opening serial port and reading a data string - c++

I have a weighbridge application that used to read from a Klerkscale SASCALE before and now it also needs to read from a LS210 Opticon weighbridge. I have added code to set the baud rates etc fot it as OPTI but Im still getting an error of" no response from the comm port" this error comes from the ERR00009 (if you look at the default part of the swith statement. Can anyone help me rectify the code please.
AnsiString TfrmWeighDetails::GetMass()
bool flag;AnsiString s;
AnsiString port;
bool vTrapErrors, vIgnoreRecvEvent;
if ( Scale == "INVALID PORT")
return "ERR0011";
// Attempt to open the serial port (COM1)
lLastError = serial.Open(_T(Scale.c_str()),0,0,true);
MessageBox(NULL,AnsiString(lLastError).c_str(),"Privesh Test",MB_OK);
if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "ERR0001";
// Setup the serial port (9600,8N1, which is the default setting)
// lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud9600,CSerial::EData8,CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1);
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud19200,CSerial::EData8,CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1);
if (BridgeSupplier == "OPTO")
MessageBox(NULL,AnsiString(lLastError).c_str(),"Privesh Test1",MB_OK);
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud19200,CSerial::EData8,CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1);
if (BridgeSupplier == "KLERKSCALE")
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud2400,CSerial::EData7,CSerial::EParOdd,CSerial::EStop1);
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud1200,CSerial::EData7,CSerial::EParEven,CSerial::EStop1);
if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "ERR0002";
// Setup handshaking (default is no handshaking)
lLastError = serial.SetupHandshaking(CSerial::EHandshakeHardware);
if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "ERR0003";
// Register only for the receive event
lLastError = serial.SetMask(CSerial::EEventBreak |
CSerial::EEventCTS |
CSerial::EEventDSR |
CSerial::EEventError |
CSerial::EEventRing |
CSerial::EEventRLSD |
MessageBox(NULL,AnsiString(lLastError).c_str(),"Receive Event",MB_OK);
if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "ERR0004";
// Use 'non-blocking' reads, because we don't know how many bytes
// will be received. This is normally the most convenient mode
// (and also the default mode for reading data).
lLastError = serial.SetupReadTimeouts(CSerial::EReadTimeoutNonblocking);
MessageBox(NULL,AnsiString(lLastError).c_str(),"Setup Read Timeouts",MB_OK);
if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "ERR0005";
// Create a handle for the overlapped operations
HANDLE hevtOverlapped = ::CreateEvent(0,TRUE,FALSE,0);;
if (hevtOverlapped == 0)
return "ERR0006";
// Setup the overlapped structure
OVERLAPPED ov = {0};
ov.hEvent = hevtOverlapped;
// Open the "STOP" handle
HANDLE hevtStop = ::CreateEvent(0,TRUE,FALSE,_T("Overlapped_Stop_Event"));
if (hevtStop == 0)
return "ERR0007" ;
// Keep reading data, until an EOF (CTRL-Z) has been received
bool fContinue = true;
// Wait for an event
lLastError = serial.WaitEvent(&ov);
MessageBox(NULL,AnsiString(lLastError).c_str(),"Serial Wait Event",MB_OK);
if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
return "ERR0010";
// Setup array of handles in which we are interested
HANDLE ahWait[2];
ahWait[0] = hevtOverlapped;
ahWait[1] = hevtStop;
// Wait until something happens
switch (::WaitForMultipleObjects(sizeof(ahWait)/sizeof(*ahWait),ahWait,FALSE,timeout.ToInt()))
// Save event
const CSerial::EEvent eEvent = serial.GetEventType();
// Handle break event
if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventBreak)
MessageBox(NULL," BREAK received ","Comm Program",MB_OK);
// Handle CTS event
if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventCTS)
flag = serial.GetCTS();
if (flag)
s = "ON";
s = "OFF";
MessageBox(NULL,(AnsiString("Clear to send ") + s).c_str(),"Comm Prog",MB_OK);
// Handle DSR event
if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventDSR)
flag = serial.GetDSR();
if (flag)
s = "ON";
s = "OFF";
MessageBox(NULL,(AnsiString("Data set ready ") + s).c_str(),"Comm Prog",MB_OK);
// Handle error event
if ((eEvent & CSerial::EEventError)&&
(vTrapErrors)) // Although errors encountered, mass still read on XP OS. Therefore, errors suppressed on XP i.e.vTrapErrors=false - MZI12112007
