django deployment on heliohost - django

I'm trying to deploy a small django app on heliohost following the instructions in this post How to deploy a Django site using a different version of Django on Heliohost and also the official ones. But when I try to browse the site I only get the index of my public_html folder. Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong?

I know this is old post but if you still trying django on heliohost, try cookiecutter template for heliohost.
$ pip install cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter
project_name [mysite]: ---> Type your project name here.
helio_user [user_name]: ---> your heliohost username.
The folder with project name will be created in your working directory.
Paste the content of the folder (folder + file) on heliohost public_html directory.
go to
You should see something like this:
Explore the django on heliohost.


Creating migrations for a reusable Django app

I am writing a reusable Django app and having problems creating migrations.
I have looked at this question, and I'm still confused. I have the following sort of directory structure:
As you can see, the directory "django_mycleverapp" contains my reusable app and the directory "example" contains a test project.
I include the models of "django_mycleverapp" in the INSTALLED_APPS section of the settings for "example".
However, running python ~/example/ makemigrations django_mycleverapp doesn't build any migrations.
Any suggestions?
How am I meant to have a test project that will build migrations in "/django-mycleverapp/django_mycleverapp/migrations"?
Your app should be in the directory of your project. Your directory hierarchy should look like this.
If you do not want your app to be part of your "example" project, but rather want it to be separated and used by your project "example", you'll have to install it in your project using pip (this requires to have a at the root of your app).
For instance if you have published your app on a git repository "", you can add to our requirements.txt:
If you don't have your app published on a git repository yet, you can add the absolute path to your app to you requirements.txt:
Don't forget to work in a virtualenv when you use pip.

How do I implement django-articles app into a new project via pip?

I'm trying to install the following django app from the cheeseshop:
This is my first day of Django-ing and I'm unsure what to do to get the app's folder populated inside my project.
So far, I've pip installed the app into my virtualenv. This is verified by opening a python shell and getting no errors when I run "import articles"
I've edited the file and added it to the list of installed apps. I believe this to be OK as I can then run runserver without any "module not found" errors.
syncdb also ran fine.
Where do I go from here?
ie, I would like to have a section of the website called News which uses this app. I have no routes or other apps configured yet, just a clean Django with psycopg2.
EDIT: Enabling the default admin site, I can manage the Articles there, but still unsure of how these will be displayed on the site when I have no app folder created for them. When trying to startapp articles, I'm warned it's conflicting name with an existing module..
No need to create a new app called articles. As you are able to import articles via the python console you have successfully installed it. You can find it in your virtualenv folder in the folder site-packages:
You can use this app, installed via pip, as it is an app which lives in your project folder.
You just need to include the articles urls in your own Since you say you want it under News, this would do fine:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^news/', include('articles.urls'),
Note though that the readme for the articles app implies that you'll need to create your own base template for it to inherit from. Just create a base.html file in a directory called templates under your project, give it a basic HTML structure, and put in {% block content %}{% endblock %} in the relevant place (and the same for the other blocks mentioned in the readme).
You should probably do the Django tutorial anyway, to understand exactly what's going on with the URL and the templates.

