Unit tests with different severity - unit-testing

I'm testing a set of classes and my unit tests so far are along the lines
1. read in some data from file X
2. create new object Y
3. sanity assert some basic properties of Y
4. assert advanced properties of Y
There's about 30 of these tests, that differ in input/properties of Y that can be checked. However, at the current project state, it sometimes crashes at #2 or already fails at #3. It should never crash at #1. For the time being, I'm accepting all failures at #4.
I'd like to e.g. see a list of unit tests that fail at #3, but so far ignore all those that fail at #4. What's the standard approach/terminology to create this? I'm using JUnit for Java with Eclipse.

You need reporting/filtering on your unit test results.
jUnit itself wants your tests to pass, fail, or not run - nothing in between.
However, it doesn't care much about how those results are tied to passing/failing the build, or reported.
Using tools like maven (surefire execution plugin) and some custom code, you can categorize your tests to distinguish between 'hard failures', 'bad, but let's go on', etc. But that's build validation or reporting based on test results rather than testing.
(Currently, our build process relies on annotations such as #Category(WorkInProgress.class) for each test method to decide what's critical and what's not).

What I could think of would be to create assert methods that check some system property as to whether to execute the assert:
public static void assertTrue(boolean assertion, int assertionLevel){
int pro = getSystemProperty(...);
if (pro >= assertionLevel){


How to assert which coroutine dispatcher is used in unit test?

I have a class to unit test that has 2 dispatchers injected, one that is Dispatchers.Main and one that is Dispatchers.IO. My code switches between these two via withContext() at some point and then switches back via .collect(). I would like my unit test for this code to make an assertion on what dispatcher I am supposed to be on. My test code currently just uses two instances of TestCoroutineDispatcher.
Does anyone know how I can do this?
One ok thing I have tried is modifying my production code to include launch(mainDispatcher + CoroutineName("someUniqueName")) { ... } where I can then assert on looking for the substring in Thread.currentThread().name in my unit test, but it really does not feel ideal and rather hacky to modify my prod code just for that.

TFS Build servers and critical Unit Tests

When you build on a TFS build server, failed unit tests cause the build to show an orange alert state but they still "succeed". Is there any way to tag a unit test as critical such that if it fails, the whole build will fail?
I've Googled for it and didn't find anything, and I don't see any attribute in the framework, so I'm guessing the answer is no. But maybe I'm just looking in the wrong place.
There is a way to do this, but you need to create multiple test runs and then filter your tests. On your tests, set a TestCategory attribute:
public void MyCriticalTest {}
For NUnit you should be able to use [Category("Critical")]. There are multiple attributes of a test you can filter on, including the name.
Name = TestMethodDisplayNameName
FullyQualifiedName = FullyQualifiedTestMethodName
Priority = PriorityAttributeValue
TestCategory = TestCategoryAttributeValue
ClassName = ClassName
And these operators:
= (equals)
!= (not equals)
~ (contains or substring only for string values)
& (and)
| (or)
( ) (paranthesis for grouping)
XUnit .NET currently does not support TestCaseFilters.
Then in your build definition you can create two test runs, one that runs Critical tests, one that runs everything else. You can use the Filter option of the Test Run.
Open the Test Runs window using this hard to find button:
Create 2 test runs:
On your first run set the options as follows:
On your second run set the options as follows:
This way Team Build will run any test with the "Ciritical" category in the first run and will fail. If the first run succeeds it will kick off the non-critical tests and will Partially Succeed, even when a test fails.
The same process explained for Azure DevOps Pipelines.
Using the TFS2013 Default Template:
Under the "Process" tab, go to section 2, "Basic".
Expand the Automated Tests section.
For "Test Source", click the ellipsis ("...").
This will open a new window that has a "Fail build when tests fail" check box.

iOS Unit Testing: XCTestSuite, XCTest, XCTestRun, XCTestCase methods

In my daily unit test coding with Xcode, I only use XCTestCase. There are also these other classes that don't seem to get used much such as: XCTestSuite, XCTest, XCTestRun.
What are XCTestSuite, XCTest, XCTestRun for? When do you use them?
Also, XCTestCase header has a few methods such as:
How and when to use the above?
I am having trouble finding documentation on the above XCTest-classes and methods.
Well, this question is pretty good and I just wondering why this question is being ignored.
As the document saying:
XCTestCase is a concrete subclass of XCTest that should be the override point for
most developers creating tests for their projects. A test case subclass can have
multiple test methods and supports setup and tear down that executes for every test
method as well as class level setup and tear down.
On the other hand, this is what XCTestSuite defined:
A concrete subclass of XCTest, XCTestSuite is a collection of test cases. Alternatively, a test suite can extract the tests to be run automatically.
Well, with XCTestSuite, you can construct your own test suite for specific subset of test cases, instead of the default suite ( [XCTestCase defaultTestSuite] ), which as all test cases.
Actually, the default XCTestSuite is composed of every test case found in the runtime environment - all methods with no parameters, returning no value, and prefixed with ‘test’ in all subclasses of XCTestCase.
What about the XCTestRun class?
A test run collects information about the execution of a test. Failures in explicit
test assertions are classified as "expected", while failures from unrelated or
uncaught exceptions are classified as "unexpected".
With XCTestRun, you can record information likes startDate, totalDuration, failureCount etc when the test is starting, or somethings like hasSucceeded when done, and therefore you got the result of running a test. XCTestRun gives you controlability to focus what is happening or happened about the test.
Back to XCTestCase, you will notice that there are methods named testCaseWithInvocation: and testCaseWithSelector: if you read source code. And I recommend you to do for more digging.
How do they work together ?
I've found that there is an awesome explanation in Quick's QuickSpec source file.
XCTest automatically compiles a list of XCTestCase subclasses included
in the test target. It iterates over each class in that list, and creates
a new instance of that class for each test method. It then creates an
"invocation" to execute that test method. The invocation is an instance of
NSInvocation, which represents a single message send in Objective-C.
The invocation is set on the XCTestCase instance, and the test is run.
Some links:
Launch your Xcode, and use cmd + shift + O to open the quickly open dialog, just type 'XCTest' and you will find some related files, such as XCTest.h, XCTestCase.h ... You need to go inside this file to check out the interfaces they offer.
There is a good website about XCTest: http://iosunittesting.com/xctest-assertions/

