AWS Request Authentication: Encode Header - amazon-web-services

My implementation of AWS Request Authentication in Google Go lang
package main
import "fmt"
import "crypto/hmac"
import "crypto/sha256"
import "time"
import "encoding/base64"
func main() {
sha256 := sha256.New
time := time.Now().UTC().Format(time.ANSIC)
hash := hmac.New(sha256, []byte(AWSSecretKeyId))
sha := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
fmt.Println("Date", time)
fmt.Println("Content-Type","text/xml; charset=UTF-8")
fmt.Println("AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId=" + AWSAccessKeyId + ",Algorithm=HmacSHA256,Signature=" + sha)
I get valid output from Amazon but only when the 'sha' hash does not contain any _ or -
Not Working HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden SignatureDoesNotMatch
How do I encode the AWS3-HTTPS header so it works in either circumstance? Just incase it's relevant, I am currently copy and pasting the output into cURL. I plan on implementing the request in Google Go once I have it working reliably.

I turned out I needed to change from URLEncoding to StdEncoding
sha = base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
sha = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))


How to configure firebase admin at Django server?

I am trying to add custom token for user authentication (phone number and password) and as per reference documents I would like to configure server to generate custom token.
I have installed, $ sudo pip install firebase-admin
and also setup an environment : export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="[to json file at my server]"
I am using Django project at my server where i have created all my APIs.
I am stucked at this point where it says to initialize app:
default_app = firebase_admin.initialize_app()
Where should i write the above statement within Django files? and how should i generate endpoint to get custom token?
pip install firebase-admin
credentials.json file includes some private keys. So, you can’t add to your project directly. If you’re using the git version system and you want to host this file in your project folder, you must add the file name to your “.gitignore”.
Set your operation system environ variable. You can use for MacOSX or Linux distributions; For set a variable in window os (
$ export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='/path/to/credentials.json'
This part is important, google package (It came with firebase_admin package) looking at some conditions for credentials. One of them is os.environ.get(‘GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS’). If you set this file, than you don’t need to anythig fot initialize firebase. Otherwise you should define manually.
For initial firebase look at. Set up configurations ( )
Create a file named “”.
$ touch
Now we can use the “firebase_admin” package for querying. Our seems like;
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from uuid import uuid4
from firebase_admin import firestore, initialize_app
__all__ = ['send_to_firebase', 'update_firebase_snapshot']
def send_to_firebase(raw_notification):
db = firestore.client()
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
spend_time = timedelta(seconds=end - start)
return spend_time
def update_firebase_snapshot(snapshot_id):
start = time.time()
db = firestore.client()
{'is_read': True}
end = time.time()
spend_time = timedelta(seconds=end - start)
return spend_time
You Refer this link(

Creating a dmarc parser using parsedmarc in python3 for use in AWS s3

I am very new to programming. I am working on a pipeline to analyze DMARC report files that are sent to my email account, that I am manually placing in an s3 bucket. The goal of this task is to download, extract, and analyze files using parsedmarc: The part I'm having difficulty with is setting a conditional statement to extract .gz files if the target file is not a .zip file. I'm assuming the gzip library will be sufficient for this purpose. Here is the code I have so far. I'm using python3 and the boto3 library for AWS. Any help is appreciated!
import parsedmarc
import pprint
import json
import boto3
import zipfile
import gzip
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
def main():
#Set default session profile and region for sandbox account. Access keys are pulled from /.aws/config and /.aws/credentials.
#The 'profile_name' value comes from the header for the account in question in /.aws/config and /.aws/credentials
#Define the s3 resource, the bucket name, and the file to download. It's hardcoded for now...
s3_resource = boto3.resource(s3)
s3_resource.Bucket('dmarc-parsing').download_file('' '/home/user/dmarc/')
#Use the zipfile python library to extract the file into its raw state.
with zipfile.ZipFile('/home/user/dmarc/', 'r') as zip_ref:
#Ingest all locations for xml file source
dmarc_report_directory = '/home/user/dmarc/'
dmarc_report_file = 'parseme.xml'
"""I need an if statement here for extracting .gz files if the file type is not .zip. The contents of every archive are .xml files"""
#Set report output variables using functions in parsedmarc. Variable set to equal the output
#use jsonify to make the output in json format
pd_report_jsonified = json.loads(json.dumps(pd_report_output))
dkim_status = pd_report_jsonified['records'][0]['policy_evaluated']['dkim']
spf_status = pd_report_jsonified['records'][0]['policy_evaluated']['spf']
if dkim_status == 'fail' or spf_status == 'fail':
print(f"{dmarc_report_file} reports failure. oh crap. report:")
print(f"{dmarc_report_file} passes. great. report:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here is the code using the parsedmarc.parse_aggregate_report_xml method I found. Hope this helps others in parsing these reports:
import parsedmarc
import pprint
import json
import boto3
import zipfile
import gzip
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
def main():
#Set default session profile and region for account. Access keys are pulled from ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials.
#The 'profile_name' value comes from the header for the account in question in ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials
boto3.setup_default_session(profile_name="aws_profile_name_goes_here", region_name="region_goes_here")
source_file = ''
destination_directory = '/tmp/'
destination_file = 'compressed_report_file'
#Define the s3 resource, the bucket name, and the file to download. It's hardcoded for now...
s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')
s3_resource.Bucket('bucket-name-for-dmarc-report-files').download_file(source_file, f"{destination_directory}{destination_file}")
#Extract xml
outputxml = parsedmarc.extract_xml(f"{destination_directory}{destination_file}")
#run parse dmarc analysis & convert output to json
pd_report_output = parsedmarc.parse_aggregate_report_xml(outputxml)
pd_report_jsonified = json.loads(json.dumps(pd_report_output))
#loop through results and find relevant status info and pass fail status
dmarc_report_status = ''
for record in pd_report_jsonified['records']:
if False in record['alignment'].values():
dmarc_report_status = 'Failed'
#************ add logic for interpreting results
#if fail, publish to sns
if dmarc_report_status == 'Failed':
message = "Your dmarc report failed a least one check. Review the log for details"
sns_resource = boto3.resource('sns')
sns_topic = sns_resource.Topic('arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:112896196555:TestDMARC')
sns_publish_response = sns_topic.publish(Message=message)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Python request download a file and save to a specific directory

