Multiple instances of shaders - opengl

I recently read that you can
"have multiple instances of OpenGL shaders"
but no other details were given on this.
I'd like some clarification as to what exactly this means.
For one, I know you can have more than one glProgram running, and that you can switch between them. Is that all this is referring to? I assuming that switching between several created shader programs per frame would essentially mean I am using several programs "simultaneously".
Or does it somehow refer to having multiple "instances" of the same shader program? That would make no sense to me.
Some basic clarification would be enjoyed here!

When you create a program object you're linking together several shaders. Usually at least a vertex and a fragment shader. Now say you want to render, say some glow around some object. That glow would be created by a different fragment shader, but the vertex shader would be the same as for the regular appearance. Now to save resources you can use the same vertex shader in multiple programs but with different fragment shaders being linked in. Of course you could also have the same fragment shader and different vertex shaders.
In short you can link a single shader into an arbitrary number of programs. As long as the linked shader stages are compatible with each other this helps with modularization.


OpenGL Compute stage with other stages

I want to have a single shader program that has a Compute stage along with the standard graphics stages (vertex, tess control, tess eval, fragment).
Unfortunately if I attach the Compute stage to the rest of the program and then link it, calls to location queries such as glGetAttribLocation (for uniforms/attributes in any stage) start returning -1, indicating they failed to find the named objects. I also tried using layout(location=N), which resulted in nothing being drawn.
If I attach the stages to two different shader programs and use them one right after the other, both work well (the compute shader writes to a VBO and the draw shader reads from the same VBO), except that I have to switch between them.
Are there limitations on combining Compute stage with the standard graphics stages? All the examples I can find have two programs, but I have not found an explanation for why that would need to be the case.
OpenGL actively forbids linking a program that contains a compute shader with any non-compute shader types. You should have gotten a linker error when you tried it.
Also, there's really no reason to do so. The only hypothetical benefit you might have gotten from it is having the two sets of shaders sharing uniform values. There just isn't much to gain from having them in the same program.

Tessellation Shaders

I am trying to learn tessellation shaders in openGL 4.1. I understood most of the things. I have one question.
What is gl_InvocationID?
Can any body please explain in some easy way?
gl_InvocationID has two current uses, but it represents the same concept in both.
In Geometry Shaders, you can have GL run your geometry shader multiple times per-primitive. This is useful in scenarios where you want to draw the same thing from several perspectives. Each time the shader runs on the same set of data, gl_InvocationID is incremented.
The common theme between Geometry and Tessellation Shaders is that each invocation shares the same input data. A Tessellation Control Shader can read every single vertex in the input patch primitive, and you actually need gl_InvocationID to make sense of which data point you are supposed to be processing.
This is why you generally see Tessellation Control Shaders written something like this:
gl_out [gl_InvocationID].gl_Position = gl_in [gl_InvocationID].gl_Position;
gl_in and gl_out are potentially very large arrays in Tessellation Control Shaders (equal in size to GL_PATCH_VERTICES), and you have to know which vertex you are interested in.
Also, keep in mind that you are not allowed to write to any index other than gl_out [gl_InvocationID] from a Tessellation Control Shader. That property keeps invoking Tessellation Control Shaders in parallel sane (it avoids order dependencies and prevents overwriting data that a different invocation already wrote).

