I want to use a Django model to access a subset of database rows. Working with a number of legacy databases, I'd rather not create views to the database, if possible.
In short, I'd like to tell my model that there's field foo which should always have the value bar. This should span any CRUD operation for the table, so that newly created rows would also have foo=bar. Is there a simple Django way for what I'm trying to achieve?
UPDATE: I want to ensure that this model doesn't write anything to the table where foo != bar. It must be able to read, modify or delete only those rows where foo=bar.
For newly created items you can set the default value in model definition
class MyModel(models.Model):
# a lot of fields
foo = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='bar')
# Set the manager
objects = BarManager()
def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None):
self.foo = 'bar'
super(MyModel, self).save(force_insert, force_update, using)
To achieve that MyModel.objects.all() should return only rows with foo=bar you should implement your custom manager. You can re-define the get_query_set method to add filtering.
class BarManager(models.Manager):
use_for_related_fields = True
def get_query_set(self):
return super(BarManager, self).get_query_set().filter(foo='bar')
Update after #tuomassalo comment
1) The custom manager will affect all calls to MyModel.objects.get(id=42) as this call just proxy a call to .get_query_set().get(id=42). To achieve this you have to set Manager as default manager for model (assign it to objects variable).
To use this manager for related lookups (e.g. another_model_instance.my_model_set.get(id=42)) you need to set use_for_related_fields = True on you BarManager. See Controlling automatic Manager types in the docs.
2) If you want to enforce foo=bar then default value is not enough for you. You can either use pre_save signal or overwrite the save method on your model. Don't forget to call the original save method.
I updated the MyModel example above.
I have a custom account class in a Django app using PermissionsMixin:
class Account(AbstractBaseUser, PermissionsMixin):
Our CMS calls various .groups methods on this class in order to ascertain permissions.
We essentially want to override the queryset that is returned from .groups in this custom Account class and to inject an additional group under specific conditions. (I.e. the user has an active subscription and we then want to return "member" as one of the groups for that user, despite them not actually being in the group.)
How should we handle this override? We need to get the original groups, so that basic group functionality isn't broken, then inject our "virtual" group into the queryset.
Override the get_queryset method ManyRelatedManager. An object of ManyRelatedManager class has access to the parent instance.
Code Sample:
def add_custom_queryset_to_many_related_manager(many_related_manage_cls):
class ExtendedManyRelatedManager(many_related_manage_cls):
def get_queryset(self):
qs = super(ExtendedManyRelatedManager, self).get_queryset()
# some condition based on the instance
if self.instance.is_staff:
return qs.union(Group.objects.filter(name='Gold Subscription'))
return qs
return ExtendedManyRelatedManager
ManyRelatedManager class is obtained from the
class ExtendedManyToManyDescriptor(ManyToManyDescriptor):
def related_manager_cls(self):
model = self.rel.related_model if self.reverse else self.rel.model
return add_custom_queryset_to_many_related_manager(create_forward_many_to_many_manager(
Associated the ExtendedManyToManyDescriptor with groups field when
the Account class is initialized.
class ExtendedManyToManyField(ManyToManyField):
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name, **kwargs):
super(ExtendedManyToManyField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name, **kwargs)
setattr(cls, self.name, ExtendedManyToManyDescriptor(self.remote_field, reverse=False))
Override PermissionsMixin to use ExtendedManyToManyField for
groups field instead of ManyToManyField.
class ExtendedPermissionsMixin(PermissionsMixin):
groups = ExtendedManyToManyField(
'The groups this user belongs to. A user will get all permissions '
'granted to each of their groups.'
class Meta:
abstract = True
account = Account.objects.get(id=1)
account.is_staff = True
# output
[<Group: Gold Subscription>]
The groups related manager is added by the PermissionMixin, you could actually remove the mixin and add only the parts of it that you need and redefine groups:
class Account(AbstractBaseUser):
# add the fields like is_superuser etc...
# as defined in https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/contrib/auth/models.py#L200
default_groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group)
def groups(self):
if self.is_subscribed:
return Group.objects.filter(name="subscribers")
return default_groups.all()
Then you can add your custom groups using the Group model. This approach should work fine as long it is ok for all parts that groups returns a queryset instead of a manager (which probably mostly should be fine as managers mostly offer the same methods - but you probably need to find out yourself).
After reading carefully the docs related to Managers and think about your requirement, I've to say there is no way to achieve the magic you want (I need to override the original, not to add a new ext_groups set - I need to alter third party library behavior that is calling groups.) Without touch the Django core itself (monkey patching would mess up admin, the same with properties).
