I'm pretty new at C++ and would need some advice on this.
Here I have a code that I wrote to measure the number of times an arbitrary integer x occurs in an array and to output the comparisons made.
However I've read that by using multi-way branching("Divide and conqurer!") techniques, I could make the algorithm run faster.
Could anyone point me in the right direction how should I go about doing it?
Here is my working code for the other method I did:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector <int> integers;
int function(int vectorsize, int count);
int x;
double input;
int main()
cout<<"Enter 20 integers"<<endl;
cout<<"Type 0.5 to end"<<endl;
if (input == 0.5)
cout<<"Enter the integer x"<<endl;
int function(int vectorsize, int count)
if(vectorsize<0) //termination condition
cout<<"The number of times"<< x <<"appears is "<<count<<endl;
return 0;
if (integers[vectorsize] > x)
cout<< integers[vectorsize] << " > " << x <<endl;
if (integers[vectorsize] < x)
cout<< integers[vectorsize] << " < " << x <<endl;
if (integers[vectorsize] == x)
cout<< integers[vectorsize] << " = " << x <<endl;
count = count+1;
return (function(vectorsize-1,count));
If the array is unsorted, just use a single loop to compare each element to x. Unless there's something you're forgetting to tell us, I don't see any need for anything more complicated.
If the array is sorted, there are algorithms (e.g. binary search) that would have better asymptotic complexity. However, for a 20-element array a simple linear search should still be the preferred strategy.
If your array is a sorted one you can use a divide to conquer strategy:
Efficient way to count occurrences of a key in a sorted array
A divide and conquer algorithm is only beneficial if you can either eliminate some work with it, or if you can parallelize the divided work parts accross several computation units. In your case, the first option is possible with an already sorted dataset, other answers may have addressed the problem.
For the second solution, the algorithm name is map reduce, which split the dataset in several subsets, distribute the subsets to as many threads or processes, and gather the results to "compile" them (the term is actually "reduce") in a meaningful result. In your setting, it means that each thread will scan its own slice of the array to count the items, and return its result to the "reduce" thread, which will add them up to return the final result. This solution is only interesting for large datasets though.
There are questions dealing with mapreduce and c++ on SO, but I'll try to give you a sample implementation here:
#include <utility>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/barrier>
constexpr int MAP_COUNT = 4;
int mresults[MAP_COUNT];
boost::barrier endmap(MAP_COUNT + 1);
void mfunction(int start, int end, int rank ){
int count = 0;
for (int i= start; i < end; i++)
if ( integers[i] == x) count++;
mresult[rank] = count;
int rfunction(){
int count = 0;
for (int i : mresults) {
count += i;
return count;
int mapreduce(){
vector<thread &> mthreads;
int range = integers.size() / MAP_COUNT;
for (int i = 0; i < MAP_COUNT; i++ )
mthreads.push_back(thread(bind(mfunction, i * range, (i+1) * range, i)));
return rfunction();
Once the integers vector has been populated, you call the mapreduce function defined above, which should return the expected result. As you can see, the implementation is very specialized:
the map and reduce functions are specific to your problem,
the number of threads used for map is static,
I followed your style and used global variables,
for convenience, I used a boost::barrier for synchronization
However this should give you an idea of the algorithm, and how you could apply it to similar problems.
caveat: code untested.
Hi guys I'm looking for a program to find nth number of Golomb sequence without using array!!!!
I know this below program, But it's so so slow...
