Use Ivy to get latest X.X.X.Final Hibernate - regex

I am using IvyDE in Eclipse and getting
unresolved dependency: org.hibernate#hibernate-core;final: not found
using code:
<settings defaultResolver="maven2"/>
<ibiblio name="maven2" m2compatible="true"/>
<match revision="final" pattern="\*Final" matcher="regexp"/>
<dependency org="org.hibernate" name="hibernate-core" rev="final"/>
I have tried rev="final()" and get the same error. I am using as a guide.
I want to get the latest X.X.X.Final version of Hibernate.
Thank you for your help.

Your regular expression does not match any of revision numbers (You're looking for a non-existent "*" character).
Try this instead:
<version-matchers usedefaults="true">
<match revision="final" pattern=".*Final$" matcher="regexp"/>


How to properly use/configure YT gem?

I'm trying to reproduce this tutorial : YouTube API, Version 3 on Rails
in order to apply it on my own project. But I'm having a hard with it since few days.
At first, I had this error :
A request to YouTube API caused an unexpected server error: To display
more verbose errors, change the configuration of Yt with: Yt.configure
do |config| config.log_level = :debug end
I updated RVM and Ruby and I'm getting this error now :
Yt::Errors::Forbidden in VideosController#create A request to YouTube
API was considered forbidden by the server: To display more verbose
errors, change the configuration of Yt with: Yt.configure do |config|
config.log_level = :debug end
I already :
get ruby and rvm updated
tried different version of the yt gem
tried that : config.force_ssl = false
curl -X GET -H "content-length: 0" -H "user-agent: Yt::Request (gzip)" -H "host:" ""
return that :
Using Rails 4.2.4, Ruby 2.3.0;
Source code at :
Any help, suggestions would be strongly and sincerely appreciated.
forbidden (403) forbidden Access forbidden. The request may not be properly authorized.
Answer: The request you are making is not authorized. update: Change key= to access_token=
Possible cause:
You are trying to run a request annotations_invideo (which I cant actually find any were in the documentation) and you are applying an API key to it. API keys only work with public data. Either annotations_invideo is not a valid request to the API or its something that you need to be authenticated for. If you need to be authenticated then you will need an access token and then apply access_token= instead of key=
where exactly did you find annotations_invideo ?
Lucky for me it has been under an hour since you posted your question I was able to take
and dump it in a web browser it returned data.
<annotation author="" id="annotation_1585555999" log_data="ei=B2k9WIOCB8X0dNKokKAG&a-id=annotation_1585555999&xble=1&a-type=4&a-v=BPNYv0vd78A" style="title" type="text">
<TEXT>Hello, world!</TEXT>
<movingRegion type="rect">
<rectRegion d="0" h="25.2779998779" t="0:00.000" w="75.0" x="13.1540002823" y="67.3239974976"/>
<rectRegion d="0" h="25.2779998779" t="0:02.089" w="75.0" x="13.1540002823" y="67.3239974976"/>
<appearance bgAlpha="0.25" bgColor="0" borderAlpha="0.10000000149" effects="" fgColor="16777215" fontWeight="bold" highlightFontColor="16777215" textSize="21.6642"/>
<annotation id="channel:563d3ce4-0000-20cc-8fd5-001a11463304" style="playlist" type="promotion" log_data="ei=B2k9WIOCB8X0dNKokKAG&a-type=12&a-ch=UCwCnUcLcb9-eSrHa_RQGkQQ&xble=1&a-id=563d3ce4-0000-20cc-8fd5-001a11463304&l-class=2&link-id=PLuW4g7xujBWfU26JUTW1DGs3hk4LD5KaL&a-v=BPNYv0vd78A">
{"playlist_length":"200","session_data":{"itct":"CAIQwTcY____________ASITCMOh497wzdACFUU6HQodUhQEZCj4HTICaXZIwN_33vSX1vkE","annotation_id":"563d3ce4-0000-20cc-8fd5-001a11463304","feature":"iv","ei":"B2k9WIOCB8X0dNKokKAG","src_vid":"BPNYv0vd78A"},"is_mobile":false,"text_line_2":"Adorable Kids","text_line_1":"Check this playlist","image_url":"https:\/\/\/vi\/yDrLVqRHAsw\/mqdefault.jpg","start_ms":1000,"collapse_delay_ms":86400000,"end_ms":3000}
<action trigger="click" type="openUrl">
<url type="hyperlink" target="new" value=""/>
Note: I wonder why this is returning XML and not Json it has me thinking this is an older api. Found it you are using the YouTube API v2 which is deprecated It should have been shut down .
you should drop this and move to the YouTube API v3

xbuild with [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match(string,string) parameters doesn't work properly (MSBuild is fine)

