(This is not a duplicate of this or this that refer to fixed sizes, the issue is not to understand how pointers are stored, but if the compiler can automate the manual function).
Based on this SO question multidimensional arrays are stored sequentially.
// These arrays are the same
int array1[3][2] = {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}};
int array2[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
However I'm trying to create a 2 dimension array of floats in pre-allocated memory:
float a[5][10]
float b[50]; // should be same memory
Then I'm trying:
vector<char> x(1000);
float** a = (float**);
a[0][1] = 5;
The above code crashes, obviously because the compiler does not know the size of the array to allocate it in memory like in the compiler-level known array in the first example.
Is there a way to tell the compiler to allocate a multi dimensional array in sequential memory without manually calculating the pointers (say, by manually shifting the index and calling placement new for example)?
Currently, I'm doing it manually, for example:
template <typename T> size_t CreateBuffersInMemory(char* p,int n,int BufferSize)
// ib = T** to store the data
int ty = sizeof(T);
int ReqArraysBytes = n * sizeof(void*);
int ReqT = ReqArraysBytes * (ty*BufferSize);
if (!p)
return ReqT;
memset(p, 0, ReqT);
ib = (T**)p;
p += n * sizeof(void*);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ib[i] = (T*)p;
p += ty*BufferSize;
return ReqT;
Thanks a lot.
To allocate T[rows][cols] array as a one-dimensional array allocate T[rows * cols].
To access element [i][j] of that one-dimensional array you can do p[i * cols + j].
template<class T>
struct Array2d {
T* elements_;
unsigned columns_;
Array2d(unsigned rows, unsigned columns)
: elements_(new T[rows * columns]{}) // Allocate and value-initialize.
, columns_(columns)
T* operator[](unsigned row) {
return elements_ + row * columns_;
// TODO: Implement the special member functions.
int main() {
Array2d<int> a(5, 10);
a[3][1] = 0;
Your code invokes undefined behavior because does not point to an array of pointers but to an array of 1000 objects of type char. You should be thankful that it crashes… ;-)
One way to access a contiguous buffer of some type as if it was a multidimensional array is to have another object that represents a multidimensional view into this buffer. This view object can then, e.g., provide member functions to access the data using a multidimensional index. To enable the a[i][j][k] kind of syntax (which you seem to be aiming for), provide an overloaded [] operator which returns a proxy object that itself offers an operator [] and so on until you get down to a single dimension.
For example, for the case that dimensions are fixed at compile time, we can define
template <int Extent, int... Extents>
struct row_major_layout;
template <int Extent>
struct row_major_layout<Extent>
template <typename T>
static auto view(T* data) { return data; }
template <int Extent, int... Extents>
struct row_major_layout
static constexpr int stride = (Extents * ... * 1);
template <typename T>
class span
T* data;
span(T* data) : data(data) {}
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const
return row_major_layout<Extents...>::view(data + i * stride);
template <typename T>
static auto view(T* data) { return span<T>(data); }
and then simply create and access such a row_major_layout view
void test()
constexpr int M = 7, N = 2, K = 5;
std::vector<int> bla(row_major_layout<M, N, K>::size);
auto a3d = row_major_layout<M, N, K>::view(data(bla));
a3d[2][1][3] = 42;
live example here
Or in case the array bounds are dynamic:
template <int D>
class row_major_layout;
template <>
class row_major_layout<1>
row_major_layout(std::size_t extent) {}
static constexpr std::size_t size(std::size_t extent)
return extent;
template <typename T>
friend auto view(T* data, const row_major_layout&)
return data;
template <int D>
class row_major_layout : row_major_layout<D - 1>
std::size_t stride;
template <typename... Dim>
row_major_layout(std::size_t extent, Dim&&... extents)
: row_major_layout<D - 1>(std::forward<Dim>(extents)...), stride((extents * ... * 1))
template <typename... Dim>
static constexpr std::size_t size(std::size_t extent, Dim&&... extents)
return extent * row_major_layout<D - 1>::size(std::forward<Dim>(extents)...);
template <typename T>
class span
T* data;
std::size_t stride;
const row_major_layout<D - 1>& layout;
span(T* data, std::size_t stride, const row_major_layout<D - 1>& layout)
: data(data), stride(stride), layout(layout)
auto operator[](std::size_t i) const
return view(data + i * stride, layout);
template <typename T>
friend auto view(T* data, const row_major_layout& layout)
return span<T>(data, layout.stride, layout);
void test(int M, int N, int K)
std::vector<int> bla(row_major_layout<3>::size(M, N, K));
