how GDB knows it has to break at specified break point? - c++

A basic question & I am very new to C/C++ and GDB.
We use GDB to debug a process. We attach GDB to a process and then specify filename.c along with line number to put break point.
My question is "How would GDB or OS OR possibly anything else know that it has to break at specified line number (in filename.c) after we connect GDB to running process?"
What is coming into picture that, say, the current process is run in debug mode and a breakpoint is applied and the process execution has to break (wait for user input) at that point?

The same way that if your program stops or crashes at a particular point, the debugger can tell you where in the program that point is.
For both of these to work the program binary must contain additional debugging information that associates addresses in the program image with locations in the source code (source file and line number.)
To add a breakpoint at a particular line the debugger finds the program address closest to that line, modifies the copy of the executable in memory to insert a special "break" instruction at that location which will cause the program's execution to be interrupted, then "traces" the program's execution and waits for it to reach the breakpoint and stop.
For more details see and

I can't comment for the latest version of gdb - but many debuggers actually swap the assembly instruction at the desired breakpoint location (in memory) with an interrupt instruction. This "wakes up" the debugger which takes control at this point.
Using a substituted interrupt instruction means that the CPU can execute your program at full speed and "trip up" at the desired location.
Modern processors are very complex, however, and probably have far superior debugging features.

GDB is aware of your code : it knows all about it. When you set a breakpoint at a line, GDB gets the equivalant machine instruction address : all your code (as machine instructions) is loaded in memory, so the instructions of your code have an address.
So now GDB knows the adress of the instruction you want to break. When you run your programm, GDB will use ptrace, which allow GDB to "see" each instructions before their execution. Then GDB have just to look if the current instruction (which will be executed) is the same as your instruction (that you want to break).


How does the visual studio debugger detect function calls?

When ive attached the visual studio debugger to a process, then add a new function breakpoint, and choose e.g. "system" as the function name. Visual studio will then detect whenever the system() function is called from the target process.
Is there any efficient way to detect function calls from a process using c++?
A debugger detects that a breakpoint has been hit in several ways.
The basic strategy is the software breakpoint. This means that the debugger replaces an instruction at the breakpoint target with a breakpoint trap instruction.
When the execution hits the breakpoint instruction, a CPU exception is caused which is then handled via the debugger. The debugger sees that execution has stopped at a certain address, and for a certain reason, and that confirms to it that the breakpoint has been hit.
Lastly, implementing breakpoint debugging is possible even without the help from a breakpoint instruction. A software breakpoint could be inserted into the target code as ordinary branch instruction that jumps into a routine inside debugger, rather than raising CPU exception which is handled through the debugger.
In addition to this, processors can (and do) support hardware breakpoints. Usually a very limited number of hardware breakpoints can be configured in the processor which tell it to stop at a certain address. This is less intrusive than a software breakpoint, and will work even if the code is in read-only memory.
Of course if you have a software breakpoint, the missing instruction which has been replaced has to be executed when the execution is restarted. The debugger must put the original instruction in place before resuming. But if that is all that is done, the breakpoint will effectively disappear. The breakpoint must be re-armed so that execution will stop if it is hit again. To achieve that, the debugger can put the processor into single step mode. It can replace the original instruction, then step the code in single step mode, then put in the software breakpoint again and resume.
If the processor doesn't have a single step mode, but only a break instruction, then the processor can simulate single stepping using a temporary software breakpoint (one that doesn't have to be re-armed once executed).

Breakpoints not working when booting from Flash

In the past, I have been debugging executables loaded in the internal SRAM of my Cortex M3 (STM32F2) without problems. I have recently been loading my executable to Flash (because of size issues).
Ever since, debugging with GDB has not been working. As I understand, when the executable is in Flash, only hardware breakpoint can be used (as opposed to software breakpoints), and I have six hardware breakpoints. However, when setting just one hardware breakpoint GDB yields an error message:
(gdb) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x800019a: file src/main.c, line 88.
(gdb) c
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
(gdb) Warning:
Cannot insert hardware breakpoint 1.
Could not insert hardware breakpoints:
You may have requested too many hardware breakpoints/watchpoints.
What could be going wrong? Have my hardware breakpoints be taken in the background?
Note: I used OpenOCD to load the executable through JTAG.
So, there's basically two ways (plus one really bad way) that breakpoints can be implemented on any given debugger/platform combination:
Use some hardware capabilities ("hardware breakpoints") to cause the processor to trap when it hits a particular address. This is typically restricted to just a couple of breakpoints, if it's available at all.
For each breakpoint that's being set, replace the instruction at the breakpoint with a "trap" instruction of some variety (i.e, an instruction that will break into the debugger). When one of the breakpoints is hit, swap the original instruction back in and single-step once to make it run.
Single-step through the whole program. This one doesn't really count, because it's horrifically slow.
It sounds as though your debugger is only using method #2 ("software breakpoints"). The gotcha with this method is that it requires the program to be writable -- and flash memory isn't writable one instruction at a time, so this technique won't work.