//MessageBox(NULL,"### ERROR: ");
switch (serial.GetError())
case CSerial::EErrorBreak: MessageBox(NULL,"Break condition","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
case CSerial::EErrorFrame: MessageBox(NULL,"Framing error","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
case CSerial::EErrorIOE: MessageBox(NULL,"IO device error","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
case CSerial::EErrorMode: MessageBox(NULL,"Unsupported mode","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
case CSerial::EErrorOverrun: MessageBox(NULL,"Buffer overrun","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
case CSerial::EErrorRxOver: MessageBox(NULL,"Input buffer overflow","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
case CSerial::EErrorParity: MessageBox(NULL,"Input parity error","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
case CSerial::EErrorTxFull: MessageBox(NULL,"Output buffer full","Com Prog",MB_OK); break;
// default: MessageBox(NULL,"Unknown","Com Prog",MB_OK); break; // Error 0 is UNKNOWN but is a Success error therefore no need to handle -- MZI12112007
//printf(" ###\n");
// Handle ring event
if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRing)
// Handle RLSD/CD event
if (eEvent & CSerial::EEventRLSD)
flag = serial.GetRLSD();
if (flag)
s = "ON";
s = "OFF";
MessageBox(NULL,(AnsiString("RLSD/CD ") + s).c_str(),"Comm Prog",MB_OK);
Timer1->Enabled = false; //switch off the timeout
// Handle data receive event
Sleep (1000); // when no pause, no mass read on XP. Therefore, this ensures system gets in sync with Comm Device - MZI12112007
vIgnoreRecvEvent=true; // On XP, the Receive event does not seem to be triggered. Therefore this code was included to forcce WBR to work on Xp -- MZI12112007
if ((eEvent & CSerial::EEventRecv)||vIgnoreRecvEvent)
// Read data, until the reading from scale is stable
DWORD dwBytesRead = 0;
char szBuffer[101];
// Read data from the COM-port
lLastError = serial.Read(szBuffer,sizeof(szBuffer)-1,&dwBytesRead);
if (lLastError != ERROR_SUCCESS)
ShowError(serial.GetLastError(), _T("Unable to read from COM-port."));
return "ERR0008";
if (dwBytesRead > 0)
// Finalize the data, so it is a valid string
szBuffer[dwBytesRead] = '\0';
AnsiString result = GetStableReading(szBuffer,BridgeSupplier);
// Display the data
if ( result == "OVERCAPACITY" || result == "BELOWCAPACITY")
return result;
else if ( result != "ERROR" && result != "")
return result;
while ((dwBytesRead > 0 )&&(result == ""));
case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1:
// Set the continue bit to false, so we'll exit
fContinue = false;
//No response from comm port
return "ERR0009";
while (fContinue);
// Close the port again

Please add more curly braces to the code to separate different choices, like this:
if (BridgeSupplier == "OPTO") {
MessageBox(NULL,AnsiString(lLastError).c_str(),"Privesh Test1",MB_OK);
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud19200,CSerial::EData8,CSerial::EParNone,CSerial::EStop1);
} else if (BridgeSupplier == "KLERKSCALE") {
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud2400,CSerial::EData7,CSerial::EParOdd,CSerial::EStop1);
} else {
lLastError = serial.Setup(CSerial::EBaud1200,CSerial::EData7,CSerial::EParEven,CSerial::EStop1);
because currently your code setups the port for OPTO and then sets the port again for the default "else" condition, overwriting the setup for OPTO.


WriteFile to Serial port in Windows waits a long time

I am writing a little serial bus (RS485) monitor in c++. It should read small data packages up to 32 bytes from the serialport an occasionally writes such a databus to the serial port when the user requests it.
Reading works perfectly. I set up a thread for reading using the SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR); during initialization and later ReadFile(hComm, RS485PacketBuffer, sizeof(T_PACKET), &nBytes, NULL) to receive the package using timeouts for getting the inter package gaps.
In the main program I use a simple WriteFile(hComm, packet, packet->length + 5, &nBytes, NULL) to write the package.
This WriteFile seems to hang until there are some bytes received from the bus. Only then the package is sent and the bus devices recognize it and answer properly. Why does WriteFile wait for character receiving?