auto a3d = view(data(bla), row_major_layout<3>(M, N, K));
a3d[2][1][3] = 42;
live example here
Based on this answer assuming you want an array of char you can do something like
std::vector<char> x(1000);
char (&ar)[200][5] = *reinterpret_cast<char (*)[200][5]>(;
Then you can use ar as a normal two-dimensional array, like
char c = ar[2][3];
For anyone trying to achieve the same, I 've created a variadit template function that would create a n-dimension array in existing memory:
template <typename T = char> size_t CreateArrayAtMemory(void*, size_t bs)
return bs*sizeof(T);
template <typename T = char,typename ... Args>
size_t CreateArrayAtMemory(void* p, size_t bs, Args ... args)
size_t R = 0;
size_t PS = sizeof(void*);
char* P = (char*)p;
char* P0 = (char*)p;
size_t BytesForAllPointers = bs*PS;
R = BytesForAllPointers;
char* pos = P0 + BytesForAllPointers;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bs; i++)
char** pp = (char**)P;
if (p)
*pp = pos;
size_t RLD = CreateArrayAtMemory<T>(p ? pos : nullptr, args ...);
P += PS;
R += RLD;
pos += RLD;
return R;
Create a 2x3x4 char array:
int j = 0;
size_t n3 = CreateArrayAtMemory<char>(nullptr,2,3,4);
std::vector<char> a3(n3);
char*** f3 = (char***);
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 2; i1++)
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i2++)
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < 4; i3++)
f3[i1][i2][i3] = j++;
How do I delete a dynamically created matrix? This is likely a duplicate, for which I apologize, but I really can't find a clear answer on here so far. I initialize a matrix as follows:
float ** createMatrix(unsigned int Nrows, unsigned int Ncols) {
float ** result = NULL;
if (Nrows != 0 && Ncols != 0) {
// create the matrix on the heap
result = new float * [Nrows];
result[0] = new float [Nrows*Ncols]();
// link the rows
for (int i = 1; i < Nrows; i++) {
result[i] = result[i-1] + Ncols;
Now, I wish to create a function to delete it. Do I need two separate statements to delete M[0] and M, or just one for M? i.e. do I need:
void deleteMatrix(float **M){
delete[] M[0];
delete[] M;
void deleteMatrix(float **M){
delete[] M;
Any help/explanation would be massively appreciated. Both versions "work" and don't show any errors to me in the console when deleteMatrix(M) is run, so I'm confused. Thanks!
As many other's have stated every time you use new[] you have to have a matching [] delete. However as it currently stands with your functions and how they are declared/defined I believe you are running into an X/Y problem.
Here is why!
You propose to declare your delete function as such: Also you stated that both versions work and don't show any errors... well in your posted question both versions are exactly the same...
void deleteMatrix( float** M ) {
// delete[] rows
// delete[] cols
The problem that I'm seeing here is that as you pass in a pointer to a pointer of floats, the function does not know the dimensions of the matrix. It could be a 2x2, 2x3, 3x2, 3x3, MxN etc. Without knowing the dimensions of the matrix how are you able to write the for loop to traverse the inner or nested arrays? You would have to pass those dimensions into the delete function:
void deleteMatrix( float** M, int rowSize, int colSize ) {
for ( int row = 0; row < rowSize; row++ ) {
delete [] M[i];
delete [] M;
Here is an example similar to what you are trying to implement:
Outside of your actual problem; this tends to be more of a C approach or an outdated C++ approach. It ill advised to use raw pointers and new & delete freely. Using smart pointers is better. However for such a construct such as a matrix class, there are a plethora of freely usable libraries out there that have already defined such classes - interfaces to use and some of the most popular ones are:
Edit - User PaulMcKenzie cleared up a valid point that I have long forgotten since I've been mostly using vector<object> or vector<shared_ptr<object>>. It's been over 15 years since I've first learned about pointers - multi-dimensional arrays and I had forgotten about the concept of about contiguous arrays. The answer to a question that he posted to me in the comment section gives a clear explanation of what I've forgotten; found here. If the arrays are not contiguous in memory then yes it would be an X/Y problem without knowing their dimensions, but since they are; the sizes are not really needed to be known. And what you've already proposed should then work:
void deleteMatrix(float **M){
delete[] M[0];
delete[] M;
Edit - I was going back through some of my classes in my libraries and here is a template matrix class that I've written with any dimensional size matrix MxNx...ith It is very versatile in its ease and use. You can expand upon it if you want: I have not done any type checking or assertions but that can easily be added.
