Apply GaussianBlur to Individual Pixels - c++

I am writing an application in C++ using OpenCV to apply a Gaussian filter to individual pixels in an image. For example, I loop through each pixel in the image and if they match a particular RGB value, I want to apply the Gaussian algorithm to only those pixels so that blurring only occurs around those parts of an image.
However, I'm having trouble finding a way to do this. The GaussianBlur() function offered by the OpenCV library only allows me to blur an entire image and not simply apply the algorithm and kernel to one pixel at a time. Does anyone have any ideas on how I could achieve this (e.g. is there another method I don't know about)? I'm hoping I don't have to write the entire algorithm out myself to apply it to just a single pixel.

A friend of mine came up with a good solution:
clone the original matrix
apply GaussianBlur() to the clone
compare each pixel to the RGB value
if match, replace the original's pixel with the clone's pixel
Can't believe how simple that was.

You can code the gaussian blur yourself if you need to apply it only on a few pixels. It is much easier than you think and only takes a few lines. It is a simple stencil operator using a gaussian function for its kernel. All you need is the coordinates of the pixel and its neighbors.
The rest is straight forward. Here is an example of Gaussian matrix, which you can easily code, or generate using a Gaussian function:
In short, it is just a weighed average of the neighboring values.


Build-in function for interpolating single pixels and small blobs

Is there a build-in function for interpolating single pixels?
Given a normal image as Mat and a Point, e.g. an anomaly of the sensor or an outlier, is their some function to repair this Point?
Furthermore, if I have more than one Point connected (let's say a blob with area smaller 10x10) is there a possibility to fix them too?
Trys but not really solutions
It seems that interpolation is implemented in the geometric transformations including resizing images and to extrapolate pixels outside of the image with borderInterpolate, but I haven't found a possibility for single pixels or small clusters of pixels.
A solution with medianBlur like suggested here does not seem appropriate as it changes the whole image.
If there isn't a build-in function, my idea would be to look at all 8-connected surrounding pixels which are not part of the blob and calculate the mean or weighted mean. If doing this iteratively, all missing or erroneous pixel should be filled. But this method would be dependent of the applied order to correct each pixel. Are there other suggestions?
Here is an image to illustrate the problem. Left the original image with a contour marking the pixels to fix. Right side shows the fixed pixels. I hope to find some sophisticated algorithms to fix the pixel.
The build-in function inpaint of OpenCV does the desired interpolation of chosen pixels. Simply create a mask with all pixels to be repaired.
See the documentation here: OpenCV 3.2. Description: inpaint and Function: inpaint

smoothing rough edges contour opencv

I have this image
when you zoom it you can see the rough edges like this
I want to smoothen the rough edges such that they form an almost perfect curve/line,some what like this
I tried this method
Image edge smoothing
But I can't seem to save it as a bmp file. I tried Gaussian blur too but didn't get any much affect. The outlines are contours extracted from a binary image. Increasing the thickness of the contours removes the rough edges to a point but it changes the clear definition of the boundaries.
EDIT:-How about filled binary images?
Dilating would change the boundary too much.
What you are looking for is not possible in the manner you are thinking of. As #Miki stated, Digital images have an upper limit of resolution that you can not go further than it.
The solution is to represent your curves as vectorized curves. Then you can render at any resolution you want. One possible solution is to use Bezier Curves to represent the contours (or Spline). Then you may simply draw them with any resize fraction you want.
Here you can find some resources:
Are there any good libraries for solving cubic splines in C++?
Spline, B-Spline and NURBS C++ library
OpenCV - Fit a curve to a set of points