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int findGolomb(int);
int main()
int n;
cin >> n;
cout << findGolomb(n);
return 0;
int findGolomb(int n)
if (n == 1)
return 1;
return 1 + findGolomb(n - findGolomb(findGolomb(n - 1)));
It depends on how large a value you want to calculate. For n <= 50000, the following works:
#include <cmath>
round(1.201*pow(n, 0.618));
As it turns out, due to the nature of this sequence, you need almost every single entry in it to compute g[n]. I coded up a solution that uses a map to save past calculations, purging it of unneeded values. For n == 500000, the map still had roughly 496000 entries, and since a map has two values where the array would have one, you end up using about twice as much memory.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
class Golomb_Generator {
int next() {
if (n == 1)
return cache[n++] = 1;
int firstTerm = n - 1;
int secondTerm = cache[firstTerm];
int thirdTerm = n - cache[secondTerm];
if (n != 3) {
auto itr = cache.upper_bound(secondTerm - 1);
cache.erase(begin(cache), itr);
return cache[n++] = 1 + cache[thirdTerm];
void printCacheSize() {
cout << cache.size() << endl;
int n = 1;
map<int, int> cache;
void printGolomb(long long n)
Golomb_Generator g{};
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
cout << g.next() << endl;
int main()
int n = 500000;
You can guess as much. n - g(g(n - 1)) uses g(n-1) as an an argument to g, which is always much, much smaller than n. At the same time, the recurrence also uses n - 1 as an argument, which is close to n. You can't delete that many entries.
About the best you can do without O(n) memory is recursion combined with the approximation that is accurate for smaller n, but it will still become slow quickly. Additionally, as the recursive calls stack up, you will likely use more memory than having an appropriately sized array would.
You might be able to do a little better though. The sequence grows very slowly. Applying that fact to g(n - g(g(n - 1))), you can convince yourself that this relationship mostly needs stored values nearer to 1 and stored values nearer to n -- nearN(n - near1(nearN(n - 1))). You can have a tremendous swath in between that do not need to be stored, because they would be used in calculations of g(n) for much, much larger n than you care about. Below is an example of maintaining the first 10000 values of g and the last 20000 values of g. It works at least for n <= 2000000, and it stops working for sure at n >= 2500000. For n == 2000000, it takes about 5 to 10 seconds to compute.
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cmath>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Golomb_Generator {
int next() {
return g(n++);
int n = 1;
map<int, int> higherValues{};
vector<int> lowerValues{1, 1};
int g(int n) {
if(n == 1)
return 1;
if (n <= 10000) {
lowerValues.push_back(1 + lowerValues[n - lowerValues[lowerValues[n - 1]]]);
return higherValues[n] = lowerValues[n];
return higherValues[n] = 1 + higherValues[n - lowerValues[higherValues[n - 1]]];
void removeOldestResults() {
while(higherValues.size() >= 20000)
void printGolomb(int n)
Golomb_Generator g{};
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
cout << g.next() << endl;
int main()
int n = 2000000;
There are some choices and considerations regarding the runtime.
move the complexity to math
The algorithm actually is nothing else but math in computer language. The algorithm may be improved by mathematical substitutions. You may look into the research regarding this algorithm and may find a better algorithm substitute.
move the complexity to the compiler.
When calling the findGolomb(12) with a specific number known at compile time, we may use constexpr, to move the calculation time to the compiler.
constexpr int findGolomb(int);
move the complexity to the memory
Although requested by the Question to not use an array, this is a considerable constraint. Without using any additional memory space, the algorithm has no options but to use runtime, to for example, to known already computed values of findGolomb(..).
The memory constraint may also include the size of the compiled program (by additional lines of code).
move the complexity to the runtime
When not using math, compiler or memory to enhance the algorithm, there is left no options but to move the complexity to the runtime.
Summarizing, there won't be any options to improve the runtime without the four options above. Removing compiler and memory optimizations, and considering the current runtime as already optimal, you are only left with math and research.
Recently I am trying to find the mode in a set of number by using C.
My code can done well when the set is small.
Here is my code:
int frequency[10001]; //This array stores the frequency of a number that between 0 to 10000
int main()
int x[10]={1,6,5,99,1,12,50,50,244,50};
int highest = 0;
int i,j,k;
highest = frequency[x[i]];
printf("The mode in the array : ");
printf("%d ",i);
return 0;
Later, I found out that my method will be extremely slow if there is a large set of number. Also, my program will not work if there is number smaller than 0 or greater than 10000, unless I increase the size of the "frequency" array.
Therefore, I would like to know is there any way that I can find the mode in the array more efficiently? Thanks.
Use a hash table. (i.e. unordered_map is typically implemented as such).
