Generate Block Compile Time If-Else Parameterized - if-statement

I'm looking to be able to parametric some behavioral level Verilog using the generate block. The module is for a re-configurable readout and FIFO block, mainly so we can code this up one and just use a parameter at the top level.
Lets say we have:
always #(posedge write_out_clk or posedge RESETN)
else if (enb[0] == 1)
SENSE_ADDR <= 1; // for example but may be some other wire/bus etc
else if (enb[1] == 2)
SENSE_ADDR <= 1; // for example but may be some other wire/bus etc
This is behavioral so the specifics of implementation are left to the compiler with user given timing constraints etc. This works for 'n' else-if statements within the block if I hard code them, currently synthesis and simulation are both working for 16 statements.
My question however is how to parameterise this using generate? Clearly if 'n=8' its not too much of a big deal to hard code it. What if 'n=64' or 'n=128' etc. Seems a shame to hard code it if the rest of the module is fully parameterized using the generate for 'n'...
I have tried doing something like:
genvar elseif_generate;
for (elseif_generate=0; elseif_generate<FIFO_SUB_BLOCKS; elseif_generate=elseif_generate+1)
begin: elseif_generate_logic
always #(posedge write_out_clk or posedge RESETN)
else if (enb[elseif_generate] == 1)
SENSE_ADDR <= some_wire[elseif_generate];
This however leads to Multi-source errors for the output wire 'SENSE_ADDR'. This leads me to the further question. Clearly a generate block is not suitable here but how would I go about implementing parameterised code replication for this block? Basically I want the functionality of the behavioral, hard coded if-else always block in a parameterised form...

Does this serve your needs? No generate required.
module mux #(
parameter WIDTH = 5,
parameter NUM = 2,
parameter NUMLG = $clog2(NUM)
) (
input [NUMLG -1:0] sel,
input [WIDTH - 1:0] in [0:NUM-1],
output [WIDTH - 1:0] out
assign out = in[sel];
If your simulator doesn't support SystemVerilog that well you'll have to modify this to blow out the input array but the concept is the same.

You don not need a generate block. Add a combination always block to calculate next_SENSE_ADDR that will be flopped to SENSE_ADDR.
always #(posedge write_out_clk or posedge RESETN)
integer idx;
always #* begin // #(SENSE_ADDR or enb or some_wire)
next_SENSE_ADDR = SENSE_ADDR; // default, value if enb is all 0
// count down because lsb has higher priority
for ( idx=FIFO_SUB_BLOCKS-1; idx>=0; idx-- ) begin
if ( enb[idx] )
next_SENSE_ADDR = some_wire[idx];


Will if-else statements nest without brackets?

I want to write something utterly ridiculous that calls for a great depth of conditional nesting. The least disorienting way to write this is to forgo brackets entirely, but I have not been able to find any info on if nesting single-statement if-else guards is legal; the non-nested version causes people enough problems it seems.
Is it valid to write the following? (In both C and C++, please let me know if they differ on this.)
float x = max(abs(min), abs(max));
uint32 count = 0u;
// divides and conquers but, tries to shortcut toward more common values
if (x < 100'000.f)
if (x < 10.f)
count = 1u;
if(x < 1'000.f)
if (x < 100.f)
count = 2u;
count = 3u;
if (x < 10'000.f)
count = 4u;
count = 5u;
... // covers the IEEE-754 float32 range to ~1.0e+37 (maybe 37 end branches)
--skippable lore--
The underlying puzzle (this is for fun) is that I want to figure out the number of glyphs necessary to display a float's internal representation without rounding/truncation, in constant time. Counting the fractional part's glyph count in constant time was much neater/faster, but unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out any bit-twiddling tricks for the integer part, so I've decided to just brute-force it. Never use math when you can use your fists.
in nested if-statements, the else is associated with the closest if that doesn't have an else
So as long as every if has an else, nesting without brackets works fine. The problem occurs when an else should not be associated with the closest if. For example:
if ( condition1 ) {
if ( condition2 )
} // <-- This is needed so the else goes with the intended if.
A quick scan of your code looks like it's fine.

