Common Dialogboxes Win32 - c++

I have a common color dialog box that I want to activate on a menu press.
Unfortunately, every time I press on the item, the window loses focus, as if a dialog box is coming up, but the dialog box never shows up.
The code I'm using right now is below:
//show colour dialog
and I've initialized my CHOOSECOLOR structure like this:
cc.lStructSize = sizeof (CHOOSECOLOR) ;
cc.hwndOwner = NULL ;
cc.hInstance = NULL ;
cc.rgbResult = RGB (0x80, 0x80, 0x80) ;
cc.lpCustColors = crCustColor ;
cc.lCustData = 0 ;
cc.lpfnHook = NULL ;
cc.lpTemplateName = NULL ;
What's weird is, the dialog box only shows up after I press the "ALT" key (and only the alt key). Any tips?
I'm trying to do this in an MDI document by the way.

The only problem I can see is that you did not specify an owner for the dialog. This could lead to the dialog showing behind your main window. Specify the handle of your main window to be the dialog's owner.
Read more about window ownership on the Window Features page on MSDN.

Fixed it!
Turns out, the issue I had was in the main window's WndProc.
I had set my WM_PAINT command to return 0; instead of break;.
Changing my return 0 to break solved everything!
I think this is cause my return would exit the wndproc, whereas break would allow me to continue to the return MDIFrameProc(hwnd, message, wparam, lparam) .
I maybe wrong, but that's the best explanation that I can come up with that explains why break works but return 0 doesn't.

After you paint, make sure you call ValidateRect(HWND,CONST RECT*);

COLORREF acrCustClr[16]; // array of custom colors
CHOOSECOLOR cc = {sizeof(cc)};
ZeroMemory(&cc, sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR));
cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR);
cc.hwndOwner = hwnd;
cc.lpCustColors = (LPDWORD) acrCustClr;
BOOL fOk = ChooseColor(&cc);
if (fOk) {


Get details about all running applications C++ [duplicate]

In VC++, I use EnumWindows(...), GetWindow(...), and GetWindowLong(), to get the list of windows and check whether the window is top window (no other window as owner), and whether the window is visible (WS_VISIBLE). However, although my desktop is showing only 5 windows, this EnumWindows is giving me 50 windows, how funny! Any Windows geek here please help me clarify...
The way to list out only windows in taskbar (or similarly in Alt-Tab box) is described by Raymond in this article on MSDN blog:
Which windows appear in the Alt+Tab list?
And this is the super function to check whether a window is shown in alt-tab:
BOOL IsAltTabWindow(HWND hwnd)
HWND hwndTry, hwndWalk = NULL;
return FALSE;
hwndTry = GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_ROOTOWNER);
while(hwndTry != hwndWalk)
hwndWalk = hwndTry;
hwndTry = GetLastActivePopup(hwndWalk);
if(hwndWalk != hwnd)
return FALSE;
// the following removes some task tray programs and "Program Manager"
ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti);
GetTitleBarInfo(hwnd, &ti);
if(ti.rgstate[0] & STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE)
return FALSE;
// Tool windows should not be displayed either, these do not appear in the
// task bar.
if(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Credited to the source code here:
The windows that you are talking about, with an X button and a title bar, etc. are not the only kind of windows. Buttons, dropdown menus, labels, icons, text boxes, the task bar, and just about everything else is a window too1. So EnumWindows is doing exactly what it's supposed to do: enumerate all the top level windows.
1 Even though this is true, EnumWindows only enumerates the top level windows. That means it won't enumerate any child windows:
The EnumWindows function does not enumerate child windows, with the exception of a few top-level windows owned by the system that have the WS_CHILD style.
However, many things on your desktop are windows as well, not just the "windows" you're thinking about.
The answer provided by #jondinham does work perfectly for me. So I work out my own solution.
1.Problems I met with previous solution
Running on Windows 10 home edition 1909., I get two extra unexpected Windows "Calculator" and "Setting".
In addition, windows of Tencent QQ can not be detected, because the following fails:
// the following removes some task tray programs and "Program Manager"
ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti);
GetTitleBarInfo(hwnd, &ti);
if(ti.rgstate[0] & STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE)
return FALSE;
However, I think the bug may be resulted by the particularity of Tencent QQ, I can not even make its' window TOPMOST with DeferWindowPos.
Perhaps someone can help me figure out why this happened and help improving the previous solution by #jondinham.
2.My Solution
I tried to examing the icons of the windows, and filter out windows that does not have its own icon or uses the icon same as the system default. I use code snippets from answer and answer and do some modification. This solution works very well for me.
HICON get_windows_HICON_critical(HWND hwnd)
// Get the window icon
HICON icon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(::SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0));
if (icon == 0) {
// Alternative method. Get from the window class
icon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(::GetClassLongPtrW(hwnd, GCLP_HICONSM));
// Alternative method: get the first icon from the main module (executable image of the process)
if (icon == 0) {
icon = ::LoadIcon(GetModuleHandleW(0), MAKEINTRESOURCE(0));
// // Alternative method. Use OS default icon
// if (icon == 0) {
// icon = ::LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION);
// }
if(icon == ::LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION)){
// Filter out those with default icons
icon = 0;
return icon;
static BOOL CALLBACK enumWindowCallback(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lparam) {
int length = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd);
char* buffer = new char[length + 1];
GetWindowText(hWnd, buffer, length + 1);
std::string windowTitle(buffer);
// List visible windows with a non-empty title
if (IsWindowVisible(hWnd) && length != 0) {
HICON icon = get_windows_HICON_critical(hWnd);
std::cout << hWnd << ": " << windowTitle << std::endl;
return TRUE;
3.Problems with my solution
My solution can not deal with Windows Store APP, according to this question.
For all people looking to find a way to remove Invisible windows like Settings or Microsoft Store from the list:
These windows are cloaked, meaning they still have the dwStyle WS_VISIBLE, but the user can't see them.
You can detect this using the function DwmGetWindowAttribute. The dwAttribute you want to get is DWMWA_CLOAKED (enum constant 14). Only if the value in pvAttribute after the method call is 0, the window is not cloacked.