I have a target that reads a .proj file with ReadLinesFromFile and then try to match a version number (e.g. 1.0.23) from the contained lines like:
<Target Name="GetRevision">
<ReadLinesFromFile File="$(MyDir)GetStuff.Data.proj">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="GetStuffLines" />
<Out>$([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match($(In), "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"))</Out>
<Message Text="Revision number [$(Out)]" />
<CreateProperty Value="$(Out)">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="RevisionNumber" />
The result is always empty.. Even if I try to do a simple Match($(In), "somestring") its not working correctly in linux/xbuild. This does work on windows/msbuild
Any tricks/ideas? An alternative would be to get the property version out of the first .proj file, instead of reading all lines and matching the number with a regex, but I don't even know if that is possible.
I am running versions:
XBuild Engine Version 12.0
Mono, Version
I've been able to trace it further down into the parameters that go into Match(), there is something wrong with the variables evaluation. The function actually works with for example Match("foobar","bar") I will get bar
But weird things happen with other inputs, e.g. Match($(In), "Get") will match Get because it is actually matching against the string "#(GetStuffLines)"
When I do Match($(In), "#..") I will get a match of #(G
But then, when I do Match($(In), "#.*") I actually get the entire content of the input file GetStuff.Data.proj which indicates that the variable was correctly expanded somewhere and the matching matched the entire input string.
I needed to circumvent Match() because it seems to be bugged at this point.
The ugly solution I came up with was to use Exec and grep the pattern like:
<Exec Command="grep -o -P '[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.][0-9]+' $(MyDir)GetStuff.Data.proj > extractedRevisionNumber.tmp" Condition="$(OSTYPE.Contains('linux'))"/>
<ReadLinesFromFile File="$(ComponentRootDir)extractedRevisionNumber.tmp" Condition="$(OSTYPE.Contains('linux'))">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" ItemName="GetExtractedRevisionNumber" />
I couldn't even use the properties ConsoleToMSBuild and ConsoleOutput ( because xbuild didn't recognize those.. That's why I grep the pattern and save it into a temp file which can be read with ReadLinesFromFile into the ItemName="GetExtractedRevisionNumber" that I use later.

Need to remove white spaces and PS dir when running from ant using filterchain and replaceregex pattern

Here is a sample log file that I am trying to parse through
Added Change Sets
Component PS
9476: Build changes to make for Ant task [Nov 12, 2015 12:02 PM]
Work Item 9476: Build changes to make for Ant task
9582: Testing for EBF and migration script changes [Nov 12, 2015 12:02 PM]
Work Item 9582: Testing for EBF and migration script changes
9583: PKB PKG and Image File testing [Nov 12, 2015 12:02 PM]
Work Item 9583: PKB PKG and Image File testing
Ultimately I need the results to show the following:
My regular expression works perfectly well when testing with a sample reg exp tester but not quite what I need when running in the build.
Here's my target
<target name="Parse">
<loadfile property="textFile" srcfile="${deployDir}\buildChanges1.txt">
<regexp pattern="((/database/(ebf-migration|sif-internal-migration-scripts/|src/program-units/))|(/templates/)).*" />
<replaceregex pattern="((/database/(ebf-migration|sif-internal-migration-scripts/|src/program-units/))|(/templates/)).*" replace="\0"/>
<echo message= "value based on regex =${textFile}"/>
Here's the output from the build.
[echo] value based on regex = /PS/database/ebf-migration/EBF-RTC-9582.sql
[echo] /PS/database/sif-internal-migration-scripts/RTC-9582.sql
[echo] /PS/database/src/program-units/RTC-9583-PKG_CDT.pkb
[echo] /templates/Images/RTC-9583-ABAKER.TIF
[echo] /templates/Templates/RTC-9583-A100_1_20090101.xdp
Any help on getting this to run would be greatly appreciated.

Regex to math authentication failures in /var/log/secure

I'm trying to math strings in /var/log/secure with regex to get if there is a ssh authentication failure.
If there is an authentication failure it will look like this in the log file:
Oct 31 07:52:41 logserver sshd[17041]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=localhost
I tried do something like this:
"\\<sshd[^:]*: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; ./* \\>"
But it dosen't not work. I'd appreciate if some could help me with regular expressions.
This is on a CentOS 7 machine and the regex is for collectd's plugin tail.
In the collectd .conf you could likely use one of the following:
<Plugin "tail">
<File "/var/log/secure">
Option 1:
Regex "authentication failure"
Option 2:
Regex "sshd:auth[^:]*: authentication failure;"
Option 3:
Regex "authentication failure|authentication|failure"
Where option 1 and 2 should be the most precise for matching, and option 3 more generalized. Option 1 finds the exact phrase authentication failure, Option 2 finds the exact phrase along with (sshd:auth): preceding it, and Option 3 finds the exact phrase or "authentication" or "failure".

Jboss to exclude module

I'm using Jboss EAP 6.2, in deployment phase I have this error:
20:04:24,161 | | SEVERE [org.apache.cxf.BusFactory] (http-localhost/ Failed to determine BusFactory implementation class name.: java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.SpringBusFactory
at java.lang.Class.asSubclass(Unknown Source) [rt.jar:1.7.0_67]
at org.apache.cxf.BusFactory.getBusFactoryClass( [cxf-bundle-2.7.7.jar:2.7.7]
at org.apache.cxf.BusFactory.newInstance( [cxf-bundle-2.7.7.jar:2.7.7]
at org.apache.cxf.BusFactory.newInstance( [cxf-bundle-2.7.7.jar:2.7.7]
at org.jboss.wsf.stack.cxf.saaj.SOAPConnectionImpl.getConduitInitiator(
at it.lispa.sire.finanziamentionline.service.integrazione.gapp.impl.GappClient.sendMessage( [:]
at it.lispa.sire.finanziamentionline.service.integrazione.gapp.impl.GappClient.verificaCartaCittadino( [:]
I tried to exclude in jboss-deployment-structure.xml file for to use the SoapConnectionImpl of Axis library without success.
I resolved commenting this line in JBOSS_HOME\modules\system\layers\base\org\jboss\ws\saaj-impl\main\module.xml (the comment is not mine):
<module name="" services="import"/> <!-- to pull the jbossws-cxf SOAPConnection impl -->
I would like to solve the problem by configuring the jboss-deployment-structure.xml file, can you help me?
Thanks. Bye