Hello sorry if this question has been asked before.
But I have tried a lot of methods that provided.
Basically, I want to download the file from a website, which is I will show my coding below. The code works perfectly, but the problem is the file was auto download in our download folder path directory.
My concern is to download the file and save it to a specific folder.
I'm aware we can change our browser setting since this was a server that will remote by different users. So, it will automatically download to their temporarily /users/adam_01/download/ folder.
I want it to save in server disk which is, C://ExcelFile/
Below are my script and some of the data have been changing because it is confidential.
import pandas as pd
import html5lib
import time from bs4
import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv
from datetime
import datetime
import urllib.request
import os
with requests.Session() as c:
proxies = {"http": "http://:911"}
url = 'https://......./login.jsp'
USERNAME = 'mwirzonw'
PASSWORD = 'Fiqr123'
c.get(url,verify= False)
csrftoken = ''
login_data = dict(proxies,atl_token = csrftoken, os_username=USERNAME, os_password=PASSWORD, next='/'), data=login_data, headers={"referer" : ""})
page = c.get('https://........s...../SearchRequest-96010.csv')
location = 'C:/Users/..../Downloads/'
with open('asdsad906010.csv', 'wb') as output:
output.write(page.content )
Thank you, be pleased to ask if any confusing information was given.
It seems that from your script you are writing the file to asdsad906010.csv. You should be able to change the output directory as follows.
# Set the output directory to your desired location
output_directory = 'C:/ExcelFile/'
# Create a file path by joining the directory name with the desired file name
file_path = os.path.join(output_directory, 'asdsad906010.csv')
# Write the file
with open(file_path, 'wb') as output:

django boto3: NoCredentialsError -- Unable to locate credentials

I am trying to use boto3 in my django project to upload files to Amazon S3. Credentials are defined in
AWS_ACCESS_KEY = xxxxxxxx
AWS_SECRET_KEY = xxxxxxxx
S3_BUCKET = xxxxxxx
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
s3.upload_file(path+'/myphoto.png', S3_BUCKET, 'myphoto.png')
The system complains about Unable to locate credentials. I have two questions:
(a) It seems that I am supposed to create a credential file ~/.aws/credentials. But in a django project, where do I have to put it?
(b) The s3 method upload_file takes a file path/name as its first argument. Is it possible that I provide a file stream obtained by a form input element <input type="file" name="fileToUpload">?
This is what I use for a direct upload, i hope it provides some assistance.
import boto
from boto.exception import S3CreateError
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
conn = S3Connection(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY,
bucket = conn.create_bucket(settings.S3_BUCKET)
except S3CreateError as e:
bucket = conn.get_bucket(settings.S3_BUCKET)
k = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket)
k.key = filename
Not sure about (a) but django is very flexible with file management.
Regarding (b) you can also sign the upload and do it directly from the client to reduce bandwidth usage, its quite sneaky and secure too. You need to use some JavaScript to manage the upload. If you want details I can include them here.

I am using httplib2 and had read that httplib2 handles caching automatically but when I execute 'fromcache' on the response object, it returns false

This is my code
import httplib2
httplib2.debuglevel = 1
h = httplib2.Http(".cache")
response, content = h.request('')
The link( I was using in my code is inactive now that why I was facing such issue.
Using a resource that, at time of writing, exists and declares itself cachable:
import httplib2
h = httplib2.Http('cache')
response, content = h.request('')
response, content = h.request('')
on the first run, indicating that both requests were successful, and that the second was served from the cache. Running it again gives:
as the cache is persisted on disk from the previous run.