gcc compiler options with complex.h - c++

I compiled a program in CodeBlocks (which uses gcc) and it was working fine.
Now I tried to compile the same program using gcc from command line. it produced this error:
error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
for these four lines :
OutArray[Index[g]].real() = TempVBF.FirstReal[g];
OutArray[Index[g]].imag() = TempVBF.FirstImag[g];
OutArray[Index[g]+ElementSize].real() = TempVBF.SecondReal[g];
OutArray[Index[g]+ElementSize].imag() = TempVBF.SecondImag[g];
in these line I've four values containing real and imaginary parts of 2 complex numbers. and I'm assigning those values to 2 complex variables.
I tried to do it like this:
OutArray[Index[g]] = (TempVBF.FirstReal[g],TempVBF.FirstImag[g]);
that compiled but generated wrong values in run time
why did it compile first but not now ?? what option can i use to get around this without changing those lines ??
I'm using the command :
gcc lib/Globals.cpp lib/Comp/SNT_FFT_Comp.cpp lib/Comp/ST_FFT_Comp.cpp lib/Comp/VNT_FFT_Comp.cpp lib/Comp/VT_FFT_Comp.cpp lib/Decomp/* test/main.cpp -lpthread -std=gnu++0x -o TEST
removing -std=gnu++0x produces a lot more errors . changing it to -std=c++0x changes nothing.

The error you're seeing is almost certainly because real() and imag() return the value of the real or imaginary part; not a reference to it. Without seeing the code, it's impossible to know for sure, but it would be much more likely to be defined like this:
double real() const { return this->_real; }
than like this:
double& real() { return this->_real; }
With the latter case, you could use the reference to perform an assignment. With the former case, you have a copy of the real part of your complex number, and you can't change your complex number with that. You can read more about lhvalues and rhvalues if you want.
As for why it didn't work in the first place, that's almost impossible to answer. The code you provided seems to be missing a type -- in other words, it looks like you should do something like this:
OutArray[Index[g]] = MyComplexNumberClass(TempVBF.FirstReal[g],TempVBF.FirstImag[g]);
Why the values are wrong could be due to a great many things (memory stomps, the index "g" being wrong, the complex numbers not having the values you think they should have, etc). To debug that, you can try printing the value of things step by step until you see something you don't expect, either with std::cerr or by using gbd.


Building Chromium with GCC 5.2.0: -Wstrict-overflow=1 warning

I'm attempting to build Chromium 45.0.2454.85 with GCC 5.2.0. It's setup to build with -Wall and -Werror and I'd like to keep it that way (though GCC seems to be making that progressively more difficult in each new version). I've already fixed several warnings (errors) but getting to the bottom of this one is proving pretty tricky:
ui/gfx/image/image_util.cc:50:6: error: assuming signed overflow does not occur when assuming that (X - c) <= X is always true [-Werror=strict-overflow]
Here is the line it is referring to:
My first issue with this warning is that it points you to the function that the problem is in and makes you go hunt for the problem. I understand this warning is probably generated somewhere in the guts of the optimizer long after it's lost track of which machine code corresponds to which exact line but that's no solace when faced with tracking down the problem. With a little experimentation (removing the -1 for instance) I was able to verify my suspicion that line 81 is causing the problem (unless I'm totally off track):
for (int x = bitmap.width() - 1; x > inner_min; --x) {
My second issue is that it's saying that (X - c) <= X is always true. Based on my experimentation it seems to be talking about the comparison on line 81 but I don't see how it could be coming to this conclusion.
What is GCC doing here and what is the proper way to fix it? I don't want to go changing int's to unsigned int's to avoid the undefined signed overflow behavior in order to side step the problem.
From GCC Manual -Wstrict-overflow=1:
Warn about cases that are both questionable and easy to avoid. For
example: x + 1 > x; with -fstrict-overflow, the compiler will simplify
this to 1. This level of -Wstrict-overflow is enabled by -Wall; higher
levels are not, and must be explicitly requested.
I'd also argue that this situation doesn't meet the criteria of "easy to avoid"; please correct me if I'm wrong.
this line from gcc:
ui/gfx/image/image_util.cc:50:6: error: ...
is saying the problem is in file image_util.cc, line 50, column 6
If '50:6' is the first char of the function name, there are only a couple of possibilites.
1) the function declaration (not something deep in the body) has a problem
(suggest checking the parameters and comparing to the function prototype)
2) the prior line of the source code contains the problem.
If this is just one of a series of problems listed, then
fix the first problem listed, re-compile, repeat until no problems listed
because C compilers tend to spew lots of warnings/errors when the actual root of the problem is at or just before the line indicated

