Encode/decode certain text sequences in Qt - c++

I have a QTextEdit where the user can insert arbitrary text. In this text, there may be some special sequences of characters which I wish to translate automatically. And from the translated version, I wish I could go back to the sequences.
Take for instance this:
QMessageBox::information(0, "Foo", MAGIC_TRANSLATE(myTextEdit->text()));
If the user wrote, inside myTextEdit's text, the sequence \n, I would like that MAGIC_TRANSLATE converted the string \n to an actual new line character.
In the same way, if I give a text with a new line inside it, a MAGIC_UNTRANSLATE will convert the newline with a \n string.
Now, of course I can implement these two functions by myself, but what I am asking is if there is something already made, easy to use, in Qt, which allows me to specify a dictionary and it does the rest for me.
Note that sequences with common prefix can create some conflicts, for example converting:
\foo -> FOO
\foobar -> FOOBAR
can give rise to issues when translating the text asd \foobar lol, because if \foo is searched and replaced before \foobar, then the resulting text will be asd FOObar lol instead of the (more natural) asd FOOBAR lol.
I hope to have made clear my needs. I believe that this may be a common task, so I hope there is a Qt solution which takes into account this kind of issues when having conflicting prefixes.
I am sorry if this is a trivial topic (as I think it may be), but I am not familiar at all with encoding techniques and issues, and my knowledge of Qt encoding cover only very simple Unicode-related issues.
Btw, in my case a data-oriented approach, based on resources or external files or anything that does not requires a recompilation would be great.

It sounds like your question is, "I want to run a sequence of regular expression or simple string replacements to map between two encodings of some text".
First you need to work out your mapping, exactly. As you say, if your escape sequences like \foo and \foobar are fiddly, you might find that you don't have a bidirectional, lossless mapping. No library in the world can help you if your design or encoding is flawed.
When you end up with a precise design (which we can't help you on given the complete lack of information provided on the purpose of this function), you'll probably find that a sequence of string replacements is fine. If it really is more complicated, then some QRegExps should be enough.

It is always a bit ugly to self-answer questions, but... Maybe this solution is useful to someone.
As suggested by Nicholas in his answer, a good strategy is to use replacement. It is simple and effective in most cases, for example in the plain C/C++ escaping:
\n \r \t etc
This works because they are all different. It will always work with a replacement if the sequences are all different and, in particular, if no sequence is a prefix to another sequence.
For example, if your sequences are the one aboves plus some greek letters, you will not like the \nu sequence, which should be translated to ν.
Instead, if the replacing function tests for \n before \nu, the result is wrong.
Assuming that both sequences will be translated in two completely different entities, there are two solutions: place a close-sequence character, for example \nu;, or just replace by longest to shorter strings. This ensure that any sequence which is prefix of another one is not replaced before it.
For various reasons, I tried another way: using a trie, which is a tree of all the prefixes of a dictionary of words. Long story short: it works fairly well and probably works faster than (most) regexes and replacements.
Regex are state machines and it is not rare to re-process the input, with a trie, you avoid to re-match characters twice, so you go pretty fast.
Code for tries is pretty easy to find on the internet, and the modifications to do efficient matching are trivial, so I will not write the code here.


Regex that matches a list of comma separated items in any order

I have three "Clue texts" that say:
I need to parse a string and see if it contains exactly these 3 texts, separated by a comma. No Clue Text contains any comma.
The problem is, they can be in any order and they must be the only clues in the string.
Putting togheter what I found on other posts, I have:
This works as far as Clues and their order are concerned.
Unfortunately, I can't find a way to avoid adding a comma and then some stupid text at the end.
My real case has somewhat more complicated Clue Texts, because each of them is a small regex, but I am pretty sure once I know how to handle commas, the rest will be easy.
I think you'd be better off with a stronger tool than regexes (and I genuinely love regular expressions). Regexes aren't good with needing supplementary memory, which is what you have here: you need exactly these 3, but they can come in any order.
In principle, you could write a regex for each of the 6 permutations. But that would never scale. You ought to use something with parsing power.
I suggest writing a verification function in your favorite scripting language, made up of underlying string functions.
In basic Python, you could do (for instance)
ref = set(['SomeClue=someText', 'AnotherClue=somethingElse', 'YetAnotherClue=moreText'])
def ismatch(myline):
splt = myline.split(',')
return ref == set(splt)
You can tweak that as necessary, of course. Note that this nearly-complete solution is not really longer, and much more readable, than any regex would be.