Using it is as simple as:
#include <iostream>
#include "Matrix.h"
int main() {
Matrix<int, 2, 2> imat3x3( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 );
// calling elements() and using vector's [] operator
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
std::cout << imat3x3.elements()[i] << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
// Using class's [] operator
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
std::cout << imat3x3[i] << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
// Using class's () operator
for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ )
std::cout << imat3x3(i) << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
// Okay that was a 3x3 matrix of ints, lets do a 2x2x2 matrix of floats
Matrix<float,2,2,2> fmat2x2x2( 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f );
// now the operators
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
std::cout << fmat2x2x2[i] << "f ";
std::cout << '\n';
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
std::cout << fmat2x2x2(i) << "f ";
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "\nPress any key and enter to quit.\n";
return 0;
#ifndef MATRIX_H
#define MATRIX_H
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
class Matrix {
static const size_t _numDims = sizeof...(Dims);
size_t _numElements;
std::vector<Type> _elements;
std::vector<size_t> _strides;
Matrix() noexcept;
template<typename... Args>
Matrix( Args&&... args ) noexcept;
const Type& operator[]( size_t idx );
const Type operator[]( size_t idx ) const;
const Type& operator() ( size_t idx );
const Type operator() ( size_t idx ) const;
size_t numElements() const {
return _elements.size();
const std::vector<size_t>& strides() const {
return _strides;
const std::vector<Type>& elements() const {
return _elements;
#include "Matrix.inl"
#endif // !MATRIX_H
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
Matrix<Type, Dims...>::Matrix() noexcept :
_strides( { Dims... } ) {
using std::begin;
using std::end;
auto mult = std::accumulate( begin( _strides ), end( strides ), 1, std::multiplies<>() );
_numElements = mult;
_elements.resize( _numElements );
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
template<typename... Args>
Matrix<Type, Dims...>::Matrix( Args&&... args ) noexcept :
_elements( { args... } ),
_strides( { Dims... } ) {
_numElements = _elements.size();
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator[]( size_t idx ) const {
return _elements[idx];
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type& Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator[]( size_t idx ) {
return _elements[idx];
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator()( size_t idx ) const {
return _elements[idx];
template<typename Type, size_t... Dims>
const Type& Matrix<Type, Dims...>::operator()( size_t idx ) {
return _elements[idx];
Matrix.cpp - This cpp file is not necessary I only have it to easily compile it while debugging the class for basic compiler errors
#include "Matrix.h"
I did not demonstrate the use of the numElements() or stride() functions but they should be fairly self explanatory. The strides function is a very nice feature since if a user calls the template as such <type, 1,3,5> giving you a 1x3x5 Matrix; these are stored in the _strides member vector. This way you always have the indexes needed for the size of each dimension.
Now if you want your matrix on the heap; instead of trying to do a double pointer or [][] and putting each element on the heap, with this class you have two options.
You can either put the instantiated object on the heap directly or you can have this class hold heap objects as well.
std::shared_ptr<Matrix<int,2,2>> ptrMat2x2; // A heap pointer of the matrix
Matrix<shared_ptr<int>,3,3> mat3x3ptrs; // A matrix of heap objects.
The code might seem a bit strange at first glance but this shows that both cases can be done:
#include <iostream>
#include "Matrix.h"
int main() {
// A Matrix<> on the heap via shared_ptr`
std::shared_ptr<Matrix<int, 2, 2>> ptrMat2x2 =
std::make_shared<Matrix<int, 2, 2>>( Matrix<int,2,2>( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) );
// accessing the elements from the shared pointer and printing
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
std::cout << (*ptrMat2x2.get())(i) << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
// creating some basic shared_ptrs
auto a = std::make_shared<int>( 1 );
auto b = std::make_shared<int>( 2 );
auto c = std::make_shared<int>( 3 );
auto d = std::make_shared<int>( 4 );
// Matrix that holds shared_ptrs
Matrix<std::shared_ptr<int>, 2, 2> mat2x2ptrs( a, b, c, d );
// print the elements from the matrix (don't forget to dereference).
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
std::cout << *mat2x2ptrs[i].get() << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "\nPress any key and enter to quit.\n";
return 0;
These "2D array" questions come up constantly. I think I'll answer one.
Don't use arrays[]. Don't use new[] and delete[]. Just don't. Use std::vector<std::vector<int>> and let the miracle of C++ do all the newing and deleting for you. Or for something serious, use a well-designed open source library, like boost::matrix. C++ is way cool.