In the solution I'm proposing, you have the necessary to add a new manager to Group, perhaps, you should start thinking in override that third-party library you're using, and make it use the Group's Manager you're interested in.
If the third-party library is at least medium quality it will have implemented tests that will help you to keep it working after the changes.
Proposed solution
Well, the good news is you can fulfill your business requirements, the bad news is you will have code a little more than you surely expect.
How should we handle this override?
You could use a proxy model to the Group class in order to add a custom manager that returns the desired QuerySet.
A proxy manager won't add an extra table for groups and will keep all the Group functionality besides, you can set custom managers on proxy models too, so, its perfect for this case use.
class ExtendedGroupManager(models.Manager):
def get_queryset(self):
qs = super().get_queryset()
# Do work with qs.
return qs
class ExtendedGroup(Group):
objects = ExtendedGroupManager()
class Meta:
proxy = True
Then your Account class should then have a ManyToMany relationship to ExtendedGroup that can be called ... ext_groups?
Till now you can:
acc = Account(...)
acc.groups.all() # All groups for this account (Django default).
acc.ext_groups.all() # Same as above, plus any modification you have done in get_queryset method.
Then, in views, you can decide if you call one or another depending on a condition of your own selection (Eg. user is subscribed).
Is worth mention you can add a custom manager to an existeing model using the method contribute_to_class
em = ExtendGroupManager()
em.contribute_to_class(Group, 'ext_group')
# Group.ext_group is now available.
If your CMS calls Account.groups directly I would investigate how to override a ManyRelatedManager since the account.groups is actually a django ManyRelatedManager object.
It can probably be achieved using django Proxy model for the Group.
One strategy to investigate would then be:
Add the virtual group to the groups in the database.
Override the ManyRelatedManager by changing get_queryset() (The base queryset)
Something like (pseudo code):
def get_queryset():
account = self.instance # Guess this exist in a RelatedManager
if account.has_active_subscribtion():
return self.get_all_relevant_groups_including_the_virtual_one()
return self.get_all_relevant_groups_excluding_the_virtual_one()
The key here is to get access to the current instance in the custom RelatedManager
This may be a useful discussion around custom related managers.
Subclass a Django ManyRelatedManager a.k.a. ManyToManyField
I do not recommend to try fiddle/monkey patch with the queryset itself since it very easy to break the django admin etc...
If I have a model that has a UUID primary key and the the user may set the value on creation, is there any way to tell within the save method that the instance is new?
Previous techniques of checking the auto assigned fields: In a django model custom save() method, how should you identify a new object? do not work.
Use self._state.adding. It defaults to True and gets set to False after saving the model instance or loading it from the DB.
You should also check the force_insert argument of save.
Note that this will not work if you attempt to copy an instance by changing its id and saving (a common shortcut). If you need to detect this, you could override the instance saving and loading to also store the pk on self._state, then compare the current pk with self._state.pk.
In save(), self.pk is None with pk (uuid) dont work because it should has default = uuid.uuid4 and if you set it to default = None primarykey should has default attribute as valid uuid in DB, so let default = uuid.uuid4 in UUID field.
The esay way is to add field created_at:
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
and in save() use :
if self.created_at is None:
your code here
save takes an optional parameter, force_insert. Passing that as True will force Django to do an INSERT. See the documentation.
You can use django-model-utils TimeStampedModel (you can also use django-extensions TimeStampedModel or make your own).
This provides each model a created and modified field. Then, compare the timedelta between the new instance's created and modified fields to an arbitrary time difference (this example uses 5 seconds). This allows you to identify if an instance is new:
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(<ModelName>, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
if (self.modified - self.created).seconds < 5:
<the instance is new>
Is there a way, hopefully without breaking admin, to disable editing existing model instances on the ORM level?
I'm not talking about removing 'Save' and 'Save and continue' buttons from templates - there should be no operations that can change the values of a committed instance of a model.
Preferably, the 'Save As' option should work instead.
Overwrite the save function for your model like so:
class MyModel(models.Model):
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.pk is None:
super(MyModel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
This function only call the superclass save function (which actually saves the change) if there is no pk, e.g. the model instance is new.
You could override your model class's save() (do nothing if self.pk) and delete (always do nothing)
But really, the database level is the safest place for that. For example, in PostgreSQL you could write two simple rules:
CREATE RULE noupd_myapp_mymodel AS ON UPDATE TO myapp_mymodel
CREATE RULE nodel_myapp_mymodel AS ON DELETE TO myapp_mymodel
Either way, the admin wouldn't know anything about this, so everything still looks editable. See my answer to Whole model as read-only for an attempt at making a model read-only in the admin. For your purposes, keep the add permission as-is, and only declare all fields read-only when not adding.