Cannot start any django app

I am a newbie at Django and everytime I try to run
python panel/ startapp %app% (panel is my project) it gives me the error:
Error: '%app%' conflicts with the name of an existing Python module and cannot be used as an app name. Please try another name.
Am I doing something wrong?
Surely companies or contacts or stats is not the name of an existing Python module?
This is a fun one - your project and your app need to have different names. You probably created a project, then tried to startapp with the same name.
I was confused as well, until I realized that a Django project is a container for applications; this sequence makes it a bit clearer:
# first create a Project (container). startproject Project
# create multiple apps
cd Project
python startapp polls
python startapp hello
Perhaps you need to
cd panel
python startapp yourappname
I'm not sure running the command from a directory above your project will work properly.
I had the same issue because I was trying to "restart" my app after carrying out changes, but startapp is meant to be used once to create a new app. To view changes, syncronize app with DB with python migrate and restart the server with python runserver instead.
From the django-admin docs
( does essentially the same thing as django-admin)
startapp <app_label> [destination]
django-admin startapp
Creates a Django app directory structure for
the given app name in the current directory or the given destination.
By default the directory created contains a file and other
app template files. (See the source for more details.) If only the app
name is given, the app directory will be created in the current
working directory.
If the optional destination is provided, Django will use that existing
directory rather than creating a new one. You can use ‘.’ to denote
the current working directory.
For example:
django-admin startapp myapp /Users/jezdez/Code/myapp
This message is displayed if you run "startapp" twice with the same app name. As pointed out above by the OP it doesn't reload the app, it creates one.
You should choose different names for your project and app in Codes:
django-admin startproject **my_project**
python startapp **my_app**
You need to create the directory before using the commands. Suppose you want a polls app inside apps folder.
mkdir apps apps/polls
python startapp polls apps/polls
I guess maybe you have already created the app's dir in panel dir manually. The command 'startapp' is to create an app automatically. If you already have one there, it fails.
I reproduced the issue and there's actually something not working as I expected.
I wonder if we stumbled upon a Django's bug, or a limitation that I don't understand.
Having a project called "project" and an empty folder app/newapp
…I tried:
python startapp newapp apps/newapp
It returns:
CommandError: 'newapp' conflicts with the name of an existing Python module and cannot be used as an app name. Please try another name.
But if I target ANY other route in which the last folder is not called the same name as the app I'm starting, it works.
So I ended up doing:
python startapp newapp apps/main
Using Django 2.1.3.
if you want to make an empty directory that will contain your new app
└── blog
├── ...
├── blog-ext #this empty dir that will contain the new app
so instead of typing :
python newapp blog/blog-ext
it should be :
django-admin startapp newapp blog/blog-ext
Try classic "mysite" or "myproject". You can delete it anytime you want, so if it will accepted, then all your privious ideas conflict with Python modules.
Edit: I tried all your ideas, there was no error for me. So, if you installed support libraries or modules for django, then some of them can contains such names.
this error is because of the name conflicts between the app name and project had given same name for your app and project .your project and app need to be different name .if you had given the same name the above mentioned error will occur .
understand the difference between app and project
Projects vs. apps
What’s the difference between a project and an app? An app is a Web application that does something – e.g., a Weblog system, a database of public records or a simple poll app. A project is a collection of configuration and apps for a particular Web site. A project can contain multiple apps. An app can be in multiple projects.
first create the project.
then create the app.
NOTE: name for app and project should be different
first create a project with projectname startproject Projectname .
Then create app with appname. (to create your app make sure you are in the same directory and type this command)
python startapp Appname
It's the process how I got my doubt clear.
First, I created a directory inside my project directory and put,,, &
Then I ran python runserver & It work well.
Then as suggested on that page I used startapp command. I got this error :
CommandError: 'ucportal' conflicts with the name of an existing Python
module and cannot be used as an app name. Please try another name.
After that I deleted that directory and ran startapp command with same name and it worked fine.
So 'startapp' command is to create an app automatically. If you already have one there, it fails.
Answer given by #DAG worked for me.
I ran into this issue while trying to set up a Wagtail project.
Before creating the app, I had created and activated a virtualenv (using virtualenvwrapper) with the same name: $APPNAME. When I then ran wagtail start $APPNAME, Django looks for naming conflics in the $PYTHONPATH which in this instance points to /Users/User/.virtualenvs.
Naturally, this results in a conflict as /Users/User/.virtualenvs/$APPNAME already exists.
None of these answers helped me. In the end I ended up creating an app with a different name and then just renaming the directory to the app name I wanted all along. Note that you also will need to change the class name in to match your app name.
Just Simply Use This command
for Django Project Creation
python -m django startproject name_of_django_Project
for Django App Creation
python -m django startapp App_name
I had the same issue when working with wagtail cms. I got this error even there is no such a created app. This occurs when there is an app already that has the same name you need to create inside the site-packages directory.
Once you get this error, you need to check the following directory,
If there is a package with the name same you want to create then you need to remove that package. Also make sure to check that package is important or not before deleting.
The application directory should be created first.
Example: apps/practice
The command appears to be duplicated, but it is correct.
Example: python startapp practice ./apps1/practice

admin site looks different in production environment

so I'm building a basic site to learn django, and i am currently setting up the admin site. when launch the site through
python runserver
i can go to the website and it looks pretty just like this.
but when i load the site through my apache web server it looks like this.
can anyone help me?
it looks to me like the admin site is not able to load the proper template on the live site. but i did not setup any special template. and when i look at the permissions of the template folder it seems to be fine... maybe not. any help?
Ok, sorry for the long story:
First, find out where your django installation rests:
in the CLI:
>>> import django
>>> django
<module 'django' from '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/__init__.pyc'>
The this is the path (except for the __init__.pyc, of course) to your Django installation.
Now, in your media directory, you could create a symbolic link to the directory that the admin media is located in (this way you will not have to copy the files to your media directory).
Assuming that you are in your media directory use this command to create dynamic link to the admin media directory (the first argument to ln -s should of course be your django path that we got retrieved earlier):
ln -s /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/ admin
Now in your you can use something like this:
MEDIA_URL = 'media'
ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/admin/
You will also have to add this directive to your Apache config:
Alias /media/ /full/path/to/your/django/site

How do I tweak CSS on the Django 1.2.3 admin media?

I would like to make CSS-only adjustments to the admin interface (on an RHEL box I don't have sysadmin privileges to). To that end, I would like a local version of /media/ to tweak. (but not suggests running a collectstatic or findstatic, and my Django 1.2.3 does not recognize those commands. Adding 'django.contrib.staticfiles' to my INSTALLED_APPS also broke things (not found).
I would like to customize the CSS, and the way I envision doing that is by getting a private copy of the media for Django's admin and changing from there. What are my best options for a Django 1.2.3 installation?
Just go to your django installation directory, browser to django->contrib-> admin-> directory and copy paste the media folder to your django projects media directory.
Let us say you have your media in project/media which is statically rendered to web as /media/. If you copy your admin media in project/media your admin media web url would be /media/admin/ hence in your file: ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX = '/media/admin/'
You may then modify your css in media directory as you wish to change the look of admin site.
I found a way to do it:
1: Download a fresh copy of Django and unpack it. Under the Django-x.x.x directory was a media directory.
2: Tar/transfer/untar the media directory on my target machine.
3: Change the CSS as needed.
4: When calling python runserver, add a flag of --adminmedia=./media .