The following is a starter-kit. It can be improved, "privatized", and abstracted in lots of ways.
#include <vector>
using std::size_t;
template<class T>
struct Matrix {
using matrix_type = std::vector<std::vector<T>>;
matrix_type matrix;
Matrix(size_t rows, size_t cols)
: matrix(rows, matrix_type::value_type(cols))
int main() {
size_t Nrows = 5u;
size_t Ncols = 2u;
Matrix<int> mx(Nrows, Ncols);
auto& matrix = mx.matrix; // Now use matrix[i][j] or whatever.
// Here you can do anything with matrix that your could do with
// an array or arrays ... and more. And it cleans up after iself.
You have allocated two separate arrays, you need to delete two separate arrays, in reverse order.
I'm coding in C++, and I have the following code:
int array[30];
array[9] = 1;
array[5] = 1;
array[14] = 1;
array[8] = 2;
array[15] = 2;
array[23] = 2;
array[12] = 2;
Is there a way to initialize the array similar to the following?
int array[30];
array[9,5,14] = 1;
array[8,15,23,12] = 2;
Note: In the actual code, there can be up to 30 slots that need to be set to one value.
This function will help make it less painful.
void initialize(int * arr, std::initializer_list<std::size_t> list, int value) {
for (auto i : list) {
arr[i] = value;
Call it like this.
A variant of aaronman's answer:
template <typename T>
void initialize(T array[], const T& value)
template <size_t index, size_t... indices, typename T>
void initialize(T array[], const T& value)
array[index] = value;
initialize<indices...>(array, value);
int main()
int array[10];
initialize<0,3,6>(array, 99);
std::cout << array[0] << " " << array[3] << " " << array[6] << std::endl;
Example: Click here
Just for the fun of it I created a somewhat different approach which needs a bit of infrastructure allowing initialization like so:
double array[40] = {};
"9 5 14"_idx(array) = 1;
"8 15 23 12"_idx(array) = 2;
If the digits need to be separated by commas, there is a small change needed. In any case, here is the complete code:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iterator>
template <int Size, typename T = int>
class assign
int d_indices[Size];
int* d_end;
T* d_array;
void operator=(assign const&) = delete;
assign(char const* base, std::size_t n)
: d_end(std::copy(std::istream_iterator<int>(
std::istringstream(std::string(base, n)) >> std::skipws),
std::istream_iterator<int>(), this->d_indices))
, d_array()
assign(assign<Size>* as, T* a)
: d_end(std::copy(as->begin(), as->end(), this->d_indices))
, d_array(a) {
assign(assign const& o)
: d_end(std::copy(o.begin(), o.end(), this->d_indices))
, d_array(o.d_array)
int const* begin() const { return this->d_indices; }
int const* end() const { return this->d_end; }
template <typename A>
assign<Size, A> operator()(A* array) {
return assign<Size, A>(this, array);
void operator=(T const& value) {
for (auto it(this->begin()), end(this->end()); it != end; ++it) {
d_array[*it] = value;
assign<30> operator""_idx(char const* base, std::size_t n)
return assign<30>(base, n);
int main()
double array[40] = {};
"1 3 5"_idx(array) = 17;
"4 18 7"_idx(array) = 19;
std::copy(std::begin(array), std::end(array),
std::ostream_iterator<double>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
I just had a play around for the sake of fun / experimentation (Note my concerns at the bottom of the answer):
It's used like this:
smartAssign(array)[0][8] = 1;
smartAssign(array)[1][4][2] = 2;
smartAssign(array)[3] = 3;
smartAssign(array)[5][9][6][7] = 4;
Source code:
#include <assert.h> //Needed to test variables
#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
template <class ArrayPtr, class Value>
class SmartAssign
ArrayPtr m_array;
class Proxy
ArrayPtr m_array;
size_t m_index;
Proxy* m_prev;
Proxy(ArrayPtr array, size_t index)
: m_array(array)
, m_index(index)
, m_prev(nullptr)
{ }
Proxy(Proxy* prev, size_t index)
: m_array(prev->m_array)
, m_index(index)
, m_prev(prev)
{ }
void assign(Value value)
m_array[m_index] = value;
for (auto prev = m_prev; prev; prev = prev->m_prev) {
m_array[prev->m_index] = value;
void operator=(Value value)
Proxy operator[](size_t index)
return Proxy{this, index};
friend class SmartAssign;
SmartAssign(ArrayPtr array)
: m_array(array)
Proxy operator[](size_t index)
return Proxy{m_array, index};
template <class T>
SmartAssign<T*, T> smartAssign(T* array)
return SmartAssign<T*, T>(array);
int main()
int array[10];
smartAssign(array)[0][8] = 1;
smartAssign(array)[1][4][2] = 2;
smartAssign(array)[3] = 3;
smartAssign(array)[5][9][6][7] = 4;
for (auto i : array) {
std::cout << i << "\n";
//Now to test the variables
assert(array[0] == 1 && array[8] == 1);
assert(array[1] == 2 && array[4] == 2 && array[2] == 2);
assert(array[3] == 3);
assert(array[5] == 4 && array[9] == 4 && array[6] == 4 && array[7] == 4);
Let me know what you think, I don't typically write much code like this, I'm sure someone will point out some problems somewhere ;)
I'm not a 100% certain of the lifetime of the proxy objects.
