How to use Loadstring to load Chinese Characters - c++

I have a string table which defines a string in Chinese like this:
LANGAUGE 0x0C04, 0x03
1000 "检查环境..."
I am trying to load that string into a wchar_t buffer as follows:
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
wchar_t buffer[512];
LoadString(DLL_HANDLE, (UINT) msg_num, buffer, 512);
MessageBox(NULL, buffer, NULL, NULL);
However, the string that is loaded into the buffer is different than the one that is in my string table.
It looks like this in my string table:
But this is how it turns out on screen:

Doesnt the 'MessageBox' function work on narrow strings by deault? Wouldn't you need to use 'MessageBoxW'?
A couple of things to check. The encoding of L"..." strings is implementation defined. The standard makes no mention of encoding of characters of wchar_t; make sure you're using the same encoding as windows expects. (If I recall correctly, windows expects UTF-16 - but I very well may be wrong on this).
In C++11, 3 new literal string types are introduced, and their prefixes are "u8", "u" and "U", which specify UTF-8, UTF-16 & UTF-32, respectively. C++11 still makes no guarantees on the encoding the "L" prefixes from what I can tell, other than what is mentioned in §2.14.3:
A character literal that begins with the letter L, such as L’x’, is a wide-character literal. A wide-character
literal has type wchar_t.23 The value of a wide-character literal containing a single c-char has value equal
to the numerical value of the encoding of the c-char in the execution wide-character set, unless the c-char
has no representation in the execution wide-character set, in which case the value is implementation-defined.
[ Note: The type wchar_t is able to represent all members of the execution wide-character set (see 3.9.1).
—end note ]. The value of a wide-character literal containing multiple c-chars is implementation-defined.
Reference §3.9.1 P5 states:
Type wchar_t is a distinct type whose values can represent distinct codes for all members of the largest
extended character set specified among the supported locales (22.3.1). Type wchar_t shall have the same
size, signedness, and alignment requirements (3.11) as one of the other integral types, called its underlying
type. Types char16_t and char32_t denote distinct types with the same size, signedness, and alignment as
uint_least16_t and uint_least32_t, respectively, in <stdint.h>, called the underlying types.
Again, no mention of encoding. It is possible that windows is expecting a different encoding that what your resource string is using, and thus the discrepancy.
You might verify by calling MessageBox using an L"" string literal with "\Uxxxxxxx" encoding escapes for your characters to verify.

The MSDN documentation states that the format should be similar to
IDS_CHINESESTRING L"\x5e2e\x52a9". That's not the most formal of descriptions. I interpret it as stating that unicode strings must be prefixed with L and encoded using \uxxxx escape codes


Issue regarding char datatype in c++

I understand the fact that 'char' datatype is used to store single character and uses 1 byte but what are char16_t, char32_t, and wchar_t used for? We, after all, have to store just a single character only
Regarding char16_t and char32_t, quoting from a Microsoft article:
The char16_t and char32_t types represent 16-bit and 32-bit wide characters, respectively. Unicode encoded as UTF-16 can be stored in the char16_t type, and Unicode encoded as UTF-32 can be stored in the char32_t type. Strings of these types and wchar_t are all referred to as wide strings, though the term often refers specifically to strings of wchar_t type.
And for wchar_t:
The wchar_t type is an implementation-defined wide character type. In the Microsoft compiler, it represents a 16-bit wide character used to store Unicode encoded as UTF-16LE, the native character type on Windows operating systems. The wide character versions of the Universal C Runtime (UCRT) library functions use wchar_t and its pointer and array types as parameters and return values, as do the wide character versions of the native Windows API.
So they can't be said as simply a character. The type differs with the encoding, as mentioned above.
For example, the character u (U+0075) in char16_t encoding is stored as feff0075.

Is 16-bit wchar_t formally valid for representing full Unicode?

