In The Little Schemer there is a function to check, whether the list is flat:
(define lat?
(lambda (l)
((null? l) #t)
((atom? (car l)) (lat? (cdr l)))
(else #f))))
I'm trying to write the same recursive function in Haskell, but have no success:
is_lat :: [a] -> Bool
is_lat [] = True
is_lat ???
How do i check that the parameter is not in the form [[a]]? In other words, [1,2,3] is a valid input, but [[1,3], [2,4]] and [[[1,2,3]]] aren't.
I want to use this further in recursive functions that accept lists to make sure that i deal with flat lists only.
EDIT: I see that people are confused because of the is_lat :: [a] -> Bool type signature. I agree now, that i shouldn't check type on runtime. However, is it possible to check the type on compile-time? How can i make the function work only for flat lists? Or should i completely change my way of thinking?
You can't really think of nested lists the same way in Haskell as in Scheme, because they're not the same data structure. A Haskell list is homogenous, where as a Lisp "list" is actually closer to a rose tree (as pointed out by C.A.McCann below). As an illustrative example, take a look at how the WYAS48 parsing section defines LispVal.
If you really, really, really want to do runtime type checking, even though it's usually a bad idea and very unconventional in Haskell, look into Data.Typeable. This response might be useful too.
The real answer to this question is "You need to think about your arguments differently in Haskell than in Lisp, which results in never needing to perform this check yourself at runtime" (and I say this as a Common Lisper, so I understand how frustrating that is to start with).
Addendum: In response to your edit, Haskell's type system automatically ensures this. If you have a function of type foo :: [Int] -> Int, for example, and you pass it ["One", "Two", "Three"] or [[1, 2, 3]], you'll get a compile-time error telling you what just exploded and why. If you want to specialize a function, just declare a more specific type.
For instance (don't write code like this, it's just for illustrative purposes), say you have a simple function like
myLookup index map = lookup index map
If you load this into GHCi and run :t myLookup, it'll tell you that the functions' type is myLookup :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b which means that it can take a key of any type that derives Eq (anything you can run == on). Now, say that for whatever reason you want to ensure that you only use numbers as keys. You'd ensure that by adding a more specific type declaration
myLookup :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> Maybe a
myLookup index map = lookup index map
Now, even though there's nothing in the body of the function preventing it from dealing with other key types, you'll get a type error at compile time if you try to pass it something other than an Int index or something other than an [(Int, a)] map. As a result, this
myLookup :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> Maybe a
myLookup ix lst = lookup ix lst
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn . show $ myLookup 1 [(1, "Foo")]
will compile and run fine, but this
myLookup :: Int -> [(Int, a)] -> Maybe a
myLookup ix lst = lookup ix lst
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn . show $ myLookup "Nope.jpg" [("Foo", 1)]
will do neither. On my machine it errors at compile time with
Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `[Char]'
In the first argument of `myLookup', namely `"Nope.jpg"'
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`myLookup "Nope.jpg" [("Foo", 1)]'
In the expression:
putStrLn . show $ myLookup "Nope.jpg" [("Foo", 1)]
Failed, modules loaded: none.
I really hope that didn't confuse you further.
This is both impossible and unnecessary with standard Haskell lists because Haskell is strongly typed; either all elements of a list are themselves lists (in which case the type is [a] = [[b]] for some b), or they are not.
E.g. if you try to construct a mixed list, you will get an error from the compiler:
Prelude> ["hello", ["world!"]]
Couldn't match expected type `Char' with actual type `[Char]'
In the expression: "world!"
In the expression: ["world!"]
In the expression: ["hello", ["world!"]]
The function type [a] -> Bool implicitly means forall a. [a] -> Bool, in other words it's defined identically for lists of all possible element types. That does include types like [[Int]] or [[[String]]] or any depth of nesting you can think of. But it doesn't--and can't--matter to your function what the element type is.
As far as this function is concerned, the input is always a list whose elements are some opaque, unknown type. It will never receive nested lists containing that same opaque type.
