How to package d3dx9_43.dll in to my application? - c++

I have made a small game which I need to take in to a school to carry out some testing.
Unfortunately, being a school system, I will need to package all DLLs not already installed so that it will run. Installing anything on the computers is out of the question. When I went down a few days ago I noticed that the application would not start up due to a missing d3dx9_43.dll file.
I have statically linked the libraries I have used and am confused as to why this wasn't included. I referenced all the Direct3D 9 libraries I used (or so I thought).
Can anyone help me out?
I am using Visual Studio C++ 2010 and used Direct3D 9.

The only option that abides by the license is to install the redistributable package.
Earlier versions of D3DX did support static linking, but for reasons of security MS changed the rules to ban static linking. They wanted to be able to service these DLLs through WIndows Update and that's only possible if they are installed using the official redistributable package.
One possible option for you is to see if you can avoid linking to D3DX. It may be that you use a small enough footprint of that library that you can bypass it.

It's supposed to be done by including the DirectX 9.0 Redistributable package inside the application installer, but since you can't install anything you either have to ship all the dll with your executable (which is against the SDK license) or statically link against the DirectX runtime (which is also probably not allowed).
Statically link against the DirectX runtime is not a good idea and is not as trivial as it seems, I'm not even sure it's possibe but you must have to have the actual static libraries (not the one that are actually linked by themselves against the dll).
So the easiest solution would be to keep all the needed DLL with the exe, if you're worried about missing one dependency you can use the Dependency Walker. Note that this solution is not allowed by the SDK license and cannot be used to actually distribute an application to the final users.


Upgrading VS2017 15.2 to 15.3 broke third party libraries

I recently updated my Visual Studio version to the latest (mostly because of an automatic update rather than me willingly doing so). This proceeded to break my compiler when linking in third party libraries that were built using 15.2 instead of the current version of 15.3. The error I'm seeing is:
"Library_Name_here.lib" was created with an older compiler than other objects; rebuild old objects and libraries
I am looking for either ideas for solutions to avoid a re-compile of these libraries, but if one does not exist, I am looking for a way to compile the libraries to be version agnostic to not have to keep recompiling every time that vs updates.
It is not a good idea to mix and match code (object files or static libraries) compiled by different versions of the compiler in the same binary.
To quote MSDN on that:
To avoid run-time errors that are difficult to detect and diagnose, we
recommend that you never statically link to binaries that were
compiled by using different versions of the compiler. Also, when you
upgrade an EXE or DLL project, make sure to upgrade the libraries that
it links to. If you're using CRT (C Runtime) or STL (Standard Template
Library) types, don't pass them between binaries (including DLLs) that
were compiled by using different versions of the compiler. For more
information, see Potential Errors Passing CRT Objects Across DLL
The solution is therefore to recompile all third-party static libraries with the new compiler.
I also had issues few months ago when i upgraded VS2015 to VS2017 and one of my big project that i was running on visual studio 2015 stopped working. That project had several class libraries and external DLLs added.
So what I did was, Uninstalled the upgraded version of visual studio 2017 and re-installed the complete visual studio 2017 from MSDN website (selecting the default selection of features). And then i loaded my Project in VS2017 fresh copy and added the reference of all external libraries and it worked.
I suggest you to try the same
This is a shot in the dark, based on this other SO answer: Error C1047: Object file created with an older compiler than other objects
Recompile the other library without link time code generation enabled (/GL and /LTCG). With it enabled the library expects the linker to do most of the compiling, and you cannot expect one version of the compiler to finish the compiling another version started.
Do not disable it in your active project, as it improves performance significantly. Just in the library.
Major compiler versions may still require rebuilding the 3rd party library, but not minor.
You can do this from within VS2017. It allows you to use tool sets going all the way back to VS2008
See this for details!
Hope that helps!

