How can I show an image widget on top of a Button - c++

refBuilder->get_widget("image1", image);
//Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> prop;
Gtk::Settings::property_gtk_button_images() = true;
I know the last line isn't written properly, I don't know how to use PropertyProxy. I just want to set the property to true. that might not solve what I want to achieve, but it might be a step closer. The class reference didn't specify how to use them properly. Any suggestions?

I am not sure what are you looking for but if you want to put an image on a button, then here is the code. Basically you need to define an image and set that image to the given button.
Gtk::Button *btn=Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Button("DummyButton"));
Gtk::Image *ImageIcon=Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Image(Gtk::IconTheme::get_default()->load_icon("ButtonImage",128)));


Use a pointer to switch between two other pointers in Qt Creator Ui

i do have two Labels in my applications. They are both in each tab. Now i want to witch between those labels by using an pointer that switchs between those labels when tab was changed.
my ui_mainwindow.h defines:
ProLabel *imageLabel;
ProLabel *imageLabel_1;
ProLabel *imageLabel_2;
but only imageLabel_1 and imageLabel_2 are shown in the GUI. I added a third Label (imageLabel) to use it as a variable to switch between the Labels (1/2). So I wrote follwing code in a slot which proves tab changed. So if tab is changed, the other imageLabel_1/2 (pointer) should be used in the hole code, when it says: imageLabel.
my slot when tab changed:
if(tab == 0)
this->ui->imageLabel = this->ui->imageLabel_1;
this->ui->imageLabel = this->ui->imageLabel_2;
I also set the imageLabel_1 whe MainWindow is created. The Window disapear like normal. But if I try to load an image (than it should display the image in the imageLabel) it crashes.
Don't know if it was understandable. Does anybody has an idea if i can handle the pointers like that.. or how to do it different?
Thank you!
Two simpler ways: 1) Change the label contents, either the image or the text it contains, or 2) set the label to hidden with ui->label2->isVisible(false).

RaphaelJS issue ...DRAW or REDRAW?

Hi I have a dropdown menu & whenever I change the option in the dropdown I want to change the content in the canvas...For example
var paper = Raphael("myDivID",400,400);
function smallRectangle(){
function bigRectangle(){
In my dropdown i'll have two options "small rectangle" & "big rectangle". I want to call corresponding functions on dropdown selection. The issue I'm facing with is that once i change the dropdown option Raphael don't seem to draw it. I have read from some questions in stackoverflow that there is no need to use redraw technique in RaphaelJS
See the Answer!
Even If I try this way:
var paper = Raphael("myDivID",400,400);
function smallRectangle(){
function bigRectangle(){
This don't seem to add elements to canvas after the clear() function. Canvas remains empty.
FYI:my code is very large so I posted this simple example here.
There is no need to redraw the rect again ....
function resize_Rect(rect,newWidth,newHeight){//passing rect ,new width and new height
Hope it helps you out ...

Using images in QListWidget, is this possible?

I am using QT to create a chat messenger client. To display the list of online users, I'm using a QListWidget, as created like this:
listWidget = new QListWidget(horizontalLayoutWidget);
QSizePolicy sizePolicy1(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
listWidget->setMinimumSize(QSize(30, 0));
listWidget->setMaximumSize(QSize(150, 16777215));
listWidget->setBaseSize(QSize(100, 0));
Users are shown by constantly refreshing the list, like this: (Note: There are different channels, with different userlists, so refreshing it is the most efficient thing to do, as far as I know.)
void FMessenger::refreshUserlist()
if (currentPanel == 0)
listWidget = this->findChild<QListWidget *>(QString("userList"));
QList<FCharacter*> charList = currentPanel->charList();
QListWidgetItem* charitem = 0;
FCharacter* character;
foreach(character, charList)
charitem = new QListWidgetItem(character->name());
// charitem->setIcon(QIcon(":/Images/status.png"));
This has always worked perfectly. The line that I commented out is the one I have problems with: my current goal is to be able to display a user's online status with an image, which represents whether they are busy, away, available, etc. Using setIcon() does absolutely nothing though, apparently; the items still show up as they used to, without icons.
I'm aware that this is probably not the way this function needs to be used, but I have found little documentation about it online, and absolutely no useful examples of implementations. My question is, can anybody help me with fixing this problem?
This is how you may conduct your debugging:
Try the constructor that has both icon and text as arguments.
Try to use that icon in another context to ensure it is displayable (construct a QIcon with same argument and use it elsewhere, e.g. QLabel!).
Use icon() from the QListWidgetItem to receive back the icon and then look at that QIcon.
Create a new QListWidget, change nothing, and ordinarily add some stock items in your MainWidget's constructor. See if the icons show up there.