C++ warning [-Wunused-value]

i have a problem with my c++ code, there is no errors but only warning which is preventing my code to work as it should. I would like to multiply screen size by percentage and than print it.
this is in my .h file:
SmartWatch* multiply(SmartWatch* second, double percentage);
And this is in my .cpp file:
SmartWatch* SmartWatch::multiply(SmartWatch* second, double percentage){
second->getScreen_size() * percentage;
return second;
and this is in main:
SmartWatch *multiplied = &watch[0];
multiplied = multiplied ->multiply(&watch[1], 0.23);
i get this warning:
smartwatch.cpp:69:31: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value]
second->getScreen_size() * percentage;
I am new at this, so i don't know what i am doing wrong.
You are computing the product of second->getScreen_size() and percentage.
The compiler is telling you that the result is not being used.
Computing a product is only useful if you do something with the result, like storing it in a variable. If you do not do anything with it, the compiler will just remove it to improve the speed of your program.
Since you programmed something that will never, ever, be actually done, your compiler is telling you that you may have made a mistake there. Since this is not a technical error, this is only considered a warning by the compiler.
You don't actually store the value of the multiplication in the multiply method anywhere. The compiler is warning you because the line of code second->getScreen_size() * percentage; doesn't store a result or change a value. The result of the multiplication will be discarded.
To fix the warning, you should store the result back into the SmartWatch* second pointer somewhere. I'm not sure what your class design looks like, but you could do something like:
second->setScreen_size(second->getScreen_size() * percentage);
to remove the warning and then actually accomplish something with the method you've written.

g++ turn off constant propagation for benchmarking?

I want to run a simple benchmark of a function in C++ with a few function calls that use hard coded inputs.
inline Output simple_func_to_test(const Input input);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// The value of input is known at compile time.
const Input input;
// The value of output can be deduced at compile time.
Output output = simple_func_to_test(input);
I don't have a detailed understanding of assembly but from inspecting the assembly generated using g++ 4.8 with Ofast it seems that the compiler is optimizing out the function and evaluating the value of output at compile time. For example, C++ functions that involve multiplication generate assembly that does no multiplication.
In the example above, I'd like to compile with all optimizations turned on except the value of input should be treated as if it were not known at compile time.
How can I change the C++ or pass a flag to g++ to do this?
On the gcc optimization flags page there are a large number of flags related to constant propagation. The subtleties and exact meaning of all of these is lost on me.
EDIT: I have no interest in turning off constant propagation entirely. I just want input to be treated as if it were not known at compile time.
I want to simulate the case in which input is not known at compile time. I don't necessarily want to interfere with the compiler.
The simplest way to make the system uncertain of the value of a variable is to declare it volatile:
const volatile Input input;
Its value will be re-read from memory before the function call. The inside of the function will not be disturbed, making it otherwise a fully realistic simulation.