Reset cursor in WM_SETCURSOR handler properly

I have made an application that needs to change the look of a cursor into hand when mouse hovers above the static control, but resets it to a normal cursor otherwise.
My initial application was in full screen mode, but recently terms have changed and it must have a resizable window.
This means that my handler for WM_SETCURSOR must be rewritten to reflect newly introduced changes.
Cursors are loaded in WM_CREATE, and I have defined class cursor, like this:
// cursors
hCursorHand = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_HAND );
hCursorArrow = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
// other stuff
In my class:
// ...
wc.hCursor = hCursorArrow;
This is my old WM_CURSOR handler ( code is simplified for clarity purposes ):
if( (HWND)wParam == GetDlgItem( hwnd, 4000 ) )
return TRUE;
If cursor hovers above static control, then my handler changes it to hand, else sets it to default cursor ( arrow ).
Bellow is the picture I have sketched in Paint that displays the desired look of the cursor when it hovers above static control, it is on the client area, and when user resizes window.
If additional code snippets are required, ask and I will edit my post, but for now, they are omitted to keep the post short and concise.
I work on Windows XP, using MS Visual Studio C++ and pure Win32 API.
Bellow are the code snippets that I have tried, but they all failed:
First snippet:
if( (HWND)wParam == GetDlgItem( hwnd, 4000 ) )
return TRUE;
return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, lParam, wParam );
Second Snippet:
if( (HWND)wParam == GetDlgItem( hwnd, 4000 ) )
return TRUE;
break; // based on MSDN example
Third snippet:
if( (HWND)wParam == GetDlgItem( hwnd, 4000 ) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
These set cursor to hand no matter where it is.
If I leave my WM_SETCURSOR handler unchanged, the only problem I get is that instead of sizing arrows, I get regular arrow ( as the cursor’s look ) when I hover over the border, but window can be sized.
If I comment out my WM_SETCURSOR handler, sizing arrows and cursor arrow appear properly, but cursor doesn’t change into hand when hovers above static control ( which is logical, since there is no WM_SETCURSOR handler to change it ).
I have browsed through SO archive, looked on MSDN, CodeProject , DaniWeb, Cprogramming and CodeGuru, but had no success.
Looking through those, I have found an example where people compare low word of the lParam against hit test code.
Looking through MSDN I have found link for hit test values ( ) and I have found link for cursor types ( ).
Currently I am reading them, because I think that I will have to load additional cursor resources, take several comparisons of hit test values, and then use those resources to set cursor look accordingly.
I really would like my WM_SETCURSOR handler to look like this:
if( (HWND)wParam == GetDlgItem( hwnd, 4000 ) )
return TRUE;
// reset cursor's look to default
so I ask the community to instruct me on how to do this.
If this isn’t possible, then I will consider using multiple if statements to check the hit test code, and set cursor’s look accordingly.
Of course, if there is better solution for my problem, please suggest it, I will consider it as well.
Thank you.
In general, if you handle the WM_SETCURSOR message you must either
Call SetCursor() to set the cursor, and return TRUE, or
If the message came from a child window, return FALSE for default processing, or
If the message is from your own window, pass the message through to DefWindowProc()
I think the last two points aren't made quite clear by the MSDN docs.
The window under the mouse pointer gets the first WM_SETCURSOR message. If it handles it and returns at that point, nothing else happens. If however it calls DefWindowProc(), then DWP forwards the message to the window's parent to handle. If the parent chooses not to handle it, it can return FALSE and the DefWindowProc processing will continue.
But this only applies if the message came from a previous call to DWP. If the message originated with the window itself, rather than a child, returning TRUE or FALSE without setting the cursor means the cursor won't be set at all.