OpenGL 4.1 GL_ARB_separate_program_objects usefulness

I have been reading this OpenGL4.1 new features review.I don't really understand the idea behind GL_ARB_separate_program_objects usage , at least based on how the post author puts it:
It allows to independently use shader stages without changing others
shader stages. I see two mains reasons for it: Direct3D, Cg and even
the old OpenGL ARB program does it but more importantly it brings some
software design flexibilities allowing to see the graphics pipeline at
a lower granularity. For example, my best enemy the VAO, is a
container object that links buffer data, vertex layout data and GLSL
program input data. Without a dedicated software design, this means
that when I change the material of an object (a new fragment shader),
I need different VAO... It's fortunately possible to keep the same VAO
and only change the program by defining a convention on how to
communicate between the C++ program and the GLSL program. It works
well even if some drawbacks remains.
Now ,this line :
For example, my best enemy the VAO, is a container object that links buffer data, vertex layout data and GLSL program input data.Without a dedicated software design, this means that when I change the material of an object (a new fragment shader), I need different VAO...
makes me wonder.In my OpenGL programs I use VAO objects and I can switch between different shader programs without doing any change to VAO itself.So ,have I misunderstood the whole idea? Maybe he means we can switch shaders for the same program without re-linking ?
I'm breaking this answer up into multiple parts.
What the purpose of ARB_separate_shader_objects is
The purpose of this functionality is to be able to easily mix-and-match between vertex/fragment/geometry/tessellation shaders.
Currently, you have to link all shader stages into one monolithic program. So I could be using the same vertex shader code with two different fragment shaders. But this results in two different programs.
Each program has its own set of uniforms and other state. Which means that if I want to change some uniform data in the vertex shader, I have to change it in both programs. I have to use glGetUniformLocation on each (since they could have different locations). I then have to set the value on each one individually.
That's a big pain, and it's highly unnecessary. With separate shaders, you don't have to. You have a program that contains just the vertex shader, and two programs that contain the two fragment shaders. Changing vertex shader uniforms doesn't require two glGetUniformLocation calls. Indeed, it's easier to cache the data, since there's only one vertex shader.
Also, it deals with the combinatorial explosion of shader combinations.
Let's say you have a vertex shader that does simple rigid transformations: it takes a model-to-camera matrix and a camera-to-clip matrix. Maybe a matrix for normals too. And you have a fragment shader that will sample from some texture, do some lighting computations based on the normal, and return a color.
Now let's say you add another fragment shader that takes extra lighting and material parameters. It doesn't have any new inputs from the vertex shaders (no new texture coordinates or anything), just new uniforms. Maybe it's for projective lighting, which the vertex shader isn't involved with. Whatever.
Now let's say we add a new vertex shader that does vertex weighted skinning. It provides the same outputs as the old vertex shader, but it has a bunch of uniforms and input weights for skinning.
That gives us 2 vertex shaders and 2 fragment shaders. A total of 4 program combinations.
What happens when we add 2 more compatible fragment shaders? We get 8 combinations. If we have 3 vertex and 10 fragment shaders, we have 30 total program combinations.
With separate shaders, 3 vertex and 10 fragment shaders needs 30 program pipeline objects, but only 13 program objects. That's over 50% fewer program objects than the non-separate case.
Why the quoted text is wrong
Now ,this line [...] makes me wonder.
It should make you wonder; it's wrong in several ways. For example:
the VAO, is a container object that links buffer data, vertex layout data and GLSL program input data.
No, it does not. It ties buffer objects that provide vertex data to the vertex formats for that data. And it specifies which vertex attribute indices that goes to. But how tightly coupled this is to "GLSL program input data" is entirely up to you.
Without a dedicated software design, this means that when I change the material of an object (a new fragment shader), I need different VAO...
Unless this line equates "a dedicated software design" with "reasonable programming practice", this is pure nonsense.
Here's what I mean. You'll see example code online that does things like this when they set up their vertex data:
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer_object);
glEnableVertexAttribArray(glGetAttribLocation(prog, "position"));
glVertexAttribPointer(glGetAttribLocation(prog, "position"), ...);
There is a technical term for this: terrible code. The only reason to do this is if the shader specified by prog is somehow not under your direct control. And if that's the case... how do you know that prog has an attribute named "position" at all?
Reasonable programming practice for shaders is to use conventions. That's how you know prog has an attribute named "position". But if you know that every program is going to have an attribute named "position", why not take it one step further? When it comes time to link a program, do this:
GLuint prog = glCreateProgram();
glAttachShader(prog, ...); //Repeat as needed.
glBindAttribLocation(prog, 0, "position");
After all, you know that this program must have an attribute named "position"; you're going to assume that when you get it's location later. So cut out the middle man and tell OpenGL what location to use.
This way, you don't have to use glGetAttribLocation; just use 0 when you mean "position".
Even if prog doesn't have an attribute named "position", this will still link successfully. OpenGL doesn't mind if you bind attribute locations that don't exist. So you can just apply a series of glBindAttribLocation calls to every program you create, without problems. Indeed, you can have multiple conventions for your attribute names, and as long as you stick to one set or the other, you'll be fine.
Even better, stick it in the shader and don't bother with the glBindAttribLocation solution at all:
#version 330
layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;
In short: always use conventions for your attribute locations. If you see glGetAttribLocation in a program, consider that a code smell. That way, you can use any VAO for any program, since the VAO is simply written against the convention.
I don't see how having a convention equates to "dedicated software design", but hey, I didn't write that line either.
I can switch between different shader programs
Yes, but you have to replace whole programs altogether. Separate shader objects allow you to replace only one stage (e.g. only vertex shader).
If you have for example N vertex shaders and M vertex shaders, using conventional linking you would have N * M program objects (to cover all posible combinations). Using separate shader objects, they are separated from each other, and thus you need to keep only N + M shader objects. That's a significant improvement in complex scenarios.

