout << "Completed" << std::endl;
return true;


C++ read new files added to a directory

I have a C++ program that when starts, gets the list of all files in a directory and does some processing with them (packetizes them for transmission over network). The current version is static and the program only sees the files at the time the program starts. Now I want to change it to a dynamic version where it can continuously see the new files added in the directory (let's assume they have a meaningful incremented name; for instance f1, f2, f3, ... so next one coming would be f4. This way I can use some index).
Right now this is the piece of code (static reading of all files):
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
char * dir = new char[inData->dir.length() + 1];
strcpy(dir, inData->dir.c_str());
dp = opendir(dir);
int file_index = 0;
int total_files = DataUtil::count_files(dp);
if (readdir(dp) == NULL)
//for each file in the directory
while ((dirp = readdir( dp ))) {
string f_name = dirp->d_name;
if (f_name != "." && f_name != "..") { // except . and ..
//Do some processing
my_function(f_name, file_index);
I modified the code using the rewinddir(dp); function and file_index to notice new files. But it doesn't work. Where is the problem?
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
char * dir = new char[inData->dir.length() + 1];
strcpy(dir, inData->dir.c_str());
dp = opendir(dir);
int file_index = 0;
int total_files = MyDataUtil::count_files(dp);
if (readdir(dp) == NULL)
//for each file in the directory
while ((dirp = readdir( dp ))) {
string f_name = dirp->d_name;
if (f_name != "." && f_name != "..") {
//skip files already read
for (int var = 0; var < file_index; var++) {
//Do some processing
my_function(f_name, file_index);
//reset dir stream, and update total_files
total_files = MyDataUtil::count_files(dp);
The total_files function:
int MyDataUtil::count_files(DIR *dp){
struct dirent *dirp;
int num = 0;
while ((dirp = readdir( dp ))) {
string f_name = dirp->d_name;
if (f_name != "." && f_name != "..")
return num;
Here is the rewinddir documentation. It says ' might or might not be returned'!
The rewinddir function is used to reinitialize the directory stream dirstream, so that if you call readdir
it returns information about the first entry in the directory again. This function also notices if files
have been added or removed to the directory since it was opened with opendir. (Entries for these files
might or might not be returned by readdir if they were added or removed since you last called opendir
or rewinddir.)
Use inotify on Linux to get asynchronous notifications when files are added / removed / changed in a directory of your choice
Here is another way, maybe you can try it.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <Locale.h>
using namespace std;
void ListFile(std::list<std::wstring> &list_Steady)
setlocale(LC_ALL, "chs");
WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData;
LPCWSTR s = L"C:\\Test_Monitor\\*.*";//The path of Directory you want to Monitor
hFind = FindFirstFileW(s, &FindFileData);
printf ("FindFirstFile failed (%d)\n", GetLastError());
return ;
wcout << "The first file found is " << FindFileData.cFileName << endl;
while(FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData))
wcout << "The next file found is " << FindFileData.cFileName << endl;
hFind = NULL;
void CompareFile(std::list<std::wstring> &new_list , std::list<std::wstring> &steady_list)
bool bFound = false;
for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator it = new_list.begin(); it != new_list.end(); ++it)
bFound = false;
for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator steady_it = steady_list.begin(); steady_it != steady_list.end(); ++steady_it)
//Compare to origin list, if file still exist will return true
if(it->compare(steady_it->c_str()) == 0)
bFound = true;
//else this is a new file
wcout << it->c_str() << L" new file detected" << endl;
bool bfound2 = false;
for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator it = steady_list.begin(); it != steady_list.end(); ++it)
bfound2 = false;
for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator new_it = new_list.begin(); new_it != new_list.end(); ++new_it)
//Compare to origin list, if file still exist will return true
if(it->compare(new_it->c_str()) == 0)
bfound2 = true;
//else this file has been deleted
wcout<< it->c_str() << L" This file has disappeared" << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
list<wstring> Steady_Directory;
list<wstring> New_Directory;
DWORD WaitStatus = 0;
Steady_Directory.clear(); New_Directory.clear(); //be sure that list is clean
FileChange = ::FindFirstChangeNotification(L"C:\\Test_Monitor",FALSE,FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME);
cout << "LOG : FAIL to get File Change, With error code: " << ::GetLastError() << endl;
return -1;
WaitStatus = ::WaitForSingleObject(FileChange, INFINITE);
if (WaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
CompareFile(New_Directory, Steady_Directory);
return 0;
I use two list, one stand for old state, the other is for the next state, and use ::FindFirstChangeNotification to subscribe specific directory's state.
