isnumeric() with PostgreSQL - regex

I need to determine whether a given string can be interpreted as a number (integer or floating point) in an SQL statement. As in the following:
SELECT AVG(CASE WHEN x ~ '^[0-9]*.?[0-9]*$' THEN x::float ELSE NULL END) FROM test
I found that Postgres' pattern matching could be used for this. And so I adapted the statement given in this place to incorporate floating point numbers. This is my code:
WITH test(x) AS (
VALUES (''), ('.'), ('.0'), ('0.'), ('0'), ('1'), ('123'),
('123.456'), ('abc'), ('1..2'), (''))
, x ~ '^[0-9]*.?[0-9]*$' AS isnumeric
FROM test;
The output:
x | isnumeric
| t
. | t
.0 | t
0. | t
0 | t
1 | t
123 | t
123.456 | t
abc | f
1..2 | f | f
(11 rows)
As you can see, the first two items (the empty string '' and the sole period '.') are misclassified as being a numeric type (which they are not). I can't get any closer to this at the moment. Any help appreciated!
Update Based on this answer (and its comments), I adapted the pattern to:
WITH test(x) AS (
VALUES (''), ('.'), ('.0'), ('0.'), ('0'), ('1'), ('123'),
('123.456'), ('abc'), ('1..2'), (''), ('1x234'), ('1.234e-5'))
, x ~ '^([0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*|[.][0-9]+)$' AS isnumeric
FROM test;
Which gives:
x | isnumeric
| f
. | f
.0 | t
0. | t
0 | t
1 | t
123 | t
123.456 | t
abc | f
1..2 | f | f
1x234 | f
1.234e-5 | f
(13 rows)
There are still some issues with the scientific notation and with negative numbers, as I see now.

As you may noticed, regex-based method is almost impossible to do correctly. For example, your test says that 1.234e-5 is not valid number, when it really is. Also, you missed negative numbers. What if something looks like a number, but when you try to store it it will cause overflow?
Instead, I would recommend to create function that tries to actually cast to NUMERIC (or FLOAT if your task requires it) and returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether this cast was successful or not.
This code will fully simulate function ISNUMERIC():
x = $1::NUMERIC;
Calling this function on your data gets following results:
WITH test(x) AS ( VALUES (''), ('.'), ('.0'), ('0.'), ('0'), ('1'), ('123'),
('123.456'), ('abc'), ('1..2'), (''), ('1x234'), ('1.234e-5'))
SELECT x, isnumeric(x) FROM test;
x | isnumeric
| f
. | f
.0 | t
0. | t
0 | t
1 | t
123 | t
123.456 | t
abc | f
1..2 | f | f
1x234 | f
1.234e-5 | t
(13 rows)
Not only it is more correct and easier to read, it will also work faster if data was actually a number.

You problem is the two 0 or more [0-9] elements on each side of the decimal point. You need to use a logical OR | in the number identification line:
This will exclude a decimal point alone as a valid number.

I suppose one could have that opinion (that it's not a misuse of exception handling), but generally I think that an exception handling mechanism should be used just for that. Testing whether a string contains a number is part of normal processing, and isn't "exceptional".
But you're right about not handling exponents. Here's a second stab at the regular expression (below). The reason I had to pursue a solution that uses a regular expression was that the solution offered as the "correct" solution here will fail when the directive is given to exit when an error is encountered:
SET exit_on_error = true;
We use this often when groups of SQL scripts are run, and when we want to stop immediately if there is any issue/error. When this session directive is given, calling the "correct" version of isnumeric will cause the script to exit immediately, even though there's no "real" exception encountered.
create or replace function isnumeric(text) returns boolean
language plpgsql
as $$
if $1 is null or rtrim($1)='' then
return false;
return (select $1 ~ '^ *[-+]?[0-9]*([.][0-9]+)?[0-9]*(([eE][-+]?)[0-9]+)? *$');
end if;

Since PostgreSQL 9.5 (2016) you can just ask the type of a json field:
From the PostgreSQL documentation:
Returns the type of the outermost JSON value as a text string. Possible types are object, array, string, number, boolean, and null.
When aggregating numbers and wanting to ignore strings:
SELECT m.title, SUM(m.body::numeric)
FROM messages as m
WHERE jsonb_typeof(m.body) = 'number'
GROUP BY m.title;
Without WHERE the ::numeric part would crash.

The obvious problem with the accepted solution is that it is an abuse of exception handling. If there's another problem encountered, you'll never know it because you've tossed away the exceptions. Very bad form. A regular expression would be the better way to do this. The regex below seems to behave well.
create function isnumeric(text) returns boolean
language plpgsql
as $$
if $1 is not null then
return (select $1 ~ '^(([-+]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)|([-+]?\.[0-9]+))$');
return false;
end if;


Extract letters and numbers from string

I have the following strings:
How can I separate the letters and numbers?
This is the outcome I expect:
KZ 1345769.1
PKS 948123.9
XG 829823.5
JKL 324282.7
MJB 45687006
I have tried using the split command for this purpose but without success.
#Pearly Spencer's answer is surely preferable, but the following kind of naive looping should occur to any programmer. Look at each character in turn and decide whether it is a letter; or a number or decimal point; or something else (implicitly) and build up answers that way. Note that although we loop over the length of the string, looping over observations too is tacit.
input str42 whatever
local length = substr("`: type whatever'", 4, .)
gen letters = ""
gen numbers = ""
quietly forval j = 1/`length' {
local arg substr(whatever,`j', 1)
replace letters = letters + `arg' if inrange(`arg', "A", "Z")
replace numbers = numbers + `arg' if `arg' == "." | inrange(`arg', "0", "9")
| whatever letters numbers |
1. | KZ1,345,769.1 KZ 1345769.1 |
2. | PKS948,123.9 PKS 948123.9 |
3. | XG829,823.5 XG 829823.5 |
4. | 324JKL,282.7 JKL 324282.7 |
5. | 456MJB87,006.01 MJB 45687006.01 |

Regular expression [ 1 ( 0 1* 0)* 1 ]* DFA

What are the conditions for the chain to be accepted by this regular expression?
The * at the end can be taken to mean the initial state is accepting and that the automaton returns to this state whenever it accepts anything. Call the initial state q1.
To accept 1(01*0)1 we must first consume a 1 and go to a new state, say q2. From there, we can self-loop on the subexpression 01*0 by going to a new state, q3, on 0, then looping on 1 in q3, then returning to q2 on 0.
From q2, we can return to q0 on 1. Our DFA looks like:
/--1--\ /--0--\
| \ | |
V | V |
| ^ \
0 | /
| \-1-/
^ \
| /
Something like that ought to do it.
When you don't know how to start off, you should write down several first elements generated by regular expression. In this case:
SET = {eps, 11, 1001, 10101, ...}
and then try to make up something. You got the answer though, so I'm not going to repeat this.
May you get some idea

Detect if regex accepts a subset of another regex or not? [duplicate]