SystemVerilog, if-statements order inside an always_comb block

I am new to SystemVerilog and I would like to know how multiple assignments to the same signal are handled inside an always_comb block.
I am analyzing an FSM written by someonelse and I don't understand which would be the next state (signal named "ctrl_fsm_ns") if all the if-statements are true. Searching on google, I found out that here blocking assignments are used, so I expect that the last if-statement will decide the next state (so it is like a certain priority is assigned to each if-statement). But what if inside each if-block different signals are asserted? They will be all asserted even if the next state will be the last one, for example?
Here is the piece of code I don't understand.
unique case (ctrl_fsm_cs)
is_decoding_o = 1'b0;
// Stall because of IF miss
if ((id_ready_i == 1'b1) )
ctrl_fsm_ns = DECODE;
// handle interrupts
if (irq_req_ctrl_i & irq_enable_int) begin
// This assumes that the pipeline is always flushed before
// going to sleep.
ctrl_fsm_ns = IRQ_TAKEN_IF;
halt_if_o = 1'b1;
halt_id_o = 1'b1;
if ((debug_req_pending || trigger_match_i) & (~debug_mode_q))
ctrl_fsm_ns = DBG_TAKEN_IF;
halt_if_o = 1'b1;
halt_id_o = 1'b1;
Your question to the code above is a general programming question and not Verilog-specific. Because there are only blocking assignments in use, the code is entirely procedural.
Since the code isn't using an "if-else-if" sequence, but just "if-if-if", all the "if" conditions will be evaluated IN ORDER, and all assignments will happen IN ORDER, thus the final assignment will win out (as Dave said).
In your comments above you asked about what if (A_expr,B_expr,C_expr) where all true? Then (A,B,C) will all be set to 1.
A_expr=1; B_expr=1; C_expr=1;
if (A_expr) A = 1;
if (B_expr) B = 1;
if (C_expr) C = 1;
For each variable in the always_comb block, the last assignment is the final value. The tool analyzes the procedural flow to make sure every variable that is being assigned has at least one assignment in every possible flow through the code. If there is any possibility that a variable could be read without being written to, that is considered latch behavior and would be illegal for an always_comb block.
You need to look at the code before or after the case statement to see if there are any other assignments to the halt_ variables.
An example based on your comments:
always_comb begin
A = 0; B = 1; C = 2;
if (I) A = X;
if (J) B = Y;
if (K) begin B = Z; C = Z; end
That is equivalent to these three continuous assignments:
assign A = I ? X : 0;
assign B = K ? Z : (J ? Y : 1 );
assign C = K ? Z : 2;
Each if statement becomes a multiplexor, and the latter statements have the higher priority.

Range checking for my remove function in c++

So I have a method in c++ that takes an array and removes a certain number of values in the array. The method removes the range of values from the starting value all the way up to but not including the end value. void dynamic_array::remove(int start, int end) {
The only problem I'm having is with the range checking. So I've set up a way to check to make sure the start and end values are not in the incorrect places however whenever I test the code, it appears that it doesn't catch the range exception. Here's the code that's supposed to check the exception:
if (not (0 <= ((start <= (end < size))))){
you cannot use the notation 1 < x < 2 in c++ (or most languages). So you have to do each comparison separately. ie. (1<x) && (x<2) (brackets not really necessary here).
If you are interested, you actually can use the notation, but it means something different than you might think. It means that you first compare 1<x which gives either true (1) or zero(0) and then you compare this 1 or 0 with two.
It should be written
if(!(0 <= start && start <= end && end < size)){
throw exception
As i know, C++ can't understand the way you write it.
C++ does not work this way. The result of a single logical comparison is a boolean value. For example, the first comparison:
end < size
If this comparison is true, the result becomes a true value, which is for all practical purposes is 1. So, your expression now becomes, for all practical purposes:
if (not (0 <= ((start <= 1)))){
Which is already pretty much nonsensical, not to mention that there isn't a not operator in C++. Things pretty much roll downhill, from that point on.
You just need to make two logical comparisons: start < end, and end <= size. If you spend a few moments to think about it, you would realize this is all you need:
if (!(start < end && end <= size))

