Public functions become remotely accessible when implementing onCFCRequest() - coldfusion

I'm using onCFCRequest() to handle remote CFC calls separately from regular CFM page requests. This allows me to catch errors and set MIME types cleanly for all remote requests.
I accidentally set some of my remote CFC functions to public access instead of remote and realized that they were still working when called remotely.
As you can see below, my implementation of onCFCRequest() has created a gaping security hole into my entire application, where an HTTP request could be used to invoke any public method on any HTTP-accessible CFC.
In Application.cfc:
public any function onCFCRequest(string cfc, string method, struct args){
cfc = createObject('component', cfc);
return evaluate('cfc.#method#(argumentCollection=args)');
In a CFC called remotely:
public any function publicFunction(){
return 'Public function called remotely!';
I know I could check the meta data for the component before invoking the method to verify it allows remote access, but are there other ways I could approach this problem?

onCfcRequest() doesn't really create the security hole, you create the security hole by blindly running the method without checking to see if it's appropriate to do so first, I'm afraid ;-)
(NB: I've fallen foul of exactly the same thing, so I'm not having a go # you ;-)
So - yeah - you do need to check the metadata before running the method. That check is one of the things that CF passes back to you to manage in its stead when you use this handler, and has been explicitly implemented as such (see 3039293).
I've written up a description of the issue and the solution on my blog. As observed in a comment below I use some code in there - invoke() - that will only work on CF10+, but the general technique remains the same.


Eiffel: EWF_APP_EXECUTION (EWF application) exit function

As there is an initialize function, is there an exit/on_exit function such as I can close my database connection into it?
I would suggest to handle this at the request level to be fully portable among various EiffelWeb connectors.
Now, could you tell us which solution you are using ? EiffelWeb standalone connector, or rather libfcgi with apache for instance? or else?
For standalone, you can redefine the "launch" procedure, in order to perform cleanup task when you exit the application (which is also the server).
For libfcgi, the C API may provide such facility, but so far, the Eiffel libfcgi library does not wrap it. If needed this may be possible to implement it.
Called in each request which is probably not the best solution but I have chosen following way for the moment:
Redefine the clean procedure of WSF_FILTERED_ROUTED_EXECUTION inherited into the classical EWF_APP_EXECUTION to close the connection
Connect into the redefined initialize

In QtWebkit, how does a webpage's QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest() get invoked?

I'm building a Browser application using the QtWebkit and QtNetwork modules.
Let's say that it's a requirement that each webpage only be able to access resources from only a specific folder, set aside specifically for it. In this scenario, each webpage would have some kind of ID to identify it which could be used to verify that it's accessing the correct folder.
The problem is that it's not clear how exactly the createRequest() method gets invoked. If it's a signal that's emitted or something then I would be able to intercept it and add a few parameters indicating webpage ID.
As such now the only option open to me is to create a separate QNetworkAccessManager for each QWebPage and overload the createRequest() function whereas I would really like to be able to share the QNetworkAccessManager across QWebPages.
Alternate solutions would be appreciated but generally I'm also really confused about how the createRequest() method is reached.
Reference :
It's not a big deal to have a separate access manager for each web page. You don't have any measurements to show it to be a problem, so in a true Don Quixote fashion, you're fighting windmills and imaginary enemies :)
The createRequest virtual method is called by the various non-virtual request methods: get, post and put. It's a good example of the non virtual interface (NVI) pattern.

How do you decouple a web service that requires an authheader on every call?

I have a service reference to a .NET 2.0 web service. I have a reference to this service in my repository and I want to move to Ninject. I've been using DI for some time now, but haven't tried it with a web service like this.
So, in my code, the repository constructor creates two objects: the client proxy for the service, and an AuthHeader object that is the first parameter of every method in the proxy.
The AuthHeader is where I'm having friction. Because the concrete type is required as the first parameter on every call in the proxy, I believe I need to take a dependency on AuthHeader in my repository. Is this true?
I extracted an interface for AuthHeader from my reference.cs. I wanted to move to the following for my repository constructor:
public PackageRepository(IWebService service, IAuthHeader authHeader)
_service = service;
_authHeader = authHeader;
...but then I can't make calls to my service proxy like
_service.MakeSomeCall(_authheader, "some value").
...because because MakeSomeCall is expecting an AuthHeader, not an IAuthHeader.
Am I square-pegging a round hole here? Is this just an area where there isn't a natural fit (because of web service "awesomeness")? Am I missing an approach?
It's difficult to understand exactly what the question is here, but some general advice might be relevant to this situation:
Dependency injection does not mean that everything has to be an interface. I'm not sure why you would try to extract an interface from a web service proxy generated from WSDL; the types in the WSDL are contracts which you must follow. This is especially silly if the IAuthHeader doesn't have any behaviour (it doesn't seem to) and you'll never have alternate implementations.
The reason why this looks all wrong is because it is wrong; this web service is poorly-designed. Information that's common to all messages (like an authentication token) should never go in the body where it translates to a method parameter; instead it should go in the message header, wherethe ironically-named AuthHeader clearly isn't. Headers can be intercepted by the proxy and inspected prior to executing any operation, either on the client or service side. In WCF that's part of the behavior (generally ClientCredentials for authentication) and in legacy WSE it's done as an extension. Although it's theoretically possible to do this with information in the message body, it's far more difficult to pull off reliably.
In any event, what's really important here isn't so much what your repository depends on but where that dependency comes from. If your AuthHeader is injected by the kernel as a dependency then you're still getting all the benefits of DI - in particular the ability to have this all registered in one place or substitute a different implementation (i.e. a derived class).
So design issues aside, I don't think you have a real problem in your DI implementation. If the class needs to take an AuthHeader then inject an AuthHeader. Don't worry about the exact syntax and type, as long as it takes that dependency as a constructor argument or property.