Another thing: although your question didn't specify, I'm assuming from your use of GetDlgItem() that your top-level window is a dialog. If that's true, you can't just return TRUE or FALSE for a message - you need to return the value using SetWindowLongPtr() and store the return value in DWLP_MSGRESULT. Returning FALSE from a dialog procedure indicates that you didn't handle the message at all - this is equivalent to passing a message through to DefWindowProc().
So I think the proper handling for your situation is, in your top-level window:
if( (HWND)wParam == GetDlgItem( hwnd, 4000 ) )
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
If your top-level window isn't in fact a dialog, you would do this:
if( (HWND)wParam == GetDlgItem( hwnd, 4000 ) )
return TRUE;
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
Here's my first example, if cursor go to menubar, cursor changes to cursor hand:
HCURSOR cursorHand = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND);
if(LOWORD(lParam) == HTMENU)
Here's my second example, if cursor goes to button, cursor changes to cursorHand:
HCURSOR cursorHand = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND);
if(LOWORD(lParam) == buttonId)//declare you
Warning:menubar and button is not created! Create you and please, check my answer example.
The question as I understand it is, given a parent window with one more more child windows (one of which is a static control) how do you set the cursor to the hand when the cursor is over the static control, and the arrow when the cursor is over the client area of the parent window, and let default processing take place when the cursor is over a non-client area of the parent window.
To check things out, I wrote a simple program with a top-level window with a static control as a child window. My first attempt was the following:
1) Set the class cursor of the top-level window to LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW). This allows the default processing to set the cursor to the arrow when appropriate.
2) Keep track of the position of the mouse cursor by handling the WM_MOUSEMOVE message by calling my HandleWMMouseMove function as follows:
//ptCurrMousePos is a global variable of type POINT
static void HandleWMMouseMove(LPARAM mousepos)
ptCurrMousePos.x = (int)(short)(LOWORD(mousepos));
ptCurrMousePos.y = (int)(short)(HIWORD(mousepos));
3) and then all I had to do was handle the WM_SETCURSOR message by calling my HandleWMSetCursor function as follows:
if (HandleWMSetCursor())
return TRUE;
//hwndFrame is a handle to the top-level window.
//hwndStatic is a handle to the static control.
static BOOL HandleWMSetCursor(void)
if (ChildWindowFromPoint(hwndFrame, ptCurrMousePos)==hwndStatic) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
this worked fine but I couldn't understand how the code posted in the question was working even partially. So I asked the questioner whether the child window was really a static control. The answer was yes but it was created with the SS_NOTIFY style. So I created my child window with this style and my code stopped working, but the code posted with the question started to work. With the help of the Spy++ program distributed with Visual Studio I learned the following.
Static controls are normally transparent (not in the visual sense, but meaning that even when the mouse is over the transparent window, Windows will consider the mouse to be over the window underneath the transparent window).
When you create a static control with SS_NOTIFY the control is no longer transparent (i.e. it starts to receive an process mouse messages (like WM_MOUSEMOVE), so my code stopped working because it never received WM_MOUSE messages when the cursor was over the static control. On the other hand the code in the question did not work when the static control was created without SS_NOTIFY because without this style the static control was transparent, which meant that the WARAM in the WM_SETCURSOR message was never equal to the static control (in other words Windows never considered the mouse to be over the static control because it was transparent).
It is possible to combine the two approaches by changing the WM_SETCURSOR handler function to the following:
//hwndFrame is a handle to the top-level window.
//hwndStatic is a handle to the static control.
static BOOL HandleWMSetCursor(WPARAM wParam)
if (((HWND)wParam == hwndStatic) || (ChildWindowFromPoint(hwndFrame, ptCurrMousePos)==hwndStatic)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

