Asymptotic Estimate for integer division [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
k = n; //integer division
while(k > 1) {
std::cout << k;
I need to find out the asymptotic estimate as a function of n.

The complexity is logarithmic.
Assuming K is non-negative, division by two is equivalent to shifting right by one bit. Therefore, the maximum number of iterations before k becomes 0 is the number of bits in k. More specifically, the position of the most significant bit in k that is set (i.e., a 1) will determine the number of iterations executed in the loop.
Since the operations in the loop are (presumably) constant complexity, logarithmic number of iterations leads directly to logarithmic complexity.


How to determine what bin a float should be in? C++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have an array of floats Float_t xbins[41] that defines 40 bins i.e. ranges of floats.
E.g. y is in bin 7 if y > xbins[7] && !(y > xbins[8]).
How do I determine what bin a given float should belong to without having 40 if statements?
Please answer in C++ as I don't speak other languages.
If the array is sorted, then do a binary search to locate the correct bin. You'll need a combination of std::sort (if not sorted), then something like std::lower_bound, to locate. You'll need to ensure that operator< is implemented correctly for Float_t.
As it turned out that the bins are not uniformly spaced but have integer bounds, the probably fastest method is to have a (inverse) look up table that apparently has about 100 entries. One needs to make basically two comparisons for the lower & higher bounds.
If the array bounds are derived with a formula, it could be possible to write an inverse formula that outperforms the LUT method.
For a generic case binary search is the way -- and even that can be improved a bit by doing linear interpolation instead of exactly subdividing the range to half. The speed (if the data is not pathological) would be O(loglogn) compared to O(logn) for binary search.

what is the complexity of the following code? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
What is the complexity of the following piece of code??
for (int i = 1; i * i <= n; i++)
if (n%i == 0)
//do anything
The loop runs √n times, and the conditional is met every time i is a factor of n — the latter is a non-trivial condition and needs to be analysed carefully. It depends on the prime factorisation of n. For example, if n is prime, the condition is only true once, for i == 1, and never again.

Generate all Binary Combinations C++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to write a program that you give an input (number of digits n) and you get as an output a vector of all possible binary grey code generated.
For example,
if n=2, results should be:
V= {00, 01, 10,11}
Actually I am interested in having them bit by bit and not whole integer. Meaning I want to have a 2 D array of integers where I have each word in rows and bits (as int) in cols
Hint: Gray code of num is (num>>1) ^ num. Go through all numbers of the 0..2^N-1 range, and compute their Gray code representation using this simple formula.
EDIT Another hint: the simplest way to convert an integer to binary is using bitset:
bitset<N>((num>>1) ^ num).to_string()
The set V equals { 0, ..., 2^n-1 }. Just compute this set.

print a series of numbers optimization part 2 [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
earlyer i posted part 1 and got some interesting responces
print a series of numbers optimization part 1
here is another way you could have the program print a repeating series of numbers to the screen, the goal here is to make the most efficiant/fastest algorithm
int series[] = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1]
int i = 9;
i = series[i] - 1;
of course ignore any extra overhead created by actually printing the number because that is not the purpose of the problem
the one boolean conditional statement (while true) is required for the infinite loop is required no matter what solution you do, so you can ignore that too
this solution uses memory for 11 int variables, but otherwise it only does one simple computation and one variable assignment per iteration.
so would this be the most time efficiant way to solve the infiniate number series problem?
I would say it's not the most efficient way.
There's a multiplication involved in addressing the array. It's essentially
destinationAddress = baseAddressOfArray + indexRequested * sizeof(elementOfArray)
I think the most efficient way would be to cache the string of one iteration and simply spit out that string over and over again. I'm not up on my exact C++ syntax, it'd be something like
string s = "123456789";
while(true) {

Given integer n decide if it is possible to represent it as a sum of two squares of integers [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 12 years ago.
First line of input contains one integer t <= 10000: number of test cases.
T lines follow, each of them consisting of exactly one integer 0 <= n <= 10^8.
For each test case output Yes if it is possible to represent given number as a sum of two squares and No if it is not possible.
Hint: A number N is expressible as a sum of 2 squares iff in the prime factorization of N, every prime of the form (4k+3) occurs an even number of times!