g++ - Cant link to static library built with VS2012 - c++

I built a static library (.lib) with VS2012. I wrote a test program by including my header and then tried to link it with the .lib file with g++
g++ Test.cpp Gray.lib -o test.exe
(All files are in the same directory)
And I'm getting undefined reference to errors on functions in my library. What do I do? I already searched for many answers, those didn't help.

You cannot do that without resorting to hacks, because name mangling is different between compilers you want to use. The most straigforward way is to complile your library for g++ natively.


Undefined reference when combining C++ and Fortran [duplicate]

I am trying to link a .o file generated using g++ and another .o file generated using gfortran.
g++ -c mycppcode.cpp
produces the file mycppcode.o and the command
gfortran -c myfortrancode.f
produces the file myfortrancode.o
When I link these two files to get an output file
g++ -O mycppcode.o myfortrancode.o
I get the following error
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"__gfortran_pow_c8_i4", referenced from:
Could some one help me with this? Should I use another compiler? Also, I would like to know what functions or subroutines call "__gfortran_pow_c8_i4", so that I can try to avoid these functions or subroutines in fortran in future.
The following assumes you are using the GNU compiler tools. Things may be slightly different if you are using other compilers.
You can use either compiler to link the two together, but you need to provide the appropriate libraries.
Typically, you can use either
gfortran fortobj.o cppobj.o -lstdc++
g++ fortobj.o cppobj.o -lgfortran
This assumes that you are using a setup where both compilers know about each other's libraries (like if you installed through a linux repository).
In the case of the OP the C compilers came from XCode and gfortran is from homebrew. In that case, gfortran knows about the g++ libraries (since they were used to compile the compiler), but g++ doesn't know about the gfortran libraries. This is why using gfortran to link worked as advertised above. However, to link with g++ you need to add the path to libgfortran.* when you call the linker using the -L flag, like
g++ fortobj.o cppobj.o -L/path/to/fortran/libs -lgfortran
If for some reason your gfortran compiler is unaware of your g++ libs, you would do
gfortran fortobj.o cppobj.o -L/path/to/c++/libs -lstdc++
Note that there shouldn't be any difference in the final executable. I'm no compiler expert, but my understanding is that using the compiler to link your objects together is a convenience for calling the linker (ld on UNIX-like OS's) with the appropriate libraries associated with the language you are using. Therefore, using one compiler or the other to link shouldn't matter, as long as the right libraries are included.

Statically linking matio library using g++

How do you statically link matio, a library for reading mat-files, mainly used by matlab and octave into an executable?
If the file main.cpp holds matio functionality the compiler call
g++ -o main main.cpp -Imatio/include matio/lib/libmatio.a
fails with a bunch of error messages like: undefined reference to `inflateEnd'. This can be resolved by also adding zlib to the compiler call:
g++ -o main main.cpp -Imatio/include matio/lib/libmatio.a -lz
Now the error messages differ with something like undefined reference to `__intel_sse2_strlen'. So it appears that the zlib library is necessary for the comilation.
I now have the following questions:
What do you need to do to statically link the matio library in an executable?
Why do I need to add the zlib library even though I configured and compiled matio with ./configure --without-libz?
To build matio without zlib you apparently need to invoke configure with
./configure --with-zlib=no
(Checked this from configure.ac and config/matio_zlib.m4.)
In case you want to build matio with icc, Intel's developer pages tell that __intel_sse2_strlen is defined in libirc.a on Linux and libirc.lib on Windows.
To compile matio with the gcc do
./configure --with-zlib=no CC=gcc
afterwards, the matio library is statically linkable with the call posted in the question

Error when linking shared library after compiling objects

I compiled the object files, and then tried to compile the executable, which failed by saying that there are undefined references to functions in "theLib".
g++ -I./theLib/src -c -o obj/main.o src/main.cpp
(works so far)
g++ -L./theLib -Wl,-rpath=./theLib obj/main.o -ltheLib -o exe
(error: libtheLib.so: undefined reference to 'some_function')
I checked for answers everywhere, and they all just suggest moving the -ltheLib part after the dependencies (which I did). But it still doesn't work. What really boggles my mind is that the same library compiles just fine for an example in a different directory.
The library is in C. Can that mess up trying to compile C++? Or am I just missing something with compiling the .o files first?
Turns out the library depended on functions that I had to implement and provide in my own source code. I never knew that some libraries did that, but lesson learned. Once I implemented the functions that were causing the errors and added those source files, it worked.

Having troubles with mixing library types (static vs. dynamic)