This is my init and thread code
HANDLE uart_init(char *portname, int baudrate)
BOOL Write_Status, Read_Status;
DCB dcbSerialParams;
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 };
hComm = CreateFile(L"com8", //port name
0, // No Sharing
NULL, // No Security
OPEN_EXISTING, // Open existing port only
0, // Non Overlapped I/O
NULL); // Null for Comm Devices
printf("Error in opening serial port\n");
printf("opening serial port successful\n");
Write_Status = GetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //retreives the current settings
if (Write_Status == FALSE)
printf(" Error in GetCommState()\n");
return NULL;
dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = baudrate; // Setting BaudRate = 1200
dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8; // Setting ByteSize = 8
dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // Setting StopBits = 1
dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY; // Setting Parity = None
Write_Status = SetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //Configuring the port according to settings in DCB
if (Write_Status == FALSE)
printf(" Error! in Setting DCB Structure\n");
return NULL;
printf(" Setting DCB Structure Successful\n");
printf(" Baudrate = %d\n", dcbSerialParams.BaudRate);
printf(" ByteSize = %d\n", dcbSerialParams.ByteSize);
printf(" StopBits = %d\n", dcbSerialParams.StopBits);
printf(" Parity = %d\n\n", dcbSerialParams.Parity);
// Set COM port timeout settings
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 50;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
if (SetCommTimeouts(hComm, &timeouts) == 0)
printf("Error setting timeouts\n");
return NULL;
Read_Status = SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR); //Configure Windows to Monitor the serial device for Character Reception
if (Read_Status == FALSE)
printf(" Error! in Setting CommMask\n\n");
printf(" Setting CommMask successfull\n\n");
return hComm;
unsigned int __stdcall RS485Receiver(void* data)
BOOL status = 0;
DWORD dwEventMask = 0;
DWORD nBytes; // Bytes read by ReadFile()
puts("Serial Thread started");
if (hComm = uart_init("COM8", 1200))
printf("Waiting for Data Reception...\n");
status = WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwEventMask, NULL); //Wait for the character to be received
if (status == FALSE)
printf("Error! in Setting WaitCommEvent()\n");
else //If WaitCommEvent()==True Read the RXed data using ReadFile();
_putch('.'); fflush(stdout);
//Read_Status = ReadFile(hComm, &TempChar, sizeof(TempChar), &NoBytesRead, NULL);
if ((!ReadFile(hComm, RS485PacketBuffer, sizeof(T_PACKET), &nBytes, NULL)))
printf("wrong character");
else if (nBytes)
RS485PrintPacket(RS485PacketBuffer, RS485PacketBuffer->length + 4, stdout);
} while (1);
CloseHandle(hComm);//Closing the Serial Port
puts("Serial Thread stopped");
return 0;
And this is the write function, which hangs until character receiving:
uint8_t sendPacket(T_PACKET* packet)
DWORD nBytes;
//calculate checksum
packet->d[packet->length] = crc8((uint8_t*)packet, packet->length + 4);
// PORTB &= ~(1 << TRANSENABLE); // ToDo: How do I enable transmitter on PC
Sleep(10); // short pause to stabilize bus transceiver
printf("Sende Paket, length = %u\n", packet->length+5);
if (!WriteFile(hComm, packet, packet->length + 5, &nBytes, NULL))
printf("Error writing text to RS485 port\n");
return 6;
printf("gesendet\n"); fflush(stdout);
if (nBytes != packet->length + 5) return 7;
printf("kein Fehler\n");
// PORTB |= (1 << TRANSENABLE); // ToDo: How do I disable transmitter on PC
return 0;`
I already tried several timout settings. These seems to have no effect to the problem. Maybe it is an issue with the USB/RS485 converter. I think as the RS485 is a bus, the serial port will probably see it's own send bytes. Maybe that causes the problem.
Or maybe the blocking receiver thread which is waiting for characters blocks the whole serial port.
As #Codo mentioned, I tried now to use overlapped IO. I have a complete solution now. See the answer below.
thanks for all the hints. #Codo's first remark was the solution. I have to use overlapping because Windows blocks also the sender when the receiver is waiting. Stupid, but true.