Web-GL : Multiple Fragment Shaders per Program

Does anyone know if it's possible to have multiple fragment shaders run serially in a single Web-GL "program"? I'm trying to replicate some code I have written in WPF using shader Effects. In the WPF program I would wrap an image with multiple borders and each border would have an Effect attached to it (allowing for multiple Effects to run serially on the same image).
I'm afraid you're probably going to have to clarify your question a bit, but I'll take a stab at answering anyway:
WebGL can support, effectively, as many different shaders as you want. (There are of course practical limits like available memory but you'd have to be trying pretty hard to bump into them by creating too many shaders.) In fact, most "real world" WebGL/OpenGL applications will use a combination of many different shaders to produce the final scene rendered to your screen. (A simple example: Water will usually be rendered with a different shader or set of shaders than the rest of the environment around it.)
When dispatching render commands only one shader program may be active at a time. The currently active program is specified by calling gl.useProgram(shaderProgram); after which any geometry drawn will be rendered with that program. If you want to render an effect that requires multiple different shaders you will need to group them by shader and draw each batch separately:
// Setup shader1 uniforms, bind the appropriate buffers, etc.
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, shader1VertexCount, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); // Draw geometry that uses shader1
// Setup shader2 uniforms, bind the appropriate buffers, etc.
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, shader2VertexCount, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0); // Draw geometry that uses shader2
// And so on...
The other answers are on the right track. You'd either need to create the shader on the fly that applies all the effects in one shader or framebuffers and apply the effects one at a time. There's an example of the later here
WebGL Image Processing Continued
As Toji suggested, you might want to clarify your question. If I understand you correctly, you want to apply a set of post-processing effects to an image.
The simple answer to your question is: No, you can't use multiple fragment shaders with one vertex shader.
However, there are two ways to accomplish this: First, you can write everything in one fragment shader and combine them in the end. This depends on the effects you want to have!
Second, you can write multiple shader programs (one for each effect) and write your results to a fragment buffer object (render to texture). Each shader would get the results of the previous effect and apply the next one. This would be a bit more complicated, but it is the most flexible approach.
If you mean to run several shaders in a single render pass, like so (example pulled from thin air):
Vertex color
...each stage attached to a single WebGLProgram object, and each stage with its own main() function, then no, GLSL doesn't work this way.
GLSL works more like C/C++, where you have a single global main() function that acts as your program's entry point, and any arbitrary number of libraries attached to it. The four examples above could each be a separate "library," compiled on its own but linked together into a single program, and invoked by a single main() function, but they may not each define their own main() function, because such definitions in GLSL are shared across the entire program.
This unfortunately requires you to write separate main() functions (at a minimum) for every shader you intend to use, which leads to a lot of redundant programming, even if you plan to reuse the libraries themselves. That's why I ended up writing a glorified string mangler to manage my GLSL libraries for Jax; I'm not sure how useful the code will be outside of my framework, but you are certainly free to take a look at it, and make use of anything you find helpful. The relevant files are:
spec/javascripts/jax/ (tests and usage examples)
spec/javascripts/jax/shader/ (more tests and usage examples)
Good luck!

Can you have multiple pixel (fragment) shaders in the same program?

I would like to have two pixel shaders; the first doing one thing, and then the next doing something else. Is this possible, or do I have to pack everything into the one shader?
You can do do this, e.g. by doing function calls from the main entrypoint to functions that are implemented in the various shader objects.
main() {
each of those callToShaderObject functions can live in different shader objects, but all objects have to be attached and linked in the same program before it can be used.
They can't run at the same time, but you are free to use different shaders for different geometry, or to render in multiple passes using different shaders.
The answer depends on the GL version, you need to check glAttachShader documentation for the version you are using. GLES versions (including webgl) do not allow attaching multiple fragment shaders to a single program and will raise GL_INVALID_OPERATION error when attempted.
glAttachShader - OpenGL 4:
It is permissible to attach multiple shader objects of the same type because each may contain a portion of the complete shader.
glAttachShader - OpenGL ES 3.2:
It is not permissible to attach multiple shader objects of the same type.