After battling my makefile woes I'm now onto problems with how the two libraries are supposed to interact. So, this is on Linux (CentOS 6.2 - 6.4, not that that seems to make much difference in terms of tools). The project, on the whole, is to be deployed in two flavors
A C++ Static library which is used for linking with other C++ appications (a *.a file)
A shared *.so which is deployed through python using Boost.python
I have everything compiling, but I'm not linking correctly somehow. In the case of the static library, it is built in two ways:
If meant to be linked with other C++ code, -fPIC is not used
If meant to be linked into the python module, use -fPIC
I control this through passing parameters to the make program. Presently, I'm trying to build the boost python module because the static stuff compiles just fine. So, I have dependencies on the boost libraries and zlib. The final linking command looks like this:
g++ -o pythonmod.so -L/boost/boost_libs -L/zlibs -lz -lboost_python -lboost_thread -lboost_regex -lboost_system /path/to/static.a -fPIC -shared [many_objects]
The "many_objects" comes from the various wrappers, and other code, that wraps the "pure" C++ from the boost.python layer in the code. Each of these object files are compiled with -fPIC as well. Their compiled with:
g++ -I/boost/boost_1_47 -I/usr/include/python2.6 -D _linux -MMD -std=c++0x -c -m32 -fPIC <input> -o <output>
The lines compiling the object files for the archive file look quite similar to the above only they do not include the python include directory.
I've found other links here to similar problems and tried the solutions but to no avail thus far. For example, this link uses -Wl,--whole-archive ... -Wl,--no-whole-archive. I tried this solution when I was trying to link in the static library archive before I was compiling it with -fPIC. Now that I'm doing that, I've tried this solution but also to no avail. In each case, every time I load up python and import the module, I get some sort of undefined symbol error --> something went wrong during linking.
How should I mix these libraries together to make the python module work?
After joining the gcc-help mailing list I received the pointer I needed to resolve the issue. The problem turned out to the ordering of the libraries used for linking on the build command line. Basically, the object files generated during the build for the *.so needed to be placed first. Then, the references to the boost and other libraries. Reordering the object files to reference the objects built for wrapping the static library before the other libraries was the key. No longer am I seeing weird "unresolved objects" when loading my python module.
After 4 or 5 years of using Visual Studio, my gcc knowledge had become sufficiently rusty that I'd forgotten the importance of ordering when it comes to linking.

strange mingw linker errors with boost?

I've been working on this for a while now, and can't seem to make sense of the situation - partly bceause I don't fully understand what's going on (which is why I came here).
I'm doing a sort of boost hello world as follows:
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
void helloworld() {
std::printf("HELLO FROM A BOOST THREAD!");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
boost::thread t(&helloworld);
This is on Windows. I stored the Boost directory in C:\Boost. I ran bootstrap and bjam, and now have a stage/lib folder that contains all the .lib files. The lib files relating to the boost/thread library are:
Now I compile:
g++ -c main.cpp -I/Boost
that line works fine, I get main.o. Then:
g++ -o test.exe main.o -L/Boost/stage/lib -llibboost_thread-vc100-mt
And that's where the trouble happens. First of all, If I didn't type the -l argument the way I did, MinGW couldn't even find the file. Meaning, if I tried:
instead of the way I typed it above (and how I thought it should be done), ld would exit with no such file. Anyway, this is now the output I'm getting from that line:
main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x47): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6thread4joinEv'
main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x55): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6threadD1Ev'
main.o:main.cpp:(.text+0x70): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6threadD1Ev'
main.o:main.cpp:(.text$_ZN5boost6threadC1IPFvvEEET_NS_10disable_ifINS_14is_convertibleIRS4_NS_6detail13thread_move_tIS4_EEEEPNS0_5dummyEE4typeE[boost::thread::thread<void (*)()>(void (*)(), boost::disable_if<boost::is_convertible<void (*&)(), boost::detail::thread_move_t<void (*)()> >, boost::thread::dummy*>::type)]+0x23): undefined reference to `_imp___ZN5boost6thread12start_threadEv'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Now somewhere in there, I can tell that these are apparently the functions I'm supposed to be getting from boost/thread, and apparently it does find the lib file, so why isn't it linking correctly?
Thank you very much for any help!
I've rebuilt boost using the bjam "stage" option
bjam toolset=gcc stage
Now, after the build completes, I'm left with a stage/lib folder with .a files, as is to be expected. These are the boost/thread related libraries:
However, linking as follows:
g++ -o test.exe main.o -L/Boost/stage/lib -lboost_thread-mgw45-mt-1_46_1
outputs the exact same errors. Also tried:
g++ -o test.exe main.o -L/Boost/stage/lib -lboost_thread-mgw45-mt-1_46_1 -static
I'm at a loss, still.
Solved the problem. Boost's headers are configured to be dynamically linked, but the dynamic libraries (dll's) are not built unless you specify:
when invoking bjam. After that, copy the appropriate dll to your application directory, but still use the
-L/BOOST_DIR/stage/lib -lname
when linking.
This set of library files:
are for the Visual Studio 2010 compiler. They won't work with GCC. If you want to use gcc/MinGW, you'll need to download/build a set of boost libraries for that compiler. Alternatively you can install VS 2010 and use that compiler (the free VC++ 2010 Express version should work fine if cost is an issue).
You can get a MinGW distribution with Boost already in the package from http://nuwen.net/mingw.html (32-bit target only, I believe).
To answer about getting the errors with using the MinGW libs:
The _imp_ prefixes on the symbols is an indication that g++ is looking to link to a a dll/shared library. The .lib file you have are for static libraries (which is what also what I get when doing a straightforward bjam build of the libraries). If you look in boost/thread/detail/config.hpp you'll see that for Win32 builds it defaults to building against a DLL library unless the MSVC or Intel compiler is being used.
I'm not even sure exactly how to build the DLL libraries - I'll have to look it up. In the meantime, you can use the following command to build your example such that it'll link against the static library. The BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB macro build the .cpp file such that it'll expect to link against the static library:
g++ -I/Boost -DBOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB -c main.cpp