Since overlapping IO is a bit complicated I post my solution her for reference. Now I have to try the same in C#. :-)
HANDLE uart_init(char *portname, int baudrate)
BOOL Result;
DCB dcbSerialParams;
COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 };
wchar_t wstr[50];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, portname, -1, wstr, 50);
hComm = CreateFile(wstr, //port name
0, // No Sharing
NULL, // No Security
OPEN_EXISTING, // Open existing port only
NULL); // Null for Comm Devices
printf("Error in opening serial port\n");
printf("opening serial port successful\n");
Result = GetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //retreives the current settings
if (Result == FALSE)
printf(" Error in GetCommState()\n");
return NULL;
dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = baudrate; // Setting BaudRate = 1200
dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8; // Setting ByteSize = 8
dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // Setting StopBits = 1
dcbSerialParams.Parity = NOPARITY; // Setting Parity = None
dcbSerialParams.fBinary = TRUE; // has to be TRUE in Windows
dcbSerialParams.fParity = FALSE; // No parity
dcbSerialParams.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; // No CTS flow control
dcbSerialParams.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // No DSR flow control
dcbSerialParams.fDtrControl = FALSE; // No DTR low control
dcbSerialParams.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; // Ignore DSR
dcbSerialParams.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF flow control
dcbSerialParams.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF flow control
dcbSerialParams.fErrorChar = FALSE; // do not replace errors
dcbSerialParams.fNull = FALSE; // allow NULL bytes
dcbSerialParams.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE; // Enable RTS pin
dcbSerialParams.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // do not stop on error
Result = SetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams); //Configuring the port according to settings in DCB
if (Result == FALSE)
printf(" Error! in Setting DCB Structure\n");
return NULL;
printf(" Setting DCB Structure Successful\n");
printf(" Baudrate = %d\n", dcbSerialParams.BaudRate);
printf(" ByteSize = %d\n", dcbSerialParams.ByteSize);
printf(" StopBits = %d\n", dcbSerialParams.StopBits);
printf(" Parity = %d\n\n", dcbSerialParams.Parity);
// Set COM port timeout settings
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 50;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
if (SetCommTimeouts(hComm, &timeouts) == 0)
printf("Error setting timeouts\n");
return NULL;
Result = SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR); //Configure Windows to Monitor the serial device for Character Reception
if (Result == FALSE)
printf(" Error in Setting CommMask\n\n");
printf(" Setting CommMask successfull\n\n");
return hComm;
unsigned int __stdcall RS485Receiver(void* data)
BOOL status = 0;
DWORD dwEventMask = 0;
DWORD nBytes; // Bytes read by ReadFile()
DWORD dwRes;
DWORD dwRead;
BOOL fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
OVERLAPPED osRead = { 0 };
puts("Serial Thread started");
if (hComm = uart_init((char *)data, 1200))
printf("Waiting for Data Reception...\n");
// Create the overlapped event. Must be closed before exiting
// to avoid a handle leak.
osRead.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osRead.hEvent == NULL)
CloseHandle(hComm);//Closing the Serial Port
puts("Serial Thread stopped");
return 0;
while (1)
if (!fWaitingOnRead)
// Issue read operation.
if (!ReadFile(hComm, RS485PacketBuffer, sizeof(T_PACKET), &dwRead, &osRead))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) // read not delayed?
printf("wrong character");
fWaitingOnRead = TRUE;
else {
// read completed immediately
RS485PrintPacket(RS485PacketBuffer, RS485PacketBuffer->length + 4, stdout);
if (fWaitingOnRead)
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osRead.hEvent, INFINITE);
switch (dwRes)
// Read completed.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osRead, &dwRead, FALSE))
printf("wrong character");
// Read completed successfully.
RS485PrintPacket(RS485PacketBuffer, RS485PacketBuffer->length + 4, stdout);
// Reset flag so that another opertion can be issued.
fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
// Operation isn't complete yet. fWaitingOnRead flag isn't
// changed since I'll loop back around, and I don't want
// to issue another read until the first one finishes.
// This is a good time to do some background work.
// Error in the WaitForSingleObject; abort.
// This indicates a problem with the OVERLAPPED structure's
// event handle.