BHO with C++ Rest SDK (casablanca) - How to check the missing dependent DLLs? [duplicate]

I dislike having to distribute an installer for programs compiled with Microsoft's compiler. I prefer to use DLLs packaged in the same directory as the executable. So, what are the required DLLs for MSVC++ 2010?
There's no one simple answer, because it'll depend on what dependencies you build into your program.
You might want to use dependency walker to find what DLLs are actually used by any particular project you're distributing (though be aware that it will list things like kernel32.dll that you can't distirbute right along with those you need to). Before you distribute anything, you need to check license agreements to assure that you're allowed to do so.

DLL dependencies for portable C/C++ application for Windows

I want to create a light-weight portable application in C/C++ for Windows. I don't want to statically link everything because I want to keep the size of exe as small as possible. I also use Dependency Walker to track the DLL dependencies of my exe file.
My question is that what are the list of DLL dependencies that an application can have and stay portable across different versions of Windows? With this list at hand I can check the output from Dependency Walker with the list and choose which libraries to link statically and which to link dynamically. I prefer the list contain OSes from Windows XP higher, but having Windows 98 in mind is also interesting.
Create a basic Win32 application in something like Visual Studio and check the dependencies with Dependency Walker. Those are your base dependencies. All of the standard Win32 DLL files will be required, including user32.dll, kernel32.dll, and so on. (Although some of this varies, depending on what you want the application to do. In some cases, you can get away with only kernel32.dll, but you won't be able to show a window on the screen. Probably a fairly useless app.)
Keep in mind that the last version of Visual Studio that can compile applications that run on Windows 98 is Visual Studio 2005. Visual Studio 2008 can target a minimum of Windows 2000, while VS 2010 can target a minimum of Windows XP SP2. You'll need to either use an older version of the compiler, or edit the executable file's PE header manually to change the subsystem field.
If you're really into things like this (although it's honestly a waste of time) you should investigate Matt Pietrek's LIBCTINY, originally from an article published in MSDN Magazine back in January of 2001. This little library makes it theoretically possible to use the /NODEFAULTLIB compiler flag in order to avoid linking to the CRT.
If you are linking to standard Windows DLLs then there's no issue because the DLLs are already present on the target systems.
For other DLLs, if you have to distribute the DLL then your total executable code size will be greater than if you had used static linking. You only end up with smaller executable code size if you have multiple applications that use common libraries.
In other words, although dynamic linking sounds seductive, old fashioned static linking may be better for you.
Now, if you are concerned about linking to a C runtime then you could consider using mingw which can link against the Windows C runtime which is present on all systems.
I'm assuming you're using VC. Microsoft provides the list you're looking for in MSDN. See:
Redistributing Visual C++ Files
Determining Which DLLs to Redistribute
Note that the list changes based on VC's version (you can choose yours on the top of the pages). Also, on modern versions of Windows, it is advised to properly install the runtime dlls using VCRedist_*.exe - it would probably make your programs less portable than you wish, but it's a one-time installation of (sort of) system components, that no-one will ever have to uninstall.

Alternatives to including MS C runtime distro?

I use MSVS 2010 and MSVC++E 2010 to build my applications in C++ and I've notice a lot of my friends (who test my apps on their PCs) don't have the Microsoft C++ runtime library installed on their computers. I've started including the Microsoft C++ redistributable package with my apps, but this seems unnecessary. Would I be able to instead include the libraries in my executable directory? I know that one of the libraries used is msvcr100.dll, but are there also others I need to include? Or is the redistro my best option?
in your project options, for code generation, you can choose the STATICally linked libraries instead of the DLL versions. That eliminates the need for an external dependency like this, at the cost of a larger EXE.
You don't necessarily need to HAVE to have the runtime library within your executable directory, you may use a Manifest File that has a relative path which points to runtime if you wish. But yes, you can include the libraries within the install of your application.
I think we lug around the msvcr as well as the msvcrt and the msvcp DLLs which now that I'm writing that out, might be a bit overkill.
When you build your application to a static runtime, you don't need to distribute the runtime dlls.
Otherwise you have to include the Microsoft runtime.
Links to runtime installers for Visual Studio 2010
Compiling your project with /MT solves the distribution problem. Be careful though, it can get you in trouble when you use DLLs. They will have their own memory allocator. If they export a function that exposes a pointer or a C++ object that needs to be released by the client code then you'll have a very hard to diagnose memory leak on your hands. Very easy to do, just return an std::string for example.
Anyhoo, the setting is found by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer window, Properties, C/C++, Code generation, Runtime Library setting.
Also note that VS2010 supports local deployment. Just put the msvcr100.dll file in the same directory as your EXE. You also need msvcp100.dll if you use STL or iostreams.