The best you can do if your indexes are unrelated is "chaining" the assignments:
array[9] = array[5] = array[14] = 1;
However if you have some way to compute your indexes in a deterministic way you could use a loop:
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
array[transform_into_index(i)] = 1;
This last example also obviously applies if you have some container where your indexes are stored. So you could well do something like this:
const std::vector<size_t> indexes = { 9, 5, 14 };
for (auto i: indexes)
array[i] = 1;
Compilers which still doesn't support variadic template argument and universal initialization list, it can be a pain to realize, that some of the posted solution will not work
As it seems, OP only intends to work with arrays of numbers, valarray with variable arguments can actually solve this problem quite easily.
#include <valarray>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
template <std::size_t size >
std::valarray<std::size_t> selection( ... )
va_list arguments;
std::valarray<std::size_t> sel(size);
//Skip the first element
va_start ( arguments, size );
va_arg ( arguments, int );
for(auto &elem : sel)
elem = va_arg ( arguments, int );
va_end ( arguments );
return sel;
int main ()
//Create an array of 30 integers
std::valarray<int> array(30);
//The first argument is the count of indexes
//followed by the indexes of the array to initialize
array[selection<3>(9,5,14)] = 1;
array[selection<4>(8,15,13, 12)] = 2;
std::copy(std::begin(array), std::end(array),
std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
return 0;
I remember, for static initialization exist syntax like:
int array[30] = {
[9] = 1, [8] = 2
And so on. This works in gcc, about another compilers - I do not know.
Use overload operator << .
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
// value and indexes wrapper
template< typename T, std::size_t ... Ints> struct _s{ T value; };
//deduced value type
template< std::size_t ... Ints, typename T>
constexpr inline _s<T, Ints... > _ ( T const& v )noexcept { return {v}; }
// stored array reference
template< typename T, std::size_t N>
struct _ref
using array_ref = T (&)[N];
array_ref ref;
//join _s and _ref with << operator.
template< typename , std::size_t ... > class IC,
typename U, std::size_t N, std::size_t ... indexes
constexpr _ref<U,N> operator << (_ref<U,N> r, IC<U, indexes...> ic ) noexcept
using list = bool[];
return ( (void)list{ false, ( (void)(r.ref[indexes] = ic.value), false) ... }) , r ;
//return r;
//helper function, for creating _ref<T,N> from array.
template< typename T, std::size_t N>
constexpr inline _ref<T,N> _i(T (&array)[N] ) noexcept { return {array}; }
int main()
int a[15] = {0};
_i(a) << _<0,3,4,5>(7) << _<8,9, 14>( 6 ) ;
for(auto x : a)std::cout << x << " " ;
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
//result: 7 0 0 7 7 7 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 6
double b[101]{0};
_i(b) << _<0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90>(3.14)
<< _<11,21,22,23,24,25>(2.71)
<< _<5,15,25,45,95>(1.414) ;
struct _i_t
int * array;
struct s
int* array;
std::initializer_list<int> l;
s const& operator = (int value) const noexcept
for(auto i : l )
array[i] = value;
return *this;
s operator []( std::initializer_list<int> i ) const noexcept
return s{array, i};
template< std::size_t N>
constexpr _i_t _i( int(&array)[N]) noexcept { return {array}; }
int main()
int a[15] = {0};
_i(a)[{1,3,5,7,9}] = 7;
for(auto x : a)std::cout << x << ' ';
Any fancy trickery you do will be unrolled by the compiler/assembler into exactly what you have. Are you doing this for readability reasons? If your array is already init, you can do:
array[8] = array[15] = array[23] = array[12] = 2;
But I stress my point above; it will be transformed into exactly what you have.