How to mark a Google Test test-case as "expected to fail"?

I want to add a testcase for functionality not yet implemented and mark this test case as "it's ok that I fail".
Is there a way to do this?
I want the test to be executed and the framework should verify it is failing as long as the testcase is in the "expected fail" state.
It seems that the feature I am interested in does not exist in google-test, but it does exist in the Boost Unit Test Framework, and in LIT.
EXPECT_NONFATAL_FAILURE is what you want to wrap around the code that you expect to fail. Note you will hav to include the gtest-spi.h header file:
#include "gtest-spi.h"
// ...
TEST_F( testclass, testname )
// your code here, or just call:
,"Some optional text that would be associated with"
" the particular failure you were expecting, if you"
" wanted to be sure to catch the correct failure mode" );
Link to docs: https://github.com/google/googletest/blob/955c7f837efad184ec63e771c42542d37545eaef/docs/advanced.md#catching-failures
You can prefix the test name with DISABLED_.
I'm not aware of a direct way to do this, but you can fake it with something like this:
try {
// do something that should fail and throw and exception
EXPECT_TRUE(false); // this should not be reached!
} catch (...) {
// return or print a message, etc.
Basically, the test will fail if it reaches the contradictory expectation.
It would be unusual to have a unit test in an expected-to-fail state. Unit tests can test for positive conditions ("expect x to equal 2") or negative conditions ("expect save to throw an exception if name is null"), and can be flagged not to run at all (if the feature is pending and you don't want the noise in your test output). But what you seem to be asking for is a way to negate a feature's test while you're working on it. This is against the tenants of Test Driven Development.
In TDD, what you should do is write tests that accurately describe what a feature should do. If that feature isn't written yet then, by definition, those tests will and should fail. Then you implement the feature until, one by one, all those tests pass. You want all the tests to start as failing and then move to passing. That's how you know when your feature is complete.
Think of how it would look if you were able to mark failing tests as passing as you suggest: all tests would pass and everything would look complete when the feature didn't work. Then, once you were done and the feature worked as expected, suddenly your tests would start to fail until you went in and unflagged them. Beyond being a strange way to work, this workflow would be very prone to error and false-positives.

Two assert in the same unit test method, how to make?

I'm starting out using unit tests. I have a situation and don't know how to proceed:
For example:
I have a class that opens and reads a file.
In my unit test, I want to test the open method and the read method, but to read the file I need to open the file first.
If the "open file" test fails, the "read file" test would fail too!
So, how to explicit that the read fail because the open? I test the open inside the read??
The key feature of unit tests is isolation: one specific unit test should cover one specific functionality - and if it fails, it should report it.
In your example, read clearly depends on open functionality: if the latter is broken, there's no reason to test the former, as we do know the result. More, reporting read failure will only add some irrelevant noise to your test results.
What can (and should be) reported for read in this case is test skipped or something similar. That's how it's done in PHPUnit, for example:
class DependencyFailureTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testOne()
* #depends testOne
public function testTwo()
Here we have testTwo dependant on testOne. And that's what's shown when the test is run:
There was 1 failure:
1) testOne(DependencyFailureTest)
Failed asserting that <boolean:false> is true.
There was 1 skipped test:
1) testTwo(DependencyFailureTest)
This test depends on "DependencyFailureTest::testOne" to pass.
Tests: 2, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1, Skipped: 1.
To quickly localize defects, we want our attention to be focused on
relevant failing tests. This is why PHPUnit skips the execution of a
test when a depended-upon test has failed.
Opening the file is a prerequisite to reading the file, so it's fine to include that in the test. You can throw an exception in your code if the file failed to open. The error message in the test will then make it clear why the test failed.
I would also recommend that you consider creating the file in the test itself to remove any dependencies on existing files. That way you ensure that you always have a valid file to reference.
Generally speaking, you wouldn't find yourself testing your proposed scenario of unit testing the ability to read from a file, since you will usually end up using a file manipulation library of some kind and can usually safely assume that the maintainers of said library have the appropriate unit tests already in place (for example, I feel pretty confident that I can use the File class in .NET without worry).
That being said, the idea of one condition being an impediment to testing a second is certainly valid. That's why mock frameworks were created, so that you can easily set up a mock object that will always behave in a defined manner that can then be substituted for the initial dependency. This allows you to focus squarely on unit testing the second object/condition/etc. in a test scenario.