Working with Visual Studios C++ manifest files

I have written some code that makes use of an open source library to do some of the heavy lifting. This work was done in linux, with unit tests and cmake to help with porting it to windows. There is a requirement to have it run on both platforms.
I like Linux and I like cmake and I like that I can get visual studios files automatically generated. As it is now, on windows everything will compile and it will link and it will generate the test executables.
However, to get to this point I had to fight with windows for several days, learning all about manifest files and redistributable packages.
As far as my understanding goes:
With VS 2005, Microsoft created Side By Side dlls. The motivation for this is that before, multiple applications would install different versions of the same dll, causing previously installed and working applications to crash (ie "Dll Hell"). Side by Side dlls fix this, as there is now a "manifest file" appended to each executable/dll that specifies which version should be executed.
This is all well and good. Applications should no longer crash mysteriously. However...
Microsoft seems to release a new set of system dlls with every release of Visual Studios. Also, as I mentioned earlier, I am a developer trying to link to a third party library. Often, these things come distributed as a "precompiled dll". Now, what happens when a precompiled dll compiled with one version of visual studios is linked to an application using another version of visual studios?
From what I have read on the internet, bad stuff happens. Luckily, I never got that far - I kept running into the "MSVCR80.dll not found" problem when running the executable and thus began my foray into this whole manifest issue.
I finally came to the conclusion that the only way to get this to work (besides statically linking everything) is that all third party libraries must be compiled using the same version of Visual Studios - ie don't use precompiled dlls - download the source, build a new dll and use that instead.
Is this in fact true? Did I miss something?
Furthermore, if this seems to be the case, then I can't help but think that Microsoft did this on purpose for nefarious reasons.
Not only does it break all precompiled binaries making it unnecessarily difficult to use precompiled binaries, if you happen to work for a software company that makes use of third party proprietary libraries, then whenever they upgrade to the latest version of visual studios - your company must now do the same thing or the code will no longer run.
As an aside, how does linux avoid this? Although I said I preferred developing on it and I understand the mechanics of linking, I haven't maintained any application long enough to run into this sort of low level shared libraries versioning problem.
Finally, to sum up: Is it possible to use precompiled binaries with this new manifest scheme? If it is, what was my mistake? If it isn't, does Microsoft honestly think this makes application development easier?
Update - A more concise question: How does Linux avoid the use of Manifest files?
All components in your application must share the same runtime. When this is not the case, you run into strange problems like asserting on delete statements.
This is the same on all platforms. It is not something Microsoft invented.
You may get around this 'only one runtime' problem by being aware where the runtimes may bite back.
This is mostly in cases where you allocate memory in one module, and free it in another.
dllexport void* createBla() { return malloc( 100 ); }
void consumeBla() { void* p = createBla(); free( p ); }
When a.dll and b.dll are linked to different rumtimes, this crashes, because the runtime functions implement their own heap.
You can easily avoid this problem by providing a destroyBla function which must be called to free the memory.
There are several points where you may run into problems with the runtime, but most can be avoided by wrapping these constructs.
For reference :
don't allocate/free memory/objects across module boundaries
don't use complex objects in your dll interface. (e.g. std::string, ...)
don't use elaborate C++ mechanisms across dll boundaries. (typeinfo, C++ exceptions, ...)
But this is not a problem with manifests.
A manifest contains the version info of the runtime used by the module and gets embedded into the binary (exe/dll) by the linker. When an application is loaded and its dependencies are to be resolved, the loader looks at the manifest information embedded in the exe file and uses the according version of the runtime dlls from the WinSxS folder. You cannot just copy the runtime or other modules to the WinSxS folder. You have to install the runtime offered by Microsoft. There are MSI packages supplied by Microsoft which can be executed when you install your software on a test/end-user machine.
