Signals and slots QT - c++

I have asked a number of different questions now all regarding one main issue in my program and still not solved it at all, I'm using threading to keep my UI from locking up, but basically it still does because apparently you can't do UI stuff in threads.
So I've been told to use custom signals and slots (not that any examples were given).
So from the documentation I've read I came up with this code:
void paint_signal(double x, double y);
connect(this,SIGNAL(paint_signal(double x, double y)), this, SLOT(PaintSomething(x,y)));
the Paintsomething function is within the same class as all of this....
*future2 = QtConcurrent::run(this, &GUI::paintAll);
paint all emits the paint_signal and passes 2 doubles
emit paint_signal(x, y);
but I get this error which I just don't understand at all
connect: No such signal GUI::paint_signal(double x, double y)

SIGNAL(paint_signal(double, double)),
Remove parameter names and it should work. If this one doesn't work this one will:
SIGNAL(paint_signal(double, double)),
Let me know if this works out for you :)
The idea is that you cannot use the UI in a thread, instead you emit signals from the thread to the UI. Because this answer probably gets you back to the beginning (and possibly a new question) here is a working example of how to emit signals from threads:
QT Signals to UI in a thread

Floris Velleman's answer is ok, however by using the new signal slot syntax, you can catch errors during compile time and get rid of the redundant paranthesis.
Old Syntax:
SIGNAL(paint_signal(double, double)),
New Syntax:


Qt connect in constructor not connecting?

A google search gives these as the top three results:
Qt: Connect inside constructor - Will slot be invoked before object is initialized?
Qt can I connect signals/slots to self in constructor?
QT Connect Signal Slot and initialize in constructor
According to those, it seems like it ought to "just work" like anything else. But this code doesn't:
EditorList::EditorList(..., QWidget* parent) :
Processing* processing = Processing::getInstance();
connect(this, SIGNAL(reorderDelete(DataSequence*,ListType,QList<int>)), processing, SLOT(reorderDelete(DataSequence*,ListType,QList<int>)));
buttonDelete = new QPushButton(this);
connect(buttonDelete, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(buttonDeleteClick()));
void EditorList::buttonDeleteClick()
QList<int> locations;
emit reorderDelete(mySequence, myListType, locations); //breakpoint 1 here
void Processing::reorderDelete(DataSequence* sequence, ListType listType, QList<int> locations)
if(sequence) //breakpoint 2 here
sequence->reorderDelete(listType, locations);
The reason for this structure, instead of calling mySequence->reorderDelete directly, is to have it done in Processing's thread instead of the UI's. I hope I haven't stripped out too much detail to show the problem; this is a rather large project.
When I click my delete button, I hit breakpoint 1 (so far, so good), but I don't hit breakpoint 2. My other signals/slots work across threads, but their connects are not in constructors. I want to make this one automatic so that every instance is "just connected" without having to remember to do it. Can I not do that?
Okay, I got it. Leaving up for others to find.
According to this, my ListType enum was blocking the system from making the connection. It only works with system-known datatypes because emitting a SIGNAL actually stores a copy for the SLOT(s) to read later. I knew that, but I thought it was more like a stack frame that could take anything. Apparently not.
It also works to put a call to qRegisterMetaType<ListType>("ListType"); somewhere before the connect. (I put it in my main window's constructor.) This makes the datatype known so that the connection can work anyway.
I'm hitting both breakpoints now.
Make sure you have used Q_OBJECT macros in your class