How to test if a fluent service method is called

I have a security rule that a newly registered user has full permissions over their own user entity. I'm using Rhino.Security and the code works fine, but I want to create a unit test to make sure the appropriate call is made to setup the permission. Here is a simplified verison of the code:
public User Register(UserRegisterTask userRegistrationTask) {
User user = User.Create(userRegistrationTask);
// Give this user permission to do operations on itself
return user;
I've mocked the userRepository and the permissionBuilderService but the fluent interface of the permissionBuilderService requires different objects to be returned from each method call in the chain (i.e. .Allow(...).For(...).On(...) etc). But I can't find a way to mock each of the objects in the chain.
Is there a way to test if the permissionBuilderService's Allow method is being called but ignoring the rest of the chain?
I also ran into this and ended up wrapping the Rhino Security functionality in a service layer for two reasons:
It was making unit testing a real PITA and after spending a couple of hours hitting my head against a brick wall, this approach allowed me to mock this layer far more easily.
I started to feel that Rhino Security was being coupled very tightly to my controller (my application uses MVC). Wrapping the calls in another layer allowed me looser coupling to a specific security implementation and will allow me to easily swap it out with another - if I so choose - in the future.
Obviously, this is only one approach. But it made my life much easier...

How should I store an object in an web service so that business objects can reference the object?

I am building an ASP.NET web service that will be used internally in my company. Exception and trace/audit logging will be performed by the web service class as well as the business objects that the web service will call. The logging is handled by an instance of an internally developed log helper class. The log helper must be an instance as it tracks state and a reference guid that is used to relate the log messages into groups.
In the past we handled this situation by passing references to the log helper instance from class to class using the method parameters. I am trying to find a reliable way to find a way to store and access the instance throughout the call without having to explicitly pass it around.
I am attempting to store the instance in the HTTPContext during the early stages of the web service call. When my business objects need it later during the call, they will access it as a property of a base class that all my objects inherit from.
Initially I tried storing the instance in the web service's Context.Cache. This seemed to work and my research led me to believe that the Cache would be thread safe. It wasn't until I started calling the web service from more than 3 concurrent sessions that the instance of the logger would be shared from call to call rather than be recreated new for each call. I tried Context.Application and found very similar results to the Cache storage.
I was able to find what looks like a usable solution with Context.Session. This requires me to use EnableSession = true in the attributes of each method but it does seem to keep the instance unique per call. I do not have a need to track data between calls so I am not storing session cookies in the client space.
Is session the optimal storage point for my needs? It seems a little heavy given that I don't need to track session between calls. I'm open to suggestions or criticism. I'm sure someone will suggest using the built in Trace logging or systems like Elmah. Those might be an option for the future but right now I don't have the time required to go down that path.
Update: I should clarify that this service will need to run on .Net Framework 2.0. We are in the process of moving to 3.5/4.0 but our current production server is Win2000 with a max of 2.0.
You could try using OperationContext.Current. This will enable you to store variables for the lifetime of the web service call.
Edited to ad a possible No WCF Solution:
Since you don't have WCF, you can create something like thread local storage by creating a static map of thread IDs to your object. Just make sure that you are correctly cleaning up this static map when requests are finished or else the next call that uses that thread will pick up your object. Also, make sure to lock the map when you are accessing it.
I take it that, in the past, you have used these business objects in a Windows Forms application?
You should not have your business objects dependent on some ambient object. Instead, you should use either constructor injection or property injection to pass the logger object to the business objects. The logger should be represented by an interface, not by a concrete class. The business objects should be passed a reference to some class that implements this interface. They should never know where this object is stored. This will enable you to test the business objects outside of the web service.
You can then store the logging object wherever you like. I'd suggest storing it in HttpContext.Current.Items, which is only valid for the current request.
public interface ILogger
void Log(string message);
public class Logger : ILogger
public void Log(string message) {}
public class BusinessObjectBase
public BusinessObjectbase(ILogger logger)
Logger = logger;
protected ILogger Logger {get;set;}
public class BusinessObject : BusinessObjectBase
public void DoSomething()
Logger.Log("Doing something");
My understanding is that an ASMX class is instantiated for each call. Therefore, it seems like you could instantiate your log-helper class in the ASMX's constructor, and store it in an instance variable. All processing within the ASMX class would reference that instance variable. In that way, the same log-helper instance would be used throughout the lifecycle of a single webservice call, and would NOT be shared across multiple calls.
This would most likely be implemented within a common superclass, from which all your ASMX classes would inherit. Though I guess there's nothing preventing you from implementing it over and over again in every ASMX class, if for some reason you eschew a common superclass.