Any file change in the directory will set the HANDLE Filechange, then will call the function CompareFile to make sure which file has been added or deleted.
You can make a for/while loop to make this monitor work constantly

Problems using Protocol Buffers to read messages from file

I'm trying to use Google Protocol Buffers to read multiple messages from a file. The documentation suggests using CodedInputStream.
But if I try and read more than a very small message I get a failure from MergeFromCodedStream
For example, if I have a message defined as:
message Chunk {
repeated int64 values = 1 [packed=true];
And try to write the message to file and then read it back:
int main() {
Chunk chunk;
for (int i = 0; i != 26; ++i)
std::ofstream output("D:\\temp.bin");
OstreamOutputStream raw_output(&output);
if (!writeDelimitedTo(chunk, &raw_output)){
std::cout << "Unable to write chunk\n";
return 1;
std::ifstream input("D:\\temp.bin");
IstreamInputStream raw_input(&input);
Chunk in_chunk;
if (!readDelimitedFrom(&raw_input, &in_chunk)) { // <--- Fails here
std::cout << "Unable to read chunk\n";
return 1;
std::cout << "Num values in chunk " << in_chunk.values_size() << "\n";
where writeDelimitedTo and readDelimitedFrom come from this answer by the author of the C++ protobuf libraries:
bool writeDelimitedTo(
const google::protobuf::MessageLite& message,
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* rawOutput) {
google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream output(rawOutput);
const int size = message.ByteSize();
uint8_t* buffer = output.GetDirectBufferForNBytesAndAdvance(size);
if (buffer != NULL) {
} else {
if (output.HadError()) return false;
return true;
bool readDelimitedFrom(
google::protobuf::io::ZeroCopyInputStream* rawInput,
google::protobuf::MessageLite* message) {
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream input(rawInput);
uint32_t size;
if (!input.ReadVarint32(&size)) return false;
google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream::Limit limit =
if (!message->MergeFromCodedStream(&input)) return false; // <-- Fails here
if (!input.ConsumedEntireMessage()) return false;
return true;
if i only write 25 values to my message it works, 26 and it fails. I've shown where it is failing in the code.
I've tried debugging into the protobuf library and it seems to be failing to read new data into the buffer but I don't know why.
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 and protobuf 2.6.1.
As #rashimoto correctly pointed out I was failing to open my files in binary mode!
With that fixed I can successfully write multiple messages to file:
int main() {
std::vector<Chunk> chunks = createChunks(NUM_CHUNKS, CHUNK_SIZE);
std::ofstream output("D:\\temp.bin", std::ios::binary);
OstreamOutputStream raw_output(&output);
for (Chunk& chunk : chunks) {
if (!writeDelimitedTo(chunk, &raw_output)){
std::cout << "Unable to write chunk\n";
return 1;
std::ifstream input("D:\\temp.bin", std::ios::binary);
IstreamInputStream raw_input(&input);
std::vector<Chunk> chunks(NUM_CHUNKS);
for (auto& chunk : chunks) {
if (!readDelimitedFrom(&raw_input, &chunk)) {
std::cout << "Unable to read chunk\n";
return 1;
std::cout << "Num values in first chunk " << chunks[0].values_size() << "\n";

libzip can't close file

I'm currently using libzip in a C++11 program to extract the contents of a compressed file and store them into a data structure that will also hold metadata related to the file.