Signal and slot for multiple widgets

I have three pushbutton widgets in my class and i want to connect the clicked signals from all of the three to one slot. Here is what my syntax looks like:
QObject::connect(PtrLineedit1, SIGNAL(Clicked()), this, SLOT(myslot()));
QObject::connect(PtrLineedit2, SIGNAL(Clicked()), this, SLOT(myslot()));
QObject::connect(PtrLineedit3, SIGNAL(Clicked()), this, SLOT(myslot()));
But the above syntax is not working. And the above syntax i am using in one of my WizardPage class. this Wizard has three pages, and in one of the page(class) has three pushbuttons and in this class constructor i am trying to achieve. I have used "clicked()" too, but no luck
First of all, there is no signal "Clicked", but there is "clicked" - the lowercase one.
Second - it's better not to use the macros SIGNAL and SLOT - they are error prone, like in your case. If you look inside them, they are generating a string, which could not be checked by compiler. Instead better to use following syntax:
QObject::connect(PtrLineedit1, &LineEditClass::clicked, this, &ThisClass::myslot);
Cause if you will write then:
QObject::connect(PtrLineedit1, &LineEditClass::Clicked, this, &ThisClass::myslot);
It would produce the error during compilation, in case when LineEditClass::Clicked is not defined. This would protect you from typos.
UPD: As eventually I've found another your question which faces issue relevant to this one, I've updated this answer with more details, which might be helpful for others.
In case of overloaded methods, you must explicitly tell compiler which one should be used - for example we have following:
void QComboBox::currentIndexChanged(int index)
void QComboBox::currentIndexChanged(const QString &text)
thus the &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged could be resolved ambigously, and you will get the compilation error. To fix it you need to explicitly tell what are the arguments of the function you want to connect to:
QObject::connect(comboBox, static_cast<void(QComboBox::*)(int)>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &ThisClass::myComboBoxSlotWithIntArg);
QObject::connect(comboBox, static_cast<void(QComboBox::*)(const QString &)>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &ThisClass::myComboBoxSlotWithStringArg);

Destroying thread and exiting loop

I'm creating a thread like this:
QThread acceptorThread;
acceptorObject acceptorobject;
acceptorobject.setupConnections(acceptorThread, simulation);
void acceptorObject::setupConnections(QThread& thread, Simulation * simulation)
QObject::connect(&thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(acceptNewClients()));
acceptNewClients() method works in infinite loop. At this point if I close my program I would get an error:
QThread destroyed while thread is still running
I looked through similar problems at stack and one guy said that I need to break the loop before finishing the thread in order to get rid of this bug. He also suggested to use a flag in infinite loop and emit a signal in destructor that will change the flag and eventually break the loop. It KINDA worked when I did something like this:
QObject::connect(&thread, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(acceptNewClients()));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(finishThread(bool)), this, SLOT(acceptNewClients(bool)));
And then emited finishThread(true) signal from destructor so I directly changed the flag. Of course I changed slot signature as well so it won't run in new thread anymore.
destructor code:
emit finishThread(true);
How can I make this work?
What I've tried so far:
Adding a new slot that will change the flag. Result: when I close program the window dissapears but the proccess is still running. I think that destructor destroys the object before its emited signal is proccessed .
Making bool argument in acceptNewClients() slot a default one. Result: it overloads the funtion so one is run in different thread and the second one tries to change the flag which obviously doesn't work because they are completely different functions.
connect(this, SIGNAL(finishThread()), &thread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(finishThread()), this, SLOT(deleteLater()));
It was pointless to change slot function signature in this case.
In deconstructor I simply emit finishThread() signal, nothing more.
One way is instead of doing a while(true) in acceptNewClients you instead do
void acceptorObject::acceptNewClients(){
// do accept new client
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "acceptNewClients", Qt::QueuedConnection);
In essence making the loop external.
The other option is to make everything use signals, QTcpServer (which I think you are using) has a newConnection signal you can connect to. Instead of using waitForNewConnection.