In the ¹comp.lang.c++ Usenet group I recently asserted, based on what I thought I knew, that Windows' 16-bit wchar_t, with UTF-16 encoding where sometimes two such values (called a “surrogate pair”) is needed for a single Unicode code point, is invalid for representing Unicode.
It's certainly inconvenient and in conflict with the assumption of the C and C++ standard libraries (e.g. character classification) that each code point is represented as a single value, although the Unicode consortium's ²Technical Note 12 from 2004 makes a good case for using UTF-16 for internal processing, with an impressive list of software that does.
And certainly it seems as if the original intent was to have one wchar_t value per code point, consistent with the assumptions of the C and C++ standard libraries. E.g. in the web page “ISO C Amendment 1 (MSE)” over at ³, about the amendment that brought wchar_t into the C standard in 1995, the authors maintain that
” The primary advantage to the one byte/one character model is that it is very easy to process data in fixed-width chunks. For this reason, the concept of the wide character was invented. A wide character is an abstract data type large enough to contain the largest character that is supported on a particular platform.
But as it turned out, the C and C++ standards seem to not talk about the largest supported character, but only about the largest extended character sets in the supported locales: that wchar_t must be large enough to represent every code point in the largest such extended character set – but not Unicode, when there is no Unicode locale.
C99 §7.17/2 (from the N869 draft):
” [the wchar_t type] is an integer type whose range of values can represent distinct codes for all members of the largest extended character set specified among the supported locales.
This is almost identically the same wording as in the C++ standard. And it seems to mean that with a restricted set of supported locales, wchar_t can be smallish indeed, down to a single byte with UTF-8 encoding (a nightmare possibility where e.g. no standard library character classification function would work outside of ASCII's A through Z, but hey). Possibly the following is a requirement to be wider than that:
C99 §7.1.1/4:
” A wide character is a code value (a binary encoded integer) of an object of type wchar_t that corresponds to a member of the extended character set.
… since it refers to the extended character set, but that term seems to not be further defined anywhere.
And at least with Microsoft's C and C++ runtime there is no Unicode locale: with that implementation setlocale is restricted to character encodings that have at most 2 bytes per character:
MSDN ⁴documentation of setlocale:
” The set of available locale names, languages, country/region codes, and code pages includes all those supported by the Windows NLS API except code pages that require more than two bytes per character, such as UTF-7 and UTF-8. If you provide a code page value of UTF-7 or UTF-8, setlocale will fail, returning NULL.
So it seems that contrary to what I thought I knew, and contrary to my assertion, Windows' 16-bit wchar_t is formally OK. And mainly due to Microsoft's ingenious lack of support for UTF-8 locales, or any locale with more than 2 bytes per character. But is it really so, is 16-bit wchar_t OK?
¹ news:comp.lang.c++
wchar_t is not now and never was a Unicode character/code point. The C++ standard does not declare that a wide-string literal will contain Unicode characters. The C++ standard does not declare that a wide-character literal will contain a Unicode character. Indeed, the standard doesn't say anything about what wchar_t will contain.
wchar_t can be used with locale-aware APIs, but those are only relative to the implementation-defined encoding, not any particular Unicode encoding. The standard library functions that take these use their knowledge of the implementation's encoding to do their jobs.
So, is a 16-bit wchar_t legal? Yes; the standard does not require that wchar_t be sufficiently large to hold a Unicode codepoint.
Is a string of wchar_t permitted to hold UTF-16 values (or variable width in general)? Well, you are permitted to make strings of wchar_t that store whatever you want (so long as it fits). So for the purposes of the standard, the question is whether standard-provided means for generating wchar_t characters and strings are permitted to use UTF-16.
Well, the standard library can do whatever it wants to; the standard offers no guarantee that a conversion from any particular character encoding to wchar_t will be a 1:1 mapping. Even char->wchar_t conversion via wstring_convert is not required anywhere in the standard to produce a 1:1 character mapping.
If a compiler wishes to declare that the wide character set consists of the Base Multilingual Plane of Unicode, then a declaration like this L'\U0001F000' will produce a single wchar_t. But the value is implementation-defined, per [lex.ccon]/2:
The value of a wide-character literal containing a single c-char has value equal to the numerical value of the encoding of the c-char in the execution wide-character set, unless the c-char has no representation in the execution wide-character set, in which case the value is implementation-defined.
And of course, C++ doesn't allow to use surrogate pairs as a c-char; \uD800 is a compile error.
Where things get murky in the standard is the treatment of strings that contain characters outside of the character set. The above text would suggest that implementations can do what they want. And yet, [lex.string]\16 says this:
The size of a char32_t or wide string literal is the total number of escape sequences, universal-character-names, and other characters, plus
one for the terminating U’\0’ or L’\0’.
I say this is murky because nothing says what the behavior should be if a c-char in a string literal is outside the range of the destination character set.
Windows compilers (both VS and GCC-on-Windows) do indeed cause L"\U0001F000" to have an array size of 3 (two surrogate pairs and a single NUL terminator). Is that legal C++ standard behavior? What does it mean to provide a c-char to a string literal that is outside of the valid range for a character set?
I would say that this is a hole in the standard, rather than a deficiency in those compilers. It should make it more clear what the conversion behavior in this case ought to be.
In any case, wchar_t is not an appropriate tool for processing Unicode-encoded text. It is not "formally valid" for representing any form of Unicode. Yes, many compilers implement wide-string literals as a Unicode encoding. But since the standard doesn't require this, you cannot rely on it.
Now obviously, you can stick whatever will fit inside of a wchar_t. So even on platforms where wchar_t is 32-bits, you could shove UTF-16 data into them, with each 16-bit word taking up 32-bits. But you couldn't pass such text to any API function that expects the wide character encoding unless you knew that this was the expected encoding for that platform.
Basically, never use wchar_t if you want to work with a Unicode encoding.
Let's start from first principles:
(§3.7.3) wide character: bit representation that fits in an object of type
wchar_t, capable of representing any character in the current locale
(§3.7) character: 〈abstract〉 member of a set of elements used for the
organization, control, or representation of data
That, right away, discards full Unicode as a character set (a set of elements/characters) representable on 16-bit wchar_t.
But wait, Nicol Bolas quoted the following:
The size of a char32_t or wide string literal is the total number of
escape sequences, universal-character-names, and other characters,
plus one for the terminating U’\0’ or L’\0’.
and then wondered about the behavior for characters outside the execution character set. Well, C99 has the following to say about this issue:
(§ Each source character set member and escape sequence in character
constants and string literals is converted to the corresponding member
of the execution character set; if there is no corresponding member,
it is converted to an implementation- defined member other than the
null (wide) character.8)
and further clarifies in a footnote that not all source characters need to map to the same execution character.
Armed with this knowledge, you can declare that your wide execution character set is the Basic Multilingual Plane, and that you consider surrogates as proper characters themselves, not as mere surrogates for other characters. AFAICT, this means you are in the clear as far as Clause 6 (Language) of ISO C99 cares.
Of course, don't expect Clause 7 (Library) to play along nicely with you. As an example, consider iswalpha(wint_t). You cannot pass astral characters (characters outside the BMP) to that function, you can only pass it the two surrogates. And you'd get some nonsensical result, but that's fine because you declared the surrogate themselves to be proper members of the execution character set.
After clarifying what the question is I will do an edit.
Q: Is the width of 16 bits for wchar_t in Windows conformant to the standard?
A: Well, lets see. We will start with the definition of wchar_t from c99 draft.
... largest extended character set specified among the supported locales.
So, we should look what are the supported locales. For that there are Three steps:
We check the documentation for setlocale
We quickly open the documentation for the locale string. We see the format of the string
locale :: "locale_name"
| "language[_country_region[.code_page]]"
| ".code_page"
| "C"
| ""
We see the list of supported Code pages and we see UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 and what not. We're in a dead end.
If we start with the C99 definition, it ends with
... corresponds to a member of the extended character set.
The word "character set" is used. But if we say UTF-16 code units are our character set, then all is OK. Otherwise, it's not. It's kinda vague, and one should not care much. The standards were defined many years ago, when Unicode was not popular.
At the end of the day, we now have C++11 and C11 that define use cases for UTF-8, 16 and 32 with the additional types char16_t and char32_t.
You need to read about Unicode and you will answer the question yourself.
Unicode is a character set. Set of characters, it's about 200000 characters. Or more precisely it is a mapping, mapping between numbers and characters. Unicode by itself does not mean this or that bit width.
Then there are 4 encodings, UTF-7, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32. UTF stands for Unicode transformation format.
Each format defines a code point and a code unit. Code point is an actual charter from Unicode and can consists of one or more units. Only UTF-32 has one unit per point.
On the other hand, each unit fits into a fixed size integer. So UTF-7 units are at most 7 bits, UTF-16 units are at most 16 bits etc.
Therefore, in a 16 bit wchar_t string we can hold Unicode text encoded in UTF-16. Particularly in UTF-16 each point takes one or two units.
So the final answer, in a single wchar_t you can not store all Unicode char, only the single unit ones, but in a string of wchar_t you can store any Unicode text.