I'm using the current method to explode the zip file and get the content of each file in it:
void explodeArchive(const string& path, vector<ZipFileModel>& files) {
int error = 0;
zip *zip = zip_open(path.c_str(), 0, &error);
if (zip == nullptr) {
throw logic_error("Could not extract content of file " + path);
const zip_int64_t n_entries = zip_get_num_entries(zip, ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED);
for (zip_int64_t i = 0; i < n_entries; i++) {
const char *file_name = zip_get_name(zip, i, ZIP_FL_ENC_GUESS);
struct zip_stat st;
zip_stat(zip, file_name, ZIP_FL_NOCASE, &st);
char *content = new char[st.size];
std::cerr << file_name << std::endl;
zip_file *file = zip_fopen(zip, file_name, ZIP_FL_NOCASE);
const zip_int64_t did_read = zip_fread(file, content, st.size);
if (did_read <= 0) {
if (strlen(content) < st.size) {
LOG(WARNING)<< "File " << file_name << " is truncated.";
if (strlen(content) > st.size) {
content[st.size] = '\0';
ZipFileModel model;
model.name = string(file_name);
model.content = string(content);
model.order = -1;
delete[] content;
My problem is that I get random segmentation faults with gdb pointing to zip_fclose(file);:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000001001ef8a0 in zip_source_close (src=0x105001b00) at /Users/xxx/Projects/xxx/xxx/src/libzip/zip_source_close.c:48
48 (void)src->cb.l(src->src, src->ud, NULL, 0, ZIP_SOURCE_CLOSE);
What's the best way to debug this? As I said it happens intermittently so it's hard to pin down the exact cause.
You aren't closing the zip_file when there's nothing to read.
First you open the file inside:
zip_file *file = zip_fopen(zip, file_name, ZIP_FL_NOCASE);
Then try to read something:
const zip_int64_t did_read = zip_fread(file, content, st.size);
and if there's nothing to read you continue and the file is never closed.
if (did_read <= 0) {
So, just add:
if (did_read <= 0) {

go to other logical drives and continues to search for file

i have a program that search for files of a particular extention(.apk) in a particular logical drive(C:). my system has 3 more partitions :- D: E: F: and these also contains apk files. now i want that my program will also search in these logical drives for the apk's files. how i can do this. please anybody have some suggestion then help me, am trying this since morning. here is my code.....
int SearchDirectory(std::vector<std::string> &refvecFiles,
const std::string &refcstrRootDirectory,
const std::string &refcstrExtension,
bool bSearchSubdirectories = true)
std::string strFilePath; // Filepath
std::string strPattern; // Pattern
std::string strExtension; // Extension
HANDLE hFile; // Handle to file
WIN32_FIND_DATA FileInformation; // File information
strPattern = refcstrRootDirectory + "\\*.*";
hFile = FindFirstFile(strPattern.c_str(), &FileInformation);
if(FileInformation.cFileName[0] != '.')
strFilePath = refcstrRootDirectory + "\\" + FileInformation.cFileName;
if(FileInformation.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
// Search subdirectory
int iRC = SearchDirectory(refvecFiles,
return iRC;
// Check extension
strExtension = FileInformation.cFileName;
strExtension = strExtension.substr(strExtension.rfind(".") + 1);
if(strExtension == refcstrExtension)
// Save filename
} while(FindNextFile(hFile, &FileInformation) == TRUE);
// Close handle
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
if(dwError != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)
return dwError;
return 0;
int main()
int iRC = 0;
std::vector<std::string> vecAPKFiles;
//std::vector<std::string> vecTxtFiles;
// Search 'c:' for '.apk' files including subdirectories
iRC = SearchDirectory(vecAPKFiles, "c:", "apk");
std::cout << "Error " << iRC << std::endl;
return -1;
// Print results
for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator iterAvi = vecAPKFiles.begin();
iterAvi != vecAPKFiles.end();
std::cout << *iterAvi << std::endl;
TCHAR szDrive[] = (" A:");
DWORD uDriveMask = GetLogicalDrives();
// Use the bitwise AND, 1â€"available, 0-not available
if(uDriveMask & 1)
printf("%s ", (const char *)szDrive);
// increment, check next drive
// shift the bitmask binary right
uDriveMask >>= 1;
printf("\n ");
// Wait for keystroke
return 0;
You've got a bit weird drive string char szDrive[] = " A:"; (Even with the half-baked TCHAR stuff removed). I'd use char szDrive[] = "A:\"; instead, and increment ++szDrive[0];. You can then pass szDrive to SearchDirectory()

How can I find the size of all files located inside a folder?

Is there any API in c++ for getting the size of a specified folder?
If not, how can I get the total size of a folder including all subfolders and files?