3D image gradient in OpenCV

I have a 3D image data obtained from a 3D OCT scan. The data can be represented as I(x,y,z) which means there is an intensity value at each voxel.
I am writing an algorithm which involves finding the image's gradient in x,y and z directions in C++. I've already written a code in C++ using OpenCV for 2D and want to extend it to 3D with minimal changes in my existing code for 2D.
I am familiar with 2D gradients using Sobel or Scharr operators. My search brought me to this post, answers to which recommend ITK and Point Cloud Library. However, these libraries have a lot more functionalities which might not be required. Since I am not very experienced with C++, these libraries require a bit of reading, which time doesn't permit me. Moreover, these libraries don't use cv::Mat object. If I use anything other than cv::Mat, my whole code might have to be changed.
Can anyone help me with this please?
Update 1: Possible solution using kernel separability
Based on #Photon's answer, I'm updating the question.
From what #Photon says, I get an idea of how to construct a Sobel kernel in 3D. However, even if I construct a 3x3x3 cube, how to implement it in OpenCV? The convolution operations in OpenCV using filter2d are only for 2D.
There can be one way. Since the Sobel kernel is separable, it means that we can break the 3D convolution into convolution in lower dimensions. Comments 20 and 21 of this link also tell the same thing. Now, we can separate the 3D kernel but even then filter2D cannot be used since the image is still in 3D. Is there a way to break down the image as well? There is an interesting post which hints at something like this. Any further ideas on this?
Since the Sobel operator is separable, it's easy to envision how to add a 3rd dimension.
For example, when you look at the filter definition for Gx in the link you posted, you see that is multiplies the surrounding pixels by coefficients that have a sign dependent on the relative X position, and magnitude relative to the offset in Y.
When you extend to 3D, the Gx gradient should be calculated the same way, but you need to work on a 3x3x3 cube, and the coefficient sign remains the same definition, and the magnitude now depends on change in either Y or Z or both.
The other gradients (Gy, Gz) are the same but around their axis.

OpenCV Histogram to Image Conversion

I've tryout some tutorial of converting Grayscale image to Histogram and thus perform comparision between the histogram. So, I've obtained the value returned from compare function in double datatype. Like this.
My problem here now is, how can I visualize the "non-match/ error" detected between images? Can I like obtained back the coordinates of those non-match pixels and draw a rectangle or circle at that particular coordinate?
Or any suggestion on algorithm I can take?
You can't do that from histogram comparison directly. As stated in the documentation,
Use the function compareHist to get a numerical parameter that express how well two histograms match with each other.
This measure is just a distance value which tells you how similar are the two histograms (or how similar are the two images in terms of color distribution).
However, you can use histogram backprojection to visualize how well each pixel in image A
fits the color distribution (histogram) of an image B. Take a look to that OpenCV example.

Pixel level image registration / alignment?

I'm trying to remove foreground from two images, here's a sample pair of images:
As you can see, the Budweiser bottle is removed from the scene before the second shot is taken.
These photos were captured from a pinhole camera (iPhone), and, the tricky part is I'm hand-holding the camera, so it cannot be guaranteed that the images are perfectly aligned pixel by pixel, so a simple minus-threshold method will not work.
Then, I've decided to perform image registration using findHomography and warpPerspective from OpenCV, here's the result image:
This image is warped with the matrix I've got from findHomography, it kind of improved the alignment quality, but still not that aligned so I can use a simple way to remove the foreground.
So, finally, I decided to implement a "fuzzy-minus" algorithm: for every pixel in image1, I'll look through a 7x7 neighbour in image2 (a 7 by 7 kernel?), using the minimal difference in grayscale as the result of minus, and threshold the result into binary image, here's what I've got:
And the result is still not good. Notice the white wholes in the bottle, this is produced due to similar grayscale value of foreground and background. So I'm not sure what to do now.
I can think of two ways to solve the problem, the first is to get a better aligned pair of images, and simply minus the pairs; the second is to use a more robust way to extract the foreground.
Can anyone give me some advice on how to deal with this kind of problem? I believe there should be some state-of-art algorithms or processing pipelines, but after googling around, I get nothing.
I'm using OpenCV with C++, it would be fantastic if you can tell me how to do it with these tools in hand.
Big big thanks in advance!
The problem is not in your algorithm. You are having problem because the two scenes were not taken from exactly the same angle, as shown in the animation below. This slight difference highlight the edges in the subtraction.
You need a static camera in order to apply this approach.
I suggest using mathematical morphology on the mask that you got to get rid of the artifacts.
Try applying both opening and closing to get rid of the black and the white small regions.
Mathematical Morphology
Mathematical Morphology in opencv
The difference between the two picture is pretty huge, so you will need to use a large structure element, but I don't think you will be able to get rid of the shadow.
For the two large strips in the background, you may try to use a horizontally shaped structure element as well.
Is it possible to produce a grayscale image instead of a binary image? if yes, you may try to experiment with the hat method for the shadow, but I am not sure about this point.
This is what I got using two different structure elements for closing THEN opening
Mat mask = imread("mask.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
I would suggest optical flow for alignment and OpenCV's background subtraction algorithm:
I suggest that instead of using findHomography try using some of openCV's stereo correspondence functions:
there is a sample code here: