How to cast a Value* to a ConstantDataArray* in LLVM? - llvm

I extended the LLVM Kaleidoscope example to support Strings. I added a StringExprAST, which has the virtual Codegen method impl as follows:
Value *StringExprAST::Codegen() {
StringRef r(Val);
return ConstantDataArray::getString(getGlobalContext(), r, false);
I am trying to concatenate Strings and have a ConcatExprAST with its Codegen method. Upon trying to access the data in the ConstantDataArray, I need to cast the Value* back to a ConstantDataArray* in order to use the getAsString() method.
How can I do this?
Thanks for any help.

The proper way to cast any subtype of Value to another is via cast<>(), e.g.:
Value* v = ...
ConstantDataArray* result = cast<ConstantDataArray>(v);
However, keep in mind that in your example you don't return an object of type ConstantDataArray, but you return something of the return type of ConstantDataArray::getString(), which is not necessarily an instance of ConstantDataArray itself, all you know is that it's a Constant (for instance, it might be a ConstantAggregateZero, which is not a ConstantDataArray).
In any case, if you're not sure that v is indeed of a specific type, check it first with isa<>() (or use the dyn_cast<>() idiom), before performing the cast<>().


pybind11 variable return type

I have a C++ class which acts like a map that can contain different data types.
In C++, it is unknown at compile time what data type an entry is. Therefore, the programmer has to know and the accessor is templated:
auto a = map.get<int>("my-int-entry");
auto b = map.get<std::string>("my-string-entry");
At runtime, the map knows what type the entries have. So in python, I should be able to use the runtime type information.
a = map.get('my-int-entry') # a is of type int
b = map.get('my-string-entry') # b is of type string
I'd like that it looks up the type information at runtime, then calls get<int> if the runtime type is int, otherwise get<std::string>. Is there a way to do this directly in pybind11?
Or do I need another (pure python) function that calls the respectively mapped C++ functions?
I'm not sure how you would query your map in runtime about what type a key has, but this is the general idea of how I would do that:
map_wrapper.def("get", [](Map& self, const std::string& key) -> py::object {
if (self.is_a<int>(key)) {
return py::cast(self.get<int>(key));
} else if (self.is_a<std::string>(key)) {
return py::cast(self.get<std::string>(key));
} else if ...
You would need to know the types you want to support in advance.

c++ check at compile time if a function is called

Possible duplicates I'll explain at the bottom.
I was wondering if it is possible to do a compile time check to see if a function is called before another function.
My use case looks something like this:
auto f = foo();
return f.getError();
auto v = f.value();
So in this case I would want to get a compile time error if the user did not call isOk before calling value.
As far as I know and searched it does not seem possible but I wanted to ask here just to be sure I didn't miss any c++ magic.
How to check at compile time that a function may be called at compile time?
This is about knowing wether your function is a constexpr function. I want to know if one function has been called before the other has been called.
What you want is not possible directly without changing your design substantially.
What you can do is enforce calling always both by wrapping them in a single call:
??? foo(const F& f) {
return f.isOk() ? f.value() : f.getError();
However, this just shifts the problem to choosing the return type. You could return a std::variant or with some changes on the design a std::optional, but whatever you do it will be left to the caller to check what actually has been returned.
Don't assume the most stupid user and don't try to protect them from any possible mistake. Instead assume that they do read documentation.
Having to check whether a returned value is valid is a quite common pattern: functions that return a pointer can return a null-pointer, functions returning an iterator can return the end iterator. Such cases are well documented and a responsible caller will check if the returned value is valid.
To get further inspiration I refer you to std::optional, a quite modern addition to C++, which also heavily relies on the user to know what they are dealing with.
PS: Just as one counter-example, a user might write code like this, which makes it impossible to make the desired check at compile time with your current design:
int n;
std::cin >> n;
auto f = foo();
if(n > 10 && !f.isOk())
return f.getError();
auto v = f.value();
One strategy for this kind of thing is to leverage __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) (for GCC) or _Check_return_ (msvc).
Then, change foo() to return the error condition:
SomeObj obj;
auto result = foo(obj);
This will nudge the caller into handling the error. Of course there are obvious limitations: foo() cannot be a constructor, for example, and the caller cannot use auto for the typename.
One way to ensure order is to transform the temporary dependency into physical dependency:
Move method F::getError() and F::value() into their own structure wrapper (Error, Value).
Change bool F::isOk() to something like:
std::variant<Error, Value> F::isOk()
Then, you cannot use Error::getError or Value::value() before calling isOk, as expected:
auto f = foo();
auto isOk = f.isOk();
if (auto* e = std::get_if<Error>(&isOk)) // Or std::visit
return e->getError();
auto& value = std::get<Value>(&isOk);
auto v = value.value();

How can I calculate a hash/checksum/fingerprint of an object in c++?