DialogBoxIndirect creates dialog bigger than asked

For my application I need to create a Dialog Box without using resource.
I am trying to do it with DialogBoxInderect function.
The code is unbelievably ugly but somehow I succeeded to do it.
The problem is that dialog, for some reason, is much bigger than I asked with much bigger fonts.
Here is how the dialog looks like if I load it from resource:
And here is the dialog with the same size stated when I call DialogBoxInderect function.
Here is how it is defined in code:
HGLOBAL hGlobal;
LPDLGTEMPLATE wlsDialogTemplate;
LPDLGITEMTEMPLATE wlsDialogItemTemplate;
LPWORD nextItem;
LPWSTR itemString;
int32_t itemStringLength;
// Check for memory allocation errors
hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, 1024);
if (!hGlobal)
return -1;
wlsDialogTemplate = (LPDLGTEMPLATE)GlobalLock(hGlobal);
// Define a dialog box.
wlsDialogTemplate->style = WS_CAPTION;
wlsDialogTemplate->x = 0;
wlsDialogTemplate->y = 0;
wlsDialogTemplate->cx = 320;
wlsDialogTemplate->cy = 115;
retCode = DialogBoxIndirect(0, (LPDLGTEMPLATE)hGlobal, 0, ActivateWlsMsgDialog);
And here is how it is defined in RC file:
CAPTION "Dialog"
FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg", 400, 0, 0x1
CTEXT "Static",IDC_HEADER_TEXT,120,10,170,70
CONTROL "",IDC_LOGO,"Static",SS_BITMAP,16,10,83,70
As you can see, the second dialog is much bigger than defined. I tried to play with various style flags but without any success (That is why there is red cross on the bigger dialog).
Any help with that?
The larger size is easy to explain. Windows automatically sizes the dialog in accordance with its font, and the larger dialog uses a different font. In fact, it is using the default system font (more info on the confusing issue of Windows dialog fonts is found in my answer here).
So the real issue to focus on is why it's using a different font, and fixing that will solve the size problem.
In the dialog box resource file, you specify the DS_SETFONT flag as one of the dialog box styles. According to the documentation, this flag
[i]ndicates that the header of the dialog box template (either standard or extended) contains additional data specifying the font to use for text in the client area and controls of the dialog box. If possible, the system selects a font according to the specified font data. The system passes a handle to the font to the dialog box and to each control by sending them the WM_SETFONT message.
So that explains why that one is displaying with the expected font.
The next logical question is what's different about your dynamically-created dialog template, shown with the DialogBoxIndirect function. The culprit is, once again, the DS_SETFONT flag, but in this case, the flag is absent. That means that the dialog doesn't contain any information about which font to use to display its controls, and the system defaults to the default system font (which is the ugly Windows 2.0-era font that you see in the second screenshot).