Bit wise 'AND' an array of registers in Verilog

I have an array of registers/buses and a single result bus defined as follows.
wire [BW-1:0] bus_array[NUM-1:0];
reg [BW-1:0] and_result;
parameter BW = 4;
parameter NUM = 8;
I wish to perform a BW-bit AND operation on the elements of the array and assign the result to the register and_result.
I try doing this as follows.
integer l;
genvar m;
for (m=0; m<BW; m=m+1)
begin : BW_LOOP
always # (*)
and_result[m] = 1'b1;
for (l=0; l<NUM; l=l+1)
and_result[m] = and_result[m] & bus_array[l][m];
However when I simulate this in Modelsim 10.1e, I get the following error.
Error: (vsim-3601) Iteration limit reached at time 2 ns
If I do not use the generate loop, and instead have BW instances of the always # (*) block, the simulation works okay.
I can infer from the error message, that there is a problem with the generate for loop, but I am not able to resolve the problem.
Most likely a bug with ModelSim. Reproducible on EDAplayground with ModelSim10.1d. Works fine with Riviera2014 (After localizing l inside the generate loop). I'm guessing that and_result[m] is somehow in the #(*) sensitivity list, which it shouldn't be.
l needs to be localized or it will be accessed in parallel with the generated always blocks; creating a potential raise condition.
One workaround is to use SystemVerilog and use always_comb instead of always #(*).
A backwarnd compatable solution is to change and_result[m] = and_result[m] & bus_array[l][m]; to if (bus_array[l][m]==1'b0) and_result[m] = 1'b0; which is equivalent code. This keeps and_result[m] only on as a left hand expression so it cannot be in the sensitivity list.
genvar m;
for (m=0; m<BW; m=m+1)
begin : BW_LOOP
integer l; // <== 'l' is local to this generate loop
always # (*)
and_result[m] = 1'b1;
for (l=0; l<NUM; l=l+1) begin
if (bus_array[l][m]==1'b0) begin
and_result[m] = 1'b0;
Working code here