How to correctly benchmark a [templated] C++ program

< backgound>
I'm at a point where I really need to optimize C++ code. I'm writing a library for molecular simulations and I need to add a new feature. I already tried to add this feature in the past, but I then used virtual functions called in nested loops. I had bad feelings about that and the first implementation proved that this was a bad idea. However this was OK for testing the concept.
< /background>
Now I need this feature to be as fast as possible (well without assembly code or GPU calculation, this still has to be C++ and more readable than less).
Now I know a little bit more about templates and class policies (from Alexandrescu's excellent book) and I think that a compile-time code generation may be the solution.
However I need to test the design before doing the huge work of implementing it into the library. The question is about the best way to test the efficiency of this new feature.
Obviously I need to turn optimizations on because without this g++ (and probably other compilers as well) would keep some unnecessary operations in the object code. I also need to make a heavy use of the new feature in the benchmark because a delta of 1e-3 second can make the difference between a good and a bad design (this feature will be called million times in the real program).
The problem is that g++ is sometimes "too smart" while optimizing and can remove a whole loop if it consider that the result of a calculation is never used. I've already seen that once when looking at the output assembly code.
If I add some printing to stdout, the compiler will then be forced to do the calculation in the loop but I will probably mostly benchmark the iostream implementation.
So how can I do a correct benchmark of a little feature extracted from a library ?
Related question: is it a correct approach to do this kind of in vitro tests on a small unit or do I need the whole context ?
Thanks for advices !
There seem to be several strategies, from compiler-specific options allowing fine tuning to more general solutions that should work with every compiler like volatile or extern.
I think I will try all of these.
Thanks a lot for all your answers!
If you want to force any compiler to not discard a result, have it write the result to a volatile object. That operation cannot be optimized out, by definition.
template<typename T> void sink(T const& t) {
volatile T sinkhole = t;
No iostream overhead, just a copy that has to remain in the generated code.
Now, if you're collecting results from a lot of operations, it's best not to discard them one by one. These copies can still add some overhead. Instead, somehow collect all results in a single non-volatile object (so all individual results are needed) and then assign that result object to a volatile. E.g. if your individual operations all produce strings, you can force evaluation by adding all char values together modulo 1<<32. This adds hardly any overhead; the strings will likely be in cache. The result of the addition will subsequently be assigned-to-volatile so each char in each sting must in fact be calculated, no shortcuts allowed.
Unless you have a really aggressive compiler (can happen), I'd suggest calculating a checksum (simply add all the results together) and output the checksum.
Other than that, you might want to look at the generated assembly code before running any benchmarks so you can visually verify that any loops are actually being run.
Compilers are only allowed to eliminate code-branches that can not happen. As long as it cannot rule out that a branch should be executed, it will not eliminate it. As long as there is some data dependency somewhere, the code will be there and will be run. Compilers are not too smart about estimating which aspects of a program will not be run and don't try to, because that's a NP problem and hardly computable. They have some simple checks such as for if (0), but that's about it.
My humble opinion is that you were possibly hit by some other problem earlier on, such as the way C/C++ evaluates boolean expressions.
But anyways, since this is about a test of speed, you can check that things get called for yourself - run it once without, then another time with a test of return values. Or a static variable being incremented. At the end of the test, print out the number generated. The results will be equal.
To answer your question about in-vitro testing: Yes, do that. If your app is so time-critical, do that. On the other hand, your description hints at a different problem: if your deltas are in a timeframe of 1e-3 seconds, then that sounds like a problem of computational complexity, since the method in question must be called very, very often (for few runs, 1e-3 seconds is neglectible).
The problem domain you are modeling sounds VERY complex and the datasets are probably huge. Such things are always an interesting effort. Make sure that you absolutely have the right data structures and algorithms first, though, and micro-optimize all you want after that. So, I'd say look at the whole context first. ;-)
Out of curiosity, what is the problem you are calculating?
You have a lot of control on the optimizations for your compilation. -O1, -O2, and so on are just aliases for a bunch of switches.
From the man pages
-O2 turns on all optimization flags specified by -O. It also turns
on the following optimization flags: -fthread-jumps -falign-func‐
tions -falign-jumps -falign-loops -falign-labels -fcaller-saves
-fcrossjumping -fcse-follow-jumps -fcse-skip-blocks
-fdelete-null-pointer-checks -fexpensive-optimizations -fgcse
-fgcse-lm -foptimize-sibling-calls -fpeephole2 -fregmove -fre‐
order-blocks -freorder-functions -frerun-cse-after-loop
-fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fschedule-insns -fsched‐