Qt/C++: Checkable button and infinite loop

I'm coding a Qt Gui and I'm trying to implement a new feature, I now the precise result I want to arrive at but not how to code it.
I'm trying to add a checkable button that when checked would run a function that would only stop when the button is unchecked, but every second a PaintArea I have on the window would be updated (letting me see how the multiple executions of my function are changing my data). It seem that I'll need to use some QThread objects, but just the part dealing with the button is already counter intuitive to me, I've been trying to play with the autoRepeatDelay and autoRepeatInterval without getting my hand on what they do and how they could be useful to me.
I guess that what I'm trying to code is not really original, would have an idea of the steps to implement it, or an example of a code?
According to the first answers (thank you for them by the way) my question may not be clear. Putting on the side the thread thing, I'd like to implement an infinite loop that only starts when a pressbutton goes to pressed position (it's a checkable button) and stops only when leaving it. The first version I tried to do (with a while(button->isChecked() loop) would completely freeze as the application would be running the loop, the gui would freeze and the button couldn't be turned off (hence the idea of running it in a separate thread). Voila! I hope it's a clearer formulation. Thank you in advance.
Here's a simple skeleton of something that might work. Without knowing your exact requirements, it may or may not be right for your problem. Hopefully it will give you a few hints that do actually help.
void Ui::buttonPressedSlot(bool checked){
if (checked){
Processor *processor = new Processor;
connect(this, SIGNAL(abortCalculations()), processor, SLOT(abort()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(processor, SIGNAL(updateNeeded()), this, SLOT(updateGui()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
} else {
emit abortCalculations(); // this is a signal in your UI class
You can then use the following for your calculations.
class Processor : public QObject, public QRunnable{ // QObject must always be first in multiple inheritance
void run();
public slots:
void abort();
void doCalculations();
void updateNeeded(); // connect this to the GUI to tell it to refresh
QScopedPointer<QEventLoop> loop;
void Processor::run() {
loop.reset(new QEventLoop);
QTimer timer;
connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(doCalculations()));
void Processor::abort(){
if (!loop.isNull()){
void Processor::doCalculations(){
// do whatever needs to be done
emit updateNeeded();
I don't know if I really understand what you want to do, but I will try to answer.
First, you want a Button that send a start & stop info to control a thread. You can use a checkbox to begin. This check box send a signal when its state changes. Connect this signal to a slot that perform start thread and stop according to the boolean sent.
Second, in you thread you need to launch the events loop. After, set a timer that call you repaint after every timeout.
Hope it helped.
PS: take care of execution context with you thread and Qt's objects.

Connecting signals/slots on separate thread using QtConcurrent::run

In my application I have the following code in a dialog:
connect(drive, SIGNAL(FileProgressChanged(Progress)), SLOT(OnFileProgressChanged(Progress)));
QtConcurrent::run(this, &ProgressDialog::PerformOperation, Operation, *Path, OutPath, drive);
The PerformOperation function eventually calls to a function in drive which emits the signal FileProgressChanged, and my OnFileProgressChanged function is as follows:
void ProgressDialog::OnFileProgressChanged(Progress p)
if (ui->progressCurrent->maximum() != p.Maximium)
if (ui->groupBoxCurrent->title().toStdString() != p.FilePath)
I was doing some reading and saw that QFuture and QFutureWatcher support monitoring progress values (which would work great in this situation!), but those cannot be used in conjunction with QtConcurrent::run.
How would I go about connecting the signal that gets moved emitted on the separate thread to the slot on my main thread so I can monitor the progress of the function called on the emitter thread?
*Edit -- * I actually found an error with my code, but it doesn't seem to have an affect. I forgot to add this as an argument after the signal
connect(drive, SIGNAL(FileProgressChanged(Progress)), this, SLOT(OnFileProgressChanged(Progress)));
Try using connect() with QueuedConnection, like:
connect(drive, SIGNAL(FileProgressChanged(Progress)), this, SLOT(OnFileProgressChanged(Progress)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
The connection should already be queued by default (since the emitter and receiver are in different threads), but this just makes it more explicit.
EDIT: The problem was that the Progress type wasn't registered with Qt's meta-object system. Adding qRegisterMetaType<Progress>("Progress"); fixed the problem.
It appears as though the problem isn't with the cross-thread signal/slot, but instead with the parameter Progress. This question's answer goes into further detail, but the solution was found by doing the following in the header file in which Progress was declared:
struct Progress
int Current;
int Maximium;
std::string FilePath;
std::string FolderPath;
int TotalMinimum;
int TotalMaximum;
And in my form class:
connect(Drive, SIGNAL(FileProgressChanged(const Progress&)), this, SLOT(OnFileProgressChanged(const Progress&)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
Changing Progress to const Progress& most likely isn't needed but I left it while testing.