I have a long page of HTML code. Sprinkled in the code is a variety of links in the form of
What regex do I need for Search|Replace in Notepad++ to strip out the entire page of HTML and just leave an isolated listing of the links like this:
Use the following:
To filter the title,
empty string
I want to find a RegEx that allows me to find a specific text between HTML table tags.
I have: This is a test text <tr><td>text inside table</td></tr> and I want the RegEx to return me just the second 'text' because it is inside the table.
I have tried <tr>(text)<\/tr> but returns nothing.
It needs to be done with RegEx it cannot be done with a HTML parser
Your <tr>(text)<\/tr> matches only <tr>text</tr>, but you have other text around.
So you need <tr>.*?(text).*?<\/tr> for that
I am using TinyMCE 4.4 in which, the content source is either HTML and BBCode. A user can insert link in BBCode view and convert to the HTML.
For example BBCode link: [url href=http://test.com]test[/url], I need regex which will convert to the according HTML link.
Below lines there in the TinyMCE BBCode plugin but it seems to be not working.
rep(/\[url=([^\]]+)\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi, "$2");
rep(/\[url\](.*?)\[\/url\]/gi, "$1");
Ideally, Regex should convert above BBCode link to test but it should handle complex URL(with query string params) as well.
Any thoughts how I can make it?
The problem is that your BBCode is wrong. It should be without the href= simply url=
Then the regexes should do their job correctly.
The regex: /[url=([^]]+)](.*?)[\/url]/gi, "$2" applies for the case [url=http://test.com]some plain text[/url]
The regex /[url](.*?)[\/url]/gi, "$1" is used for the case [url]http://test.com[/url]
See it in action here
I have a list of URLs in a text file I am trying to change to HTML, but I'm failing miserably.
My URLs are in this format:
Does anybody know of a regex search/replace command I can run in Notepad++ to change my URL list to this format:
here are my links
Use the regex
and replace it with
If you want to change - into space you can do this
and replace it with
How can stuff like this:
<b><a class='visit' href='LINK'>LINK'S NAME</a></b>
Can be turned into this:
<tr><td>LINK'S NAME<а href="LINK">constant text</a></td></tr>
You should never use regex for HTML manipulation, unless you have a good reason to do so.
regex for match:
"<tr><td>$2<а href=\"$1\">constant text</a></td></tr>"
i am trying to remove href attr from all the anchor tags using Reg Ex,for print page.
Although i need the text value in anchors.
Couldn't you just style your links using CSS? You could create two separate styles: one for "normal" web visits, and one for print. In the print-style, you don't visually enhance the links.
Never parse markup with regular expressions. BAD!