EDIT: One reason why overriding delete() in your model class is not safe, is the fact that "bulk delete" (Queryset.delete(), e.g. admin checkboxes action) will not call the individual instances' delete() method, it will go straight to SQL: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#deleting-objects
For those who need to prevent MyModel.objects.filter(pk=123).update(name="bob"):
class NoUpdateQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
class MyModel(models.Model):
objects = NoUpdateQuerySet.as_manager()
Django docs - link
In my userprofile model, I have a method (turned into a property) that returns a queryset based on another model's custom manager.
Concretely, a user can sell non-perishable and perishable items, and on the Item model level, several custom managers live that contain the logic (and return the querysets) for determining whether an item is perished or not. Within the userprofile, a method lives that returns something similar to:
where non_perished_objects is one of the said custom managers.
If however an item is added, it is never reflected through these userprofile methods. Only when restarting the server (and the queryset caches being refilled) are the results correct.
Is there a way to force Django to reload the data and drop the cached data?
Thanks in advance!
class LiveItemsManager(models.Manager):
kwargs = {'perished': False,
'schedule__start_date__lte': datetime.datetime.now(),
'schedule__end_date__gt': datetime.datetime.now()}
def get_query_set(self):
return super(LiveItemsManager, self).get_query_set().filter(**self.kwargs)
class Item(models.Model):
live_objects = LiveItemsManager()
perished = models.BooleanField(default=False)
seller = models.ForeignKey(User)
As you see, there's also a Schedule model, containing a start_date, an end_data and an item_id field.
In the UserProfile model, I have:
def _get_live_items(self):
results = Item.live_objects.filter(seller=self.user)
return results
live_items = property(_get_live_items)
The problem is that when calling the live_items property, the results returned are only the cached results.
(PS: Don't mind the setup of the models; there's a reason why the models are what they are :))
The issue is that the kwargs are evaluated when the Manager is first defined - which is when models.py is first imported. So the values to be used against schedule__start_date and schedule__end_date are calculated then, and will not change. You can fix this by moving the kwargs declaration inside the method:
def get_query_set(self):
kwargs = {'perished': False,
'schedule__start_date__lte': datetime.datetime.now(),
'schedule__end_date__gt': datetime.datetime.now()}
return super(LiveItemsManager, self).get_query_set().filter(**kwargs)
(Putting the definition into __init__() won't help, as it will have the same effect: the definition will be evaluated at instantiation of the manager, rather than definition, but since the manager is instantiated when the model is defined, this is pretty much the same time.)
I'm wondering, what is a standard way of updating multiple fields of an instance of a model in django? ... If I have a model with some fields,
Class foomodel(models.Model):
field1 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
field2 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
field3 = models.CharField(max_length=10)
... and I instantiate it with one field given, and then in a separate step I want to provide the rest of the fields, how do I do that by just passing a dictionary or key value params? Possible?
In other words, say I have a dictionary with some data in it that has everything I want to write into an instance of that model. The model instance has been instantiated in a separate step and let's say it hasn't been persisted yet. I can say foo_instance.field1 = my_data_dict['field1'] for each field, but something tells me there should be a way of calling a method on the model instance where I just pass all of the field-value pairs at once and it updates them. Something like foo_instance.update(my_data_dict). I don't see any built-in methods like this, am I missing it or how is this efficiently done?
I have a feeling this is an obvious, RTM kind of question but I just haven't seen it in the docs.
It's tempting to mess with __dict__, but that won't apply to attributes inherited from a parent class.
You can either iterate over the dict to assign to the object:
for (key, value) in my_data_dict.items():
setattr(obj, key, value)
Or you can directly modify it from a queryset (making sure your query set only returns the object you're interested in):
You could try this:
It seems like such a natural thing you'd want to do but like you I've not found it in the docs either. The docs do say you should sub-class save() on the model. And that's what I do.
def save(self, **kwargs):
mfields = iter(self._meta.fields)
mods = [(f.attname, kwargs[f.attname]) for f in mfields if f.attname in kwargs]
for fname, fval in mods: setattr(self, fname, fval)
super(MyModel, self).save()
I get primary key's name, use it to filter with Queryset.filter() and update with Queryset.update().
fooinstance = ...
# Find primary key and make a dict for filter
pk_name foomodel._meta.pk.name
filtr = {pk_name: getattr(fooinstance, pk_name)}
# Create a dict attribute to update
updat = {'name': 'foo', 'lastname': 'bar'}
# Apply
This allows me to update an instance whatever the primary key.
Update using update()
category=get_object_or_404(Category, pk=form_data['category']),
description=form_data['description'], closed=True)