differentiating and testing regex variants

Several implementations of regular expressions differ from each other in subtle ways which is the source of much confusion when I try to use them.
Most of these differences include the semantics related to whether a character is escaped or not. This is most often an issue with parentheses, but can apply to curly brackets and others. This is probably a consequence of the syntax of the language or environment in which the implementation is found. For instance, if the $ symbol indicates a variable name in some language, one can expect regular expressions represented in that language would require escaping the "end of line" anchor to \$ or some such. But what gets confusing at this point is how you would represent an actual dollar sign. I believe Perl gets around this by wrapping a regex inside forward slashes /.
Similarly there are escapes for specific characters themselves, for instance non printing characters such as \n and \t. Then there are the similar looking generic character groups such as \d for digits, \s for whitespace, and \w which I just learned covers underscores as well as digits. I found myself on several occasions trying to use \a for a "alphabetical" group but this only ended up matching the bell character 0x07.
It's pretty clear that there is no simple and one-shot solution to knowing all of the differences in features and syntax offered by the myriad of implementations of regular expressions out there, short of somebody doing all the hard work and putting results in a well organized table. Here is one example of exactly this, but of course it doesn't cover several of the programs that I use extensively myself, which include vim, sed, Notepad++, Eclipse, and believe it or not MS Word (at least version 2010, I suspect 2007 also has this, they call it "wildcards") has a simple regex implementation too.
I guess what I want is to be as lazy as possible (in a certain sense) by trying to come up with a way to determine for any given regex implementation what its "escape settings" are beyond any doubt by applying one (or a few) queries.
I'm thinking I can make a file which contains test cases, along with a huge regex query, and somehow engineer it so that running it once will show me exactly what syntax I need to use subsequently without doubting myself any further. (as opposed to having to edit files and use multiple queries to figure out the same thing which gets terribly old after a while).
If nobody else has attempted to construct such a monstrosity, I may undertake this task myself. If it's even possible. Is this possible?
I tried to come up with an example (it was just to figure out if EOL anchor is $ or \$) but in every case I had to use a multitude of different search/replace queries in order to determine how the program will respond to the input.
Edit: I came up with something using capturing and backtracking. I gotta work on it a little more.
Update: Well, Notepad++ does not implement the OR operator commonly denoted by the pipe |. Word's "wildcards" is a poor substitute also, it doesn't have | or *. I'm fairly certain that missing any of the regular expression operators (union, concat, star) means it cannot generate a regular grammar, so those two are ruled out.
I can create an input file like this:
and query
replacing with
yields a result of (assuming unescaped parens is group and unescaped pipe is or)
I ran this in vim. This output would demonstrate the single characters that are matched by each item specified next to it, i.e. the escaped dollar sign item is seen to match the actual dollar sign character rather than the non escaped dollar sign item at the end.
It's difficult to see what's going on with the $ anchor since it matches zero characters, but it shouldn't be hard to find a solution for it. Besides it's not a commonly mistaken one. The ones I'm particularly worried about are pipe and parens and the different brackets. When you've got 4 different types in there there are 2^4 combinations of escaped and non-escaped versions of them you can use. Trial-and-error with that is horrific.
This output isn't too hard to parse at a glance, and is also seriously easy to process as part of a script. The one glaring problem that remains is figuring out whether parens and pipe need to be escaped. Because the functionality of the whole thing depends on them.
It would seem like that will require multiple queries. It may be possible with a cleverly engineered jumble of backslashes, parens, and pipes to figure out the combination (only 4 possibilities after all) with an initial query, then choose the subsequent matrix generator query based on it.
Something like this shows it can work:
replace with
would produce:
:(e if escaped parens is group and escaped pipe is or
:e) if parens is group and escaped pipe is or
(f: if escaped parens is group and pipe is or
f): if parens is group and pipe is or
I still don't really like this though because it requires a second query on a second set of input. Too much setting up. I may just make 4 copies of the "matrix" thing.
The table on this page summarizes quite nicely which features are available in which regex implementations:

regex match upto some character

Conditions updated
There is often a situation where you want to extract a substring upto (immediately before) certain characters. For example, suppose you have a text that:
Does not start with a semicolon or a period,
Contains several sentences,
Does not contain any "\n", and
Ends with a period,
and you want to extract the sequence from the start upto the closest semicolon or period. Two strategies come to mind:
I do either of these quite randomly, with slight preference to the second strategy, and also see both ways in other people's code. Which is the better way? Is there a clear reason to prefer one over the other, or are there better ways? I personally feel, efficiency aside, that negating something (as with [^]) is conceptually more complex than not doing it. But efficiency may also be a good reason to chose one over the other.
I came up with my answer. The two regexes in my question were actually not expressing the same thing. And the better approach depends on what you want.
If you want a match up to and including a certain character, then using
is simpler.
If you want a match up to right before (excluding) a certain character, then you should use:
Well, the first way is probably more efficient, not that it's likely to matter. By the way, \z in a character class does not mean "end of input"--in fact, it's a syntax error in every flavor I know of. /[^;.]*/ is all you need anyway.
I personally prefer the first one because it does exactly as you would expect. Get all characters except ...
But it's mostly a matter of preference. There are nearly always multiple ways to write a regular expression and it's mostly style that matters.
For example... do you prefer [0-9], [:digit:] or \d? They all do exactly* the same.
* In case of unicode the [:digit:] and \d classes match some other characters too.
you left out one other strategy. string split?
"my sentence; blahblah".split(/[;.]/,2)[0]
I think that it is mostly a matter of opinion as to which regular expression you use. On the note of efficiency, though, I think that adding \A to the beginning of a regular expression in this case would make the process faster because well designed regular expression engines should only try to match once in that case. For example:
Note the m option; it indicates that newline characters can also be matched. This is just a technicality I would add for generic examples, but may not apply to you.
Although adding more to the solution might be viewed as increasing complexity, it can also serve to clarify meaning.

