Differences using std::string in C++ Builder and VC++ - c++

since I can get hands on the new RAD Studio Xe4 I thought I'd give it a try.
Unfortunatly, I am not so experienced with C++ and therefore I was wondering why the Code that works perfectly fine in VC++ doesn't work at all in C++ Builder.
Most of the problems are converting different var-types.
For example :
std::string Test = " ";
works in VC++ but in C++ Builder it won't compile, telling me "E2034 Cannot convert 'const char *' to 'wchar_t *'.
Am I missing something? What is the reason that doesn't work the same on all compilers the same?

Welcome to Windows Unicode/ASCII hell.
The function
is actually a macro defined to either GetFileAttributesA or GetFileAttributesW depending on if you have _UNICODE (or was it UNICODE, or both?) defined when you include the Windows headers. The *A variants take char* and related arguments, the *W functions take wchar_t* and related arguments.
I suggest calling only the wide *W variants directly in new code. This would mean switching to std::wstring for Windows only code and some well-thought out design choices for a cross-platform application.

Your C++ Builder config is set to use UNICODE character set, which means that Win32 APIs are resolved to their wide character versions. Therefore you need to use wide char strings in your C++ code. If you would set your VS config to use UNICODE, you would get the same error.
You can try this:
// wstring = basic_string<wchar_t>
// _T macro ensures that the specified literal is a wide char literal
std::wstring Test = _T(" ");
GetFileAttributes(Test.c_str()); // c_str now returns const wchar_t*, not const char*
See more details about _T/_TEXT macros here: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE3/en/TCHAR_Mapping

You have defined _UNICODE and/or UNICODE in Builder and not defined it in VC.
Most Windows APIs come in 2 flavours the ANSI flavour and the UNICODE flavour.
For, when you call SetWindowText, there really is no SetWindowText functions. Instead there are 2 different functions
- SetWindowTextA which takes an ANSI string
- SetWindowTextW which takes a UNICODE string.
If your program is compiled with /DUNICODE /D_UNICODE, SetWindowText maps to SetWindowTextWwhich expects aconst wchar_t *`.
If your program is compiled without these macros defined, it maps to SetWindowTextA which takes a const char *.
The windows headers typically do something like this to make this happen.
#ifdef UNICODE
#define SetWindowText SetWindowTextW
#define SetWindowText SetWindowTextA
Likewise, there are 2 GetFileAttributes.
DWORD WINAPI GetFileAttributesA(LPCSTR lpFileName);
DWORD WINAPI GetFileAttributesW(LPCWSTR lpFileName);
In VC, you haven't defined UNICODE/_UNICODE & hence you are able to pass string::c_str() which returns a char *.
In Builder, you probably have defined UNICODE/_UNICODE & it expects a wchar_t *.
You may not have done this UNICODE/_UNICODE thing explicitly - may be the IDE is doing it for you - so check the options in the IDE.
You have many ways of fixing this
find the UNICODE/_UNICODE option in the IDE and disable it.
use std::w_string - then c_str() will return a wchar_t *
Call GetFileAttributesA directly instead of GetFileAttributes - you will need to do this for every other Windows API which comes with these 2 variants.


Exporting functions from DLLs, LoadLibrary() needs the string cast with TEXT to compile without error