So install your runtime before using your application, and you won't get a 'missing dependency' error.
(Updated to the "How does Linux avoid the use of Manifest files" question)
What is a manifest file?
Manifest files were introduced to place disambiguation information next to an existing executable/dynamic link library or directly embedded into this file.
This is done by specifying the specific version of dlls which are to be loaded when starting the app/loading dependencies.
(There are several other things you can do with manifest files, e.g. some meta-data may be put here)
Why is this done?
The version is not part of the dll name due to historic reasons. So "comctl32.dll" is named this way in all versions of it. (So the comctl32 under Win2k is different from the one in XP or Vista). To specify which version you really want (and have tested against), you place the version information in the "appname.exe.manifest" file (or embed this file/information).
Why was it done this way?
Many programs installed their dlls into the system32 directory on the systemrootdir. This was done to allow bugfixes to shared libraries to be deployed easily for all dependent applications. And in the days of limited memory, shared libraries reduced the memory footprint when several applications used the same libraries.
This concept was abused by many programmers, when they installed all their dlls into this directory; sometimes overwriting newer versions of shared libraries with older ones. Sometimes libraries changed silently in their behaviour, so that dependent applications crashed.
This lead to the approach of "Distribute all dlls in the application directory".
Why was this bad?
When bugs appeared, all dlls scattered in several directories had to be updated. (gdiplus.dll) In other cases this was not even possible (windows components)
The manifest approach
This approach solves all problems above. You can install the dlls in a central place, where the programmer may not interfere. Here the dlls can be updated (by updating the dll in the WinSxS folder) and the loader loads the 'right' dll. (version matching is done by the dll-loader).
Why doesn't Linux have this mechanic?
I have several guesses. (This is really just guessing ...)
Most things are open-source, so recompiling for a bugfix is a non-issue for the target audience
Because there is only one 'runtime' (the gcc runtime), the problem with runtime sharing/library boundaries does not occur so often
Many components use C at the interface level, where these problems just don't occur if done right
The version of libraries are in most cases embedded in the name of its file.
Most applications are statically bound to their libraries, so no dll-hell may occur.
The GCC runtime was kept very ABI stable so that these problems could not occur.
If a third party DLL will allocate memory and you need to free it, you need the same run-time libraries. If the DLL has allocate and deallocate functions, it can be ok.
It the third party DLL uses std containers, such as vector, etc. you could have issues as the layout of the objects may be completely different.
It is possible to get things to work, but there are some limitations. I've run into both of the problems I've listed above.
If a third party DLL allocates memory that you need to free, then the DLL has broken one of the major rules of shipping precompiled DLL's. Exactly for this reason.
If a DLL ships in binary form only, then it should also ship all of the redistributable components that it is linked against and its entry points should isolate the caller from any potential runtime library version issues, such as different allocators. If they follow those rules then you shouldn't suffer. If they don't then you are either going to have pain and suffering or you need to complain to the third party authors.
I finally came to the conclusion that the only way to get this to work (besides statically linking everything) is that all third party libraries must be compiled using the same version of Visual Studios - ie don't use precompiled dlls - download the source, build a new dll and use that instead.
Alternatively (and the solution we have to use where I work) is that if the third-party libraries that you need to use all are built (or available as built) with the same compiler version, you can "just" use that version. It can be a drag to "have to" use VC6, for example, but if there's a library you must use and its source is not available and that's how it comes, your options are sadly limited otherwise. I understand it. :)
(My line of work is not in Windows although we do battle with DLLs on Windows from a user perspective from time to time, however we do have to use specific versions of compilers and get versions of 3rd-party software that are all built with the same compiler. Thankfully all of the vendors tend to stay fairly up-to-date, since they've been doing this sort of support for many years.)