Recover from crash with a core dump

A C++ program crashed on FreeBSD 6.2 and OS was kind enough to create a core dump. Is it possible to amputate some stack frames, reset the instruction pointer and restart the process in gdb, and how?
Is it possible to amputate some stack frames, reset the instruction pointer and restart the process in gdb?
I assume you mean: change the process state, and set it to start executing again (as if it never crashed in the first place).
No. For one thing, how do you propose GDB (if it magically had this capability) would handle your file descriptors (which the kernel automatically closed when your process died)?
Yes, gdb can debug core dumps just as well as running programs. Assuming that a.out is the name of your program's executable and that a.core is the name of your core file, invoke gdb like so:
gdb a.out a.core
And then you can debug like normal, except you cannot continue execution in any way (even if you could, the program would just crash again). You can examine the stack trace, registers, memory, etc.
Possible duplicate of this: Best practices for recovering from a segmentation fault
Summary: It is possible but not recommended. The way to do it is to usse setjmp() and longjmp() from a signal handler. (Please look at complete source code example in duplicate post.

how does gdb work?

I want to know how does gdb work internally.
e.g. I know a brief idea that it makes use of ptrace() system call to monitor traced program.
But I want to know how it handles signals, how it inserts new code, and other such fabulous things it does.
Check out the GDB Internals Manual, which covers some of the important aspects. There's also an older PDF version of this document.
From the manual:
This document documents the internals of the GNU debugger, gdb. It includes description of gdb's key algorithms and operations, as well as the mechanisms that adapt gdb to specific hosts and targets.
Taken from gdbint.pdf:
It can be done either as hardware breakpoints or as software
Hardware breakpoints are sometimes available as a builtin debugging features with some chips. Typically these work by having dedicated
register into which the breakpoint address may be stored. If the PC
(shorthand for program counter) ever matches a value in a breakpoint
registers, the CPU raises an exception and reports it to GDB.
Another possibility is when an emulator is in use; many emulators include circuitry that watches the address lines coming out from the
processor, and force it to stop if the address matches a breakpoint's
A third possibility is that the target already has the ability to do breakpoints somehow; for instance, a ROM monitor may do its own
software breakpoints. So although these are not literally hardware
breakpoints, from GDB's point of view they work the same;
Software breakpoints require GDB to do somewhat more work. The basic theory is that GDB will replace a program instruction with a trap,
illegal divide, or some other instruction that will cause an
exception, and then when it's encountered, GDB will take the exception
and stop the program. When the user says to continue, GDB will restore
the original instruction, single-step, re-insert the trap, and
continue on.
The only way you'll find out is by studying the source.
You can also build it and debug it with itself. Step through the code, and you'll know exactly how it does what it does.
Reading GDB source is not for the faint of heart though -- it is chock-full of macros, and heavily uses libbfd, which itself is hard to understand.
It has to, because it is portable (and in particular, builds and works on platforms which do not have ptrace() at all).

How do breakpoints work in C++ code?

How do breakpoints work in C++ code? Are they special instructions inserted in between some assembler instructions when the code is compiled? Or is there something else in place? Also, how are stepping-through-the-code implemented? The same way as breakpoints...?
This is heavly depend on the CPU and debugger.
For example, one of the possible solution on x86 CPU:
Insert one-byte INT3 instruction on the required place
Wait until breakpoint exception hits
Compare exception address to the list of breakpoint to determine which one
Do breakpoint actions
Replace INT3 with original byte and switch the debugged process into trace mode (step-by-step execution of CPU instructions)
Continue debugged process
Immediately you catch trace exception - the instruction was executed
Put INT3 back
Watchpoints can be implemented in the similar way, but instead of INT3 you put the memory page where watched variable is into read only, or into no access mode, and wait for segmentation exception.
Stepping through assembly can also be done by using trace mode. Stepping through source lines can also be done by placing breakpoints onto next instructions, based on debug data.
Also some CPU has hardware breakpoint support, when you just load address into some register.
According to this blog entry on you are correct:
Software breakpoints work by inserting a special instruction in the program being debugged. This special instruction on the Intel platform is “int 3″. When executed it calls the debugger’s exception handler.
I'm not sure how stepping into or over the next instruction is implemented though. However, the article goes on to add:
For practical reasons, it is unwise to ask for a recompilation whenever a breakpoint is added or deleted. Debuggers change the loaded image of the executable in memory and insert the “int 3″ instruction at runtime.
However, this would only be used for the "run to current line option".
Single stepping is implemented at (assembler) code level not at C++ level. The debugger knows how to map the C++ code lines to code addresses.
There are different implementations. There are CPUs that support debugging with breakpoint registers. When the execution reaches the address in the breakpoint register, the CPU executes a breakpoint exception.
A different approach is to patch the code for the time of execution with a special instruction, at best a one-byte instruction. At x86 systems that usually int 3.
The first approach allows breakpoints in ROM, the second allows more breakpoints at the same time.
AFAIK all debuggers (for whatever compiled language) that allow an unlimited number of breakpoints use a variant of replacing the instruction to be breakpointed with a special value (as described above) and keeping a list of places where these values have been placed.
When the processor tries to execute one of these special values, an exception is raised, the debugger catches it and checks if the address of the exception is on its list of breakpoints.
If it is, the debugger is invoked and the user is given an opportunity to interact.
If it is NOT, then the exception is due to something that was in the program from the outset and the debugger lets the exception 'pass' to whatever error handler might be there.
Note also, that debugging self-modifying code can fail precisely because the debugger momentarily modifies the code itself. (Of course, nobody would ever write self-modifying, now would they? >;-)
For these reasons, it is important that the debugger be given the opportunity to remove all the breakpoints it sets before terminating the debugging session.