Well, I guess, in Haskell you are limited to
main = do -- your code goes here
print $isFlat [Node 1, Node 2, Node 3]
print $isFlat [Node 1, Node 2, Branch [Node 3, Node 4, Node 5], Node 6]
data Tree a = Node a | Branch [Tree a]
isFlat :: [Tree a] -> Bool
isFlat = all isNode where
isNode (Node _) = True
isNode _ = False
In non strictly-typed languages every object has run-time type information and thus can be polymorphic. This might be a complicated network of coercions, like in Scala (less complicated if you're in C++), or just "everything is an object, and object is everything" like in purely dynamic languages (Lisp, JS, ...).
Haskell is strictly-typed.
I'm fairly new to Haskell and functional programming in general.
This seems like such a simple problem but I'm struggling with the syntax.
I want to take a list of ints as input, if it is null return a null list, and if it is not null then use the map function to add five to every element.
This is my code so far but it produces lots of errors. Any suggestions?
addFive :: [a] -> [a]
addFive [] = []
addFive a = map(+5)
You can use
addFive = map (+5)
addFive a = map (+5) a
As map works on empty list, explicit implementation for empty list is not required.
You are thinking along the right lines, but there are a couple of issues.
The code you have shown will complain about a type error. This is because the type of map (+5) is [a] -> [a], but you want just [a]. To fix this you just need to change that line to
addFive a = map (+5) a
Look at the types and think about why this works.
You may also have tried this:
addFive :: [a] -> [a]
addFive [] = []
addFive = map(+5)
This gives you a different error because every version of a function like this needs to have the same number of arguments. Your null case takes one argument, so the other one has to take an argument too.
However you don't need the null case. map already has that built in. So what you actually need is
addFive :: [a] -> [a]
addFive = map (+5)
By the way, one stylistic point. In Haskell we use a, b etc for type variables, but x, xs, y etc for value variables. So the version above would be more idiomatic with
addFive xs = map (+5) xs
I've made a library that creates "list like" sequences, and of which many Prelude style functions are implemented. I want to write some test cases for this, to ensure my library is producing correct output, and I thought the easiest way to do this is write some functions, convert the results to lists and compare them to the Prelude results. Lets say we've got this:
import qualified MyLibrary as ML
import qualified Prelude as P
For example I may want the following testcase:
P.take 5 (P.enumFrom 1) == toList (ML.take 5 (ML.enumFrom 1))
Note that ML.enumFrom does not output a list, it outputs it's own datatype.
The above works fine, but notice how I'm "repeating myself" (TM). I have to ensure the left and right side are the same otherwise my test case is erroneous.
Is there a nice way to write test cases like this so I don't have to repeat myself?
The first problem that P.take and ML.take, etc., only look similar – in fact they are totally unrelated functions and the compiler doesn't know anything about their common behaviour. So, as #jd823592 proposed, we need to group them with a typeclass (I used a simple newtype wrapper so the example would be compilable):
import Prelude hiding (take, enumFrom)
import qualified Prelude as P (take, enumFrom)
newtype MySeq a = MySeq [a]
class Sequence s where
take :: Int -> s a -> s a
enumFrom :: Enum a => a -> s a
toList :: s a -> [a]
instance Sequence MySeq where
take n (MySeq xs) = MySeq (P.take n xs)
enumFrom n = MySeq (P.enumFrom n)
toList (MySeq xs) = xs
instance Sequence [] where
take = P.take
enumFrom = P.enumFrom
toList = id
Then we'll try to define some tests using now-unified functions from the class definition. They may just generate a Sequence of any type, and we'll then force them to produce explicit types.
test1 = doTest (take 5 $ enumFrom 1) -- the part in brackets is polymorphic
doTest :: (Eq a, Sequence s) => s a -> Bool
doTest test = ???
Now the second problem is that we pass a polymorphic function as a parameter and then need to instantiate it with different type parameters ([a] and MySeq a in this case). In standard Haskell 2010 it is impossible, but we can exploit the Rank2 (or RankN) extension:
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
doTest :: forall a . Eq a => (forall s . Sequence s => s a) -> Bool
doTest test = (test `asTypeOf` dummy1) == toList (test `asTypeOf` dummy2) where
dummy1 :: Eq a => [a]
dummy1 = undefined
dummy2 :: Eq a => MySeq a
dummy2 = undefined
This solution is a bit clumsy, but still works. Please feel free to improve.