I'm learning to write and use DLLs and this is my first attempt at exporting a function from my dll. It works, but this line is what gave me trouble and what I've been able to find regarding the TEXT cast for UNICODE and ANSI I think I need some guidance. As far as I can find this question has not been asked elsewhere on the site so I apologize if anyone finds what I couldn't.
HINSTANCE hInstLibrary = LoadLibrary("MyDLL.dll");
My initial usage, from a short tutorial on explicit linking gives E0167 and C2664 errors regarding LPCWSTR type
HINSTANCE hInstLibrary = LoadLibrary(TEXT("MyDLL.dll"));
Casting the string to TEXT solves the problem, though I'm not sure why and would like to know
HINSTANCE hInstLibrary = LoadLibraryA("MyDLL.dll");
The line I decided to use in the working example. LoadLibraryA() expands LoadLibrary to accept ANSI rather than Wide, which may be the root of my misunderstanding. Why is this necessary when most examples I find show LoadLibrary("NameOfDLL.dll")?
Why does the string not satisfy the standard LoadLibrary() call?
LoadLibrary() is a preprocessor macro. It maps to either LoadLibraryW() or LoadLibraryA() depending on whether UNICODE is defined or not, respectively. LoadLibraryW() takes a const wchar_t* string as input, while LoadLibraryA() takes a const char * string instead.
The string literal "MyDLL.dll" is a const char[10], which decays into a const char *. If UNICODE is defined, LoadLibrary("MyDLL.dll") will fail to compile, as you cannot pass a const char * where a const wchar_t * is expected.
TEXT() is also a preprocessor macro. If UNICODE is defined, it appends an L prefix to the specified literal making the literal use wchar_t, otherwise no prefix is added and the literal uses char instead.
Thus, if UNICODE is defined, then LoadLibrary(TEXT("MyDLL.dll")) is compiled as LoadLibraryW(L"MyDLL.dll"), otherwise it is compiled as LoadLibraryA("MyDLL.dll") instead.
A majority of Win32 APIs that deal with textual data have similar A and W versions, and corresponding UNICODE-aware preprocessor macros. So, when using character/string literals with these APIs, you should always use the TEXT() macro. Otherwise, just use the A and W APIs directly as needed, depending on the type of textual data you are working with.

Proper way crossplatfom convert from std::string to 'const TCHAR *'

I'm working for crossplatrofm project in c++ and I have variable with type std::string and need convert it to const TCHAR * - what is proper way, may be functions from some library ?
UPD 1: - as I see in function definition there is split windows and non-Windows implementations:
#if defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__
#define _tinydir_char_t TCHAR
#define _tinydir_char_t char
- so is it a really no way for non spliting realization for send parameter from std::string ?
Proper way crossplatfom convert from std::string to 'const TCHAR *'
TCHAR should not be used in cross platform programs at all; Except of course, when interacting with windows API calls, but those need to be abstracted away from the rest of the program or else it won't be cross-platform. So, you only need to convert between TCHAR strings and char strings in windows specific code.
The rest of the program should use char, and preferably assume that it contains UTF-8 encoded strings. If user input, or system calls return strings that are in a different encoding, you need to figure out what that encoding is, and convert accordingly.
Character encoding conversion functionality of the C++ standard library is rather weak, so that is not of much use. You can implement the conversion according the encoding specification or you can use a third party implementation, as always.
may be functions from some library ?
I recommend this.
as I see in function definition there is split windows and non-Windows implementations
The library that you use doesn't provide a uniform API to different platforms, so it cannot be used in a truly cross-platform way. You can write a wrapper library with uniform function declarations that handles the character encoding conversion on platforms that need it.
Or, you can use another library, which provides a uniform API and converts the encoding transparently.
TCHAR are Windows type and it defined in this way:
#ifdef UNICODE
typedef wchar_t TCHAR, *PTCHAR;
typedef char TCHAR, *PTCHAR;
UNICODE macro is typically defined in project settings (in case when your use Visual Studio project on Windows).
You can get the const TCHAR* from std::string (which is ASCII or UTF8 in most cases) in this way:
std::string s("hello world");
const TCHAR* pstring = nullptr;
#ifdef UNICODE
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>> converter;
std::wstring wstr = converter.from_bytes(s);
pstring = wstr.data();
pstring = s.data();
pstring will be the result.
But it's highly not recommended to use the TCHAR on other platforms. It's better to use the UTF8 strings (char*) within std::string
I came across boost.nowide the other day. I think it will do exactly what you want.
As others have pointed out, you should not be using TCHAR except in code that interfaces with the Windows API (or libraries modeled after the Windows API).
Another alternative is to use the character conversion classes/macros defined in atlconv.h. CA2T will convert an 8-bit character string to a TCHAR string. CA2CT will convert to a const TCHAR string (LPCTSTR). Assuming your 8-bit strings are UTF-8, you should specify CP_UTF8 as the code page for the conversion.
If you want to declare a variable containing a TCHAR copy of a std::string:
CA2T tstr(stdstr.c_str(), CP_UTF8);
If you want to call a function that takes an LPCTSTR:
FunctionThatTakesString(CA2CT(stdsr.c_str(), CP_UTF8));
If you want to construct a std::string from a TCHAR string:
std::string mystdstring(CT2CA(tstr, CP_UTF8));
If you want to call a function that takes an LPTSTR then maybe you should not be using these conversion classes. (But you can if you know that the function you are calling does not modify the string outside its current length.)

C++ C2440 Error, cannot convert from 'std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>' to 'LPCTSTR'

Unfortunately I have been tasked with compiling an old C++ DLL so that it will work on Win 7 64 Bit machines. I have zero C++ experience. I have muddled through other issues, but this one has stumped me and i have not found a solution elsewhere. The following code is throwing a C2440 compiler error.
The error: "error C2440: '' : cannot convert from 'std::_String_iterator<_Elem,_Traits,_Alloc>' to 'LPCTSTR'"
the code:
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Antenna.h"
#include "MyTypes.h"
#include "objbase.h"
const TCHAR* CAntenna::GetMdbPath()
if(m_MdbPath.size() <= 0) return NULL;
return LPCTSTR(m_MdbPath.begin());
"m_MdbPath" is defined in the Antenna.h file as
string m_MdbPath;
Any assistance or guidance someone could provide would be extremely helpful. Thank you in advance. I am happy to provide additional details on the code if needed.
std::string has a .c_str() member function that should accomplish what you're looking for. It will return a const char* (const wchar_t* with std::wstring). std::string also has an empty() member function and I recommend using nullptr instead of the NULL macro.
const TCHAR* CAntenna::GetMdbPath()
if(m_MdbPath.empty()) return nullptr;
return m_MdbPath.c_str();
The solution:
const TCHAR* CAntenna::GetMdbPath()
if(m_MdbPath.size() <= 0) return NULL;
return m_MdbPath.c_str();
will work if you can guarantee that your program is using the MBCS character set option (or if the Character Set option is set to Not Setif you're using Visual Studio), since a std::string character type will be the same as the TCHAR type.
However, if your build is UNICODE, then a std::string character type will not be the same as the TCHAR type, since TCHAR is defined as a wide character, not a single-byte character. Thus returning c_str() will give a compiler error. So your original code, plus the tentative fix of returning std::string::c_str() may work, but it is technically wrong with respect to the types being used.
You should be working directly with the types presented to your function -- if the type is TCHAR, then you should be using TCHAR based types, but again, a TCHAR is a type that changes definition depending on the build type.
As a matter of fact, the code will fail miserably at runtime if it were a UNICODE build and to fix the compiler error(s), you casted to an LPCTSTR to keep the compiler quiet. You cannot cast a string pointer type to another string pointer type. Casting is not converting, and merely casting will not convert a narrow string into a wide string and vice-versa. You will wind up with at the least, odd characters being used or displayed, and worse, a program with random weird behavior and crashes.
In addition to this you never know when you really will need to build a UNICODE version of the DLL, since MBCS builds are becoming more rare. Going by your original post, the DLL's usage of TCHAR indicates that yes, this DLL may (or even has) been built for UNICODE.
There are a few alternate solutions that you can use. Note that some of these solutions may require you to make additional coding changes beyond the string types. If you're using C++ stream objects, they may also need to be changed to match the character type (for example, std::ostream and std::wostream)
Solution 1. Use a typedef, where the string type to use depends on the build type.
For example:
#ifdef UNICODE
typedef std::wstring tchar_string;
typedef std::string tchar_string;
and then use tchar_string instead of std::string. Switching between MBCS and UNICODE builds will work without having to cast strin types, but requires coding changes.
Solution 2. Use a typedef to use TCHAR as the underlying character type in the std::basic_string template.
For example:
typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> tchar_string;
And use tchar_string in your application. You get the same public interface as std::(w)string and this allows you to switch between MBCS and UNICODE build seamlessly (with respect to the string types).
Solution 3. Go with UNICODE builds and drop MBCS builds altogether
If the application you're building is a new one, then UNICODE is the default option (at least in Visual Studio) when creating a new application. Then all you really need to do is use std::wstring.
This is sort of the opposite of the original solution given of making sure you use MBCS, but IMO this solution makes more sense if there is only going to be one build type. MBCS builds are becoming more rare, and basically should be used only for legacy apps.