Understanding wchar_t type in c++

The Standard says N3797::3.9.1 [basic.fundamental]:
Type wchar_t is a distinct type whose values can represent distinct
codes for all members of the largest extended character set specified
among the supported locales (22.3.1).
I can't imagine how we can use that type. Could you give an example where plain char isn't working? I thought it may be helpful if we use two different language simultaneously. But plain char is Ok in case for cyrillic and latinica
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << cp; //LATINICA_КИРИЛЛИЦА
In your example, you use Unicode. Indeed you could type not only in Latin or Cyrillic, but in Thai, Arabic, Chinese in other words any Unicode symbol. Your example with some more symbols link
The case is in encoding. In your example you are using char to store Unicode symbols encoded in UTF-8. See this for more details. The main advantage of UTF-8 in backward compatibility with ASCII. The main disadvantage of using UTF-8 is variable symbol length.
There are other types of encoding for Unicode symbols. The most common (except UTF-8) are UTF-16 and UTF-32. You should be aware that the UTF-16 encoding is still variable length, however the code unit is now 16bit. UTF-32 encoding is constant length.
The type wchar_t is usually used to store symbols in UTF-16 or UTF-32 encoding depending on the system.
It depends what encoding you decide to use. Any single UTF-8 value can be held in an 8-bit char (though one Unicode code-point can take several char values to represent). It's impossible to tell from your question, but I'd guess that your editor and compiler are treating your strings as UTF-8 and that's fine if that's what you want.
Other common encodings include UTF-16, UTF-32, UCS-2 and UCS-4, which have 2-byte, 4-byte, 2-byte and 4-byte values respectively. You can't store these values in an 8-bit char.
The decision of what encoding to use for any given purpose is not straightforward. The main considerations are:
What other systems does your code have to interface to and what encoding do they use?
What libraries do you want to use and what encodings do they use? (eg xerces-c uses UTF-16 throughout)
The tradeoff between complexity and storage size. UTF-32 and UCS-4 have the useful property that every possible displayed character is represented by one value, so you can tell the length of the string from how much memory it takes up without having to look at the values in it (though this assumes that you consider combining diacretic marks as separate characters). However, if all you're representing is ASCII, they take up four times as much memory as UTF-8.
I'd suggest Joel Spolsky's essay on Unicode as a good read.
wchar_t has its own problems, though. The standard didn't specify how big a wchar_t is, so, of course, different compilers have picked different sizes; VC++ used two bytes and gcc (and most others) use four bytes. Wide-character literals, such as L"Hello, world," are similarly confused, being UTF-16 strings in VC++ and UCS-4 in gcc.
To try to clean this up, C++11 introduced two new character types:
char16_t is a character guaranteed to be 16-bits, and with a literal form u"Hello, world."
char32_t is a character guaranteed to be 32-bits, and with a literal form U"Hello, world."
However, these have problems of their own; in particular, <iostream> doesn't provide console streams that can handle them (ie there is no u16cout or u32cerr).
To be more specific I'll provide a normative reference relates to the question: [N3797:8.5.2/1 [dcl.init.string] says:
An array of narrow character type (3.9.1), char16_t array, char32_t
array, or wchar_t array can be initialized by a narrow string literal,
char16_t string literal, char32_t string literal, or wide string
literal, respectively, or by an appropriately-typed string literal
enclosed in braces (2.14.5). Successive characters of the value of the
string literal initialize the elements of the array.
There shall not be more initializers than there are array elements.
In the case of
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << sizeof(cp) << std::endl; //28
for some language, like English, it's not necessary to use wchar_t.but some language, like Chinese, you'd better use wchar_t.
although char is able to store string, likechar p[] = "你好"
but it may show messy code when you run you program in different computer, especially the computer using different language.
if you use wchar_t, you can avoid this.

What encoding does c32rtomb convert to?