I'm having some real trouble designing the counterfunction of Haskell's sequence function, which Hoogle tells me doesn't yet exist. This is how it behaves:
ghci> sequence [Just 7, Just 8, Just 9]
Just [7,8,9]
ghci> sequence [getLine, getLine, getLine]
stack exchange
["hey","there","stack exchange"] :: IO [String]
My problem is making a function like this:
unsequence :: (Monad m) => m [a] -> [m a]
So that it behaves like this:
ghci> unsequence (Just [7, 8, 9])
[Just 7, Just 8, Just 9]
ghci> sequence getLine
['h','e','y'] :: [IO Char] --(This would actually cause an error, but hey-ho.)
I don't actually know if that's possible, because I'd be escaping the monad at some point, but I've made a start, though I don't know how to set a breakpoint for this recursive function:
unsequence m = (m >>= return . head) : unsequence (m >>= return . tail)
I realise that I need a breakpoint when the m here is equal to return [], but not all monads have Eq instances, so how can I do this? Is this even possible? If so, why and why not? Please tell me that.
You can't have an unsequence :: (Monad m) => m [a] -> [m a]. The problem lies with lists: you can't be sure how may elements you are going to get with a list, and that complicates any reasonable definition of unsequence.
Interestingly, if you were absolutely, 100% sure that the list inside the monad is infinite, you could write something like:
unsequenceInfinite :: (Monad m) => m [a] -> [m a]
unsequenceInfinite x = fmap head x : unsequenceInfinite (fmap tail x)
And it would work!
Also imagine that we have a Pair functor lying around. We can write unsequencePair as
unsequencePair :: (Monad m) => m (Pair a) -> Pair (m a)
unsequencePair x = Pair (fmap firstPairElement x) (fmap secondPairElement x)
In general, it turns out you can only define unsequence for functors with the property that you can always "zip" together two values without losing information. Infinite lists (in Haskell, one possible type for them is Cofree Identity) are an example. The Pair functor is another. But not conventional lists, or functors like Maybe or Either.
In the distributive package, there is a typeclass called Distributive that encapsulates this property. Your unsequence is called distribute there.
It is indeed not possible to create an unsequence function using monads alone. The reason is:
You can safely and easily create a monadic structure from a value using return.
However, it is not safe to remove a value from a monadic structure. For example you can't remove an element from an empty list (i.e. a function of the type [a] -> a is not safe).
Hence we have a special function (i.e. >>=) which safely removes a value from a monadic structure (if one exists), processes it and returns another safe monadic structure.
Hence it is safe to create a monadic structure from a value. However it is not safe to remove a value from a monadic structure.
Suppose we had a function extract :: Monad m => m a -> a which could “safely” remove a value from a monadic structure. We could then implement unsequence as follows:
unsequence :: Monad m => m [a] -> [m a]
unsequence = map return . extract
However, there's no safe way to extract a value from a monadic structure. Hence unsequence [] and unsequence Nothing will return undefined.
You can however create an unsequence function for structures that are both monadic and comonadic. A Comonad is defined as follows:
class Functor w => Comonad w where
extract :: w a -> a
duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)
extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
duplicate = extend id
extend f = fmap f . duplicate
A comonadic structure is the opposite of a monadic structure. In particular:
You can safely extract a value from a comonadic structure.
However you can't safely create a new comonadic structure from a value, which is why the duplicate function safely creates a new comonadic structure from a value.
Remember that the definition of unsequence required both return and extract? You can't safely create a new comonadic structure from a value (i.e. comonadic structures don't have return). Hence the unsequence function is defined as follows:
unsequence :: (Comonad m, Monad m) => m [a] -> [m a]
unsequence = map return . extract
Interestingly sequence works on simply monadic structures. So via intuition you might assume that unsequence works on simply comonadic structures. However it not so because you need to first extract the list from the comonadic structure and then put each element of the list into a monadic structure.
The general version of the unsequence function converts a comonadic list structure to a list of monadic structures:
unsequence :: (Comonad w, Monad m) => w [a] -> [m a]
unsequence = map return . extract
On the other hand the sequence function works on simply monadic structures because you are just folding the list of monadic structures into a monadic list structure by chaining all the monads:
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
sequence = foldr (liftM2 (:)) (return [])
Hope that helps.
