Dynamic approach to the TSP - c++

I'm having trouble recognizing why this algorithm doesn't return the shortest path for the TSP.
vector<int> tsp(int n, vector< vector<float> >& cost)
long nsub = 1 << n;
vector< vector<float> > opt(nsub, vector<float>(n));
for (long s = 1; s < nsub; s += 2)
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
vector<int> subset;
for (int u = 0; u < n; ++u)
if (s & (1 << u))
if (subset.size() == 2)
opt[s][i] = cost[0][i];
else if (subset.size() > 2) {
float min_subpath = FLT_MAX;
long t = s & ~(1 << i);
for (vector<int>::iterator j = subset.begin(); j != subset.end(); ++j)
if (*j != i && opt[t][*j] + cost[*j][i] < min_subpath)
min_subpath = opt[t][*j] + cost[*j][i];
opt[s][i] = min_subpath;
vector<int> tour;
bool selected[n];
fill(selected, selected + n, false);
selected[0] = true;
long s = nsub - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
int j = tour.back();
float min_subpath = FLT_MAX;
int best_k;
for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
if (!selected[k] && opt[s][k] + cost[k][j] < min_subpath) {
min_subpath = opt[s][k] + cost[k][j];
best_k = k;
selected[best_k] = true;
s -= 1 << best_k;
return tour;
For example, on a distance cost matrix of just 5 points (5 different nodes in the graph), the algorithm returns a path that's less than optimal. Any help in recognizing a blatant or small error would be appreciated. Or any helpful tips as to what's going wrong.

One thing that looks odd is that the main for loop does things even if i is not part of the subset s.
In other words, opt[17][8] will be set to cost[0][8]. opt[17][8] represents the state of being at node 8, and having visited nodes 0 and 4 (because 5=2^0+2^4).
This should be marked as being impossible because if we are at node 8, we must certainly have visited node 8!
I would suggest preventing these cases from occuring by changing:
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
vector<int> subset;
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
vector<int> subset;
if ((s&(1<<i))==0) {

Nested loop for(j= iterates over all nodes in subset, including the starting node. This results in using uninitialized values opt[t][0] and therefore in incorrect optimal path length calculation.
The easiest fix would be to exclude starting node from subset:
for (int u = 1; u < n; ++u)
if (subset.size() == 1)
else if (subset.size() > 1)


How to find shortest path between every node within K moves?