The functions c32rtomb and mbrtoc32 from <cuchar>/<uchar.h> are described in the C Unicode TR (draft) as performing conversions between UTF-321 and "multibyte characters".
(...) If s is not a null
pointer, the c32rtomb function determines the number of bytes needed to represent
the multibyte character that corresponds to the wide character given by c32
(including any shift sequences), and stores the multibyte character representation in
the array whose first element is pointed to by s. (...)
What is this "multibyte character representation"? I'm actually interested in the behaviour of the following program:
#include <cassert>
#include <cuchar>
#include <string>
int main() {
std::u32string u32 = U"this is a wide string";
std::string narrow = "this is a wide string";
std::string converted(1000, '\0');
char* ptr = &converted[0];
std::mbstate_t state {};
for(auto u : u32) {
ptr += std::c32rtomb(ptr, u, &state);
converted.resize(ptr - &converted[0]);
assert(converted == narrow);
Is the assertion in it guaranteed to hold1?
1 Working under the assumption that __STDC_UTF_32__ is defined.
For the assertion to be guaranteed to hold true it's necessary that the multibyte encoding used by c32rtomb() be the same as the encoding used for string literals, at least as far as the characters actually used in the string.
C99 specifies that setlocale() with the category LC_CTYPE affects the behavior of the character handling functions and the multibyte and wide character functions. I don't see any explicit acknowledgement that the effect is to set the multibyte and wide character encodings used, however that is the intent.
So the multibyte encoding used by c32rtomb() is the multibyte encoding from the default "C" locale.
C++11 2.14.3/2 specifies that the execution encoding, wide execution encoding, UTF-16, and UTF-32 are used for the corresponding character and string literals. Therefore std::string narrow uses the execution encoding to represent that string.
So is the "C" locale encoding of this string the same as the execution encoding of this string?
C99 specifies that the "C" locale provides "the minimal environment" for C translation. Such an environment would include not only character sets, but also the specific character codes used. So I believe this means not only that the "C" locale must support the characters required in translation (i.e., the basic character set), but additionally that those characters in the "C" locale must use the same character codes.
All of the characters in your string literals are members of the basic character set, and therefore converting the char32_t representation to the char "C" locale representation must produce the same sequence of values as the compiler produces for the char string literal; the assertion must hold true.
I don't see any suggestion that anything beyond the basic character set is supported in a compatible way between the execution encoding and the "C" locale, so if your string literal used any characters outside the basic character set then there would not be any guarantee that the assertion would hold. Even stipulating extended characters that exist in both the execution character set and the "C" locale, I don't see any requirement that the representations match each other.
The TR linked in the question says
At most MB_CUR_MAX bytes are stored.
which is defined (in C99) as
a positive integer expression with type size_t that is the maximum number of bytes in a multibyte character for the extended character set specified by the current locale
I believe this is sufficient evidence that the intent of the TR was to produce the multibyte characters as defined by the currently installed C locale: UTF-8 for en_US.utf8, GB18030 for zh_CN.gb18030, etc.
As I tested, in Linux/MacOSX, c32rtomb converts strings from UTF-32 to the locale specific encodings. You can use nl_langinfo(CODESET) to get the encoding currently used.
However, libc uses "C" locale by default, which uses ISO-8859-1 as the encoding. To change the encoding to which system environment specifies, usually UTF-8 but might be others, use setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "").
In Windows, VS2015+, however, c32rtomb always converts to UTF-8. Since vcruntime does not support UTF-8 locales (only legacy ANSI/OEM locales are supported), if it followed the standard, c32rtomb/c16rtomb would be totally identical to wcrtomb, and no use at all.

Any downsides using '?' instead of L'?' with wchar_t?

Are there any downsides to using '?'-style character literals to compare against, or assign to, values known to be of type wchar_t, instead of using L'?'-style literals?
They have the wrong datatype and encoding, so that's a bad idea. The compiler will silently widen character literals (for strings you'd get a type mismatch compile error), using the standard integral conversions (such as sign-extension). But the value might not match.
For example, characters 0x80 through 0xff often map to different Unicode codepoints, and the exact mapping varies depending on the compiler's codepage.
Clearly, it's not possible for Unicode to map all the various codepages using an identity conversion. If merely widening were enough, there'd be no need for functions like mbtowcs.
WRT your specific question about '\xAB' vs L'\xAB', they probably are not equal. See
As I mentioned, the standard says
A char array (whether plain char, signed char, or unsigned char), char16_t array, char32_t array, or wchar_t array can be initialized by a narrow character literal...
However, in the section for the __STDC_MB_MIGHT_NEQ_WC__ preprocessor definition, it says
The integer constant 1, intended to indicate that, in the encoding for wchar_t, a member of the basic character set need not have a code value equal to its value when used as the lone character in an ordinary character literal.
And for __STDC_ISO_10646__:
An integer constant of the form yyyymmL (for example, 199712L). If this symbol is defined, then every character in the Unicode required set, when stored in an object of type wchar_t, has the same value as the short identifier of that character.
I am not exactly a professional at interpreting the standard, but I think that means the answer to your question is that they may have different representations, and you should always use the L.
The only downside is that your program might fail on stone-age systems using EBCDIC. On any real world system worth consideration, char and wchar_t values for the portable character set are all ASCII, and on increasingly many (but not all), wchar_t is a Unicode codepoint number.