How can i see Google Mirror API at Google APIs console - google-glass

I followed this article:
and try to create a Google APIs Console Project.
But in Services tab I don't see Google Mirror API to enable it!

Try again. At the time you asked the question, the Mirror API was behind a whitelist, but that whitelist has since been removed. Now anyone can enable the Mirror API.

It seems its not available to everyone. Follow this thread and it becomes clear.
However, it seems you can try it out on

I just picked up my Glass today and they manually enable the Mirror console once you pick up. Even after they whitelisted me for the API, it took about 3 hours to be activated on my account.


Stuck on complying with domain verification requirements

Recently I have been trying to re-boot my app. This includes adding google play services to my app.
I setup a google cloud platform account and then linked it with the developer console for my app.
Next I setup the OAuth consent screen. After completing everything it asked me to verify my website and domain; I completed this step with the google search API.
Despite all of these efforts I still got the error, Pending developer action.
Here is my verified domain (blurred out for obvious reasons):
After observing the documentation a little bit more, it tells me that I must continue/reply to the email thread with their Trust and Safety team, but I have not received any emails from them with my developer email -
Thanks in advance
I have actually found the solution to this problem, and I think I can safely say that this is due to human error every single time.
When linking your google play app in the developer console to google cloud it might automatically create one for you, but if you reload the page it will make a second one. You have to make sure you select the right google cloud app to link because it might not properly connect if you use the wrong one.
Once you have done this you need to create a website or link a website that has been verified (you can verify it yourself) with google. You should then be able to setup your app easily! Not every step will be instant you might sometimes have to wait a day or two for it to work.

I can't change the boot disk when I try to create a Google Cloud Instance

When I try to create a new instance for deep learning on Google Cloud Platform, by following various tutorials including, I can't select a zone or boot disk (I'd like to use Ubuntu 16.04. There is no response when I click these features. How can I set them?
I've tried to reproduce this issue with various levels of authorisation in my own project and I've not been able to reproduce this issue. As you have access to the Create Instance page, It looks to like this might be a browser specific issue, rather than and issue with authorisation, or any settings within your project.
Would it be possible for you to try and perform this task from a different browser and see if the result is the same? For example, can you try this in Chrome browser and in an Incognito window?
If you are able to perform the action from a different browser, you probably have an issue with cookies, or a third-party browser add on affecting the functionality with GCP. You could try enabling the cookies for the browser to see if that makes a difference, or disabling/removing third party add ons to see if that makes a difference.

Google Home API for going to a URL and login

I am a very new developer who can write basic HTML (yes I know it's English), and is looking for a solution to a problem that I basically invented.
I recently bought a product called Doorbird, a very cool and well engineered IP Doorbell. The reason I bought it, is because it has an App, and integrates with IP phones and support video, and has a few bells and whistles, if you're not familiar with this product, I highly recommend looking at it.
The "problem" is that it does not integrate with Google Home, or Amazon Echo. However, it does have an API that allows you to go to the URL, login and unlock the door. I was looking into creating my own action that would have the Google Home login to the Doorbell and go to the unlock URL.
My issue is, I have no experience with this, but I pick things up very quickly, and believe in myself!
I already looked at the site from Google, and have signed up. It looked simple, but upon further investigation looks very complicated.
If anyone would be able to point me in the right direction I would be greatly appreciative.
Thanks in advance,
-Jack G
You need them to publish their REST api so that you can call the 'action' to unlock directly vs. having to go to a login page. You would probably set up oauth to have your server talk to theirs or use web headers. Ask their tech support if they support direct REST api using a security model.

Take a picture and share it with one voice command using Google Glass Mirror API

I just started using the Mirror API with a PHP web server. Is there anyway to integrate a voice command with my app that when said, Glass will take a picture and automatically share the picture with my server?
From what I read so far, it doesn't seem possible to access the camera with anything other than the default "Take picture" command. I also don't see a way to have Glass commit two actions (in this case take a picture and then share it) with one voice command. Is there any way to do the above with the Mirror API?
This isn't possible with the current features provided by the Mirror API. If this is a feature you're interested in using, file it in the official issue tracker.
However, you can implement this functionality with the GDK.

How to add new location/place to places api?

We are developing iPhone application for nature lovers. We want to add feature in application for user to add location/place if it does not exists as place in Google Places API.
I believe, Google places api does not allow to add new place. I googled and found some other APIs
Facebook Places
I am looking for a good option for API that also allow to add new place. Any suggestions?
Check out the User Place Reports section of the Google Places API documentation.