How about letting OS do it for you:
long long int getFolderSize(string path)
// command to be executed
std::string cmd("du -sb ");
cmd.append(" | cut -f1 2>&1");
// execute above command and get the output
FILE *stream = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r");
if (stream) {
const int max_size = 256;
char readbuf[max_size];
if (fgets(readbuf, max_size, stream) != NULL) {
return atoll(readbuf);
// return error val
return -1;
Actually I don't want to use any third party library. Just want to
implement in pure c++.
If you use MSVC++ you have <filesystem> "as standard C++".
But using boost or MSVC - both are "pure C++".
If you don’t want to use boost, and only the C++ std:: library this answer is somewhat close. As you can see here, there is a Filesystem Library Proposal (Revision 4). Here you can read:
The Boost version of the library has been in widespread use for ten
years. The Dinkumware version of the library, based on N1975
(equivalent to version 2 of the Boost library), ships with Microsoft
Visual C++ 2012.
To illustrate the use, I adapted the answer of #Nayana Adassuriya , with very minor modifications (OK, he forgot to initialize one variable, and I use unsigned long long, and most important was to use: path filePath(complete (dirIte->path(), folderPath)); to restore the complete path before the call to other functions). I have tested and it work well in windows 7.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::tr2::sys;
void getFoldersize(string rootFolder,unsigned long long & f_size)
path folderPath(rootFolder);
if (exists(folderPath))
directory_iterator end_itr;
for (directory_iterator dirIte(rootFolder); dirIte != end_itr; ++dirIte )
path filePath(complete (dirIte->path(), folderPath));
if (!is_directory(dirIte->status()) )
f_size = f_size + file_size(filePath);
}catch(exception& e){ cout << e.what() << endl; }
int main()
unsigned long long f_size=0;
cout << f_size << endl;
return 0;
You may use boost in this way. You can try to optimize it some deeper.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
using namespace std;
namespace bsfs = boost::filesystem;
void getFoldersize(string rootFolder,long & file_size){
boost::replace_all(rootFolder, "\\\\", "\\");
bsfs::path folderPath(rootFolder);
if (bsfs::exists(folderPath)){
bsfs::directory_iterator end_itr;
for (bsfs::directory_iterator dirIte(rootFolder); dirIte != end_itr; ++dirIte )
bsfs::path filePath(dirIte->path());
if (!bsfs::is_directory(dirIte->status()) )
file_size = file_size + bsfs::file_size(filePath);
}catch(exception& e){
cout << e.what() << endl;
int main(){
long file_size =0;
cout << file_size << endl;
return 0;
Something like this would be better to avoid adding symbolic(soft) links:
std::uintmax_t directorySize(const std::filesystem::path& directory)
std::uintmax_t size{ 0 };
for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator(directory))
if (entry.is_regular_file() && !entry.is_symlink())
size += entry.file_size();
return size;
Size of files in a folder
Please have a look at this link
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
__int64 TransverseDirectory(string path)
__int64 size = 0;
string fname = path + "\\*.*";
HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(fname.c_str(),&data);
do {
if( (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) )
// make sure we skip "." and "..". Have to use strcmp here because
// some file names can start with a dot, so just testing for the
// first dot is not suffient.
if( strcmp(data.cFileName,".") != 0 &&strcmp(data.cFileName,"..") != 0)
// We found a sub-directory, so get the files in it too
fname = path + "\\" + data.cFileName;
// recurrsion here!
size += TransverseDirectory(fname);
// All we want here is the file size. Since file sizes can be larger
// than 2 gig, the size is reported as two DWORD objects. Below we
// combine them to make one 64-bit integer.
sz.LowPart = data.nFileSizeLow;
sz.HighPart = data.nFileSizeHigh;
size += sz.QuadPart;
}while( FindNextFile(h,&data) != 0);
return size;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
__int64 size = 0;
string path;
size = TransverseDirectory("c:\\dvlp");
cout << "\n\nDirectory Size = " << size << "\n";
return 0;
For more detail PLease CLick Here
The file system functions are integral part of each operative system, written mostly in C and assembler, not C++, each C++ library implementation for this are in one way or another a wrapper of this functions. Taking on count the effort and if you will not use your implementation in different OS, maybe is a good idea to use this functions directly and save some overhead and time.
Best regards.
