django social auth integrate "register with email" - django

I am using django social auth in my project and wanted to add email registration on my website as well. I can think of hacking it in since I have played with DSA quite a bit now, but this seemed like a pretty standard problem people using DSA would run into. Is there a elegant way to do this integration?
One of the major reason I am asking is, I dont want to use another django plugin only to find out later that it doesnt play well with DSA. Would appreciate if someone who has got this to work could share.

I've been using social_auth successfully with django-registration in one project. Registration with Facebook/Google works well, also email registration works as expected.
Django-registration had some issues with Django 1.5, but I believe they are fixed. I'm just updating this project from Django 1.4 to 1.5 so hopefully I can confirm this in a week or so.


Django allauth REST social login without DRF

I've been searching quite a while for a solution to integrate social logins provided by Django allauth with a mobile app, but all seem to point towards using DRF.
My Django project doesn't have DRF and I'd rather avoid to integrate it, as there are many things that would need to be changed in a rather complex project.
Is there any solution to integrate Allauth's social logins via REST in a non-DRF project, or will I have to re-write allauth's views to REST by hand?
Use django rest-auth that's make the process easy there is no need to make any serializer
Here is the documentation and installation link for django rest-auth
I hope my answer help you

Django: registration, login, and logout

New to django, I see quite some tutorials and I'm confused:
is there a built-in something in django that I should use for registration, login and logout? do I need to code my self or is it already available as third party stuff to install? I need guidance on the best practice and fastest, most reliable way.
Everything is in the documentation :

Django 1.8: Password Protect Entire Project

I have built my first Django App! It is built to help my business track inventory. As such, I would not like it to be publicly available.
Maybe someday I will set up multiple user accounts, etc, but for now I really just need a basic password gate to get it up and running.
Does anyone have any middleware that works for this? All the solutions that I am finding are pretty old and they do not seem to work with the latest version of Django.
If you just need a single username/password couple, handling it directly via HTTP authentication in your webserver configuration will be the easiest way to achieve this. The benefits of this approach are:
You can set it up in 5 minutes: example with nginx, example with apache
You don't have to write code you'll delete later
It will protect all your website, including static files, third-party apps, admin, etc.
I found an answer that worked for me posted here:
#login_required for multiple views
Make sure the LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS path is correctly set to your login page.

Invite Only app for Django Auth

I'm working on a Django web app and want to restrict signup to my site. For thatI want to use invite only app..I could find a couple of app built on the top of Django registration but I'm using Django Auth . Is there any app which I can use with Django app to get the same functionality.
General idea:
First, you can check out the code I have written which works fine for me.
Take a look at the example include in the application, you will learn
how to write your own pipeline. this pipeline can be redirected to any
view you would like.
from there you can save a invitation_key in your sessions and if that
key is valid, you can continue with create_user built in pipeline.
I have used this application for invitations that produces and validates invitation keys.
It took me quite a day to figure it out.
This is a invite app built on allauth which restricts signup to invite only:

Creating a User Registration Page using MongoEngine

I am currently working an a webapp, using mongoengine and django, which will require users to create an account from a registration page. I know MongoEngine has an authentication backend, but does it also include a registration form, etc..., like django itself does? If not, are there any example projects which show how to implement this? The only open-source mongoengine project I've found is django-mumblr, but I can't find the examples I want in it.
I'm not interested in alternative options, such as MongoKit or mango for handling authentication.
I am just getting started with django and mongoDB, so please excuse my lack of knowledge. Thanks in advance for the help!
Not tried it out yet, but by!/lig1 looks like it could be a good bet.