VBA multiple matches within one string using regular expressions execute method - regex

I'm trying to match experience levels for various positions based on 1. Degree 2. Years of Experience. The pattern is fairly simple (example: "BS/5" would be a bachelors of science with 5 years of experience. I also have entries that follow this scheme but have multiple degrees and experience levels in the same string (example: "BS/5-MS/2") that are considered equivalent. I've got a basic function that will match and find the substring pattern but it never returns more than one match even though I've set the .Global property to true for the regexp object. Any ideas? Code below:
On Error Resume Next
ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{3F4DACA7-160D-11D2-A8E9-00104B365C9F}", 5, 5
Dim theRegex As Object
Dim theString As String
Set theRegex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With regex
.MultiLine = False
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
End With
theRegex.Pattern = "([A-z][A-z][A-z]?/[0-9][0-9]?)"
theString = "MS/9-PhD/4"
Set MyMatches = theRegex.Execute(theString)
Debug.Print "SubMatches.Count: " & MyMatches.Item(0).SubMatches.Count
If MyMatches.Count <> 0 Then
With MyMatches
For myMatchCt = 0 To .Count - 1
Debug.Print "myMatchCt: " & myMatchCt
For subMtCt = 0 To .Item(subMtCt).SubMatches.Count - 1
Debug.Print "subMtCt: " & subMtCt
Debug.Print ("," & .Item(myMatchCt).SubMatches.Item(subMtCt))
End With
Debug.Print "No Matches"
End If

Try changing the line With Regex
With theRegex
.MultiLine = False
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
End With
Your On Error resume next statement is disguising the error.


Regex not Triggering VBA

This is my regex:
Dim vbRegX As Object, vbRegXMatch As Object
Set vbRegX = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With vbRegX
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,20}$"
End With
code that uses it:
Set vbRegXMatch = vbRegX.Execute(Me.txtProduct.Text)
If vbRegXMatch.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "This string has invalid characters in it. Illegal characters are out side of the following ranges:" & vbNewLine & vbNewling & "a-z or A-Z" & vbNewLine & vbNewling & "0-9, - or _. Please try again."
Cancel = True
Set vbRegXMatch = Nothing
Set vbRegX = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
This code fires with invalid characters but not when length is > 20. This is the output given to me by Regex Buddy:
Dim FoundMatch As Boolean
Dim myRegExp As RegExp
Set myRegExp = New RegExp
myRegExp.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,20}$"
FoundMatch = myRegExp.Test(SubjectString)
Can anyone so kindly point out what Im missing?
visual of the control:
Your regex matches valid input. Thus, you need to .Test(your_string) and if the result is False, you need to fire an error.
Set vbRegXMatch = vbRegX.Execute(Me.txtProduct.Text)
If vbRegXMatch.Count = 1 Then
If vbRegX.Test("1234555") = False Then
Also, since you expect a single match, use
.Global = False

VBA - Modify sheet naming from source file

I received help in the past for an issue regarding grabbing a source file name and naming a newly created worksheet the date from said source file name, i.e. "010117Siemens Hot - Cold Report.xls" and outputting "010117".
However the code only works for file names with this exact format, for example, file named "Siemens Hot - Cold Report 010117.xls", an error occurs because the newly created sheet does not find the date in the source file.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim n As Double
Dim wksNew As Excel.Worksheet
Dim src As Workbook
Set src = Workbooks.Open(filePath, False, False)
Dim srcRng As Range
With src.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set srcRng = .Range(.Range("A1"), .Range("A1").End(xlDown).End(xlToRight))
End With
With ThisWorkbook
Set wksNew = .Worksheets.Add(After:=.Worksheets(.Sheets.Count))
n = .Sheets.Count
.Worksheets(n).Range("A1").Resize(srcRng.Rows.Count, srcRng.Columns.Count).Value = srcRng.Value
End With
' ======= get the digits part from src.Name using a RegEx object =====
' RegEx variables
Dim Reg As Object
Dim RegMatches As Variant
Set Reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With Reg
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "\d{0,9}" ' Match any set of 0 to 9 digits
End With
Set RegMatches = Reg.Execute(src.Name)
On Error GoTo CloseIt
If RegMatches.Count >= 1 Then ' make sure there is at least 1 match
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(n).Name = RegMatches(0) ' rename "Sheet2" to the numeric part of the filename
End If
src.Close False
Set src = Nothing
So, my question is, how can I get my code to recognize the string of digits no matter its position in the file name?
I decided to make a function that can be called inside a cell as such: =GetMyNum(x) where x is a pointer to a cell (i.e. A1).
To get the code below to work:
Open Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (ALT + F11)
Insert a new module (right click in the Project Pane and select Insert -> Module).
Click Tools -> References and find Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5, enable it and click OK
Now copy/paste the following code into the new module:
Option Explicit
Function GetMyNum(Myrange As Range) As String
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim strPattern As String
Dim strInput As String
Dim strReplace As String
Dim strOutput As String
Dim match As Object
strPattern = "^\d{0,9}\B|\b\d{0,9}(?=\.)"
If strPattern <> "" Then
strInput = Myrange.Value
With regEx
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
If regEx.test(strInput) Then
Set match = regEx.Execute(strInput)
GetMyNum = match.Item(0)
GetMyNum = ""
End If
End If
End Function
A1: Siemens Hot - Cold Report 010117.xls
A2: 010117Siemens Hot - Cold Report.xls
B1: =GetMyNum(A1)
B2: =GetMyNum(A1)
010117 # Contents of B1
010117 # Contents of B2
I will explain each regex option separately. You can reorder the options in terms of importance in such a way that the most important option is first and least important is last.
^\d{0,9}\B Match the following
^ Assert position at the start of the line
\d{0,9} Match any digit 0-9 times
\B Ensure position does not match where a word boundary matches (this is used but may be dropped depending on usage - I added it because it seems the number you're trying to get is immediately followed by a word character and not followed by a space - if that's not always the case just remove this token)
\b\d{0,9}(?=\.) Match the following
\b Assert position as a word boundary
\d{0,9} Match any digit 0-9 times
(?=\.) Positive lookahead ensuring a literal dot . follows
Just my alternative solution to RegEx :)
This finds the first occurence of 6 consecutive digits, omitting blanks and periods... although there are probably some more issues with using IsNumeric as I believe a lowercase e is considered acceptable by it...
Sub FindTheNumber()
For i = 1 To Len(Range("A1").Value)
If IsNumeric(Mid(Range("A1").Value, i, 6)) = True And InStr(Mid(Range("A1").Value, i, 6), " ") = 0 And InStr(Mid(Range("A1").Value, i, 6), ".") = 0 Then
MyNumber = Mid(Range("A1").Value, i, 6)
Debug.Print MyNumber
Exit For
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To Len(Range("A2").Value)
If IsNumeric(Mid(Range("A2").Value, i, 6)) = True And InStr(Mid(Range("A2").Value, i, 6), " ") = 0 And InStr(Mid(Range("A2").Value, i, 6), ".") = 0 Then
MyNumber = Mid(Range("A2").Value, i, 6)
Debug.Print MyNumber
Exit For
End If
Next i
End Sub
Immediate window:

Regular Expression only returns 1 match

My VBA function should take a string referencing a range of units (i.e. "WWW1-5") and then return another string.
I want to take the argument, and put it in a comma separated string,
So "WWW1-5" should become "WWW1, WWW2, WWW3, WWW4, WWW5".
It's not always going to be a single digit. For example, I might need to separate "XXX11-18" or something similar.
I have never used regular expressions, but keep trying different things to make this work and it seems to only be finding 1 match instead of 3.
Any ideas? Here is my code:
Private Function split_group(ByVal group As String) As String
Dim re As Object
Dim matches As Object
Dim result As String
Dim prefix As String
Dim startVar As Integer
Dim endVar As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.Pattern = "([A-Z]+)(\d+)[-](\d+)"
re.IgnoreCase = False
Set matches = re.Execute(group)
Debug.Print matches.Count
If matches.Count <> 0 Then
prefix = matches.Item(0)
startVar = CInt(matches.Item(1)) 'error occurs here
endVar = CInt(matches.Item(2))
result = ""
For i = startVar To endVar - 1
result = result & prefix & i & ","
Next i
split_group = result & prefix & endVar
MsgBox "There is an error with splitting a group."
split_group = "ERROR"
End If
End Function
I tried setting global = true but I realized that wasn't the problem. The error actually occurs on the line with the comment but I assume it's because there was only 1 match.
I tried googling it but everyone's situation seemed to be a little different than mine and since this is my first time using RE I don't think I understand the patterns enough to see if maybe that was the problem.
Try the modified Function below:
Private Function split_metergroup(ByVal group As String) As String
Dim re As Object
Dim matches As Variant
Dim result As String
Dim prefix As String
Dim startVar As Integer
Dim endVar As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With re
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "[0-9]{1,20}" '<-- Modified the Pattern
End With
Set matches = re.Execute(group)
If matches.Count > 0 Then
startVar = CInt(matches.Item(0)) ' <-- modified
endVar = CInt(matches.Item(1)) ' <-- modified
prefix = Left(group, InStr(group, startVar) - 1) ' <-- modified
result = ""
For i = startVar To endVar - 1
result = result & prefix & i & ","
Next i
split_metergroup = result & prefix & endVar
MsgBox "There is an error with splitting a meter group."
split_metergroup = "ERROR"
End If
End Function
The Sub I've tested it with:
Option Explicit
Sub TestRegEx()
Dim Res As String
Res = split_metergroup("DEV11-18")
Debug.Print Res
End Sub
Result I got in the immediate window:
Another RegExp option, this one uses SubMatches:
Sub TestRegEx()
Dim StrTst As String
MsgBox WallIndside("WAL7-21")
End Sub
Function WallIndside(StrIn As String) As String
Dim objRegex As Object
Dim objRegMC As Object
Dim lngCnt As Long
Set objRegex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With objRegex
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = "([a-z]+)(\d+)-(\d+)"
If .test(StrIn) Then
Set objRegMC = .Execute(StrIn)
For lngCnt = objRegMC(0).submatches(1) To objRegMC(0).submatches(2)
WallIndside = WallIndside & (objRegMC(0).submatches(0) & lngCnt & ", ")
WallIndside = Left$(WallIndside, Len(WallIndside) - 2)
WallIndside = "no match"
End If
End With
End Function
#Shai Rado 's answer worked. But I figured out on my own WHY my original code was not working, and was able to lightly modify it.
The pattern was finding only 1 match because it was finding 1 FULL MATCH. The full match was the entire string. The submatches were really what I was trying to get.
And this is what I modified to make the original code work (asking for each submatch of the 1 full match):

Visual Basic Excel Regular Expression {}

I have some trouble with {}. When i get max value like this {1,8} it not work and i don't now why. Min vale is valid well
Private Sub Highlvl_Expression()
Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,8}"
Dim strReplace As String: strReplace = ""
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim Test As Boolean
With regEx
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
Test = regEx.Test(Highlvl.Value)
If regEx.Test(Highlvl.Value) Then
MsgBox ("Validate")
MsgBox ("Not Validate")
End If
End Sub
You specified the pattern that looks for 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters inside a string. If you run the regex against a 9-character string "ABCDE6789" (regEx.Execute("ABCDE6789")), you will have 2 matches: ABCDE678 and 9.
If you want to validate a string that should have a minimum or a maximum number of characters, you need to use anchors, i.e. start and end of string assertions ^ and $. So, use
Dim strPattern As String: strPattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,8}$"
.Global = False
The global flag is not necessary since we are not looking for multiple matches, but for a single true or false result with test.

vbscript: replace text in activedocument with hyperlink

Starting out at a new job and I have to go through a whole lot of documents that my predecessor left. They are MS Word-files that contain information on several hundreds of patents. Instead of copy/pasting every single patent-number in an online form, I would like to replace all patent-numbers with a clickable hyperlink. I guess this should be done with vbscript (I'm not used to working with MS Office).
I have so far:
This is not working for me:
1. I (probably) need to add something to loop through the ActiveDocument
2. The replace-function probably needs a string and not an object for a parameter - is there a __toString() in vbscript?
I have this partially working (regex and finding matches) - now if only I could get the anchor for the hyperlink.add-method right...
Sub HyperlinkPatentNumbers()
' HyperlinkPatentNumbers Macro
Dim objRegExp, Matches, match, myRange
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With objRegExp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = "(WO|EP|US)([0-9]*)(A1|A2|B1|B2)"
End With
Set Matches = objRegExp.Execute(myRange)
If Matches.Count >= 1 Then
For Each match In Matches
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=objRegExp.match, Address:="http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&CC=$1&NR=$2&KC=$3"
End If
Set Matches = Nothing
Set objRegExp = Nothing
End Sub
Is this VBA or VBScript? In VBScript you cannot declare types like Dim newText As hyperLink, but every variable is a variant, so: Dim newText and nothing more.
objRegEx.Replace returns the string with replacements and needs two parameters passed into it: The original string and the text you want to replace the pattern with:
Set objRegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx.Global = True
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx.Pattern = "^(WO|EP|US)([0-9]*)(A1|A2|B1|B2)$"
' assuming plainText contains the text you want to create the hyperlink for
strName = objRegEx.Replace(plainText, "$1$2$3")
strAddress = objRegex.Replace(plainText, "http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&CC=$1&NR=$2&KC=$3"
Now you can use strName and strAddress to create the hyperlink with.
Pro-tip: You can use objRegEx.Test(plainText) to see if the regexp matches anything for early handling of errors.
Problem solved:
Sub addHyperlinkToNumbers()
Dim objRegExp As Object
Dim matchRange As Range
Dim Matches
Dim match
Set objRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With objRegExp
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
.Pattern = "(WO|EP|US|FR|DE|GB|NL)([0-9]+)(A1|A2|A3|A4|B1|B2|B3|B4)"
End With
Set Matches = objRegExp.Execute(ActiveDocument.Content)
For Each match In Matches
'This doesn't work, because of the WYSIWYG-model of MS Word:
'Set matchRange = ActiveDocument.Range(match.FirstIndex, match.FirstIndex + Len(match.Value))
Set matchRange = ActiveDocument.Content
With matchRange.Find
.Text = match.Value
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchCase = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
End With
ActiveDocument.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=matchRange, _
Address:="http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&CC=" _
& match.Submatches(0) & "&NR=" & match.Submatches(1) & "&KC=" & match.Submatches(2)
MsgBox "Hyperlink added to " & Matches.Count & " patent numbers"
Set objRegExp = Nothing
Set matchRange = Nothing
Set Matches = Nothing
Set match = Nothing
End Sub