I have a list of lists like so:
I've done a little research and have found out how to access individual elements using the !! operator. But when it comes to searching for a certain element 'M' I'm not sure how to go about that. My friend said I need to use something like (x:xs):xss on a list, but when I try this in the WinGHCi haskell program I get this.
Prelude> let list = [["BBBBBBBB",
Prelude> head(x:xs):xss
<interactive>:192:2: Not in scope: `x'
<interactive>:192:4: Not in scope: `xs'
<interactive>:192:8: Not in scope: `xss'
I understand that I declare the name as list and not x:xs but even when I declare it as x:xs I still get the errors. I'm probably still a little new to haskell to really understand what to do so I may be going about this way wrong.
I've looked here Replace individual list elements in Haskell? because eventually I want to replace the M with something different but I'm not completely sure how I would implement that.
Any help/guidance is appreciated, thanks!
First let's see how to replace a W with M
charWM :: Char -> Char
charWM 'W' = 'M' -- If you see W, put M.
charWM x = x -- If you see anything else, put it back as is.
You can rewrite that function how you like by adding other letter transformations.
Now let's make that work over a list. There's a great function map :: (a ->b) -> [a] -> [b] that lets you apply a function on every element on a list.
stringWM :: String -> String
stringWM xs = map charWM xs -- do charWM to everything in xs.
For example stringWM "QWERTY WILL WIN" = "QMERTY MILL MIN"
Next we can do that to a list of lists:
lolWM :: [String] -> [String]
lolWM xss = map stringWM xss
(String is a type synonym for [Char].)
Let's test that out in ghci:
*Main> list'
*Main> lolWM list'
All good.
Your example wasn't exactly list', it was [list'] which has 1 element, so to work on that we'd need to map lolWM. Often we wouldn't bother writing stringWM or lolWM and go directly to lists of lists of lists, if that's what we needed:
lololWM = ( charWM means map the map of the map. You can allow that to blow your mind a little, or you can just say list of list of list of Char, so map map map - one map per list level.
In the future, maybe you'll want to replace W with Strings instead of characters.
rewriteChar :: Char -> String
rewriteChar 'W' = "--^--"
rewriteChar x = [x] -- put x in a list to make it a string
This time, map isn't enough: map rewriteChar "QWERTY WILL WIN" gives
["Q","--^--","E","R","T","Y"," ","--^--","I","L","L"," ","--^--","I","N"]
We could use concat on that to flatten it into a single list, but it's more fun to do
rewriteString = concatMap rewriteChar
So now rewriteString "QWERTY WILL WIN" give us "Q--^--ERTY --^--ILL --^--IN".
For more mindblowing things to try, there's "QWERTY WILL WIN" >>= rewriteChar and "Hello Mum" >>= \x -> [x,x,x]
First of all, virtually all "variables" in Haskell are immutable, so there's no "changing a list", there are modified copies.
Second, you need to find an element by some criteria. To do that, you need to traverse a list. - This can be done using recursion. Filtering can be done using a function passed as an argument of your traversing function (this function must take an element and return a boolean value).
Try to put the above together and make your own function. Start with a type signature, it shows what you want to do: to take a list of Char (it's better to generalize to a generic type) and a function which possibly changes an element and return a modified list:
replaceFunc :: (Char -> Char) -> String -> String
Also, read , there's a hint there how to apply some function to specific elements only.
I've managed to get xUnit working on my little sample assembly. Now I want to see if I can grok FsCheck too. My problem is that I'm stumped when it comes to defining test properties for my functions.
Maybe I've just not got a good sample set of functions, but what would be good test properties for these functions, for example?
//transforms [1;2;3;4] into [(1,2);(3,4)]
pairs : 'a list -> ('a * 'a) list //'
//splits list into list of lists when predicate returns
// true for adjacent elements
splitOn : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list list
//returns true if snd is bigger
sndBigger : ('a * 'a) -> bool (requires comparison)
There are already plenty of specific answers, so I'll try to give some general answers which might give you some ideas.