CloseHandle(hComm); //Closing the Serial Port
puts("Serial Thread stopped");
return 0;
* Send a data packet
* use this only for Windows
uint8_t sendPacket(T_PACKET* packet)
DWORD nBytes;
uint8_t fRes = 0;
OVERLAPPED osWrite = { 0 };
//calculate checksum
packet->d[packet->length] = crc8((uint8_t*)packet, packet->length + 4);
// PORTB &= ~(1 << TRANSENABLE); // ToDo: How do I enable transmitter on PC
Sleep(10); // short pause to stabilize bus transceiver
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// error creating overlapped event handle
return ERR_COMM_WR;
if (!WriteFile(hComm, packet, packet->length + 5, &nBytes, &osWrite))
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) // read not delayed?
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osWrite, &nBytes, TRUE))
// Read completed successfully.
RS485PrintPacket(packet, packet->length + 4, stdout);
// PORTB |= (1 << TRANSENABLE); // ToDo: How do I disable transmitter on PC
return fRes;

how to realize serial writing is ended in windows

I everyone,
I'm trying to write on serial and also the serial should wait until all bytes are sent.
how can the serial wait to send all bytes?
I was surfing on the internet that I saw this.then, I tried to use the samples. unluckily, they didn't work well.
For example, I tried for use the following code:
BOOL WriteABuffer(char * lpBuf, DWORD dwToWrite)
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0};
DWORD dwWritten;
DWORD dwRes;
BOOL fRes;
// Create this write operation's OVERLAPPED structure's hEvent.
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// error creating overlapped event handle
return FALSE;
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFile(hComm, lpBuf, dwToWrite, &dwWritten, &osWrite)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
fRes = FALSE;
// Write is pending.
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osWrite.hEvent, INFINITE);
// OVERLAPPED structure's event has been signaled.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hComm, &osWrite, &dwWritten, FALSE))
fRes = FALSE;
// Write operation completed successfully.
fRes = TRUE;
// An error has occurred in WaitForSingleObject.
// This usually indicates a problem with the
// OVERLAPPED structure's event handle.
fRes = FALSE;
// WriteFile completed immediately.
fRes = TRUE;
return fRes;
But, it doesn't wait to send all bytes. after WriteFile(..) I expect to wait. But, it'll reach to this line.
// WriteFile completed immediately.
fRes = TRUE; <--------------------------- this line
And then it returns true.
why doesn't it wait ?
It's my current function for writing to serial but still it doesn't wait.
int RS232_SendBuf(int comport_number, unsigned char *buf, int size)
int n;
DWORD dwCommEvent;
DWORD dwStoredFlags;
dwStoredFlags = EV_BREAK | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_ERR | EV_RING | \
if (!SetCommMask(Cport[comport_number], dwStoredFlags)) {
// Error setting communications mask
return FALSE;
if(WriteFile(Cport[comport_number], buf, size, (LPDWORD)((void *)&n), NULL))
if (WaitCommEvent(Cport[comport_number], &dwCommEvent, NULL)) {
// An error occurred waiting for the event.
return FALSE;
else {
//while (!PurgeComm(Cport[comport_number], PURGE_TXABORT));

WaitForMultipleObjects() does not return until buffer is full, unless I use Putty

I've got a child thread that calls WaitForMultipleObjects() and blocks waiting for, among other things, an incoming message over COM4. Attached to the other side of COM4 is a board sending a message once every five seconds.
The problem is, WaitForMultipleObjects() is only notified that a message was received when the read buffer I allocated for it is full, rather than becoming notified whenever a single message is transmitted.
The weird part is that this behavior changes if I connect to the board with putty, close putty, and then reopen my application - WaitForMultipleObjects() will thereafter return whenever a message is received, buffer filled or not. This behavior is preferable, and I would like to know what putty is doing so that I may have it enabled all the time.
I checked the DCB object returned from GetCommState() both with and without using Putty, and it doesn't appear that Putty is changing the structure in a way that I am not already doing.
Here is the code initializing the HANDLE object for the com port (referred to as "hCom"):
bool init(struct ReadComArg readComArg) {
BOOL fSuccess;
// Open a handle to the specified com port.
hCom = CreateFile(comPort,
0, // must be opened with exclusive-access
NULL, // default security attributes
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // can't write in one thread while blocked for a read in another unless port is declared overlapped
NULL); // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
// Handle the error.
log("Failed to create hCom handle");
return false;
DWORD lptEvtMask;
fSuccess = GetCommMask(hCom, &lptEvtMask);
if (!fSuccess) {
log("GetCommMask failed");
return false;
fSuccess = SetCommMask(hCom, lptEvtMask);
// Initialize the DCB structure.