You tagged your question as C++, so you're going to get some sample code in C++. Your on your own for implementing a hash table in C. It's not a bad learning exercise.
int x[10]={1,6,5,99,1,12,50,50,244,50};
std::unordered_map<int, int> table; // map of items in "x" to the number of times observed.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int mode = 0;
int mode_freq = 0;
for (auto itor = table.begin(); itor != table.end(); itor++)
if (itor->second > mode_freq)
mode = itor->first;
mode_freq = itor->second;
std::cout << "The mode in the array is " << mode << std::endl;
You could simply sort your array (man qsort), and then search for the longuest sequence of the same number.
The question is : how do you behave when two number equally appear at the most frequency in the array ?
I think that your question is too general to get a definite answer:
the "most efficient" is a pretty big requirement, I guess you would be interested in any "more" efficient solution :).
more efficient in what way? Faster execution time? Less memory usage? Better code?
First of all I would have written this little piece like this:
static const size_t NUM_FREQ=1000;
int main()
vector< unsigned int > frequency(NUM_FREQ);
vector< unsigned int > samples[10]={1,6,5,99,1,12,50,50,244,50};
int highest = 0;
int i,j,k;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++ )
assert( samples[i] < NUM_FREQ && "value in samples is bigger than expected" );
frequency[ samples[ i ] ]++;
if( frequency[ samples[ i ] ] > highest )
highest = frequency[ samples[ i ] ];
printf("The mode in the array : ");
for ( size_t i = 0; i < frequency.size(); i++ )
if ( frequency[ i ] == highest )
printf("%d ",i);
Out of all the bad practices that I changed, the one you should be more careful with is relying on plain types implicit initialization.
Now, there are a number of things that may or may not be wrong with this:
The most obvious is that you do not need to loop over it twice, just use an extra variable to remember the location of the highest frequency and get rid of the second loop completely.
In your example, there are very few samples and using such a big frequency array is a waste of space. If the size of samples is less than the NUM_FREQ I would simply use a vector of pairs. I assume that your real application uses a sample array that is bigger than the frequency array.
Finally sorting or hashing could accelerate things but it very much depends on how the frequency data is used in the rest of your application (but you haven't shown anything but this simple code).
You cannot find an occurrence of a negative number.You can only find the occurrence of a number.
Instead of using an array of frequency[10001] use MAPS in C++.
Now let me modify your code.By using maps instead of arrays.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x[10]={1,6,5,99,1,12,50,50,244,50};
map <int, int> freq;//using map here instead of frequency array
int highiest=0;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
for(int i=0;i<sizeof(freq);i++)
if(freq[i]>highiest)//finding the highiest occurancy of a number.
cout<<highiest<<endl;//printing the highiest occurancy number
I have another task for my school and it is:
Write a program which will output the largest from three inputed numbers
So far I have done this:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int* numbers = new int[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cout << "Input number no. " << (i + 1);
cin >> numbers[i];
cout << endl;
Is there a helper function/method in C++ which will find a largest number in my numbers array?
There's an algorithm that finds the maximal element in a container (std::max_element), but that's inappropriate. Your situation can be solved with constant memory consumption, so you don't need to store all numbers. At any given point, you just need to remember the current maximum.
Imagine you had to process one gazillion numbers. Then storing them all would not be desirable.
Of course, internally the max_element algorithm does the same as I just suggested, but it assumes that you already have the container anyway. If you don't, then just update the maximum on the fly. The boost.accumulators library has something to do that, but I'm sure you can write this yourself — it should only take one or two lines.
In the following code snippet, max will contain the highest number from the list:
int i;
int max=numbers[0];
if(numbers[i]>max) max=numbers[i];
Note: Your array looks too small - it has a size of two and I'm pretty sure you want a size of three.
You don't need an array here. Just look at the numbers as they come in:
int largest = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
int value;
std::cin >> value;
if (largest < value)
largest = value;
The two general approaches for Fibonacci series generation are:
The traditional approach, i.e., running through a for loop inside a function.
I came across another solution
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void fibo() {
static int y = 0;
static int x = 1;
cout << y << endl;
y = x + y;
x = y - x;
int main() {
for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) {
return 0;
This solution looks to be working fine in the initial runs, but when compared to the traditional and recursion approach, does this hold any significant disadvantages?
I am sure static variables would add to space complexity, but at least we are not building a function table stack using recursion, correct?
Disadvantages I can immediately see:
By essentially making the state global, it's not thread-safe
You can only ever run through the sequence once, as there's no way to reset
I would favour an approach which keeps the state within an object which you can ask for the next value of - an iterator, basically. (I've never been certain how easily the Fibonacci sequence maps to C++ iterators; it works fine with C# and Java IEnumerable<T> and Iterable<T> though.)
The solution you found is decent for when you need to store the state (for example, when you calculate a Fibonacci number, do something based on it, and then calculate another), but using this from two places in your code will likely give funny results. This is because the static variables will always be the same, no matter from where you call it. I would instead suggest:
class FiboNumbers {
FiboNumbers() :
x_(1), y_() {}
int getNext() {
x_ += y_;
y_ = x_ - y_;
return x_;
int x_, y_;
This offers the same keeping-of-state, but allows you to create multiple instances of the class, therefore allowing you to have different parts of the code that calculate their own Fibonacci series.
Minor note: the code I posted will produce the same series as the example you posted, but it will produce the real Fibonacci sequence, which starts with 0 1 1 2...
I am a C++ student (1.5 months into it).
Give feedback to this different way I have thought of for Fibonacci series.
using namespace std;
void fibseries(long int n)
double x=0;double y=1;
for (long int i=1;i<=n;i++)
cout<<x<<" ";
cout<<y<<" ";
long int n=0;
cout<<"The number of terms ";
return 0;
I'm not sure what this function is really supposed to do. It
only works in the exact loop you present, and as others have
pointed out, it only works once. (And there's probably a typo
in your loop, since your complete program outputs "0", and
nothing else.) What advantage does it offer over:
int y = 0;
int x = 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++ i ) {
std::cout << y <<std::endl;
y = x + y;
x = y - x;
? It's more complex, far less robust, and far less useful.
As was said before, the advantage of the static variables is, in principle, that it's cheaper to calculate the n -th Element of a sequence where the n - 1 -th has already been evaluated.
The big drawback, apart from the problems inherent to static variables, is that you don't have any way to get back to an earlier point in the sequence, nor do you really have a good control over where in the sequence you are at a given time.
Using a class, as recommended by Sevis, is certainly the better way of implementing such a static-like approach: this makes everything safer, gives you an easy way to get back to the sequence start (by simply reinitializing the object) and also makes it possible to implement further functionality, like going back k steps, looking up the present position, etc..
I think this pointer approach would be more useful for you.
void main()
int i,p, *no,factorial,summ;
int fib(int p);
printf("\n Enter The Number:");
scanf("%d", no);
printf("\n The Fibonnacci series: \n");
for(i=0; i < *no; i++)
printf("%d\n", fib(i));
int fib(int p)
if(p == 0)
if(p >= 1 && p <= 2)
return(fib(p - 1) + fib(p - 2));
I'm currently trying out some questions just to practice my programming skills. ( Not taking it in school or anything yet, self taught ) I came across this problem which required me to read in a number from a given txt file. This number would be N. Now I'm suppose to find the Nth prime number for N <= 10 000. After I find it, I'm suppose to print it out to another txt file. Now for most parts of the question I'm able to understand and devise a method to get N. The problem is that I'm using an array to save previously found prime numbers so as to use them to check against future numbers. Even when my array was size 100, as long as the input integer was roughly < 15, the program crashes.
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
ifstream trial;
int prime;
trial >> prime;
ofstream write;
int num[100], b, c, e;
bool check;
b = 0;
switch (prime) {
case 1:
write << 2 << endl;
case 2:
write << 3 << endl;
case 3:
write << 5 << endl;
case 4:
write << 7 << endl;
for (int a = 10; a <= 1000000; a++) {
check = false;
if (((a % 2) != 0) && ((a % 3) != 0) && ((a % 5) != 0) && ((a % 7) != 0)) // first filter
for (int d = 0; d <= b; d++) {
c = num[d];
if ((a % c) == 0) {
check = true; // second filter based on previous recorded primes in array
if (!check) {
e = a;
if (b <= 100) {
num[b] = a;
b = b + 1;
if ((b) == (prime - 4)) {
write << e << endl;
return 0;
I did this entirely base on my dummies guide and myself so do forgive some code inefficiency and general newbie-ness of my algorithm.