I'm just wondering if it's possible to use one regular expression to match another, that is some sort of:
Is this sort of thing possible with regex at all? I'm doing work in python, so any advice specific to the re module's implementation would help, but I'll take anything I can get concerning regex.
Edit: Ok, some clarification is obviously in order! I definitely know that normal matching syntax would look something like this:
expr = re.compile(r'[a-z]*')
string = "some words"
<sRE object blah blah>
but I'm wondering if regular expressions have the capability to match other, less specific expressions in the non-syntacticly correct version I tried to explain with above, any letter from b-x would always be a subset (match) of any letter from a-z. I know just from trying that this isn't something you can do by just calling the match of one compiled expression on another compiled expression, but the question remains: is this at all possible?
Let me know if this still isn't clear.
I think — in theory — to tell whether regexp A matches a subset of what regexp B matches, an algorithm could:
Compute the minimal Deterministic Finite Automaton of B and also of the "union" A|B.
Check if the two DFAs are identical. This is true if and only if A matches a subset of what B matches.
However, it would likely be a major project to do this in practice. There are explanations such as Constructing a minimum-state DFA from a Regular Expression but they only tend to consider mathematically pure regexps. You would also have to handle the extensions that Python adds for convenience. Moreover, if any of the extensions cause the language to be non-regular (I am not sure if this is the case) you might not be able to handle those ones.
But what are you trying to do? Perhaps there's an easier approach...?
Verification of the post by "antinome" using two regex : 55* and 5* :
REGEX_A: 55* [This matches "5", "55", "555" etc. and does NOT match "4" , "54" etc]
REGEX_B: 5* [This matches "", "5" "55", "555" etc. and does NOT match "4" , "54" etc]
[Here we've assumed that 55* is not implicitly .55.* and 5* is not .5.* - This is why 5* does not match 4]
REGEX_A can have an NFA as below:
{B} -----------------epsilon --------> {E}
{C} <--- epsilon ------ {E}
REGEX_B can have an NFA as below:
{A} --------------epsilon -----------> {D}
{B} <--- epsilon ------ {D}
Now we can derive NFA * DFA of (REGEX_A|REGEX_B) as below:
{state A} ---epsilon --> {state B} ---5--> {state C} ---5--> {state D}
{state C} ---epsilon --> {state D}
{state C} <---epsilon -- {state D}
{state A} ---epsilon --> {state E} ---5--> {state F}
{state E} ---epsilon --> {state F}
{state E} <---epsilon -- {state F}
| 5 | epsilon*
A | B,C,E,F,G | A,C,E,F
B | C,D,E,F | B,C,E,F
c | C,D,E,F | C
D | C,D,E,F,G | C,D,E,F
E | C,D,E,F,G | C,E,F
F | C,E,F,G | F
G | C,D,E,G | C,E,F,G
A | B,C,E,F,G
B,C,E,F,G | C,D,E,F,G
C,D,E,F,G | C,D,E,F,G
Finally the DFA for (REGEX_A|REGEX_B) is:
{C,D,E,F,G}---5--> {C,D,E,F,G}
Note: {A} is start state and {C,D,E,F,G} is accepting state.
Similarly DFA for REGEX_A (55*) is:
| 5 | epsilon*
A | B,C,E | A
B | C,D,E | B,C,E
C | C,D,E | C
D | C,D,E | C,D,E
E | C,D,E | C,E
A | B,C,E
B,C,E | C,D,E
C,D,E | C,D,E
{A} ---- 5 -----> {B,C,E}--5--->{C,D,E}
Note: {A} is start state and {C,D,E} is accepting state
Similarly DFA for REGEX_B (5*) is:
| 5 | epsilon*
A | B,C,D | A,B,D
B | B,C,D | B
C | B,C,D | B,C,D
D | B,C,D | B,D
A | B,C,D
B,C,D | B,C,D