Lets say I have following graph:
Now what I want is to get shortest path between every node in graph(or have -1 at that place in matrix if it is not possible to get from 1 node to other) , but that path need to have lenght less or same as K.
Now I tried using floyd-warshall algorithm replacing automatically path from 1 node to other if its length is less then K ,but that algorithm did not work on any test cases(not Time limit exceeded but Wrong answer).
This is how I did it:
// N is number of nodes, l is matrix, in l[x][y][0] I have shortest path from x to y and in l[x][y][1] is its lenght
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
//if (this new path is shorter or there is not path yet) and current path lenght is not K(if it already reached max size) and both paths are not -1.
if((l[i][j][0]>l[i][k][0]+l[k][j][0] || l[i][j][0]==-1) && l[i][j][1]<K && l[i][k][0]>-1 && l[k][j][0]>-1){
//change max size
//lenght of that path +=1
for same number(like 3 and 3) I know it is wrong but later when outputing I puted that just print 0.
l[i][j][1]+=1; it's wrong it should actually be l[i][j][1]=l[i][k][1]+l[k][j][1]; but this brakes your solution logic. So i recommend you do like this: count log(K) matrices: i-th matrix means length from j to k in no more than 2^i moves. Look at K in binary and when it-s 1 on i-th place you should recalc your ~current~ matrix with i-th matrix like this (not tested just for show the idea but seems that it would works. maybe should do --K for strict inequality):
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int my_log2(int index){
int targetlevel = 0;
while (index >>= 1) ++targetlevel;
return targetlevel;
int main(){
int N;
int K;
std::cin >> N >> K;
std::vector < std::vector < std::vector < int > > > dist(my_log2(K), std::vector < std::vector < int > > (N, std::vector < int > (N)));
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j){
// assume weights are positive and -1 if no edge between vertices
// assume that dist[0][i][i] == 0
std::cin >> dist[0][i][j];
// can be easy rewriten to negative weights with same idea
for (int i = 1; i < my_log2(K); ++i){
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j){
for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k){
dist[i][j][k] = -1;
for (int l = 0; l < N; ++l){
if (dist[i - 1][j][l] > -1 && dist[i - 1][l][k] > -1 && (dist[i][j][k] == -1 || dist[i][j][k] > dist[i - 1][j][l] + dist[i - 1][l][k])){
dist[i][j][k] = dist[i - 1][j][l] + dist[i - 1][l][k];
std::vector < std::vector < int > > old_current(N, std::vector < int > (N, -1));
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i){
old_current[i][i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < my_log2(K); ++i){
std::vector < std::vector < int > > new_current(N, std::vector < int > (N, -1));
if (((K >> i) & 1) == 1){
for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j){
for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k){
for (int l = 0; l < N; ++l){
if (old_current[j][l] > -1 && dist[i][l][k] > -1 && (new_current[j][k] == -1 || new_current[j][k] > old_current[j][l] + dist[i][l][k])){
new_current[j][k] = old_current[j][l] + dist[i][l][k];
if (dist[i][j][l] > -1 && old_current[l][k] > -1 && (new_current[j][k] == -1 || new_current[j][k] > dist[i][j][l] + old_current[l][k])){
new_current[j][k] = dist[i][j][l] + old_current[l][k];
old_current = new_current;
// asnwer is in old_current

Calculating Big-O notation that has three nested loops

I want to find Big_O notation for my code. It has three nested loops and each loop has parameter that maybe vary.
According to my understanding (I am not sure if that correct).
time complexity is O(NKC) where N is the size in the outer loop, K is a constant inserted by user. C is also constant that may be change when using other dataset.
my code:
for (int m=0; m< size; m++)
int array_Y_class_target[2]{};
float CT[2]{};
float SumOf_Each_class_distances[2] = { 0.0 };
int min_index = -1;
for (int i = k; i > 0; --i) {
for (int c = 0; c < 2; ++c) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
int index = index_arr[j];
if (Y_train[index] == c)
array_Y_class_target[c] ++;
float dist = array_dist[index_arr[j]];
SumOf_Each_class_distances[c] += dist;
if (array_Y_class_target[c] != 0)
CT[c] = (((float)k / (float)array_Y_class_target[c]) + (SumOf_Each_class_distances[c] / (float)array_Y_class_target[c]));
CT[c] = 1.5; // max CT value

Water the plants (competitive programming)

I was trying to solve this proble:
A gallery with plants is divided into n parts, numbered : 0,1,2,3...n-1. There are provisions for attaching water sprinklers at every partition. A sprinkler with range x at partition i can water all partitions from i-x to i+x.
Given an array gallery[ ] consisting of n integers, where gallery[i] is the range of sprinkler at partition i (power==-1 indicates no sprinkler attached), return the minimum number of sprinklers that need to be turned on to water the complete gallery.
If there is no possible way to water the full length using the given sprinklers, print -1.
and this is how I ended up trying-
Create a frequency array such that the ith element contains the number of sprinklers that are watering the ith part of the gallery.
If any element of this array is zero after going through all the sprinklers, then return -1 as even if all the sprinklers tried they couldn't water each part.
Then, std::stable_sort all the sprinklers based on their range, in increasing order.
Then, remove a sprinkler if it is redundant, starting from the smallest range to the largest.
My implementation of the same-
typedef struct sprinkler {
int l;
int r;
} sprinkler;
int min_sprinklers(int gallery[], int n)
int freq[n];
vector<sprinkler> vec;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) freq[i] = 0;
for(int i = 0 ; i < n; i++) {
int x = gallery[i];
if(x == -1) continue;
int l = max(0, i - x);
int r = min(n-1, i + x);
sprinkler s;
s.l = l;
s.r = r;
for(int j = l; j <= r; j++) {
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if(freq[i] == 0) return -1;
stable_sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), [](sprinkler s1, sprinkler s2) { return s1.r-s1.l < s2.r-s2.l; });
int sprinklers = vec.size();
for(int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
int l = vec[i].l;
int r = vec[i].r;
bool flag = false;
for(int j = l; j <= r; j++) {
if(freq[j] == 1) {
flag = true;
if(!flag) {
for(int j = l; j <= r; j++) freq[j]--;
return sprinklers;
But I still seem to be missing something and still don't know what.
Link to try my code:

Improving a solution

The description of a task goes like this:
We have n numbers, and we have to find quantity of unique sums of all the pairs in the array.
For example:
3 2 5 6 3
The sums of all the pairs(non-repeated) are 5 9 8 6 8 7 5 11 9 8
Unique are 5 9 8 6 7 11
Therefore output is 6
I have come up with this really primitive, and time-consuming (meaning complexity) solution:
int n = 0;
cin >> n;
vector<int> vec(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
cin >> vec[i];
vector<int> sum;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
sum.push_back(vec[i] + vec[j]);
sort(sum.begin(), sum.end());
for (int i = 0; i < sum.size()-1;)
if (sum[i] == sum[i + 1]) sum.erase(sum.begin() + i);
else i++;
cout << endl << sum.size();
I feel like there could be a solution using Combinatorics or something easier. I have thought a lot and couldn't think of anything. So my request is if anyone can improve the solution.
As mentioned above what you need it is difficult to do this without computing the sum of all pairs, so I am not going to handle that, I am just going to advise about efficient data structures.
Analysis of your solution
Your code adds everything in advance O(n^2) then sorts O(n^2 log(n)), then remove duplicates. But since you are erasing from a vector, that ultimately has complexity linear with the number of elements to the end of the list. It means that the second loop will make the complexity of your algorithm O(n^4).
You can count the unique elements in a sorted array without removing
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sum.size()-1; ++i)
if (sum[i] != sum[i + 1]) ++count
This change alone makes your algorithm complexity O(n^2 log n).
Alternatives without sorting.
Here are alternatives that O(n^2) and storage depending on the range of the input values instead of the length of the vector (except for the last).
I am testing with 1000 elements smaller between 0 and 10000
vector<int> vec;
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i){
vec.push_back(rand() % 10000);
Your implementation sum_pairs1(vec) (18 seconds)
int sum_pairs1(const vector<int> &vec){
vector<int> sum;
int n = vec.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
sum.push_back(vec[i] + vec[j]);
sort(sum.begin(), sum.end());
for (int i = 0; i < sum.size()-1;)
if (sum[i] == sum[i + 1]) sum.erase(sum.begin() + i);
else i++;
return sum.size();
If you know the range for the sum of the values you can use a bitset, efficient use of memory sum_pairs2<20000>(vec) (0.016 second).
template<size_t N>
int sum_pairs2(const vector<int> &vec){
bitset<N> seen;
int n = vec.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
seen[vec[i] + vec[j]] = true;
return seen.count();
If you know that the maximum sum is not so high (the vector is not very sparse), but you don't know at compilation time you can use a vector, you can keep track of minimum and maximum to allocate the minimum possible and also supporting negative values.
int sum_pairs2b(const vector<int> &vec){
int VMAX = vec[0];
int VMIN = vec[0]
for(auto v : vec){
if(VMAX < v) VMAX = v;
else if(VMIN > v) VMIN = v;
vector<bool> seen(2*(VMAX - VMIN) + 1);
int n = vec.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
seen[vec[i] + vec[j] - 2*VMIN] = true;
int count = 0;
for(auto c : seen){
if(c) ++count;
return count;
And If you want a more general solution that works well with sparse data sum_pairs3<int>(vec) (0.097 second)
template<typename T>
int sum_pairs3(const vector<T> &vec){
unordered_set<T> seen;
int n = vec.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < n; j++)
seen.insert(vec[i] + vec[j]);
return seen.size();