GetWindowText with char[]

I am quite new to Windows programming. I am trying to retrieve the name of a window.
char NewName[128];
GetWindowText(hwnd, NewName, 128);
I need to use a char[] but it gives me the error of wrong type.
From what I read, LPWSTR is a kind of char*.
How can I use a char[] with GetWindowText ?
Thanks a lot !
You are probably compiling a Unicode project, so you can either:
Explicitly call the ANSI version of the function (GetWindowTextA), or
Use wchar_t instead of char (LPWSTR is a pointer to wchar_t)
For modern Windows programming (that means, after the year 2000 when Microsoft introduced the Layer for Unicode for Windows 9x), you're far better off using "Unicode", which in C++ in Windows means using wchar_t.
That is, use wchar_t instead of char, and use std::wstring instead of std::string.
Remember to define UNICODE before including <windows.h>. It's also a good idea to define NOMINMAX and STRICT. Although nowadays the latter is defined by default.
When calling Windows APIs without specifying an explicit version by appending either A (ANSI) or W (wide char) you should always use TCHAR. TCHAR will map to the correct type depending on whether UNICODE is #defined or not.

CFileImageLoader(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);

I have a class which expects a LPCTSTR.
When i call :
new CFileImageLoader(_T("Splash02.png"))
new CFileImageLoader("Splash02.png")
both don't work.
Why ?
I'm new to cpp...
Jonathan d.
This issue is a combination of C++ issues and Windows specific issues.
C++ defines two types of strings, regular and wide. A regular string looks like:
const char *str = "regular string";
while a wide string looks like:
const wchar_t *wstr = L"wide string";
With just standard C++, you have to decide when you write your library whether to use regular or wide strings.
Windows has defined a pseudo type called tchar. With tchar you write something like:
LPCTSTR tstr = _T("regular or wide string");
Whether this is actually a regular (char *) or a wide (wchar_t *) string depends on whether you compile your code for Unicode or not.
Since the function is specified as taking an LPCTSTR, it needs to be called with the appropriate type for how you are compiling.
If you know you are only going to be building with or without Unicode support, you can skip all the TCHAR stuff and directly use either wchar_t or char respectively.
Since CFileImageLoader("Splash02.png") is not working, you must be compiling with Unicode support enabled. You can change that to CFileImageLoader(L"Splash02.png") and commit to always using Unicode or you can change it to CFileImageLoader(_T("Splash02.png")) and let the macro magic do the work.
"both don't work" - could you maybe be a tiny, tiny little bit more specific?
If you compile with _UNICODE defined, then the second shouldn't even compile.
You're also just passing a filename, not a full path. Maybe your image loader class can't find the file because it uses a differen CWD path as you expect. Try passing the full path instead.
Maybe your image library can't support to open PNG format file.
Try passing the full path instead.
Maybe you need to call some initialization functions which provide by your image library