How to set the line where a QToolBar is displayed?

I would like to ask if anyone knows how to display 2 QToolBars in two lines, one on top of the other? I found the class QStyleOptionToolBar, but I don't know how to use it...
It is easy to drag one toolbar with the mouse to be placed below the other, so I think there must be a way how this can be done from the source code as well...
Any hint would be appreciated!
Try calling QMainWindow::addToolBarBreak(Qt::ToolBarArea) in between adding the two tool bars.
I think that when you add the 2 toolbar's if you place them in the same area, they'll stack automatically:
QMainWindow *mainWin = get_main(); // however you get it
mainWin->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, new QToolBar);
mainWin->addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, new QToolBar);
This should produce 2 toolbars, both at the top.
If you want toolbars to be in two lines you should do it in following manner:
firstToolbar = new QToolBar(this);
secondToolbar = new QToolBar(this);
addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, firstToolbar);
addToolBar(Qt::TopToolBarArea, secondToolbar);
addToolBarBreak accepts Qt::ToolBarArea so you can specify for which area you would like to add the break. By default it is Qt::TopToolBarArea.

How do I display a tooltip for a CMFCRibbonButton in the status bar?

I have a CMFCRibbonStatusBar in my mainframe to which I add a CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup which again has a CMFCRibbonButton. This button has the same ID as a menu entry.
Creating the button is done as follows:
CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup* pBGroup = new CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup();
CMFCToolBarImages images;
images.SetImageSize(CSize(32, 16)); // Non-square bitmaps
pBGroup->SetImages(&images, NULL, NULL);
m_pStatusButton = new CMFCRibbonButton(ID_STATUS_SHOWSTATUS,
m_wndStatusBar.AddExtendedElement(pBGroup, _T(""));
I want to use this button as a status indicator.
I want to display a tool tip in the following two cases:
when the status changes and
when the user moves the mouse over the button.
I have no idea how to start in the first place. I have looked at the ToolTipDemo and DlgToolTips sample projects but couldn't figure out how to do it since all they do is display tooltips for the toolbar items or dialog buttons (CWnd-derived instead of CMFCRibbonButton).
If you are familiar with the ToolTipDemo sample project: Since there seem to be several ways of doing things, I would prefer the tooltip to look like the "Extended Visual Manager-based" tool tip as shown in this screenshot.
I don't think it's possible to show the tooltip without the mouse cursor being over the control. That's all done automatically.
However if you want to have a nice looking tooltip like in your screenshot, you need to call SetToolTipText and SetDescription, like this:
CMFCRibbonButton* pBtn = new CMFCRibbonButton(12345, _T(""), 1);
pBtn->SetToolTipText("This is the bold Title");
pBtn->SetDescription("This is the not-so-bold Description");
I am using CMFCRibbonButton controls within a CMFCRibbonButtonGroup, which is added to the CMFCRibbonStatusBar. Take note of the 4th parameter in the CMFCRibbonButton() constructor, bAlwaysShowDescription, as this seems to affect the behavior depending upon whether SetDescription() has been called.
Specifically, if SetDescription() has not been called, it doesn't matter whether bAlwaysShowDescription is TRUE or FALSE - the tool tip is displayed (as I would expect). If SetDescription() is set and bAlwaysShowDescription is FALSE, when hovering over the button the tool tip is displayed with the description below it.
What seems counterintuitive given the name of this bAlwaysShowDescription parameter, is that when this is TRUE and SetDescription() is set, NEITHER the tool tip nor the description appear. I wonder if this is related to this post:
Hope this helps and you can achieve what you need with the different combinations of bAlwaysShowDescription parameter and whether SetDescription() is set.