changing textureRect of a CCSprite created by CCRenderTexture - cocos2d-iphone

I have a CCSprite which gradually needs to be exhausted linearly from one end, lets say from left to right.For this purpose ,I am trying to change the textureRect property of the sprite so that the part that got exhausted from one end is 'outside' the displaying frame of the sprite.
I did this sort of thing before with a sprite that gets loaded from a spritesheet.And it worked perfectly.But I created this CCSprite using CCRenderTexture and by changing the textureRect property,the entire sprite gets disappeared.
The first image is the original CCSprite which I get from CCRenderTexture.The second image shows what I want to achieve.The black dotted rectangular portion of the Sprite needs to be omitted out.Only the blue dotted portion of the sprite needs to be displayed.Essentially,this blue dotted rectangle is my textureRect.
Is there any way how I could make my sprite reduce from one end.
Also is there any difference between a sprite created normally,and one created using CCRenderTexture.

I have done similar thing like this before using some low-level hack.
There is a work around solution if you use CCProgressTimer, that's very easy and I think it should be enough for your examples.
But you said in comment that you have some special requirements like "exhaust it from both the ends at once" then some low-level hack is needed. My solution from my last object is:
1) Get the texture image's raw data. In cocos2d you can use CCRenderTexture and in cocos2d-x you can use CCImage.
2) CCRenderTexture has a method of - (BOOL) saveToFile: (NSString *) name
format: (tCCImageFormat) format
. You can read its source code then try to save it into an 2D array instead like byte raw[1024][768]. Each element in this array represents one pixel on your picture(the type may not be byte, I'm not sure, nearly forget the details). The format MUST BE PNG since transparency will be needed.
3) Modify raw data directly, set pixel's transparency to 0x0 which you want it to disappear.
4) Re-initialize a CCRenderTexture using picture data you modified.
I can't provide the code directly since is a trade secret and core part of one of my projects. But I can share you my solution. You also need some knowledge about how PNG file works. Read:

Turns out I was making a silly mistake.While supplying values to the textureRect(CGRect),I was actually setting the textureRect.origin.y to the height of the texture which made my textureRect go beyond(above) the texture area.This explains why they were disappearing.


How to detect if an image contains only white color with C++

We are writing a piece of software which downloads tiles from the internet from WMS servers (these are map servers, and they provide images as map data for various locations on the globe) and then displays them inside a window, using Qt and some OpenGL bindings.
Some of these servers contain data only for specific regions on the planet, and if you request and area outside of what they support it they provide you just a blank white image, which we do not want to use since they occupy extra space. So the question is:
How to identify whether an image contains only 1 color (white), or not.
What we have tried till now is the following:
Create a QImage, loop over every pixel of it, see if it differs from white. This is extremely slow, and since we want this to be a more or less realtime application, this idea sadly does not work.
Check if the image size is the same as an empty image size, but this also does not work, since it might happen that:
There is another image with the same size which actually contains data
It might be that tiles which are over an ocean have just one color, a light blue, and we need those tiles.
Do a "post processing" of the downloaded images and remove them from the scene later, but this looks ugly from the users' perspective that tiles are just appearing and disappearing ...
Request transparent images from the WMS servers, but due to some OpenGL mishappenings, when rendering, these images appear as black only on some (mostly low-end) video cards.
Any idea, library to use, direction or even code is welcome, and we need a C++ solution, since our app is C++.
Edit for those suggesting to sample pixels only from a few points in the map:
The two images above (yes, the left image contains a very tiny piece of Norway in the corner), would be eliminated if we would assume that the image is entirely white based only sampling a few points, in case none of those points actually touch any color than white. Link to the second image:,9079495.966562500,0.000000000,9392582.034375001&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&TRANSPARENT=false
The correct and most reliable way would be to uncompress the PNG bytes and check each pixel in a tight loop.
The most usual source of an image process routine being "slow" is invoking a function call per-pixel. So if you are calling QImage::pixel in a nested loop for each row/column, it will not have the performance you desire.
Instead, take advantage of the fact that QImage gives you raw image bytes via the scanLine method or the bits method:
Something like this might work:
const int bytes_per_line = qimage.bytesPerLine();
unsigned char white_row[MAX_WIDTH * 4];
memset(white_row, 0xff, sizeof(white_row));
bool allWhite = true;
for (int row = 0; allWhite && (row < height); row++)
unsigned char* row_data = qimage.scanLine(row);
allWhite = !memcmp(row_data, white_row, bytes_per_line);
The above loop terminates pretty fast the moment a non-white pixel is encountered.

High-DPI scaling of QQuickItem-derived class

I use QtQuickControls 2 together with QQuickItem-derived class in my app. After I set AA_EnableHighDpiScaling attribute and all QQuickControls 2 components look correctly on my smartphone but object of my custom class is scaled incorrectly. Here is the app without HighDpi scaling with minimum zoom(the way it is meant to work):
And here is the one with scaling with minimum zoom:
It seems that on the second screen the object is scaled too much and I can see square pixels of all textures that I draw with QPixmap or QImage. However, the images that I load from external memory and nodes like QSGGeometryNode look correct. Can I switch off scaling for just one particular QQuickItem? If no, what should I set to render it correctly?
Also, when I try to set opacity on QQuickItem with a lot of QSGOpacityNodes in scene graph node tree I get segmentation fault. What can cause this?
So I solved this problem by dividing the size of QSGTexture by QQuickWindow::effectiveDevicePixelRatio() and also multiplying the size of the image from which texture is created by this ratio.
If you are drawing the text using on QImage you should also multiply your font's size by this ratio. The same thing should be done with geometrical shapes and QPixmap::scaled().

