My first project: Editing an .img file, guidance wanted [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
Note: The only programming experience i have can be found here(
I know some deal about c, and i have visual studio express 2012 running. I want to dive into making stuff and currently i am aiming to create a mod install for a game (Gta San, in case anybody cares).
Essentially the file just need to open a .img file(gta3.img to be exact) and remove/replace/append files to it.
I am thinking that the best way to learn programming is to program, and i am hoping that i can get some help about it.
Please tell me what kind of concepts should i research so as to get started? (Excluding c++ syntax, OOP or using visual studio. I know about em already and working my butt off on em. Havent slept for over 36 hours..).

I do not know to help you at this specific question. However you have right that you have to do something in order to learn how to code. At this part i would sugest visit . This is a great website, and it is really helpful at helping you learn how to code, but also to create mobile application, or a website.
Sorry I do not know how to guide you at this problem


Setup type program, how can i download something from the web in a c++ program? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm making a program to setup a server, but I can't find out how to download a file from the internet in the c++ program. Preferably downloading a library or something.
Also, I am still a beginning programmer.
I'm using:
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64x
Notepad ++
Borland's C++ compiler v5.1
There are many ways of doing that. The best for you way to go about this, in my opinion, is by using cURL library (aka libcurl). Start from reading some documentation. This example can also be helpful as it does exactly that. And of course you can always go other (less popular?) ways:
Use Qt Network library (example).
Use Poco C++ Libraries (here is some introductory PDF).
Find some other libraries and try them out.
Do it yourself.
Hope it helps.
Well, based on the choice of compiler, I see you want the hard way. WinInet will work. If you feel very adventurous, try windows sockets.

How to read and write "Excel" with c/c++ (in smartphone app develop) [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a smartphone app developer.
I want to make a app running in iOS,android,winphone.
I use cocos2d-x platform tool to make this app. it base of c/c++ language.
Dose anyone can tell me How to read and write excel with c/c++
For what purpose? Just reading the file can be done by treating it as an opaque stream of bytes, just like any other file.
I doubt that's what you really mean, though.
If you want to interpret the file's contents, and present/update the calculations, then surely you must realize that the answer to "how" that is done must be gigantic? Excel is a huge, huge, and very old application, probably the result of many millions of lines of code.
Nobody can tell you "how" to interpret that in a simple answer here.
The closest thing you can probably get here is a recommendation on a library to use. I had a quick look, and LibXL was the first one I found for C++. It is a commercial library, and I have no experience with it.

when use DLL in c++? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
For the last 3 weeks I've been trying to create a code generator and my boss told me to put into a plugin DLL so we can call it next time when we want to reuse it !
So I searched the web for a Dll meaning but it still kind of vague , so if you have a better simple definition or a clear idea about DLL in C++ for beginners please enlighten me.
Another thing : I noticed that some uses QT to create plugin , so what's in QT that give us the possibility to do that that we can't find in any other IDE ?
PS: I've never used QT!
DLL-Dynamic Link Library is classes, methods and procedures packaged up into a compiled file to be used in conjunction with other programs. Its similar to an executable .exe file except you don't need a main method.

Anyone have the algorithm for determine if a hand of Mahjong game wins or not? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am reading some introduction of an ancient Chinese game called Mahjong (a bit like poker but far more complicated). I have been spending couple days in writing a program to determine if a given hand is a win hand or not. Do anyone have any idea or know where can I find the free code for that? I only need the part to determine win/lose, I am not looking for the entire project. Thanks.
There is this cool Python library that can be used for scoring of a Mahjong hand given a situation. I know you are working in C++, but since python is highly readable, even to non-python coders, maybe you'll be able to copy/paste and edit the relevant part so you'll be able to use them.
Hope that helps you in some way.

C++ windows registry editing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
hey i need c++ program to edit windows registry
One good program is Regedit.exe. It is probably written in C++.
Qt has an excellent framework for editing registy - that is, QSettings. And for bonus points, if you happen to change your mind and go Linux, your code would still work, storing your data in .ini-style configuration files.
Take note that Qt is very fat for a C++ library, but also very functional. There's a crazy lot you can do with it. I also absolutely recommend it for GUI.
There are probably a thousand small C++ wrappers for registry access. Of course I wrote my own, too. See the class RegistryKey in my envvc program. It's only read-only access, but you'll get the idea.