{A} ---- 5 -----> {B,C,D}
{B,C,D} --- 5 ---> {B,C,D}
Note: {A} is start state and {B,C,D} is accepting state
DFA of REGX_A|REGX_B identical to DFA of REGX_A
-- implies REGEX_A is subset of REGEX_B
DFA of REGX_A|REGX_B is NOT identical to DFA of REGX_B
-- cannot infer about either gerexes.
In addition to antinome's answer:
Many of the constructs that are not part of the basic regex definition are still regular, and can be converted after parsing the regex (with a real parser, because the language of regex is not regular itself): (x?) to (x|), (x+) to (xx*), character classes like [a-d] to their corresponding union (a|b|c|d) etc. So one can use these constructs and still test whether one regex matches a subset of the other regex using the DFA comparison mentioned by antinome.
Some constructs, like back references, are not regular, and cannot be represented by NFA or DFA.
Even the seemingly simple problem of testing whether a regex with back references matches a particular string is NP-complete (
pip3 install
>>> from lexington.regex import Regex as R
>>> from lexington.regex import Null
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> from string import ascii_lowercase, digits
>>> a_z = reduce(lambda a, b: a | R(b), ascii_lowercase, Null)
>>> b_x = reduce(lambda a, b: a | R(b), ascii_lowercase[1:-2], Null)
>>> a_z | b_x == a_z
>>> m_n = R("m") | R("n")
>>> zero_nine = reduce(lambda a, b: a | R(b), digits, Null)
>>> m_n | zero_nine == m_n
Also tested successfully with Python 2. See also how to do it with a different library.
Alternatively, pip3 install and:
from import parse as p
a_z = p("[a-z]")
b_x = p("[b-x]")
assert a_z | b_x == a_z
m_n = p("m|n")
zero_nine = p("[0-9]")
assert not m_n | zero_nine == m_n
You should do something along these lines:
re.match("\[[b-x]-[b-x]\]", "[a-z]")
The regular expression has to define what the string should look like. If you want to match an opening square bracket followed by a letter from b to x, then a dash, then another letter from b to x and finally a closing square bracket, the solution above should work.
If you intend to validate that a regular expression is correct you should consider testing if it compiles instead.
It's possible with the string representation of a regex, since any string can be matched with regexes, but not with the compiled version returned by re.compile. I don't see what use this would be, though. Also, it takes a different syntax.
Edit: you seem to be looking for the ability to detect whether the language defined by an RE is a subset of another RE's. Yes, I think that's possible, but no, Python's re module doesn't do it.
Some clarification is required, I think:
rA = re.compile('(?<! )[a-z52]+')
'(?<! )[a-z52]+' is a pattern
rA is an instance of class RegexObject whose type is < *type '_sre.SRE_Pattern' >* .
Personally I use the term regex exclusively for this kind of objects, not for the pattern .
Note that rB = re.compile(rA) is also possible, it produces the same object (id(rA) == id(rB) equals to True)
ch = 'lshdgbfcs luyt52uir bqisuytfqr454'
x = rA.match(ch)
# or
y =
x and y are instances of the class MatchObject whose type is *< type '_sre.SRE_Match' >*
That said, you want to know if there a way to determine if a regex rA can match all the strings matched by another regex rB while rB matches only a subsest of all the strings matched by rA.
I don't think such a way exists, whatever theoretically or practically.