DCB dcb;
SecureZeroMemory(&dcb, sizeof(DCB));
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB);
// Build on the current configuration by first retrieving all current
// settings.
/*fSuccess = GetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess) {
log("GetCommState failed");
return false;
dcb.BaudRate = readComArg.baudRate; // 115200 baud rate
dcb.ByteSize = readComArg.dataBits; // 8 data size, xmit and rcv
dcb.Parity = readComArg.parity; // parity bit
dcb.StopBits = readComArg.stopBits; // stop bit
dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE;
dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE;
fSuccess = SetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess) {
log("SetCommState failed");
return false;
// Get the comm config again.
fSuccess = GetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess) {
log("GetCommState failed");
return false;
log("Serial Port successfully reconfigured");
hFile = CreateFileW(fileName, // name of the write
FILE_APPEND_DATA, // open for appending
0, // no sharing
NULL, // default security
OPEN_ALWAYS, // open existing file or create new file
NULL); // no attr. template
if (hFile == NULL) {
log("Failed to create hFile handle");
return false;
PostMessage(readComArg.MainWindow, WM_THREAD_UP, 0, 0);
return true;
Putty doesn't touch any of the DCB fields except DCBlength, BaudRate, ByteSize, Parity, and StopBits, and setting the fields that aren't these five to arbitrary values doesn't seem to affect the code's behavior, so I left the rest at zero.
Here is the main loop code:
void loop(struct ReadComArg readComArg) {
//TODO: close all handles when function returns
const unsigned long BUFFSIZE = 256;
DWORD bytesRead, bytesWritten, result;
HANDLE eventArray[4];
eventArray[0] = readComArg.killEvent;
eventArray[2] = readComArg.writeRequestEvent;
BOOL continueLooping = true;
BOOL fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
BOOL fWaitingOnWrite = FALSE;
while (continueLooping) {
//There is no outstanding read request and we must create a new one:
if (!fWaitingOnRead) {
//First, check to make sure we haven't received a killEvent.
result = WaitForSingleObject(readComArg.killEvent, 0); //returns immediately
if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
//received killEvent, exiting
log("killEvent was signaled. Exiting loop");
if (!ResetEvent(readComArg.killEvent))
log("failed to reset killEvent");
else if (result != WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
//some error occured
log("WaitForSingleObject returned an error");
//Otherwise, there was no kill request, continue as normal.
//Attempt to create new read request
osReader = { 0 };
osReader.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL);
//read event failed to allocate, return:
if (osReader.hEvent == NULL) {
log("failed to create readEvent");
eventArray[1] = osReader.hEvent;
//Execute the asynchronous read:
if (!ReadFile(hCom, buffer, BUFFSIZE, &bytesRead, &osReader)) {
//The asynchronous read request succeeded and will be completed later:
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
log("Read request queued and pending");
fWaitingOnRead = TRUE;
//The asynchronous read request failed:
else {
log("ReadFile returned an error");
//The asynchronous read request succeeded and completed immediately:
else {
log("Read request queued and returned immediately");
handleRead(readComArg, buffer, bytesRead);
//We are waiting on an outstanding read request:
else {
//block until a signal arrives
//if we are waiting on a write, then there is an additional signal we must block for
if (fWaitingOnWrite) {
log("blocking for kills, reads, writeRequests, and writeResponses.");
result = WaitForMultipleObjects(4, eventArray, FALSE, INFINITE);
else {
log("blocking for kills, reads, and writeRequests. No outstanding write Request.");
result = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, eventArray, FALSE, INFINITE);
continueLooping = false;
switch (result) {
//The killEvent handle received a signal. This has priority over every other signal.
log("Received killEvent. Exiting loop");
if (!ResetEvent(readComArg.killEvent))
log("failed to reset killEvent");
//The com port handle received a signal
case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1:
log("received signal");
//Unsuccessful read
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hCom, &osReader, &bytesRead, FALSE)) {
log("GetOverlappedResult returned an error");
//Successful read, continue looping
log("Outstanding read request fulfilled");
handleRead(readComArg, buffer, bytesRead);
fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
continueLooping = true;
//The writeRequestEvent handle received a signal. Create an asynchronous write request:
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2:
//reset writeRequestEvent signal.
