Java API for Autosys , cs-7 - scheduling

I am new to the enterprise scheduler world .
I need to schedule a job in Enterprise schedulers like Autosys, cs-7 using java program.
Is there any java API available for Autosys,cs-7.

Yes there is Java SDK for the current version of Autosys (CA Workload Automation AE).


run gazebo on EC2

I'm trying to develop an robot application. But I don't have GPU locally. So I created an EC2 instance, and tried to run gazebo on it. However, it always fails with the following error. Maybe it's because I'm using VNC to connect to the server.
Dec 11 08:26:29 ip-172-31-33-33 kernel: [ 1633.096463] gzclient[3264]: segfault at 20 ip 00007fb23955d867 sp 00007ffc7b0e0820 error 4 in[7fb2391f7000+571000]
Did anyone do that before (running gazebo and ros on AWS and connect to it through remote desktop)? It it possible if I don't have local GPU and want to develop an ros application on cloud?
For robotics programming, including ROS1, ROS2, Gazibo, etc, AWS provides managed services called AWS RoboMaker:
AWS RoboMaker is a service that makes it easy to create robotics applications at scale. AWS RoboMaker extends the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework with cloud services.
It supports a number of robotics applications, such as Gazebo:
Gazebo (versions 9 and 11): Tool to simulate robots in an environment.

creation of tools or website for application deployment task

i’m python beginner and i want to make python tools for below requirement OR wanted to complete below task with Django website.
Task: I have 1 application on server and want to deploy that application to all ~400 machines(mac os client machines ) now i wanted to know is it possible to automate this task by making some GUI Application(using python) OR python website(Django)?
If yes then how to handle offline machines and how to post IP of each machines in one file and from there how to how to distinguish offline machine .What could be prototype?

Socket not created by this factory with spark streaming and AWS

I am hitting this exception with spark streaming S3 access.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Socket not created by this factory
at org.apache.http.util.Asserts.check(
at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.isSecure(
at com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient.execute(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem.verifyBucketExists ...
I have tried these steps [from other threads like AWS Socket Not created by this factory or Cannot use AWS SDK in Spring Boot Application (Socket not created by this factory) ] and didn't work.
Shading the all amazonaws and apache http jars.
Upgrade httpclient and httpcore explicitly to 4.5.x.
Upgrade amazon sdk to 1.11.x.
Upgrade hadoop to 3.1.x.
None of this worked and I am stuck for 2 days now which means I have tried most of the solutions in stackoverflow and internet already. Any other ideas?
This is "new", but spark has upgraded to a version of httpclient which breaks s3a in hadoop 2.8 in some cases. this sounds like one of the symptoms
I would recommend grabbing the ASF hadoop download consistent with those in the spark release you are using and then dropping in the (hadoop-aws, aws-, http) JARs from that release. Or build spark yourself with the -Phadoop-cloud profile and let maven do the work.

How to port existing distributed service application to DCOS?

so there is a set of applications that position itself as a distributed cluster O/S called DCOS.
It has an MPI and spark running on top of it.
I am a developer and I have a set of distributed services running connected via socket or ZeroMQ communication system.
How can I port my existing services to DCOS?
Meaning use it's communication facilities instead of sockets/zmq.
Is there any API \ Docs on how not to run it but develop for it?
There are a number of ways to get your application to run on DCOS (and/or Mesos).
First for legacy applications you can use the marathon framework which you can view as kind of the init system of DCOS/Mesos.
If you need more elaborate applications and want to really program against the apis you would write a mesos framework: see the framework development guide for more details.
For deeper integration of your framework into DCOS as for example using the package repository/ command line install option check out/contact mesosphere for more details.
Hope this helps!

when will wso2 support bpmn 2.0

I am just wondering when is WSO2 planning on supporting BPMN 2.0 in the process engine?
I would expect this to be a priority because its a better standards base than BPEL on which to build business processes.
Would this be either a replacement/alternative for or alongside the BPEL process engine ?
Support for BPMN 2.0 is already in the roadmap.
BPEL and BPMN, both for describing and executing business processes, you have the freedom of choosing which notation is to use.
BPEL is well suited to model some kinds of processes and BPMN is well suited to model other kinds of processes, or sometimes you can mix and match within a single composite.
WSO2 BPS executes business processes written using WS-BPEL 2.0, BPEL4WS 1.1 and also it has support for workflows with human interaction (WS-Human Task 1.1, BPEL4People 1.1).
For more information
I come across a documentation about the future release of WSO2 Business Process Server 3.5.0 which is the successor of the current released version(3.2.0).
It says that the BPMN support comes with 3.5.0:
It seems that they integrated activiti business process engine with WSO2 BPS: