Failed to clean when building wxwidgets using MinGW - c++

I have a problem when cleaning wxwidget using MinGW. The last error is like this :
make (e=2):system cannot find the file specified.
mingw32-make : *** [clean] error 2
and it seems like all of the errors are the same as the one I posted above, and that errors can be seen from the start of cleaning process (after typing mingw32 clean instruction).
Do you know how to solve this?
I have already followed every step mentioned in wxwidgets wiki and any other wiki that explain the way to install this. Of course I didn't install MSYS or anything mentioned in the wiki, just minGW only (and Code::Blocks, but both of them are installed separately).
BTW, I am using the latest stable minGW (3.8x) and the version of the wxwidgets I am getting problem with is 2.9.4.
Any help would be appreciated. sorry for my bad english :)


Eclipse Cpp g++ command not found (MinGW & CDT Installed)

I am very new in using Eclipse as an IDE and I am facing many problems in configuring it. I may also be asking a few problems that may already be on forum but believe me I've tried almost all that I could have. SO coming towards the problem, I made a simple Hello World program for C++ to test out my config and YES I have installed MinGW and CDT. I have also edited the path environment variable for MinGW, and I chose MinGW GCC as toolchain while creating it and still my simple HELLO WORLD is giving me the error:
/bin/sh: g++: command not found make: *** [src/TEST2.o] Error 127
I have no idea what I have missed in between and it would be very helpful if someone would help me out correctly config my Eclipse :)
PS: I don't know if changing the tool(compiler) in Tool chain editor affects the process but I tried it as well...

How to get Xapian working with MSVC?

I would like to use Xapian search engine with a Qt application I am developing. The compiler used is MSVC (Visual Studio 2013). As it turns out, the Xapian download page ( which was supposed to hold the link to a set of makefiles for MSVC, are missing.
I thought maybe instead of trying too hard to get it working under MSVC, let's get MinGW + MSYS environment to build and run this guy. However, there I ran into a problem. It required zlib library.
configure: error: zlib.h not found - required for chert and glass (you may need to install zlib1g-dev or zlib-devel package)
Building zlib doesn't seem too easy, as instead of running the "configure" script right away, it suggested me to check Makefile.gcc within /win32 folder. This however wasn't the answer, it didnt really seem to do much.
Checking for gcc…
Please use win32/Makefile.gcc instead.
I am probably doing it wrong or perhaps have hit a circle somewhere. Some help would be really appreciated. Looking forward to some insight.
My main concern is to get Xapian working on Windows.

How to install clang(LLVM 3.7.0) on windows alongside mingw(gcc 5.1.0)

I was trying to install clang to use along side sublime text 3 for sublimelinter and auto complete , but there was an error, i tried to read about the how install clang on windows and several other sources and tried find question on stackoverflow and couldn't find anything to help me. If you can point to another post that might help or provide the steps , it will be great help.
error was -
Installing MSVC integration...
Failed to find MSBuild toolsets directory.
MSVC integration install failed.
Press any key to continue . . .

OpenCV3.0 and Qt creator

I need to use OpenCV with Qt creator, and need some help with OpenCV.
My problem occurs when I run any example or .exe made with OpenCV, after I install OpenCV with CMake (and checking WITH_QT in the process).
For example with the examples included in the installation, when I try to open one I get the following error:
That says: Procedure entry point not found in the dynamic links library
My S.O. is Windows 8.1, 64 bits
I have tried to reinstall Qt and install differents versions, but the error is the same ever.
But, if I install OpenCV with CMake and don´t check WITH_QT, the examples works perfectly.
I dont know what else can I do!

Qt Creator Compiling Error at step 'make'

I just started using Qt Creator for creating C++ GUI programs. I just downloaded it and installed it, but the compiling process is throwing me errors. When I try to compile my project (very simple, just a QLabel on the's my first project) it comes up with the error:
qtcreator_ctrlc_stub: Command line failed:
FirstGUIApp-Desktop_Qt_5_1_1_MSVC2012_32bit-Debug\Makefile 10:04:35:
The process
exited with code -1. Error while building/deploying project
FirstGUIApp (kit: Desktop Qt 5.1.1 MSVC2012 32bit) When executing step
I hunted around for an answer here and here and a couple other places but I'm just confused about the whole thing. I have a couple of ideas of my own but I don't know how to try my ideas. Here are some of my ideas:
1) MinGW isn't in the path or isn't installed
But, if it isn't in the path, how do I put it in? Where is it? I have Code Blocks installed which has MinGW installed, so could I maybe use it from there?
2) the make file is messed up somehow
Again, what could be wrong and how could I fix it?
3) Qt Creator isn't installed correctly.
Obviously, re-install it, but I want to make sure all other options are tried before, because it took me a very long time to download.
I apologize if I'm sounding noobish or it's a stupid question, but I really am confused with all of this. Please be patient with me and try to explain things well and thoroughly. I'm using Windows 8.1 and downloaded the offline installer. Thanks in advance.
Here is a screenshot of my Qt, how can I tell if it is the visual studio or minGW version?
Here is my MinGW Folder in CodeBlocks. Is this the folder with the compiler or is it something else?
For your ideas:
1: if you downloaded from qtproject with binary. then qt and qt creator should be installed under the C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1 then corresponding minGW should be stay in C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\gcc.exe
this is the directory you need. Remember, QtCreator needs two tools to make sure your project and compile and run, qmake and compiler.
Qmake is tool help you translate .pro file into makefile,
compiler (gcc) minGW use gcc to run the makefile, compile your code to binary.
where to figure out tools you are using are correct?
---> qtcreator --> Tools -> Build&Run -> Kits
in here You should be able find different kits, of course you maybe have only one.
Select one, Double check the Qt Version and Compiler is the one you wish to use.
click Manage next to compiler, Every compiler in the Auto-detect should be ok to use.
If you don't see anyone, add one, click Add, MinGW, put C:\Qt\Qt5.1.1\Tools\mingw48_32\bin\gcc.exe like into path. ABI should auto-set depends on your environment.
Answer to your second question, what's wrong with your makefile, no one knows, you should check your .pro, usually makefile are generated by qmake Double check your .pro file and re-run qmake will solve the problem.
in tools->options->build&run check if minGW is actually there in the compiler and kit list
in the project tab (on the left hand side) you can set the environment for the build click the PATH value and add the path to minGW to it (you may need to add a lib and include var so the standard library gets added)
re run qmake from the build menu
double check you have the correct version it looks like you have the visual studio Qt not the minGW version,
Terminal:(in Linux)
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libqt4-dev
i'm sorry i dont know why this code works,but i have the same problem in linux and this code worked.