Once we've come to this understanding, the solution should be obvious: you need to tell the dialog which font you want it to use. There are two possible ways of doing so that come to mind:
You can set the DS_SETFONT flag and provide the font information in the header of the dialog box template as described in the above-linked documentation.
Or you can simply create and set the dialog's font in response to the WM_INITDIALOG message.
The latter is probably what you really want to do, as it allows you to use the actual system font (which, confusingly, is different from what I've been calling the "default" system font), which is Segoe UI in Windows Vista and later. Note that even in your first screenshot, it's using MS Sans Serif and therefore sticks out like a sore thumb in the Aero interface. Again, see this answer for more about fonts than you ever wanted to know and sample code for making this work. You'll need to make sure that you set the font for the dialog itself and all of its child controls.
I had played with DialogBoxIndirect (actually with DialogBoxIndirectParam), and here's the part of the code that sets the font. Observe the DS_SHELLFONT option.
LPWORD lpwAlign(LPWORD lpIn, int nAlignment)
return (LPWORD)(((ULONG_PTR)lpIn + nAlignment - 1) & -nAlignment);
LRESULT DisplayMyMessage(HINSTANCE hinst, HWND hwndOwner, LPMYMESSAGEPARAMS pParams)
WORD mem[1024]; // Buffer for dialog resource
LPDLGTEMPLATEW lpdt; // Pointer to heading resource structure
LPDLGITEMTEMPLATEW lpdit; // Pointer to current control
LPWORD lpw; // Cursor to resource buffer
LPWSTR lpwsz; // Cursor to resource buffer (of type WCHAR)
LPCWSTR lpwszCaption; // Aux pointer for text copying
LRESULT ret; // Function's return value
lpdt = (LPDLGTEMPLATEW)lpwAlign( mem, 4 );
// Define a dialog box.
lpdt->dwExtendedStyle = 0;
lpdt->cdit = 3; // number of controls
lpdt->x = 0; lpdt->y = 0;
lpdt->cx = 164; lpdt->cy = 49;
lpw = (LPWORD)(lpdt + 1);
// Dialog menu
*lpw++ = 0;
// Dialog class
*lpw++ = 0;
// Dialog title
for (lpwsz = (LPWSTR)lpw, lpwszCaption = L"Choose language";
*lpwsz++ = *lpwszCaption++;
lpw = (LPWORD)lpwsz;
// Dialog font
if ( lpdt->style & (DS_SETFONT | DS_SHELLFONT) )
// Size
*lpw++ = 8;
// Typeface name
for (lpwsz = (LPWSTR)lpw, lpwszCaption = L"MS Shell Dlg";
*lpwsz++ = *lpwszCaption++;
lpw = (LPWORD)lpwsz;
// Define the rest of the controls
ret = DialogBoxIndirectParamW( hinst, lpdt,
hwndOwner, MyMessageProc, (LPARAM)pParams );
return ret;
This can be solved in your dialog handler by looking for the WM_INITDIALOG message, and then setting the font for all the controls in the dialog.
int CALLBACK SetChildFont(HWND child, LPARAM font) {
SendMessage(child, WM_SETFONT, font, TRUE);
return TRUE;
static int CALLBACK MyMessageProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
switch (msg) {
/* Set font for dialog and all child controls */
EnumChildWindows(hwnd, (WNDENUMPROC)SetChildFont, (LPARAM)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
return 0;