Reset If-Else statement produces improper results

I've been trying to debug this code, but I cannot find an error in it. However, it's not producing the results that I expect. Here's the code:
module countAdd( btn, reset, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, led);
//Port Assignments
input [2:0] btn;
input reset;
output [0:7] thousands, hundreds, tens, ones;
output reg led;
//Internal Port Assignments
reg [15:0] sum;
wire [15:0] sumBCD;
reg [15:0] inc;
//Add some stuff
always #(btn or reset)
//Determine which button is active
3'b110: inc <= 1;
3'b101: inc <= 10;
3'b011: inc <= 100;
default: inc <= 0;
sum <= sum + inc;
//Should we reset?
sum <= 0;
led <= 1;
led <= 0;
//translate sum to sumBCD
binToBCD translate (sum, sumBCD[15:12], sumBCD[11:8], sumBCD[7:4], sumBCD[3:0]);
//display results on SS display
ssFromBCD seg0 (sumBCD[3:0], ones);
ssFromBCD seg1 (sumBCD[7:4], tens);
ssFromBCD seg2 (sumBCD[11:8], hundreds);
ssFromBCD seg3 (sumBCD[15:12], thousands);
module binToBCD(sum, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones);
//Port Assignments
input [15:0] sum;
output reg [3:0] thousands;
output reg [3:0] hundreds;
output reg [3:0] tens;
output reg [3:0] ones;
//Begin conversion
integer i;
always #(sum)
//set 1000's, 100's, 10's, and 1's to 0
thousands = 4'd0;
hundreds = 4'd0;
tens = 4'd0;
ones = 4'd0;
for(i = 15; i >= 0; i=i-1)
//Add 3 to columns >= 5
if(thousands >= 5)
thousands = thousands + 3;
if(hundreds >= 5)
hundreds = hundreds + 3;
if(tens >= 5)
tens = tens + 3;
if(ones >= 5)
ones = ones + 3;
//Shift left ones
thousands = thousands << 1;
thousands[0] = hundreds[3];
hundreds = hundreds << 1;
hundreds[0] = tens[3];
tens = tens << 1;
tens[0] = ones[3];
ones = ones << 1;
ones[0] = sum[i];
module ssFromBCD(in, ssOut);
//Port Assignments
input [3:0] in;
output reg [0:7] ssOut;
always #(in)
4'b0000: ssOut = 8'b00000011;
4'b0001: ssOut = 8'b10011111;
4'b0010: ssOut = 8'b00100101;
4'b0011: ssOut = 8'b00001101;
4'b0100: ssOut = 8'b10011001;
4'b0101: ssOut = 8'b01001001;
4'b0110: ssOut = 8'b01000001;
4'b0111: ssOut = 8'b00011111;
4'b1000: ssOut = 8'b00000001;
4'b1001: ssOut = 8'b00011001;
default: ssOut = 8'b11111111;
This code does not have a testbench; it's instead loaded onto a DE0 board. The idea is that when I press button 1, the sum is supposed to increment by 1. Button 2 increments it by 10, and button 3 increments it by 100. However, the if-else module that encapsulates reset seems to be causing some serious issues.
For instance, when I activate the switch controlling reset, the sum goes to 0 as expected. However, when I try to increment the sum with any of the three buttons, a random number is added - not a 1, 10, or 100.
I've also tried moving the if-else statement before the case statement. Another issue arises. Even if the switch is not activated, the sum is set to 0 as if it ignores the reset condition. However, if I activate the switch, an led turns on. If I turn it off, the led deactivates. However, sum will always be set to 0 regardless of the state of the switch. In this case, though, if I hold a button I see that a 1, 10, or 100 is added to the sum. As soon as I release it, the sum is reset to 0.
Obviously, I believe something is wrong with my if-else statement. I'm not sure why it's not working as I intended. Basically, the logic is as follows:
Determine which button is depressed, assign an increment accordingly
Add the increment value to sum
Should the sum be reset? If yes, set sum to 0.
Note that the last two modules are straightforward. bintoBCD converts the binary string sum into its BCD equivalency. Then ssFromBCD is simply a seven segment display encoder.
This code does not have a testbench
Firstly: Create a testbench! It's not difficult (you can even do it online) and for logical errors it is way faster to debug in simulation than iterating on real hardware.
Secondly: There's no clock in your code. Is this the top level? FPGAs aren't very good at asynchronous design particularly if you are trying to store state (in this case sum). It's not clear what Quartus will have inferred - it might have hooked one of your inputs up to a clock network. You should check the synthesised design in the RTL viewer and go through the synthesis logs.
However, when I try to increment the sum with any of the three buttons, a random number is added
Are you debouncing your switch input? If you aren't then it's very likely that for each button press you'll get a random number of toggles.
Note that your sensitivity list is incorrect here - it should include sum too:
always #(btn or reset)
Ironically (given my opening comment) this won't affect synthesis but would change the behaviour in simulation. You're better off using always_comb (or always #(*) if you're stuck with Verilog).
It depends what you want from the following line:
always #(btn or reset)
Combinatorial logic or Sequential (flip-flops)?
Combinatorial use always #* or always_comb if SystemVerilog is supported. The automatic sensitivity list behaves as combinatorial hardware does cutting down on simulation mismatches.
Also use = Blocking assignments for combinatorial.
Sequential use something like always #(posedge clk or negedge rst) and do use <= This will allow simulation to match hardware.
You issues look like they could be coming from sum <= sum + inc; which is then followed by optional reset statements. The use of <= is incorrect here as it is a combinatorial block with a manual sensitivity list. The scheduling of <= assignments might be throwing some thing off.
As it stands think about what hardware you might expect from :
always #* begin
sum = sum + 1;
Against what you get from:
always #(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin
if (~rst) begin
sum <= 'b0;
else begin
sum <= sum + 1;
I think if you add a clock to your design and imply a flip-flop for the counter (sum) you will have a big step in the right direction.
A random number is being displayed because sum is continuously being incremented while btn is changing states. A clear start and stop point must be explicit.
Try sampling btn with a clock. In a combination block assign inc. If past_btn equals btn, then assign inc to zero. sum should be assigned in a clocked block.
alwasy #* begin
if (past_btn == btn) inc = 'b0;
else begin
// case(btn) ...
always #(posedge clk) begin
past_btn <= btn;
if (!reset) sum <= 'b0;
else sum <= sum + inc;
If you are still getting random numbers, then the buttons are likely not denounced. In this case add another stage to the button sampling and use only the sampled values.
alwasy #* begin
if (past_btn == sync_btn) inc = 'b0;
else begin
// case(sync_btn) ...
always #(posedge clk) begin
sync_btn <= btn;
past_btn <= sync_btn;
if (!reset) sum <= 'b0;
else sum <= sum + inc;
Always make a test bench and run in simulation. Debugging from FPGA is difficult with logic bugs and implementation issues.