Is there an easy way to get a slice of an array in C++?
I.e., I've got
array<double, 10> arr10;
and want to get array consisting of five first elements of arr10:
array<double, 5> arr5 = arr10.???
(other than populating it by iterating through first array)
The constructors for std::array are implicitly defined so you can't initialize it with a another container or a range from iterators. The closest you can get is to create a helper function that takes care of the copying during construction. This allows for single phase initialization which is what I believe you're trying to achieve.
template<class X, class Y>
X CopyArray(const Y& src, const size_t size)
X dst;
std::copy(src.begin(), src.begin() + size, dst.begin());
return dst;
std::array<int, 5> arr5 = CopyArray<decltype(arr5)>(arr10, 5);
You can also use something like std::copy or iterate through the copy yourself.
std::copy(arr10.begin(), arr10.begin() + 5, arr5.begin());
Sure. Wrote this:
template<int...> struct seq {};
template<typename seq> struct seq_len;
template<int s0,int...s>
struct seq_len<seq<s0,s...>>:
std::integral_constant<std::size_t,seq_len<seq<s...>>::value> {};
struct seq_len<seq<>>:std::integral_constant<std::size_t,0> {};
template<int Min, int Max, int... s>
struct make_seq: make_seq<Min, Max-1, Max-1, s...> {};
template<int Min, int... s>
struct make_seq<Min, Min, s...> {
typedef seq<s...> type;
template<int Max, int Min=0>
using MakeSeq = typename make_seq<Min,Max>::type;
template<std::size_t src, typename T, int... indexes>
std::array<T, sizeof...(indexes)> get_elements( seq<indexes...>, std::array<T, src > const& inp ) {
return { inp[indexes]... };
template<int len, typename T, std::size_t src>
auto first_elements( std::array<T, src > const& inp )
-> decltype( get_elements( MakeSeq<len>{}, inp ) )
return get_elements( MakeSeq<len>{}, inp );
Where the compile time indexes... does the remapping, and MakeSeq makes a seq from 0 to n-1.
Live example.
This supports both an arbitrary set of indexes (via get_elements) and the first n (via first_elements).
std::array< int, 10 > arr = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
std::array< int, 6 > slice = get_elements(arr, seq<2,0,7,3,1,0>() );
std::array< int, 5 > start = first_elements<5>(arr);
which avoids all loops, either explicit or implicit.
2018 update, if all you need is first_elements:
Less boilerplaty solution using C++14 (building up on Yakk's pre-14 answer and stealing from "unpacking" a tuple to call a matching function pointer)
template < std::size_t src, typename T, int... I >
std::array< T, sizeof...(I) > get_elements(std::index_sequence< I... >, std::array< T, src > const& inp)
return { inp[I]... };
template < int N, typename T, std::size_t src >
auto first_elements(std::array<T, src > const& inp)
-> decltype(get_elements(std::make_index_sequence<N>{}, inp))
return get_elements(std::make_index_sequence<N>{}, inp);
Still cannot explain why this works, but it does (for me on Visual Studio 2017).
This answer might be late... but I was just toying around with slices - so here is my little home brew of std::array slices.
Of course, this comes with a few restrictions and is not ultimately general:
The source array from which a slice is taken must not go out of scope. We store a reference to the source.
I was looking for constant array slices first and did not try to expand this code to both const and non const slices.
But one nice feature of the code below is, that you can take slices of slices...
// ParCompDevConsole.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include "pch.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <functional>
template <class A>
class ArraySliceC
using Array_t = A;
using value_type = typename A::value_type;
using const_iterator = typename A::const_iterator;
ArraySliceC(const Array_t & source, size_t ifirst, size_t length)
: m_ifirst{ ifirst }
, m_length{ length }
, m_source{ source }
if (source.size() < (ifirst + length))
std::ostringstream os;
os << "ArraySliceC::ArraySliceC(<source>,"
<< ifirst << "," << length
<< "): out of bounds. (ifirst + length >= <source>.size())";
throw std::invalid_argument( os.str() );
size_t size() const
return m_length;
const value_type& at( size_t index ) const
return m_ifirst + index );
const value_type& operator[]( size_t index ) const
return m_source[m_ifirst + index];
const_iterator cbegin() const
return m_source.cbegin() + m_ifirst;
const_iterator cend() const
return m_source.cbegin() + m_ifirst + m_length;
size_t m_ifirst;
size_t m_length;
const Array_t& m_source;
template <class T, size_t SZ>
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const std::array<T,SZ>& arr )
if (arr.size() == 0)
os << "[||]";
os << "[| " << 0 );
for (auto it = arr.cbegin() + 1; it != arr.cend(); it++)
os << "," << (*it);
os << " |]";
return os;
template<class A>
std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& os, const ArraySliceC<A> & slice )
if (slice.size() == 0)
os << "^[||]";
os << "^[| " << 0 );
for (auto it = slice.cbegin() + 1; it != slice.cend(); it++)
os << "," << (*it);
os << " |]";
return os;
template<class A>
A unfoldArray( std::function< typename A::value_type( size_t )> producer )
A result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
result[i] = producer( i );
return result;
int main()
using A = std::array<float, 10>;
auto idf = []( size_t i ) -> float { return static_cast<float>(i); };
const auto values = unfoldArray<A>(idf);
std::cout << "values = " << values << std::endl;
// zero copy slice of values array.