How can I calculate a hash/checksum/fingerprint of an object in c++?
The function must be 'injective'(*). In other words, there should be no two different input objects, that return the same hash/checksum/fingerprint.
I am trying to come up with a simple pattern for checking whether or not an entity object has been changed since it was constructed. (In order to know which objects need to be updated in the database).
Note that I specifically do not want to mark the object as changed in my setters or anywhere else.
I am considering the following pattern: In short, every entity object that should be persisted, has a member function "bool is_changed()". Changed, in this context, means changed since the objects' constructor was called.
Note: My motivation for all this is to avoid the boilerplate code that comes with marking objects as clean/dirty or doing a member by member comparison. In other words, reduce risk of human error.
(Warning: psudo c++ code ahead. I have not tried compiling it).
class Foo {
std::string my_string;
// Assume the "fingerprint" is of type long.
long original_fingerprint;
long current_fingerprint()
// *** Suggestions on which algorithm to use here? ***
Foo(const std::string& my_string) :
original_fingerprint = current_fingerprint();
bool is_changed() const
// If new calculation of fingerprint is different from the one
// calculated in the constructor, then the object has
// been changed in some way.
return current_fingerprint() != original_fingerprint;
void set_my_string(const std::string& new_string)
my_string = new_string;
void client_code()
auto foo = Foo("Initial string");
// should now return **false** because
// the object has not yet been changed:
foo.set_my_string("Changed string");
// should now return **true** because
// the object has been changed:
(*) In practice, not necessarily in theory (like uuids are not unique in theory).
You can use the CRC32 algorithm from Boost. Feed it with the memory locations of the data you want to checksum. You could use a hash for this, but hashes are cryptographic functions intended to guard against intentional data corruption and are slower. A CRC performs better.
For this example, I've added another data member to Foo:
int my_integer;
And this is how you would checksum both my_string and my_integer:
#include <boost/crc.hpp>
// ...
long current_fingerprint()
boost::crc_32_type crc32;
crc32.process_bytes(, my_string.length());
crc32.process_bytes(&my_integer, sizeof(my_integer));
return crc32.checksum();
However, now we're left with the issue of two objects having the same fingerprint if my_string and my_integer are equal. To fix this, we should include the address of the object in the CRC, since C++ guarantees that different objects will have different addresses.
One would think we can use:
process_bytes(&this, sizeof(this));
to do it, but we can't since this is an rvalue and thus we can't take its address. So we need to store the address in a variable instead:
long current_fingerprint()
boost::crc_32_type crc32;
void* this_ptr = this;
crc32.process_bytes(&this_ptr, sizeof(this_ptr));
crc32.process_bytes(, my_string.length());
crc32.process_bytes(&my_integer, sizeof(my_integer));
return crc32.checksum();
Such a function does not exist, at least not in the context that you are requesting.
The STL provides hash functions for basic types (std::hash), and you could use these to implement a hash function for your objects using any reasonable hashing algorithm.
However, you seem to be looking for an injective function, which causes a problem. Essentially, to have an injective function, it would be necessary to have an output of size greater or equal to that of the object you are considering, since otherwise (from the pigeon hole principle) there would be two inputs that give the same output. Given that, the most sensible option would be to just do a straight-up comparison of the object to some sort of reference object.

Prevent v8::Local value from being garbage collected

I have a function that stores the value of an argument to an std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>> property of a C++ class exposes as an ObjectWrap like this:
NAN_METHOD(MyObject::Write) {
MyObject* obj = Nan::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<MyObject>(info.This());
However, when I try to read back the value from another C++ function, the value is lost, and becomes undefined.
I'm passing a number to MyObject::Write, and I can confirm info[0]->IsNumber() returns true before pushing it to the vector, however when reading it back, the value it not a number, and in fact returns false for all the types I tested using Is<Type> methods from v8::Value, but still returns true for BooleanValue().
My guess is that the variable is being garbage collected after MyObject::Write returns, however I have no idea how to prevent this from happening.
I'm currently trying to initialise the value as a Persistent value. I tried the following attempts without success:
Nan::CopyablePersistentTraits<v8::Value>::CopyablePersistent p;
Nan::Persistent<v8::Value> persistent(info[0]);
Nan::CopyablePersistentTraits::Copy(persistent, p);
v8::Isolate *isolate = info.GetIsolate();
v8::Persistent<v8::Value, v8::CopyablePersistentTraits<v8::Value>> persistent(isolate, info[0]);
But getting tons of C++ errors.
I was running into problems untangling this mess myself. There's a lot of template stuff going on here that we both missed. Here was the solution I found most readable:
// Define the copyable persistent
v8::CopyablePersistentTraits<v8::Value>::CopyablePersistent p;
// Create the local value
auto val = v8::Local<v8::Value>::New(
v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), //< Isolate required
v8::Integer::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), v) //< Isolate required
// Reset() is a TEMPLATE FUNCTION, you have to template it with the same
// template type parameter as the v8::Local you are passing
p.Reset<v8::Value>(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), val); //< Isolate required
By "info" I assume you are referring to a v8::FunctionCallbackInfo reference. If so the above code would collapse to the following:
void SomeFunc(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::CopyablePersistentTraits<v8::Value>::CopyablePersistent p;
Because the persistent is now copyable you can do things like store it inside a standard library container. This was my use case. This is an example of storing a value in a vector:
std::vector<v8::CopyablePersistentTraits<v8::Value>::CopyablePersistent> vect;
void AccumulateData(v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::CopyablePersistentTraits<v8::Value>::CopyablePersistent p;
I hope this helps someone out there.
If you plan on storing v8 values in C++, you need to make them persistent instead of local so they're independent of handle scope and not garbage-collected when the handle scope is released.
Nan has version-independant wrappers for v8::Persistent and Co. Because of using inside std::vector<>, you'll also need to initialize Nan::Persistent with Nan::CopyablePersistentTraits so it becomes copyable (or make an own reference-counted container for it).

How to get exact type of object in Ruby extended C++?

Hi. I'm working on a Ruby C++ extension, I have the following function, in which "self" object is either of structure type or of Exception type.
VALUE myFunction(VALUE self, VALUE args)
// Some functon call and process on args argument
Now in the above function I need to know the exact type of object "self" (i.e. rb_eException or rb_cStruct),
I tried using the following API,
if(Qtrue == rb_obj_is_kind_of(self, rb_eException))
std::cout<<"self is of rb_eException type "<<std::endl;
like above for rb_cStruct, rb_cClass etc but I'm getting only Qtrue for "rb_cClass" type.
How can I get the exact type of "self" object (i.e rb_cStruct or rb_eException)?
Thanks in advance.
You can get the class with rb_obj_class which would be the appropriate VALUE.