if (!ResetEvent(readComArg.writeRequestEvent)) {
log("failed to reset writeRequestEvent");
//attempt to create writeResponseEvent:
osWriter = { 0 };
osWriter.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL);
if (osWriter.hEvent == NULL) {
log("failed to create writeResponseEvent");
eventArray[3] = osWriter.hEvent;
//execute the asynchronous write:
if (!WriteFile(hCom, readComArg.writeBuffer, readComArg.numCharsToWrite, &bytesWritten, &osWriter)) {
//The asynchronous write request succeeded and will be completed later:
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
log("Write request queued and pending");
fWaitingOnWrite = true;
continueLooping = true;
//The asynchronous write request failed:
else {
log("WriteFile returned an error");
//The asynchronous write request succeeded and completed immediately
else {
log("Write request queued and returned immediately");
continueLooping = true;
PostMessage(readComArg.MainWindow, WM_THREAD_SENT, 0, 0);
//The writeResponseEvent handle received a signal
case WAIT_OBJECT_0+3:
//Unsuccessful write
if (!GetOverlappedResult(hCom, &osWriter, &bytesWritten, FALSE)) {
log("GetOverlappedResult returned an error");
//Successful write, continue looping
PostMessage(readComArg.MainWindow, WM_THREAD_SENT, 0, 0);
log("Outstanding write request fulfilled");
fWaitingOnWrite = FALSE;
continueLooping = true;
// Error in WaitForMultipleObjects()
log("WaitForMultipleObjects returned an error");
if (fWaitingOnWrite)
I am not very familiar with StackOverflow ettiquette, so if there is something incorrect with how I am asking my question, I apologize in advance and will correct it as soon as I am able. Thank you.

I have used WaitForSingleObject in C++ and its return value is "WAIT_OBJECT_0" all the time

The function WaitForSingleObject returns timeout flag("WAIT_OBJECT_0") in all cases.
Only for testing I have commented this line
and the comport responds as expected.
I have tried various timeouts including INFINITE.
Can someone tell me where the error could be occurring.
int timeout=500;
memset(&ovread, 0, sizeof(ovread));
ovread.hEvent = CreateEvent( 0,true,0,0);
//Execute the following code
The reading logic should more or less use the following code flow:
int timeout = 500;
OVERLAPPED ovread = {0}
ovread.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (ovread.hEvent == NULL) {
// Error creating overlapped event; abort.
return FALSE;
if (!ReadFile(h, buf, sizeof(buf), &read, &ovread)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// Handle error in communications
else {
DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject(ovread.hEvent,timeout);
switch (ret) {
HandleASuccessfulRead(buf, read);
// Handle timeout
// Handle failure
// what else to handle?
else {
// read completed immediately
HandleASuccessfulRead(buf, read);

correctly reading or writing serial port Windows API

I have read alot of issues with serial port reading and writing. None so far have helped me figure out what my code is missing. The msdn example for c++ has undefined variables and missing brackets so although i can add brackets it still does not function. Here's what I've got at this point. It appears I can open the port and do the configuration but I cannot read a byte/char of data. I really just want a simple asyncronous serial read/write for aprogram to read from an Arduino.
HANDLE serialinstance;
DWORD dwStoredFlags;
DWORD dwRes;
DWORD dwCommEvent;
OVERLAPPED osStatus = {0};
BOOL fWaitingOnStat;
DCB dcb;
COMMCONFIG serialconfig;
char inBuffer[1000];
char outBuffer[100];
PDWORD noBytes;
void close_serial()
bool open_serial(LPCSTR portNumber) // serial port name use this format "\\\\.\\COM10"
if(serialinstance == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
int error = GetLastError();
printf("ERROR opening serial port %s\r\n", portNumber);
if(error == 0x2){printf("ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND\r\n");}
if(error == 0x5){printf("ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED\r\n");}
if(error == 0xC){printf("ERROR_INVALID_ACCESS\r\n");}
if(error == 0x6){printf("ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE\r\n");}
printf("error code %d\r\n", error);
return false;
if(GetCommState(serialinstance, &dcb)!= true)
printf("ERROR getting current state of COM %d \r\n", GetLastError());
return false;
else{printf("debug read current comstate\r\n");}
FillMemory(&dcb, sizeof(dcb), 0); //zero initialize the structure
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(dcb); //fill in length
dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200; // baud rate
dcb.ByteSize = 8; // data size, xmit and rcv
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; // parity bit
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
if(SetCommState(serialinstance, &dcb) != true)
printf("ERROR setting new state of COM %d \r\n", GetLastError());
return false;
else{printf("debug set new comstate\r\n");}
if (!BuildCommDCB("115200,n,8,1", &dcb)) //fills in basic async details
printf("ERROR getting port comstate\r\n");
return FALSE;
if (!SetCommMask(serialinstance, EV_RXCHAR))
printf("ERROR setting new COM MASK %d \r\n", GetLastError());
return false;
else{printf("debug commmask set\r\n");}
timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 20;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
if (!SetCommTimeouts(serialinstance, &timeouts))
printf("ERROR setting timeout parameters\r\n");
return false;
else{printf("debug timeouts set\r\n");}
osStatus.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osStatus.hEvent == NULL)
{// error creating event; abort
printf("ERROR creating Serial EVENT\r\n");
return false;
else{printf("debug event created set\r\n");}
osStatus.Internal = 0;
osStatus.InternalHigh = 0;
osStatus.Offset = 0;
osStatus.OffsetHigh = 0;
printf("debug com port setting complete\r\n");
return true;
bool read_serial_simple()
char m[1000];
LPDWORD bytesRead;
if (WaitCommEvent(serialinstance, &dwCommEvent, &osStatus))
if(dwCommEvent & EV_RXCHAR)
ReadFile(serialinstance, &m, 1, bytesRead, &osStatus);
printf("data read = %d, number bytes read = %d \r\n", m, bytesRead);
return true;
int error = GetLastError();
if(error == ERROR_IO_PENDING){printf(" waiting on incomplete IO\r\n");}
else{printf("ERROR %d\r\n", error);}
return false;
return false;
So I stripped the read function down. I now get a char and it reports reading 1 byte but the value of the char is incorrect. I get a series of 48, 13, 10, and occasionally a 50 value for the byte. However the Arduino is sending a series a 0's then a 128 as verified with TerraTerm. What else do I need here?
bool read_serial_simple()
unsigned char m = 0;
DWORD bytesRead;
if(ReadFile(serialinstance, &m, 1, &bytesRead, &osStatus) == true)
printf("data read = %d, number bytes read = %d \r\n", m, bytesRead);
return true;
int error = GetLastError();
if(error == ERROR_IO_PENDING){printf(" waiting on incomplete IO\r\n");}
else{printf("ERROR %d\r\n", error);}
return false;
So now I can read a byte of data but I cannot write a byte or more to the port. I just get ERROR_IO_PENDING. Can someone help out with this as well. Write function of my class below.
bool write(DWORD noBytesToWrite)
if(WriteFile(serialinstance, outBuffer, noBytesToWrite, NULL, &osStatus) == true)
printf("message sent\r\n");
return true;
int error = GetLastError();
if(error != ERROR_IO_PENDING){LastError();}
return false;
I'm calling both functions from main as follows
myserial.outBuffer[0] = 'H';
myserial.outBuffer[1] = 'e';
myserial.outBuffer[2] = 'L';
myserial.outBuffer[3] = 'l';
myserial.outBuffer[4] = 'O';
for(int n=0; n<5; n++){printf("%c", myserial.outBuffer[n]);}
Currently the arduino is set up to read bytes in and repeat them back to the pc. It is doing this fine on the arduino IDE serial monitor so now I just need to get this pc program to write out.
Your bytesRead variable is an uninitialized pointer. You are passing an invalid address to ReadFile() to write to.
Replace LPDWORD bytesRead with DWORD bytesRead, then pass it to ReadFile() using &bytesRead.
Also eliminate the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED. You are not handling it properly, and there is no point in using it if you WaitForSingleObject() before reading.
Sorry my answer is a bit late, but as I was checking up on another serial port detail I found this.
There is a bit flaw in the original code. You are calling CreateFile with the FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag. This means you want to use non-blocking calls. You either need to remove this flag, or change your ReadFile and WriteFile calls so that they include a pointer to an OVERLAPPED structure WriteFile.
Your code works with ReadFile as it will complete syncrhronously as there is a character already waiting. The WriteFile will return IO_PENDING result to indicate that the write has been queued.