ule-insns2 -fstrict-aliasing -fstrict-overflow -ftree-pre
You can tweak and use this command to help you narrow down which options to investigate.
Alternatively you can discover which binary optimizations are
enabled by -O3 by using:
gcc -c -Q -O3 --help=optimizers > /tmp/O3-opts
gcc -c -Q -O2 --help=optimizers > /tmp/O2-opts
diff /tmp/O2-opts /tmp/O3-opts Φ grep enabled
Once you find the culpret optimization you shouldn't need the cout's.
If this is possible for you, you might try splitting your code into:
the library you want to test compiled with all optimizations turned on
a test program, dinamically linking the library, with optimizations turned off
Otherwise, you might specify a different optimization level (it looks like you're using gcc...) for the test functio n with the optimize attribute (see http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Function-Attributes.html#Function-Attributes).
You could create a dummy function in a separate cpp file that does nothing, but takes as argument whatever is the type of your calculation result. Then you can call that function with the results of your calculation, forcing gcc to generate the intermediate code, and the only penalty is the cost of invoking a function (which shouldn't skew your results unless you call it a lot!).
#include <iostream>
// Mark coords as extern.
// Compiler is now NOT allowed to optimise away coords
// This it can not remove the loop where you initialise it.
// This is because the code could be used by another compilation unit
extern double coords[500][3];
double coords[500][3];
int main()
//perform a simple initialization of all coordinates:
for (int i=0; i<500; ++i)
coords[i][0] = 3.23;
coords[i][1] = 1.345;
coords[i][2] = 123.998;
std::cout << "hello world !"<< std::endl;
return 0;
edit: the easiest thing you can do is simply use the data in some spurious way after the function has run and outside your benchmarks. Like,
StartBenchmarking(); // ie, read a performance counter
for (int i=0; i<500; ++i)
coords[i][0] = 3.23;
coords[i][1] = 1.345;
coords[i][2] = 123.998;
StopBenchmarking(); // what comes after this won't go into the timer
// this is just to force the compiler to use coords
double foo;
for (int j = 0 ; j < 500 ; ++j )
foo += coords[j][0] + coords[j][1] + coords[j][2];
cout << foo;
What sometimes works for me in these cases is to hide the in vitro test inside a function and pass the benchmark data sets through volatile pointers. This tells the compiler that it must not collapse subsequent writes to those pointers (because they might be eg memory-mapped I/O). So,
void test1( volatile double *coords )
//perform a simple initialization of all coordinates:
for (int i=0; i<1500; i+=3)
coords[i+0] = 3.23;
coords[i+1] = 1.345;
coords[i+2] = 123.998;
For some reason I haven't figured out yet it doesn't always work in MSVC, but it often does -- look at the assembly output to be sure. Also remember that volatile will foil some compiler optimizations (it forbids the compiler from keeping the pointer's contents in register and forces writes to occur in program order) so this is only trustworthy if you're using it for the final write-out of data.
In general in vitro testing like this is very useful so long as you remember that it is not the whole story. I usually test my new math routines in isolation like this so that I can quickly iterate on just the cache and pipeline characteristics of my algorithm on consistent data.
The difference between test-tube profiling like this and running it in "the real world" means you will get wildly varying input data sets (sometimes best case, sometimes worst case, sometimes pathological), the cache will be in some unknown state on entering the function, and you may have other threads banging on the bus; so you should run some benchmarks on this function in vivo as well when you are finished.
I don't know if GCC has a similar feature, but with VC++ you can use:
#pragma optimize
to selectively turn optimizations on/off. If GCC has similar capabilities, you could build with full optimization and just turn it off where necessary to make sure your code gets called.
Just a small example of an unwanted optimization:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
double coords[500][3];
//perform a simple initialization of all coordinates:
for (int i=0; i<500; ++i)
coords[i][0] = 3.23;
coords[i][1] = 1.345;
coords[i][2] = 123.998;
cout << "hello world !"<< endl;
return 0;
If you comment the code from "double coords[500][3]" to the end of the for loop it will generate exactly the same assembly code (just tried with g++ 4.3.2). I know this example is far too simple, and I wasn't able to show this behavior with a std::vector of a simple "Coordinates" structure.
However I think this example still shows that some optimizations can introduce errors in the benchmark and I wanted to avoid some surprises of this kind when introducing new code in a library. It's easy to imagine that the new context might prevent some optimizations and lead to a very inefficient library.
The same should also apply with virtual functions (but I don't prove it here). Used in a context where a static link would do the job I'm pretty confident that decent compilers should eliminate the extra indirection call for the virtual function. I can try this call in a loop and conclude that calling a virtual function is not such a big deal.
Then I'll call it hundred of thousand times in a context where the compiler cannot guess what will be the exact type of the pointer and have a 20% increase of running time...
at startup, read from a file. in your code, say if(input == "x") cout<< result_of_benchmark;
The compiler will not be able to eliminate the calculation, and if you ensure the input is not "x", you won't benchmark the iostream.