I have my types definition file with:
typedef std::wstring String;
typedef std::vector<String> StringVector;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t;
and code is:
uint64_t CalculateDirSize(const String &path, StringVector *errVect = NULL, uint64_t size = 0)
sh = FindFirstFile((path + L"\\*").c_str(), &data);
//if we want, store all happened error
if (errVect != NULL)
errVect ->push_back(path);
return size;
// skip current and parent
if (!IsBrowsePath(data.cFileName))
// if found object is ...
// directory, then search it recursievly
size = CalculateDirSize(path + L"\\" + data.cFileName, NULL, size);
// otherwise get object size and add it to directory size
size += (uint64_t) (data.nFileSizeHigh * (MAXDWORD ) + data.nFileSizeLow);
} while (FindNextFile(sh, &data)); // do
return size;
bool IsBrowsePath(const String& path)
return (path == _T(".") || path == _T(".."));
This uses UNICODE and returns failed dirs if you want that.
To call use:
StringVector vect;
CalculateDirSize(L"C:\\boost_1_52_0", &vect);
But never pass size
//use FAT32
#undef UNICODE // to flag window deactive unicode
#include<Windows.h> //to use windows api
using namespace std;
#pragma pack(1) //tell compiler do'nt do prag
struct BPB
WORD NumberOfBytesPerSector;
BYTE NumberOfSectorsPerCluster;
WORD NumberOfReservedSectors;
BYTE NumberOfFATs;
WORD NumberOfRootEntries16;
WORD LowNumbferOfSectors;
BYTE MediaDescriptor;
WORD NumberOfSectorsPerFAT16;
WORD NumberOfSectorsPerTrack;
WORD NumberOfHeads;
DWORD NumberOfHiddenSectors;
DWORD HighNumberOfSectors;
DWORD NumberOfSectorsPerFAT32;
WORD Flags;
WORD FATVersionNumber;
DWORD RootDirectoryClusterNumber;
WORD FSInfoSector;
WORD BackupSector;
BYTE Reserver[12];
BYTE BiosDrive;
BYTE WindowsNTFlag;
BYTE Signature;
DWORD VolumeSerial;
BYTE VolumeLabel[11];
BYTE SystemID[8];
WORD BPBSignature;
struct DirectoryEntry
BYTE Name[11];
BYTE Attributes;
BYTE Reserved;
BYTE CreationTimeTenth;
WORD CreationTime;
WORD CreationDate;
WORD LastAccessTime;
WORD HiClusterNumber;
WORD WriteTime;
WORD WriteDate;
WORD LowClusterNumber;
DWORD FileSize; //acual size of file
void dirFunction(string s){
string path = "\\\\.\\" + s + ":";
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);//open partition
BPB bootSector;//var from bootSector structure
DWORD readBytes = 0;
cout << "Error " << GetLastError()<<endl;
ReadFile(hFile, (BYTE*)&bootSector, sizeof(bootSector), &readBytes, 0);//read partition and load bootSector information inside our structure
LONG t = 0;
ULONG distance = bootSector.NumberOfReservedSectors +
bootSector.NumberOfFATs*bootSector.NumberOfSectorsPerFAT32;//distance from begine until Root Directory or content of partetion
distance *= bootSector.NumberOfBytesPerSector;//convert distance number to bytes value
SetFilePointer(hFile, distance, &t, FILE_BEGIN);//set pointer to root directory begine or begine of data
int clusterSize = bootSector.NumberOfBytesPerSector*bootSector.NumberOfSectorsPerCluster; //cluster size
int NumberOfEntries = clusterSize / sizeof(DirectoryEntry); //number of record inside cluster
DirectoryEntry* root = new DirectoryEntry[NumberOfEntries];//descripe the partetion
ReadFile(hFile, (BYTE*)root, clusterSize, &readBytes, 0);
DWORD clusterNumber;
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfEntries; i++)
if (root[i].Name[0] == 0)//there no entery after this
if (root[i].Name[0] == 0xE5)
if ((root[i].Attributes & 0xF) == 0xF)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
cout << root[i].Name[j];
if((root[i].Attributes & 0x10) != 0x10){
for (int j = 8; j < 11; j++)
cout << root[i].Name[j];
if ((root[i].Attributes & 0x10) == 0x10){
cout << "\t<Folder>" ;
cout<<"\t<File>" ;
clusterNumber = root[i].HiClusterNumber << 16;
clusterNumber |= root[i].LowClusterNumber;
cout <<"\t"<<root[i].FileSize<<"bytes" << "\t" << clusterNumber<<"cluster" << endl;
string convertLowerToUpper(string f){
string temp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < f.size(); i++){
temp += toupper(f[i]);
return temp;
string getFileName(BYTE filename[11]){