Matching five characters in Excel/VBA using RegEx, with first character being dependant on cell value

I need your help! I’d like to use RegEx in a Excel/VBA environment. I do have an approach, but I’m kind of reaching my limits...
I need to match 5 characters within a great many lines of string (the string being in column B of my excel sheet, A comes later). The 5 characters can be 5 digits or a „K“ followed by 4 digits (ex. 12345, 98765, K2345). This would be covered by (\d{5}|K\d{4}).
Them five can be preceeded or followed by letters or special characters, but not by numbers. Meaning no leading zeros are allowed and also the digits shouldn’t just be matched within a longer number. That's one point where I'm stuck.
If there’s more than one possible match in a string, I need them all to be matched. If the same number has been matched within a line already, I’d like it not to be matched again. For these two requirements, I do have a sort of solution already, that works as part of the VBA code at the end of this posting: (\d{5}|K\d{4})(?!.*?\1.*$)
In addition, I do have a specific single digit (or a „K“) in column A. I need the five characters to start with this specific character, or otherwise not be matched.
Example of strings (numbered). The two columns A and B are separated by "|" for better readability
(1) | 1 | 2018/ID11298 00000012345 PersoNR: 889899 Bridgestone BNPN
(2) | 3 | Kompo 32280EP ###Baukasten### 3789936690 ID PFK Carbon0
(3) | 2 | 20613, 20614, Mietop Antragsnummer C300Coup IVS 33221 ABF
(4) | 2 | Q21009 China lokal produzierte Derivate f/Radverbund 991222 VV
(5) | 6 | ID:61953 F-Pace Enfantillages (Machine arriere) VvSKPMG Lyon09
(6) | 2 | 2017/22222 22222 21895 Einzelkostenprob. 28932 ZürichMP KOS
(7) | K | ID:K1245 Panamera Nitsche Radlager Derivativ Bayreumion PwC
(8) | 7 | LaunchSupport QBremsen BBG BFG BBD 70142,70119 KK 70142
The results that I'm looking for here are:
(1) | 11298 | ............................. [but don't match 12345, since no preceeding numbers allowed]
(2) | 32280 | ............................. [but don't match 37899 within 3789936690]
(3) | 20613 | 20614 | ................ [match both starting with a 2, don't match the one starting with 3]
(4) | 21009 | ............................. [preceeded by a letter, which is perfectly fine
(5) | 61953 | ..............................[random example]
(6) | 22222 | 21895 | 28932 | ... [match them all, but no duplicates]
(7) | K1245 | ............................. [special case with a "K"]
(8) | 70142 | 70119 | ................ [ignore second 70142]
The RegEx/VBA Code that I've put together so far is:
Sub RegEx()
Dim varOut() As Variant
Dim objRegEx As Object
Dim lngColumn As Long
Dim objRegA As Object
Dim varArr As Variant
Dim lngUArr As Long
Dim lngTMP As Long
On Error GoTo Fin
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
varArr = .Range("B2:B50")
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
With objRegEx
.Pattern = "(\d{5}|K\d{4})(?!.*?\1.*$)" 'this is where the magic happens
.Global = True
For lngUArr = 1 To UBound(varArr)
Set objRegA = .Execute(varArr(lngUArr, 1))
If objRegA.Count >= lngColumn Then
lngColumn = objRegA.Count
End If
Set objRegA = Nothing
Next lngUArr
If lngColumn = 0 Then Exit Sub
ReDim varOut(1 To UBound(varArr), 1 To lngColumn)
For lngUArr = 1 To UBound(varArr)
Set objRegA = .Execute(varArr(lngUArr, 1))
For lngTMP = 1 To objRegA.Count
varOut(lngUArr, lngTMP) = objRegA(lngTMP - 1)
Next lngTMP
Set objRegA = Nothing
Next lngUArr
End With
.Cells(2, 3).Resize(UBound(varOut), UBound(varOut, 2)) = varOut
End With
Set objRegA = Nothing
Set objRegEx = Nothing
If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
End Sub
This code is checking the string from column B and delivering its matches in columns C, D, E etc. It's not matching duplicates. It is however matching numbers within larger numbers, which is a problem. \b for example doesn't work for me, because I still want to match 12345 in EP12345.
Also, I have no idea how to implement the character from column A to be the very first character.
I've uploaded my excel file here:
Thank you so much for suggestions
To sort out the numbers which are too long, you can use a negative lookbehind and lookahead that doesn't match preceding and successing digits:
(?x) (?<!\d) (\d{5} | K\d{4}) (?!\d)
To match only numbers with the key in column 2 is rather hard. Maybe you match either the key or the numbers and do the logic afterwards:
\|[ ](?<key>.)[ ]\| |
(?<!\d) (?<number>\d{5} | K\d{4}) (?!\d)