Inductive properties for recursive functions. For simple functions, this amounts probably to re-implementing the recursion. However, keep it simple: while the actual implementation more often than not evolves (e.g. it becomes tail-recursive, you add memoization,...) keep the property straightforward. The ==> property combinator usually comes in handy here. Your pairs function might make a good example.
Properties that hold over several functions in a module or type. This is usually the case when checking abstract data types. For example: adding an element to an array means that the array contains that element. This checks the consistency of Array.add and Array.contains.
Round trips: this is good for conversions (e.g. parsing, serialization) - generate an arbitrary representation, serialize it, deserialize it, check that it equals the original.
You may be able to do this with splitOn and concat.
General properties as sanity checks. Look for generally known properties that may hold - things like commutativity, associativity, idempotence (applying something twice does not change the result), reflexivity, etc. The idea here is more to exercise the function a bit - see if it does anything really weird.
As a general piece of advice, try not to make too big a deal out of it. For sndBigger, a good property would be:
let ``should return true if and only if snd is bigger`` (a:int) (b:int) =
sndBigger (a,b) = b > a
And that is probably exactly the implementation. Don't worry about it - sometimes a simple, old fashioned unit test is just what you need. No guilt necessary! :)
Maybe this link (by the Pex team) also gives some ideas.
I'll start with sndBigger - it is a very simple function, but you can write some properties that should hold about it. For example, what happens when you reverse the values in the tuple:
// Reversing values of the tuple negates the result
let swap (a, b) = (b, a)
let prop_sndBiggerSwap x =
sndBigger x = not (sndBigger (swap x))
// If two elements of the tuple are same, it should give 'false'
let prop_sndBiggerEq a =
sndBigger (a, a) = false
EDIT: This rule prop_sndBiggerSwap doesn't always hold (see comment by kvb). However the following should be correct:
// Reversing values of the tuple negates the result
let prop_sndBiggerSwap a b =
if a <> b then
let x = (a, b)
sndBigger x = not (sndBigger (swap x))
Regarding the pairs function, kvb already posted some good ideas. In addition, you could check that turning the transformed list back into a list of elements returns the original list (you'll need to handle the case when the input list is odd - depending on what the pairs function should do in this case):
let prop_pairsEq (x:_ list) =
if (x.Length%2 = 0) then
x |> pairs |> List.collect (fun (a, b) -> [a; b]) = x
else true
For splitOn, we can test similar thing - if you concatenate all the returned lists, it should give the original list (this doesn't verify the splitting behavior, but it is a good thing to start with - it at least guarantees that no elements will be lost).
let prop_splitOnEq f x =
x |> splitOn f |> List.concat = x
I'm not sure if FsCheck can handle this though (!) because the property takes a function as an argument (so it would need to generate "random functions"). If this doesn't work, you'll need to provide a couple of more specific properties with some handwritten function f. Next, implementing the check that f returns true for all adjacent pairs in the splitted lists (as kvb suggests) isn't actually that difficult:
let prop_splitOnAdjacentTrue f x =
x |> splitOn f
|> List.forall (fun l ->
l |> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.forall (fun (a, b) -> f a b))
Probably the only last thing that you could check is that f returns false when you give it the last element from one list and the first element from the next list. The following isn't fully complete, but it shows the way to go:
let prop_splitOnOtherFalse f x =
x |> splitOn f
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.forall (fun (a, b) -> lastElement a = firstElement b)
The last sample also shows that you should check whether the splitOn function can return an empty list as part of the returned list of results (because in that case, you couldn't find first/last element).
For some code (e.g. sndBigger), the implementation is so simple that any property will be at least as complex as the original code, so testing via FsCheck may not make sense. However, for the other two functions here are some things that you could check:
What's expected when the original length is not divisible by two? You could check for throwing an exception if that's the correct behavior. fst (pairs x) = evenEntries x and snd (pairs x) = oddEntries x for simple functions evenEntries and oddEntries which you can write.
If I understand your description of how the function is supposed to work, then you could check conditions like "For every list in the result of splitOn f l, no two consecutive entries satisfy f" and "Taking lists (l1,l2) from splitOn f l pairwise, f (last l1) (first l2) holds". Unfortunately, the logic here will probably be comparable in complexity to the implementation itself.