GCC: program doesn't work with compilation option -O3

I'm writing a C++ program that doesn't work (I get a segmentation fault) when I compile it with optimizations (options -O1, -O2, -O3, etc.), but it works just fine when I compile it without optimizations.
Is there any chance that the error is in my code? or should I assume that this is a bug in GCC?
My GCC version is 3.4.6.
Is there any known workaround for this kind of problem?
There is a big difference in speed between the optimized and unoptimized version of my program, so I really need to use optimizations.
This is my original functor. The one that works fine with no levels of optimizations and throws a segmentation fault with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
return distance(point,p1) < distance(point,p2) ;
} ;
And this one works flawlessly with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
float d1=distance(point,p1) ;
float d2=distance(point,p2) ;
std::cout << "" ; //without this line, I get a segmentation fault anyways
return d1 < d2 ;
} ;
Unfortunately, this problem is hard to reproduce because it happens with some specific values. I get the segmentation fault upon sorting just one out of more than a thousand vectors, so it really depends on the specific combination of values each vector has.
Now that you posted the code fragment and a working workaround was found (#Windows programmer's answer), I can say that perhaps what you are looking for is -ffloat-store.
Do not store floating point variables in registers, and inhibit other options that might change whether a floating point value is taken from a register or memory.
This option prevents undesirable excess precision on machines such as the 68000 where the floating registers (of the 68881) keep more precision than a double is supposed to have. Similarly for the x86 architecture. For most programs, the excess precision does only good, but a few programs rely on the precise definition of IEEE floating point. Use -ffloat-store for such programs, after modifying them to store all pertinent intermediate computations into variables.
Source: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.4.6/gcc/Optimize-Options.html
I would assume your code is wrong first.
Though it is hard to tell.
Does your code compile with 0 warnings?
g++ -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -ansi
Here's some code that seems to work, until you hit -O3...
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i = 0, j = 1, k = 2;
printf("%d %d %d\n", *(&j-1), *(&j), *(&j+1));
return 0;
Without optimisations, I get "2 1 0"; with optimisations I get "40 1 2293680". Why? Because i and k got optimised out!
But I was taking the address of j and going out of the memory region allocated to j. That's not allowed by the standard. It's most likely that your problem is caused by a similar deviation from the standard.
I find valgrind is often helpful at times like these.
EDIT: Some commenters are under the impression that the standard allows arbitrary pointer arithmetic. It does not. Remember that some architectures have funny addressing schemes, alignment may be important, and you may get problems if you overflow certain registers!
The words of the [draft] standard, on adding/subtracting an integer to/from a pointer (emphasis added):
"If both the pointer operand and the result point to elements of the same array object, or one past the last element of the array object, the evaluation shall not produce an overflow; otherwise, the behavior is undefined."
Seeing as &j doesn't even point to an array object, &j-1 and &j+1 can hardly point to part of the same array object. So simply evaluating &j+1 (let alone dereferencing it) is undefined behaviour.
On x86 we can be pretty confident that adding one to a pointer is fairly safe and just takes us to the next memory location. In the code above, the problem occurs when we make assumptions about what that memory contains, which of course the standard doesn't go near.
As an experiment, try to see if this will force the compiler to round everything consistently.
volatile float d1=distance(point,p1) ;
volatile float d2=distance(point,p2) ;
return d1 < d2 ;
The error is in your code. It's likely you're doing something that invokes undefined behavior according to the C standard which just happens to work with no optimizations, but when GCC makes certain assumptions for performing its optimizations, the code breaks when those assumptions aren't true. Make sure to compile with the -Wall option, and the -Wextra might also be a good idea, and see if you get any warnings. You could also try -ansi or -pedantic, but those are likely to result in false positives.
You may be running into an aliasing problem (or it could be a million other things). Look up the -fstrict-aliasing option.
This kind of question is impossible to answer properly without more information.
It is very seldom the compiler fault, but compiler do have bugs in them, and them often manifest themselves at different optimization levels (if there is a bug in an optimization pass, for example).