figure out Uneaten Leaves algorithm bug

I faced this problem in an interview challenge
K caterpillars are eating their way through N leaves, each caterpillar
falls from leaf to leaf in a unique sequence, all caterpillars start
at a twig at position 0 and falls onto the leaves at position between
1 and N. Each caterpillar j has an associated jump number Aj. A
caterpillar with jump number j eats leaves at positions that are
multiple of j. It will proceed in the order j, 2j, 3j…. till it
reaches the end of the leaves and it stops and build its cocoon. Given
a set A of K elements , we need to determine the number
of uneaten leaves.
1 <= N <= 109
1 <= K <= 15
1 <= A[i] <= 109
Input format:
N = No of uneaten leaves.
K = No. of caterpillars.
A = Array of integer.
jump numbers Output:
The integer nu. Of uneaten leaves
Sample Input:
[2, 4, 5] is the 3-member set of jump numbers. All leaves which are multiple of 2, 4, and 5 are eaten. Only 4 leaves which are numbered 1,3,7,9 are left.
the naive approach for solving this question is have a Boolean array of all N numbers, and iterate over every caterpillar and remember the eaten leaves by it.
int uneatenusingNaive(int N, vector<int> A)
int eaten = 0;
vector<bool>seen(N+1, false);
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++)
long Ai = A[i];
long j = A[i];
while (j <= N && j>0)
if (!seen[j])
seen[j] = true;
j += Ai;
return N - eaten;
this approach passed 8 out of 10 test cases and give wrong answer for 2 cases.
another approach using Inclusion Exclusion principle, explanation for it can be found here and here
below is my code for the second approach
int gcd(int a, int b)
if (b == 0)
return a;
return gcd(b, a%b);
int lcm(int i, int j)
return i*j / gcd(i, j);
vector<vector<int>> mixStr(vector<vector<int>> & mix, vector<int>& A, unordered_map<int, int> & maxStart)
vector<vector<int>> res;
if (mix.size() == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++)
vector<int> tmp;
return res;
for (int i = 0; i<mix.size(); i++)
int currSlotSize = mix[i].size();
int currSlotMax = mix[i][currSlotSize - 1];
for (int j = maxStart[currSlotMax]; j < A.size(); j++)
vector<int> tmp(mix[i]);
return res;
int uneatenLeavs(int N, int k, vector<int> A)
int i = 0;
vector<vector<int>> mix;
bool sign = true;
int res = N;
sort(A.begin(), A.end());
unordered_map<int,int> maxStart;
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++)
maxStart[A[i]] = i + 1;
int eaten = 0;
while (mix.size() != 1)
mix = mixStr(mix, A, maxStart);
for (int j = 0; j < mix.size(); j++)
int _lcm = mix[j][0];
for (int s = 1; s < mix[j].size(); s++)
_lcm = lcm(mix[j][s], _lcm);
if (sign)
res -= N / _lcm;
res += N / _lcm;
sign = !sign;
return res;
this approach passed only one 1/10 test case. and for the rest of test cases time limit exceeded and wrong answer.
What am I missing in first or second approach to be 100% correct.
Using Inclusion-Exclusion theorem is correct approach, however, your implementation seems to be too slow. We can use bitmasking technique to obtain a O(K*2^K) time complexity.
Take a look at this:
long result = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < 1 << K; i++){
long lcm = 1;
for(int j = 0; j < K; j++)
if(((1<<j) & i) != 0) //if bit j is set, compute new LCM after including A[j]
lcm *= A[j]/gcd(lcm, A[j]);
if(number of bit set in i is odd)
result += N/lcm;
result -= N/lcm;
For your first approach, an O(N*K) time complexity algorithm, with N = 10^9 and K = 15, it will be too slow, and can cause memory limit exceed/time limit exceed.
Notice that lcm can be larger than N, so, additional check is needed.