Also for up to 15 it displays the prime numbers correctly.
Could anyone tell me how I should go about improving this current code? I'm thinking of using a txt file in place of the array. Is that possible? Any help is appreciated.
Since your question is about programming rather than math, I will try to keep my answer that way too.
The first glance of your code makes me wonder what on earth you are doing here... If you read the answers, you will realize that some of them didn't bother to understand your code, and some just dump your code to a debugger and see what's going on. Is it that we are that impatient? Or is it simply that your code is too difficult to understand for a relatively easy problem?
To improve your code, try ask yourself some questions:
What are a, b, c, etc? Wouldn't it better to give more meaningful names?
What exactly is your algorithm? Can you write down a clearly written paragraph in English about what you are doing (in an exact way)? Can you modify the paragraph into a series of steps that you can mentally carry out on any input and can be sure that it is correct?
Are all steps necessary? Can we combine or even eliminate some of them?
What are the steps that are easy to express in English but require, say, more than 10 lines in C/C++?
Does your list of steps have any structures? Loops? Big (probably repeated) chunks that can be put as a single step with sub-steps?
After you have going through the questions, you will probably have a clearly laid out pseudo-code that solves the problem, which is easy to explain and understand. After that you can implement your pseudo-code in C/C++, or, in fact, any general purpose language.
There are a two approaches to testing for primality you might want to consider:
The problem domain is small enough that just looping over the numbers until you find the Nth prime would probably be an acceptable solution and take less than a few milliseconds to complete. There are a number of simple optimizations you can make to this approach for example you only need to test to see if it's divisible by 2 once and then you only have to check against the odd numbers and you only have to check numbers less than or equal to the aquare root of the number being tested.
The Sieve of Eratosthenes is very effective and easy to implement and incredibly light on the math end of things.
As for why you code is crashing I suspect changing the line that reads
for( int d=0; d<=b; d++)
for( int d=0; d<b; d++)
will fix the problem because you are trying to read from a potentially uninitialized element of the array which probably contains garbage.
I haven't looked at your code, but your array must be large enough to contain all the values you will store in it. 100 certainly isn't going to be enough for most input for this problem.
E.g. this code..
int someArray[100];
someArray[150] = 10;
Writes to a location large than the array (150 > 100). This is known as a memory overwrite. Depending on what happened to be at that memory location your program may crash immediately, later, or never at all.
A good practice when using arrays is to assert in someway that the element you are writing to is within the bounds of the array. Or use an array-type class that performs this checking.
For your problem the easiest approach would be to use the STL vector class. While you must add elements (vector::push_back()) you can later access elements using the array operator []. Vector will also give you the best iterative performance.
Here's some sample code of adding the numbers 0-100 to a vector and then printing them. Note in the second loop we use the count of items stored in the vector.
#include <vector> // std::vector
const int MAX_ITEMS = 100;
std::vector<int> intVector;
intVector.reserve(MAX_ITEMS); // allocates all memory up-front
// add items
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++)
intVector.push_back(i); // this is how you add a value to a vector;
// print them
for (int i = 0; i < intVector.size(); i++)
int elem = intVector[i]; // this access the item at index 'i'
printf("element %d is %d\n", i, elem);
I'm trying to improve my functional programming at the moment so I just coded up the sieve quickly. I figure I'll post it here. If you're still learning, you might find it interesting, too.
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <math.h>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class is_multiple : public binary_function<int, int, bool>
bool operator()(int value, int test) const
if(value == test) // do not remove the first value
return false;
return (value % test) == 0;
int main()
list<int> numbersToTest;
int input = 500;
// add all numbers to list
for(int x = 1; x < input; x++)
// starting at 2 go through the list and remove all multiples until you reach the squareroot
// of the last element in the list
for(list<int>::iterator itr = ++numbersToTest.begin(); *itr < sqrt((float) input); itr++)
int tmp = *itr;
numbersToTest.remove_if(bind2nd(is_multiple(), *itr));
itr = find(numbersToTest.begin(), numbersToTest.end(), tmp); //remove_if invalidates iterator
// so find it again. kind of ugly
// output primes
for(list<int>::iterator itr = numbersToTest.begin(); itr != --numbersToTest.end(); itr++)
cout << *itr << "\t";
return 0;
Any advice on how to improve this would be welcome by the way.