Comparing current foreground window handle

I need to get the current foreground window handle and compare it to a saved previous window handle to see if they match, but I can't use foreground window title, because the title changes often
This is the code I'm using to compare the titles
char cWindow[MAX_PATH];
char nWindow[MAX_PATH];
GetWindowTextA(GetForegroundWindow(), cWindow, sizeof(cWindow));
//Later in code
GetWindowTextA(GetForegroundWindow(), cWindow, sizeof(cWindow));
if (strcmp(nWindow, cWindow) != 0)
strcpy(nWindow, cWindow);
When you want to check whether the foreground window has changed, you should compare the window handles directly, without their titles.
HWND oldForegroundWindow = GetForegroundWindow();
HWND newForegroundWindow = GetForegrundWindow();
if (newForegroundWindow != oldForegroundWindow) {
ForegroundWindowHasChanged(oldForegroundWindow, nForegroundWindow);
oldForegroundWindow = newForeroundWindow;
Errr you are NOT setting nWindow to anything both your calls are setting cWindow. Do you think that may be an issue?

Why does EnumWindows return more windows than I expected?

In VC++, I use EnumWindows(...), GetWindow(...), and GetWindowLong(), to get the list of windows and check whether the window is top window (no other window as owner), and whether the window is visible (WS_VISIBLE). However, although my desktop is showing only 5 windows, this EnumWindows is giving me 50 windows, how funny! Any Windows geek here please help me clarify...
The way to list out only windows in taskbar (or similarly in Alt-Tab box) is described by Raymond in this article on MSDN blog:
Which windows appear in the Alt+Tab list?
And this is the super function to check whether a window is shown in alt-tab:
BOOL IsAltTabWindow(HWND hwnd)
HWND hwndTry, hwndWalk = NULL;
return FALSE;
hwndTry = GetAncestor(hwnd, GA_ROOTOWNER);
while(hwndTry != hwndWalk)
hwndWalk = hwndTry;
hwndTry = GetLastActivePopup(hwndWalk);
if(hwndWalk != hwnd)
return FALSE;
// the following removes some task tray programs and "Program Manager"
ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti);
GetTitleBarInfo(hwnd, &ti);
if(ti.rgstate[0] & STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE)
return FALSE;
// Tool windows should not be displayed either, these do not appear in the
// task bar.
if(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Credited to the source code here:
The windows that you are talking about, with an X button and a title bar, etc. are not the only kind of windows. Buttons, dropdown menus, labels, icons, text boxes, the task bar, and just about everything else is a window too1. So EnumWindows is doing exactly what it's supposed to do: enumerate all the top level windows.
1 Even though this is true, EnumWindows only enumerates the top level windows. That means it won't enumerate any child windows:
The EnumWindows function does not enumerate child windows, with the exception of a few top-level windows owned by the system that have the WS_CHILD style.
However, many things on your desktop are windows as well, not just the "windows" you're thinking about.
The answer provided by #jondinham does work perfectly for me. So I work out my own solution.
1.Problems I met with previous solution
Running on Windows 10 home edition 1909., I get two extra unexpected Windows "Calculator" and "Setting".
In addition, windows of Tencent QQ can not be detected, because the following fails:
// the following removes some task tray programs and "Program Manager"
ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti);
GetTitleBarInfo(hwnd, &ti);
if(ti.rgstate[0] & STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE)
return FALSE;
However, I think the bug may be resulted by the particularity of Tencent QQ, I can not even make its' window TOPMOST with DeferWindowPos.
Perhaps someone can help me figure out why this happened and help improving the previous solution by #jondinham.
2.My Solution
I tried to examing the icons of the windows, and filter out windows that does not have its own icon or uses the icon same as the system default. I use code snippets from answer and answer and do some modification. This solution works very well for me.
HICON get_windows_HICON_critical(HWND hwnd)
// Get the window icon
HICON icon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(::SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_SMALL, 0));
if (icon == 0) {
// Alternative method. Get from the window class
icon = reinterpret_cast<HICON>(::GetClassLongPtrW(hwnd, GCLP_HICONSM));
// Alternative method: get the first icon from the main module (executable image of the process)
if (icon == 0) {
icon = ::LoadIcon(GetModuleHandleW(0), MAKEINTRESOURCE(0));
// // Alternative method. Use OS default icon
// if (icon == 0) {
// icon = ::LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION);
// }
if(icon == ::LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION)){
// Filter out those with default icons
icon = 0;
return icon;
static BOOL CALLBACK enumWindowCallback(HWND hWnd, LPARAM lparam) {
int length = GetWindowTextLength(hWnd);
char* buffer = new char[length + 1];
GetWindowText(hWnd, buffer, length + 1);
std::string windowTitle(buffer);
// List visible windows with a non-empty title
if (IsWindowVisible(hWnd) && length != 0) {
HICON icon = get_windows_HICON_critical(hWnd);
std::cout << hWnd << ": " << windowTitle << std::endl;
return TRUE;
3.Problems with my solution
My solution can not deal with Windows Store APP, according to this question.
For all people looking to find a way to remove Invisible windows like Settings or Microsoft Store from the list:
These windows are cloaked, meaning they still have the dwStyle WS_VISIBLE, but the user can't see them.
You can detect this using the function DwmGetWindowAttribute. The dwAttribute you want to get is DWMWA_CLOAKED (enum constant 14). Only if the value in pvAttribute after the method call is 0, the window is not cloacked.