In general when reporting programming problems: provide a minimal code sample to demonstrate the issue, such that people can just save the code to a file, compile and run it. Make it as easy as possible to reproduce your problem.
Also, try different versions of GCC (compiling your own GCC is very easy, especially on Linux). If possible, try with another compiler. Intel C has a compiler which is more or less GCC compatible (and free for non-commercial use, I think). This will help pinpointing the problem.
It's almost (almost) never the compiler.
First, make sure you're compiling warning-free, with -Wall.
If that didn't give you a "eureka" moment, attach a debugger to the least optimized version of your executable that crashes and see what it's doing and where it goes.
5 will get you 10 that you've fixed the problem by this point.
Ran into the same problem a few days ago, in my case it was aliasing. And GCC does it differently, but not wrongly, when compared to other compilers. GCC has become what some might call a rules-lawyer of the C++ standard, and their implementation is correct, but you also have to be really correct in you C++, or it'll over optimize somethings, which is a pain. But you get speed, so can't complain.
I expect to get some downvotes here after reading some of the comments, but in the console game programming world, it's rather common knowledge that the higher optimization levels can sometimes generate incorrect code in weird edge cases. It might very well be that edge cases can be fixed with subtle changes to the code, though.
This is one of the weirdest problems I've ever had.
I dont think I have enough proof to state it's a GCC bug, but honestly... It really looks like one.
This is my original functor. The one that works fine with no levels of optimizations and throws a segmentation fault with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
return distance(point,p1) < distance(point,p2) ;
} ;
And this one works flawlessly with any level of optimization:
struct distanceToPointSort{
indexedDocument* point ;
distanceToPointSort(indexedDocument* p): point(p) {}
bool operator() (indexedDocument* p1,indexedDocument* p2){
float d1=distance(point,p1) ;
float d2=distance(point,p2) ;
std::cout << "" ; //without this line, I get a segmentation fault anyways
return d1 < d2 ;
} ;
Unfortunately, this problem is hard to reproduce because it happens with some specific values. I get the segmentation fault upon sorting just one out of more than a thousand vectors, so it really depends on the specific combination of values each vector has.
Wow, I didn't expect answers so quicly, and so many...
The error occurs upon sorting a std::vector of pointers using std::sort()
I provide the strict-weak-ordering functor.
But I know the functor I provide is correct because I've used it a lot and it works fine.
Plus, the error cannot be some invalid pointer in the vector becasue the error occurs just when I sort the vector. If I iterate through the vector without applying std::sort first, the program works fine.
I just used GDB to try to find out what's going on. The error occurs when std::sort invoke my functor. Aparently std::sort is passing an invalid pointer to my functor. (of course this happens with the optimized version only, any level of optimization -O, -O2, -O3)
as other have pointed out, probably strict aliasing.
turn it of in o3 and try again. My guess is that you are doing some pointer tricks in your functor (fast float as int compare? object type in lower 2 bits?) that fail across inlining template functions.
warnings do not help to catch this case. "if the compiler could detect all strict aliasing problems it could just as well avoid them" just changing an unrelated line of code may make the problem appear or go away as it changes register allocation.
As the updated question will show ;) , the problem exists with a std::vector<T*>. One common error with vectors is reserve()ing what should have been resize()d. As a result, you'd be writing outside array bounds. An optimizer may discard those writes.
post the code in distance! it probably does some pointer magic, see my previous post. doing an intermediate assignment just hides the bug in your code by changing register allocation. even more telling of this is the output changing things!
The true answer is hidden somewhere inside all the comments in this thread. First of all: it is not a bug in the compiler.
The problem has to do with floating point precision. distanceToPointSort should be a function that should never return true for both the arguments (a,b) and (b,a), but that is exactly what can happen when the compiler decides to use higher precision for some data paths. The problem is especially likely on, but by no means limited to, x86 without -mfpmath=sse. If the comparator behaves that way, the sort function can become confused, and the segmentation fault is not surprising.
I consider -ffloat-store the best solution here (already suggested by CesarB).