auto sl0 = ArraySliceC( values, 2, 4 );
std::cout << "sl0 = " << sl0 << std::endl;
// zero copy slice of the sl0 (the slice of values array)
auto sl01 = ArraySliceC( sl0, 1, 2 );
std::cout << "sl01 = " << sl01 << std::endl;
return 0;
I need to compare one given value with a retrieved values. I do this several times in the code. I am not satisfied with how it looks and I am seeking for a some sort of an util function. Anyone wrote one?
Number of values I am comparing with is known at the compile time.
Update: I'd like to get rid of containers as I know exact amount of values ( often not more then 3 ) I want to compare with. And it is not so convenient to put items to the container every time.
I don't love if neither because it is not obvious as "find".
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
std::string getValue1()
return "test";
std::string getValue2()
return "the";
std::string getValue3()
return "world";
int main()
const std::string value = "the";
// simple if
if ( value == getValue1() ||
value == getValue2() ||
value == getValue3() )
return 1;
// using collections like vector, set
std::vector<std::string> values;
values.push_back( getValue1() );
values.push_back( getValue2() );
values.push_back( getValue3() );
if ( values.end() != std::find( values.begin(), values.end(), value ) )
return 1;
// third option I'd use instead
return 0;
If the values you're looking for are Comparable with operator< (like ints, float and std::strings), then it's faster to use an std::set to put the values there and then check set.find(value) == set.end(). This is because the set will store the values with a certain order that allows for faster lookups. Using an hash table will be even faster. However, for less than 50 values or so you might not notice any difference :) So my rule of thumb would be:
Less then 5 items: if with multiple ||
5 or more: put in a set or hash table
you can write a set of template functions which will help you through with this, for example:
template <typename T>
bool InSet(const T & item, const T & i1, const T & i2) {
return item==i1 || item==i2;
template <typename T>
bool InSet(const T & item, const T & i1, const T & i2, const T & i3) {
return item==i1 || item==i2 || item==i3;
Note that you can make InSet to work like it took a variable number of arguments by creating multiple templates with different number of arguments.
And then:
int i;
if (InSet(i, 3, 4, 5)) { ... }
string s;
if (InSet(s, "foobar", "zap", "garblex")) { ... }
For your request to do
if (InSet(value)(GetValue1(), GetValue2(), GetValue3()))
// Do something here...
Try this:
template <typename T>
class InSetHelper
const T &Value;
void operator=(const InSetHelper &);
InSetHelper(const T &value) : Value(value) {}
template<class Other, class Another>
bool operator()(const Other &value1, const Another &value2) const
return Value == value1 || Value == value2;
template<class Other, class Another, class AThird>
bool operator()(const Other &value1, const Another &value2, const AThird &value3) const
return Value == value1 || Value == value2 || Value == value3;
template <typename T>
InSetHelper<T> InSet(const T &value) { return InSetHelper<T>(value); }
This syntax might be more clear though:
if (MakeSet(GetValue1(), GetValue2(), GetValue3()).Contains(value))
// Do something here...
template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
class Set3
const T& V1;
const U& V2;
const V& V3;
void operator=(const Set3 &);
Set3(const T &v1, const U &v2, const V &v3) : V1(v1), V2(v2), V3(v3) {}
template <typename W>
bool Contains(const W &v) const
return V1 == v || V2 == v || V3 == v;
template <typename T, typename U>
class Set2
// as above
template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
Set3<T, U, V> MakeSet(const T &v1, const U &v2, const V &v3)
return Set3<T, U, V>(v1, v2, v3);
template <typename T, typename U>
Set3<T, U> MakeSet(const T &v1, const U &v23)
return Set3<T, U, V>(v1, v2);
If those values are really part of a tree or a linked list, then you have your set/container already, and your best bet is to just use some recursion:
You'd just add this to whatever class parent and child belong to:
class Node
Value GetValue();
Node *GetChild();
bool ThisOrDescendantHasValue(const Value &value)
return GetValue() == value
|| (GetChild() && GetChild->ThisOrDescendantHasValue(value));
You don't need a std::set or a std::vector. Just use std::set_intersection()...