CCSprite children coordinates transform fails when using CCLayerPanZoom and CCRenderTexture?

Thanks for reading.
I'm working on a setup in Cocos2D 1.x where I have a huge CCLayerPanZoom in a scene with free panning and zooming.
Every frame, I have to additionally draw a CCRenderTexture on top to create "darkness" (I'm cutting out the light). That works well.
Now I've added single sprites to the surface, and they are managed by Box2D. That works as well. I can translate to the RenderTexture where the light sources ought to be, and they render fine.
And then I wanted to add a HUD layer on top, by adding a CCLayer to the scene. That layer needs to contain several sprites stacked on top of each other, as user interface elements.
Only, all of these elements fail to draw where I need them to be: Exactly in the center of screen. The Sprites added onto the HUD layer are all off, and I have iterated through pretty much every variation "convertToWorldSpace", "convertToNodeSpace", etc.
It is as if the constant scaling by the CCPanZoomLayer in the background throws off anchor points in the layer above each frame, and resetting them doesn't help. They all seem to default into one of the corners of the node bounding box they are attached to, as if their transform is blocked or set to zero when it comes to the drawing.
Has anyone run into this problem? Is this a known issue when using CCLayerPanZoom and drawing a custom CCRenderTexture on top each frame?
Ha! I found the culprit! There's a bug in Cocos2D' way of using Zwoptex data. (I'm using Cocos2D v 1.0.1).
It seems that when loading in Zwoptex v3 data, sprite frames' trim offset data is ignored when the actual sprite frame anchor point is computed. The effect is that no anchor point on a sprite with trim offset in its definition (eg in the plist) has its anchor point correctly set. Really strange... I wonder whether this has occurred to anybody else? It's a glaring issue.
Here's how to reproduce:
Create any data for a sprite frame in zwoptex v3 format (the one that uses the trim data). Make sure you actually have a trimmed sprite, i.e. offset must be larger than zero, and image size must be larger than source.
Load in sprite, and try to position it at center of screen. You'll see it's off. Here's how to compute your anchor point correctly:
CCSprite *floor = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"Menu_OmeFloor.png"]; //create a sprite
CCSpriteFrame *frame=[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:#"Menu_OmeFloor.png"]; //get its frame to access frame data
[floor setTextureRectInPixels:frame.rect rotated:frame.rotated untrimmedSize:frame.originalSizeInPixels]; //re-set its texture rect
//Ensure that the coordinates are right: Texture frame offset is not counted in when determining normal anchor point:
xa = 0.5 + (frame.offsetInPixels.x / frame.originalSizeInPixels.width);
ya = 0.5 + (frame.offsetInPixels.y / frame.originalSizeInPixels.height);
[floor setAnchorPoint:ccp(xa,ya)];
floor.position=(where you need it);
Replace the 0.5 in the xa/ya formula with your required anchor point values.

Comparing Sprites?

For a game I'm working on, I'd like to compare two sprites in SFML2, such as with an if() statement. For example, I could have a large 1280x1024 image with one gray pixel among all black pixels. I would then have 2 separate sprites, one is the gray pixel alone, and the other is the map. I would crop only the gray pixel from the map and compare the two, if true, do other things.
Do you see what I'm getting at here? Is this possible? If so, how?
Im with Alex in saying there are smarter ways to check sprites.
Compare the file names not, don't reference a single pixel within an image, because you have to load the entire image into memory to do that atm you are loading 1.3MBytes into memory just to check a single pixel?
Store all of your resources in a Resource Manager and reference them via a UID, if a resource has UID then use that resource.
Number 2 is preferable above all else, but there are many other ways
Edit: As per comments, you wouldn't "crop" out the pixel, you would just load image into memory and use the Image class to get the colour of a pixel at a location. The following would be an example
sf::Image* map = MapSprite->GetTexture()->CopyToImage()
if (map->GetPixel(666,666) == sf::Color::Black)
//Funky stuff here
NOTE: You mentioned SFML2 so this is from that set of Documentation, may be different for 1.6
Edit2: Its been a while since I've used SMFL so hopefully the code snippet will at least give you direction

How to move background in cocos 2d

Hi i want to develop game like 'Doodle jump'.But i have some problem with the following features-
1.How to move background scene/image.
2.How to detect collision between object.Is it needed a physics engine like box2d or i should just use manual collision.
3.what should be the size of the background image.
4.In fact i have no idea how does background move .So i need a explanation from someone.
Background Movement
A) You could create a TMX Tilemap and then make a very high Tiled-Map.
B) You could create one texture and then cycle the texture coords instead of really moving it.
Detect it manually. Best is detect it via "Point in Boundingbox" or "Rect in Rect".
For more detail visit my blog entry for collision detection with cocos2d :
Size of an Image
Keep in Mind that textures are always at power of 2 in the memory. If you want to create one Background-Image at retina highresolution (960x640 Pixel) in the memory will be a texture of 1024x1024. If possible use smaller Background-Images and stretch them. (like 512x512). But I really would recommend for big scrolling images the TMX Support.
CCTMXTiledMap * tmxNode = [CCTMXTiledMap tiledMapWithGMXFile:#"Level.tmx"];
// lets say you want to move it 50 pixels down in 1 second :
[tmxNode runAction:[CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:1.0 position:ccp(0,-50)];
To create a tilemap :
In the folder of cocos2d, you could get many demos of tilemap.
refer this tutorial this will helpful for you.
this is used screen movement with pan recognizer