Regex: How to Implement Negative Lookbehind in PL/SQL

How do I match all the strings that begin with loockup. and end with _id but not prefixed by msg? Here below are some examples:
lookup.asset_id -> should match
lookup.msg_id -> shouldn't match
lookup.whateverelse_id -> should match
I know Oracle does not support negative lookbehind (i.e. (?<!))... so I've tried to explicitly enumerate the possibilities using alternation:
regexp_count('i_asset := lookup.asset_id;', 'lookup\.[^\(]+([^m]|m[^s]|ms[^g])_id') <> 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('match'); -- this matches as expected
end if;
regexp_count('i_msg := lookup.msg_id;', 'lookup\.[^\(]+([^m]|m[^s]|ms[^g])_id') <> 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('match'); -- this shouldn’t match
-- but it does like the previous example... why?
end if;
The second regexp_count expression should't match... but it does like the first one. Am I missing something?
In the real use case, I've a string that contains PL/SQL code that might contains more than one lookup.xxx_id instances:
l_source_code varchar2(2048) := '
curry := lookup.curry_id(key_val => ''CHF'', key_type => ''asset_iso'');
asset : = lookup.asset_id(key_val => ''UBSN''); -- this is wrong since it does
-- not specify key_type
msg := lookup.msg_id(key_val => ''hello''); -- this is fine since msg_id does
-- not require key_type
I need to determine whether there is at least one wrong lookup, i.e. all occurrences, except lookup.msg_id, must also specify the key_type parameter.
With lookup\.[^\(]+([^m]|m[^s]|ms[^g])_id, you are basically asking to check for a string
starting with lookup. denoted by lookup\.,
followed by at least one character different from ( denoted by [^\(]+,
followed by either -- ( | | )
one character different from m -- [^m], or
two characters: m plus no s -- m[^s], or
three characters: ms and no g -- ms[^g], and
ending in _id denoted by _id.
So, for lookup.msg_id, the first part matches obviously, the second consumes ms, and leaves the g for the first alternative of the third.
This could be fixed by patching up the third part to be always three characters long like lookup\.[^\(]+([^m]..|m[^s.]|ms[^g])_id. This, however, would fail everything, where the part between lookup. and _id is not at least four characters long:
Input (s, r) AS (
SELECT 'lookup.asset_id', 'should match' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'lookup.msg_id', 'shouldn''t match' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'lookup.whateverelse_id', 'should match' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'lookup.a_id', 'should match' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'lookup.ab_id', 'should match' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'lookup.abc_id', 'should match' FROM DUAL
r, s, INSTR(s, 'lookup.msg_id') has_msg, REGEXP_COUNT(s , 'lookup\.[^\(]+([^m]..|m[^s]|ms[^g])_id') matched FROM Input
| should match | lookup.asset_id | 0 | 1 |
| shouldn't match | lookup.msg_id | 1 | 0 |
| should match | lookup.whateverelse_id | 0 | 1 |
| should match | lookup.a_id | 0 | 0 |
| should match | lookup.ab_id | 0 | 0 |
| should match | lookup.abc_id | 0 | 0 |
If you have just to make sure, there is no msg in the position in question, you might want to go for
(INSTR(s, 'lookup.msg_id') = 0) AND REGEXP_COUNT(s, 'lookup\.[^\(]+_id') <> 0
For code clarity REGEXP_INSTR(s, 'lookup\.[^\(]+_id') > 0 might be preferable…
#j3d Just comment if further detail is required.
With the requirements still being kind of vague…
Split the string at the semicolon.
Check each substring s to comply:
WITH Input (s) AS (
SELECT ' curry := lookup.curry_id(key_val => ''CHF'', key_type => ''asset_iso'');' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'curry := lookup.curry_id(key_val => ''CHF'', key_type => ''asset_iso'');' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'asset := lookup.asset_id(key_val => ''UBSN'');' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'msg := lookup.msg_id(key_val => ''hello'');' FROM DUAL
FROM Input
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(s, '^\s*[a-z]+\s+:=\s+lookup\.msg_id\(key_val => ''[a-zA-Z0-9]+''\);$')
((REGEXP_INSTR(s, '^\s*[a-z]+\s+:=\s+lookup\.msg_id') = 0)
AND (REGEXP_INSTR(s, '[(,]\s*key_type') > 0)
'^\s*[a-z]+\s+:=\s+lookup\.[a-z]+_id\(( ?key_[a-z]+ => ''[a-zA-Z_]+?'',?)+\);$') > 0))
| S |
|[tab] curry := lookup.curry_id(key_val => 'CHF', key_type => 'asset_iso');|
| curry := lookup.curry_id(key_val => 'CHF', key_type => 'asset_iso');|
| msg := lookup.msg_id(key_val => 'hello');|
This would tolerate a superfluous comma right before the closing parenthesis. But if the input is syntactically correct, such a comma won't exist.