string name = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
if (filename[i] != ' ')
name += filename[i];
return (name);
int findEntryNumber(DirectoryEntry* root, int NumberOfEntries, string required){
string n;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfEntries; i++){
if (strcmp((getFileName(root[i].Name).c_str()), convertLowerToUpper(required).c_str()) == 0){
return i;
return -1;
void typeFunction(string fileName, string s){
string path = "\\\\.\\" + s + ":";
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);//open partition
BPB bootSector;//var from bootSector structure
DWORD readBytes = 0;
cout << "Error " << GetLastError()<<endl;
ReadFile(hFile, (BYTE*)&bootSector, sizeof(bootSector), &readBytes, 0);//read partition and load bootSector information inside our structure
LONG t = 0;
ULONG distance = bootSector.NumberOfReservedSectors +
bootSector.NumberOfFATs*bootSector.NumberOfSectorsPerFAT32;//distance from begine until Root Directory or content of partetion
distance *= bootSector.NumberOfBytesPerSector;//convert distance number to bytes value
SetFilePointer(hFile, distance, &t, FILE_BEGIN);//set pointer to root directory begine or begine of data
int clusterSize = bootSector.NumberOfBytesPerSector*bootSector.NumberOfSectorsPerCluster; //cluster size
int NumberOfEntries = clusterSize / sizeof(DirectoryEntry); //number of record inside cluster
DirectoryEntry* root = new DirectoryEntry[NumberOfEntries];//descripe the partetion
ReadFile(hFile, (BYTE*)root, clusterSize, &readBytes, 0);
DWORD clusterNumber;
int index = findEntryNumber(root, NumberOfEntries, fileName);
if (index == -1){
cout << "File is not found" << endl;
if (((root[index].Attributes & 0x10) == 0x10) ){
cout << "Is not file name" << endl;
clusterNumber = root[index].HiClusterNumber << 16;
clusterNumber |= root[index].LowClusterNumber;
ULONG temp = (clusterNumber - 2) * clusterSize;
distance += temp;
t = 0;
SetFilePointer(hFile, distance, &t, FILE_BEGIN);
BYTE* buffer = new BYTE[clusterSize];
readBytes = 0;
ReadFile(hFile, (BYTE*)buffer, clusterSize, &readBytes, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < root[index].FileSize; i++){
cout << buffer[i];
cout << endl;
void delFunction(string filename, string s){
string path = "\\\\.\\" + s + ":";
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(path.c_str(), GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0);//open partition
BPB bootSector;//var from bootSector structure
DWORD readBytes = 0;
cout << "Error " << GetLastError()<<endl;
ReadFile(hFile, (BYTE*)&bootSector, sizeof(bootSector), &readBytes, 0);//read partition and load bootSector information inside our structure
LONG t = 0;
ULONG distance = bootSector.NumberOfReservedSectors +
bootSector.NumberOfFATs*bootSector.NumberOfSectorsPerFAT32;//distance from begine until Root Directory or content of partetion
distance *= bootSector.NumberOfBytesPerSector;//convert distance number to bytes value
SetFilePointer(hFile, distance, &t, FILE_BEGIN);//set pointer to root directory begine or begine of data
int clusterSize = bootSector.NumberOfBytesPerSector*bootSector.NumberOfSectorsPerCluster; //cluster size
int NumberOfEntries = clusterSize / sizeof(DirectoryEntry); //number of record inside cluster
DirectoryEntry* root = new DirectoryEntry[NumberOfEntries];//descripe the partetion
ReadFile(hFile, (BYTE*)root, clusterSize, &readBytes, 0);
DWORD clusterNumber;
readBytes = 0;
t = 0;
int index = findEntryNumber(root, NumberOfEntries, filename);
if (index == -1){
cout << "FIle is not found" << endl;
if ((root[index].Attributes & 0x10) == 0x10){
cout << "Is not file name" << endl;
//delete file
root[index].Name[0] = 0xE5;
SetFilePointer(hFile, distance, &t, FILE_BEGIN);
WriteFile(hFile, (BYTE*)root, clusterSize, &readBytes, 0);
cout<<filename<<" is deleted\n";
string removeExtention(string s){
string t = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++){
if (s[i] == '.')break;
t += s[i];
return t;
void main()
string swich_value;
string directory;
string file_name;
cout<<"plz, Enter single Partition character ------> example E or G\n\n";