Most efficient method to parse small, specific arguments

I have a command line application that needs to support arguments of the following brand:
all: return everything
search: return the first match to search
all*search: return everything matching search
X*search: return the first X matches to search
search#Y: return the Yth match to search
Where search can be either a single keyword or a space separated list of keywords, delimited by single quotes. Keywords are a sequence of one or more letters and digits - nothing else.
A few examples might be:
all*'foo bar'
This sounds just complex enough that flex/bison come to mind - but the application can expect to have to parse strings like this very frequently, and I feel like (because there's no counting involved) a fully-fledged parser would incur entirely too much overhead.
What would you recommend? A long series of string ops? A few beefy subpattern-capturing regular expressions? Is there actually a plausible argument for a "real" parser?
It might be useful to note that the syntax for this pseudo-grammar is not subject to change, so if the code turns out less-than-wonderfully-maintainable, I won't cry. This is all in C++, if that makes a difference.
I wouldn't reccomend a full lex/yacc parser just for this. What you described can fit a simple regular expression:
((all|[0-9]+)\*)?('[A-Za-z0-9\t ]*'|[A-Za-z0-9]+)(#[0-9]+)?
If you have a regex engine that support captures, it's easy to extract the single pieces of information you need. (Most probably in captures 1,3 and 4).
If I understood what you mean, you will probably want to check that capture 1 and capture 4 are not non-empty at the same time.
If you need to further split the search terms, you could do it in a subsequent step, parsing capture 3.
Even without regex, I would hand write a function. It would be simpler than dealing with lex/yacc and I guess you could put together something that is even more efficient than a regular expression.
The answer mostly depends on a balance between how much coding you want to do and how much libraries you want to depend on - if your application can depend on other libraries, you can use any of the many regular expression libraries - e.g. POSIX regex which comes with all Linux/Unix flavors.
If you just want those specific syntaxes, I would use the string tokenizer (strtok) - split on '*' and split on '#' - then handle each case.
In this case the strtok approach would be much better since the number of commands to be parsed are few.

Regex for password requirements

I want to require the following:
Is greater than seven characters.
Contains at least two digits.
Contains at least two special (non-alphanumeric) characters.
...and I came up with this to do it:
Now, I'd also like to make sure that no two sequential characters are the same. I'm having a heck of a time getting that to work though. Here's what I got that works by itself:
...but if I try to combine the two together, it fails.
I'm operating within the constraints of the application. It's default requirement is 1 character length, no regex, and no nonstandard characters.
Using this test harness, I would expect y90e5$ to match but y90e5$$ to not.
What an i missing?
This is a bad place for a regex. You're better off using simple validation.
Sometimes we cannot influence specifications and have to write the implementation regardless, i.e., when some ancient backoffice system has to be interfaced through the web but has certain restrictions on input, or just because your boss is asking you to.
EDIT: removed the regex that was based on the original regex of the asker.
altered original code to fit your description, as it didn't seem to really work:
EDIT: the q. was then updated to reflect another version. There are differences which I explain below:
My version: the two or more \W and \d can be repeated by each other, but cannot appear next to each other (this was my incorrect assumption), i fixed it for length>7 which is slightly more efficient to place as a typical "grab all" expression.
New version in original question: the two or more \W and the \d are allowed to appear next to each other. This version currently support length>=6, not length>7 as is explained in the text.
The current answer, corrected, should be something like this, which takes the updated q., my comments on length>7 and optimizations, then it looks like: ^(?!.*((\S)\1|\s))(?=(.*\d){2,})(?=(.*\W){2,}).{8,}.
Update: your original code doesn't seem to work, so I changed it a bit
Update: updated answer to reflect changes in question, spaces not allowed anymore
This may not be the most efficient but appears to work.
Test strings:
ad2f#we1$ //match valid.
adfwwe12#$ //No Match repeated ww.
y90e5$$ //No Match repeated $$.
y90e5$ //No Match too Short and only 1 \W class value.
One of the comments pointed out that the above regex allows spaces which are typically not used for password fields. While this doesn't appear to be a requirement of the original post, as pointed out a simple change will disallow spaces as well.
Your regex engine may parse (?!.*(\S)\1|.*\s) differently. Just be aware and adjust accordingly.
All previous test results the same.
Test string with whitespace:
ad2f #we1$ //No match space in string.
If the rule was that passwords had to be two digits followed by three letters or some such, or course a regular expression would work very nicely. But I don't think regexes are really designed for the sort of rule you actually have. Even if you get it to work, it would be pretty cryptic to the poor sucker who has to maintain it later -- possibly you. I think it would be a lot simpler to just write a quick function that loops through the characters and counts how many total and how many of each type. Then at the end check the counts.
Just because you know how to use regexes doesn't mean you have to use them for everything. I have a cool cordless drill but I don't use it to put in nails.