Code is best...
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
#define COUNT(TYPE,ARRAY) ( sizeof(ARRAY) / sizeof(TYPE) )
inline bool CaseInsensitiveCompare (const char * a, const char * b)
{ return strcasecmp( a, b ) < 0; }
int main()
const char * setA[] = { "the", "world", "is", "flat" };
const char * setB[] = { "the", "empty", "set", "is", "boring" };
stable_sort( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
CaseInsensitiveCompare );
stable_sort( setB, setB + COUNT( const char *, setB ),
CaseInsensitiveCompare );
cout << "Intersection of sets: ";
set_intersection( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
setB, setB + COUNT( const char *, setB ),
ostream_iterator<const char *>(cout, " "),
CaseInsensitiveCompare );
cout << endl << endl;
Or perhaps, given your 1-N lookup problem:
(Note: Use binary_search() AFTER sorting!)
if ( binary_search( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
"is", CaseInsensitiveCompare ) )
if ( binary_search( setA, setA + COUNT( const char *, setA ),
"set", CaseInsensitiveCompare ) )
Which changes more, the 'value' or the values returned by 'getValueX()'? You can insert everything into a hash_map/map and then do a search that way, as you've suggested with the containers.
Of course, if you only care about finding a single value, you can create your own wrapper around std::find.
I would recommend your method 2, using a std::vector or other container and looking for membership. Since the order of elements that you're checking against is probably not relevant, you may want to use a std::set or std::map. If you have very many items in your set of values, then using a set or a map will be a faster, while if you have only a few a vector may be faster.
The advantage of any of these approaches is that you can then store the set/map somewhere common, and avoid having to build the set of matching responses every time.
i like the collections approach, maybe use a hash_set instead of a vector. store the values in a property file and have a method to populat the hash_set from the file, and another one to return a boolean if the value is in the hash_set. then you can get down to one 2 lines in the main code.
It depends on the source of the retrieved values, if you're reading in from a file or stream then you'd do something different but if your source is a series of functions then the following is a different way to do it, not perfect but may suit your needs:
const int count = 3;
std::string value = "world";
boost::function<std::string(void)> funcArray[count];
funcArray[0] = &getValue1;
funcArray[1] = &getValue2;
funcArray[2] = &getValue3;
for( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if( funcArray[i]() == value )
return 1;
If you know which functions are the source (as well as the count of objects) I expect you could assemble the function pointer array using the preprocessor.
How about using a boost::array (or std::tr1::array) and creating a simple function like this:
template <typename ValueType, size_t arraySize>
bool contains(const boost::array<ValueType, arraySize>& arr, const ValueType& val)
return std::find(arr.begin(), arr.end(), val)!=arr.end();
You could then reuse that pretty easily:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost\array.hpp>
template <typename ValueType, size_t arraySize>
bool contains(const boost::array<ValueType, arraySize>& arr, const ValueType& val)
return std::find(arr.begin(), arr.end(), val)!=arr.end();
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
boost::array<std::string, 3> arr = {"HI", "there", "world"};
std::cout << std::boolalpha
<< "arr contains HI: " << contains(arr, std::string("HI")) << std::endl
<< "arr contains blag: " << contains(arr, std::string("blag") ) << std::endl
<< "arr contains there: " << contains(arr, std::string("there") ) << std::endl;
return 0;
Edit: So boost is out. It's pretty easy to adapt this to a regular array:
template <typename ValueType, size_t arraySize>
bool contains(ValueType (&arr)[arraySize], const ValueType& val)
return std::find(&arr[0], &arr[arraySize], val)!=&arr[arraySize];
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std::string arr[3] = {"HI", "there", "world"};
std::cout << std::boolalpha << "arr contains HI: " << contains(arr, std::string("HI")) << std::endl
<< "arr contains blag: " << contains(arr, std::string("blag") ) << std::endl
<< "arr contains there: " << contains(arr, std::string("there") ) << std::endl;
return 0;