Here is my code. When working on a big number, it's very slow!
It can calculate all prime numbers with in the number you input!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int m;
int n=0;
char ch;
fstream fp;
cout<<"What prime numbers do you want get within? ";
cout<<"Bad input! Please try again!\n";
return 1;
cout<<"There are no prime numbers within "<<m<<endl;
return 0;
else if(m==2)
fp.open("prime.txt",ios::in|ios::out|ios::trunc);//create a file can be writen and read. If the file exist, it will be overwriten.
fp<<"There are only 1 prime number within 2.\n";
cout<<"Congratulations! It has worked out!\n";
return 0;
int j;
int sq;
for(int i=3;i<=m;i+=2)
fp<<"\nThere are "<<n<<" prime number within "<<m<<".\n";
cout<<"Congratulations! It has worked out!\n";
return 0;
For one, you'd have less code (which is always a good thing!) if you didn't have special cases for 3, 5 and 7.
Also, you can avoid the special case for 2 if you just set num[b] = 2 and only test for divisibility by things in your array.
It looks like as you go around the main for() loop, the value of b increases.
Then, this results in a crash because you access memory off the end of your array:
for (int d = 0; d <= b; d++) {
c = num[d];
I think you need to get the algorithm clearer in your head and then approach the code again.
Running your code through a debugger, I've found that it crashes with a floating point exception at "if ((a % c) == 0)". The reason for this is that you haven't initialized anything in num, so you're doing "a % 0".
From what I know, in C/C++ int is a 16bit type so you cannot fit 1 million in it (limit is 2^16=32k). Try and declare "a" as long
I think the C standard says that int is at least as large as short and at most as large as long.
In practice int is 4 bytes, so it can hold numbers between -2^31 and 2^31-1.
Since this is for pedagogical purposes, I would suggest implementing the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
This should also be of interest to you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primality_test
for(int currentInt=2; currentInt<=1000000; currentInt++)
{check = false; // Basically the idea for this for loop is to run checks against integers. This is the main for loop in this program. I re initialize check to false ( check is a bool declared above this. )
for( int arrayPrime=0; arrayPrime<currentPrime; arrayPrime++) // This for loop is used for checking the currentInt against previously found primes which are stored in the num array.
{ c=num[arrayPrime];
if ((currentInt%c)==0) { check = true;// second filter based on previous recorded primes in array
break;} // this is the check. I check the number against every stored value in the num array. If it's divisible by any of them, then bool check is set to true.
if ( currentInt == 2)
{ check = false; } // since i preset num[0] = 2 i make an exception for the number 2.
if (!check)
if(currentPrime <= 100){
num[currentPrime]= currentInt;} // This if uses check to see if the currentInt is a prime.
currentPrime = currentPrime+1;} // increases the value of currentPrime ( previously b ) by one if !check.
break;} // if currentPrime == prime then write the currentInt into a txt file and break loop, ending the program.
Thanks for the advice polythinker =)
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream trial;
int prime, e;
ofstream write;
int num[10000], currentPrime, c, primePrint;
bool check;
num[currentPrime] = 2;
for(int currentInt=2; currentInt<=1000000; currentInt++)
{check = false;
for( int arrayPrime=0; arrayPrime<currentPrime; arrayPrime++)
{ c=num[arrayPrime];
if ((currentInt%c)==0) { check = true;// second filter based on previous recorded primes in array
if (!check)
{ e=currentInt;
if( currentInt!= 2 ) {
num[currentPrime]= currentInt;}
currentPrime = currentPrime+1;}
return 0;
This is the finalized version base on my original code. It works perfectly and if you want to increase the range of prime numbers simply increase the array number. Thanks for the help =)
Since you will need larger prime number values for later questions, I suggest you follow dreeves advice, and do a sieve. It is a very useful arrow to have in your quiver.