string path = "\\\\.\\" + directory + ":";
cout<<"current directory is "<<path<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Options: \n1- dir \n2- type file_name.extention \n3- del file_name.extention\n\n";
string answer;
case 'i':
cout<<"\nare you want to do another process: y or n?";
if (answer.at(0)=='y')
goto again;
case 'y':
typeFunction(removeExtention(file_name), directory);
cout<<"\nare you want to do another process: y or n?";
if (answer.at(0)=='y')
goto again;
case 'e':
delFunction(removeExtention(file_name), directory);
cout<<"\nare you want to do another process: y or n?";
if (answer.at(0)=='y')
goto again;
You can use "boost::filesystem"
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
unsigned long long int get_directory_size(const fs::path& directory){
if (!fs::exists(directory)) return 0;
if (fs::is_directory(directory)){
unsigned long long int ret_size = 0;
fs::directory_iterator m_dir_itr(directory);
for (m_dir_itr = fs::begin(m_dir_itr); m_dir_itr != fs::end(m_dir_itr); ++m_dir_itr){
fs::directory_entry m_dir_entry = *m_dir_itr;
if (fs::is_regular_file(m_dir_entry.path())){
ret_size += fs::file_size(m_dir_entry.path());
}else if (fs::is_directory(m_dir_entry.path())){
ret_size += get_directory_size(m_dir_entry.path());
return ret_size;
} else if (fs::is_regular_file(directory)){
return fs::file_size(directory);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {
// Assuming 'C:/Folder' be any directory then its size can be found using
auto folder_size = get_directory_size("C:/Folder");
printf("Size of 'C:/Folder' is %d\n",folder_size);
return 0;
With the introduction of std::filesystem, you no more have to use any system APIs or any external libraries.
#include <filesystem>
namespace n_fs = ::std::filesystem;
double archive::getFolderSize(std::string path)
double r = 0.0;
if (!n_fs::is_directory(path))
r += (double)n_fs::file_size(path);
for(auto entry: n_fs::directory_iterator(path))
catch(exception& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl();
return r;
int main(){
double folderSize = getFolderSize("~/dev/"); //Replace with your path
std::cout << "Size of Folder: " << folderSize;
Try using GetFileSizeEx function. Following is some sample code for this. You need to get the size from the LARGE_INTEGER union though.
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("C:\test.txt","r");
int fileNo = _fileno(fp);
HANDLE cLibHandle = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fileNo);
long int fileSize = 0;
GetFileSizeEx(cLibHandle, &fileSizeL);
return 0;
5 years and not a simple solution with standard C++, that's why I would like to contribute my solution to this question:
uint64_t GetDirSize(const std::string &path)
uint64_t size = 0;
for (const auto & entry : std::experimental::filesystem::directory_iterator(path))
if(entry.status().type() == std::experimental::filesystem::file_type::regular)
size += std::experimental::filesystem::file_size(entry.path());
if (entry.status().type() == std::experimental::filesystem::file_type::directory)
size += GetDirSize(entry.path().generic_string());
return size;
Use it for example by calling
if you're using Windows.
Calculating a folder size in bytes on Windows.
size_t GetFolderSizeInBytes(std::wstring path)
size_t result = 0;
WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
HANDLE hFileHandle;
std::wstring sourcePath(path);
if (GetFileAttributes(sourcePath.c_str()) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
std::wstring fileName(sourcePath);
hFileHandle = FindFirstFileEx(
if (hFileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
if (!wcscmp(findData.cFileName, L".") || !wcscmp(findData.cFileName, L".."))
if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0)
// Folder
std::wstring newPath = path + L"\\" + findData.cFileName;
result += GetFolderSizeInBytes(newPath);
// File
unsigned long high = findData.nFileSizeHigh;
unsigned long low = findData.nFileSizeLow;
size_t size = size_t(high * (MAXWORD + 1)) + low;
result += size;
} while (FindNextFile(hFileHandle, &findData));
return result;