Sitecore core database - How to add a new template - sitecore

I need to make a new template in Core database to create some configuration items.
By default you can not add a "New template" to templates/System... section.
How can I add a new template to core database?

Right-click the location you want to create your template, click Insert From -> select Template (or Standard Template if that's what you want)
You can find this in /sitecore/templates/System/Templates/Template.
By the way, it's not generally recommended to add your template to the System folder. Might be better to add it to either a new folder or the User Defined folder.

By right clicking Templates >> System folder select Insert >> Insert from Template option in the popup menu.
Select /sitecore/templates/System/Templates/Template as Trayek suggests.
Added Data in the Builder tab and Inheritance tab also works fine. (Screen shot below)


How do I add a new Razor Page Template to Visual Studio in ASP.NET Core 2.1?

I've got the Templates folder in my project hierarchy, and I've been modifying those pretty heavily to speed up my scaffolding workflow.
However, some of the objects in my database must persist forever. So, since they can't be deleted, they have a boolean activation state.
As such, I'd like to add two new actions to the CRUD workflow, Deactivate and Reactivate. I added the relevant templates to the Project\Templates\RazorPageGenerator folder, but when I click to add a new Razor Page, it still only shows the standard CRUD options.
I'm not sure where I need to register the new templates for them to be usable in the scaffolding operations...?
This is what I normally do and works all the time:
Right click the folder => Select Add > New File => Select Razor Page and modify the "Name" section to match my controller method name.
If it doesn't work for you, how about creating files "Deactivate.cshtml" and "Reactivate.cshtml" using normal means (Finder in MacOS, Window Explorer in Windows, or command prompt), copy them to your Project\Templates\RazorPageGenerator folder, and add them to your project by right click the folder in VS2017 => Select Add > Add Files from Folder
In .csprog change Project Sdk From Microsoft.NET.Sdk To Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web

How to add a Custom Strip with a Custom Chunk and Button in Sitecore 8.1

As per subject - I want to create a custom button in a new Strip; the instructions that used to work for Sitecore 7.5 (adding a Strip Item under /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Strips, etc.) don't seem to work anymore in 8.1.
Can anyone link detailed documentation to do so?
First, right-click on the toolbar and see if you have the new menu listed as shown in the screenshot below. If not please see the following steps:
Navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Chunksand create a new Chunk. The template is at /sitecore/templates/System/Ribbon/Chunk
Create your button in the newly created Chunk which is based on the template /sitecore/templates/System/Ribbon/Large Button
Navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Strips and create your new Strip from the template /sitecore/templates/System/Ribbon/Strip
Then, add a reference for your Chunk using the template /sitecore/templates/System/Reference and in the droptree, select your created Chunk
Navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Ribbons/Ribbons/Default and create a reference using the template /sitecore/templates/System/Reference and select your strip from the droptree.
Refresh the page and see if it is present. If not, right click on the toolbar and see if you have your new navigation list as shown below:

Remove Item Version

Reference to Sitecore's documentations and this related question, the 'Versions' tab in the Ribbon tag supposed to have the option 'Remove' to remove specific language version of the selected item, I have this option for most of the items, but in below scenario, after adding new language version to item, I can't find 'Remove' option:
Create Template 'Sample'-> Create Section 'Data' -> Add Field inside (which is item at the end) -> Add new language version of this field -> Here 'Remove' option will not be exist in 'Versions' tab.
Note: I've just added this version by mistake and just want to Undo it (remove this version).
You cannot remove version of templates, template sections and template fields using Content Editor.
You can use DB Browser application instead. You can open it using /sitecore/admin/dbbrowser.aspx url.
You will see Delete version button there.
I have implemented a tool which is already available from Sitecore Marketplace. The tool allows you to remove the different version on items. For example, if you select an item, it will show all the version the item contains and also possible language version.
Here is the link to the module on marketplace: Sitecore Version Remover
Check if you have the correct rights. It should show remove button like follows:

Sitecore Insert options not working

I'm fairly new to sitecore and having lots of trouble. I found a couple of articles that show how to add items to the insert context menu of a template, and I was able to get it to work once, on one of my templates. It worked off of the root of the template. But this root has branches under, and when I try to set the insert options for those branches, it does not work.
I did not build this site so I am not sure what is happening.
Is it possible there is some security setting somewhere keeping it from working? Or could it be that they are not linking to individual module items, but perhaps a menu somewhere, and that maybe it is that menu that I need to update?
To make matters worse, I am not sure where I should be assigning these insert options. The articles I've read say to do it on the _standardvalues of the template, but under branches I see the template of the same name and it actually has the branch structure underneath, which is where I actually want the insert to be (under Column 5). I've attached a screenshot if it helps.
The insert options for a template are always set on the _standard values of that template.
Branches are not templates. Branches use templates to define a common content structure which content editors need to re create often and therefore it saves the editors time.
To add insert options to your Column template. Either navigate to the template if you know where it is or click on the column 5 node in your branch, look at the quick info section of the item. There you will find a link to the items template. Click on the template link, the template should open. In the left hand menu expand the template so that you can see the __standard values. If you have no standard values then create them. Click on __standard values then select configure in the sitecore ribbon (top menu). Now click on assign within the insert options section and select the templates you wish this template to have as insert options.
Now your column template will have the insert options set correctly. If you dont see them then go back to your column 5 node in your branch, you may have overridden the standard value settings and hence wont see the correct insert options. To ensure your getting the correct insert options from your template, select the column 5 node then in the ribbon click on configure then reset within the insert options section this will reset your insert options to that set in the standard values of your template.
Now if you still don't see the insert option changes that you have made then go back to the column template, select its standard values. Click on assign in the insert options section of the configure tab. In the insert options pop up, look to your left. You will see an option to select insert rules. Click on that and check if you have any insert rules for this template. If you do then find the insert rule item under system/settings/insert rules. Once you have found it select the rule and it will contain a reference to a class within your solution. Use that reference to find the class in your solution and debug that logic, it may be enforcing insert options programmatically.

Is there any way to change Sitecore Rocks Sub layout template structure (VS 2013)?

When I create new item -> sub layout it will create web user control. I need change the template structure of web user control's code behind file (using should come outside of namespace) when it creating.
The default templates for the Sitecore Items is in the following folder:
Extract file from Sublayouts folder, move the using statement to outside the namespace in Sublayout.ascx.cs and re-pack the zip file. Restart Visual Studio and the changes should take effect.