Replace current QWidget to another QWidget in QMainWindow - c++

I have some QWidget class which ui files are separate from QMainWindow ui file.
how to add or replace current QWidet which is glued to QMainWindow into other QWidget from different class and ui files on the same QMainWindow ?

If I understand you correctly, you are currently displaying one widget and upon an action, you want to hide that widget and display another one in its place.
If this is correct, you might want to look at QStackedLayout.

Add your widget headers (note that you have to generate the headers from ui and inherit) into promoted widgets in your QMainWindow.ui.
Then, You just have to insert a QWidget,QFrame, ... depending on the base class of your
widget, and right click on it and select your custom widget from Promote to.. Submenu.
Heres a link to QT manual


Qt 5.10 - How to add a chart example to a layout

It's my very first experience with Qt so i hope its a basic question with a basic answer I couldn't find. I need to add a "custom" chart widget
(like in the following example:
to some Qt container like "layout" or "form". Its very straightforward when you have the widget in the toolbox and you use the designer but since it is a custom widget i cannot do that.
How do you do this in Qt creator?
If your Chart class inherits from QWidget, you have two ways to do this:
In the Design mode, put a QWidget on your Window, or into a Layout. Then, right click on it and select "Promote to ...". There, write your class name in "Promoted class name".
In your window cpp file, write:
YourChartClass* ycc = new YourChartClass(this);;
YourChartClass* ycc = new YourChartClass();
If your chart inherits from another class, and that class inherits from QWidget, the code lines are the same.

Qt5 Designer and Encapsulation

I've created a main window in Qt Desginer which has the following structure
Widget (*A)
The uic generates a header file "ui_mainwindow.h". This header files contains references on all the sub (subsub, subsubsub, ...) widgets. In my point of view this isn't good encapsulation.
I found a way to set custom classes for the different widgets in the Qt Designer.
Since I have to write these classes manually I have no access/references to the child widgets. I only can control the widget itself. Still all widgets are referenced in the MainWindow UI.
Is there a way to generate separate classes for each (or some selected) widget? I'd like to intercept *A and access the child QCharts.
Thank you,
Even though you can already "intercept A" in the current form. You can certainly separate A in a different section then add a QWidget in your main window, right click on it and promote it to being A

qt delegate editor pops up with no parent

I'm using a QStyledItemDelegate in QTableView. I followed tutorial . No problem for this.
I just changed QSpinBox to a custom widget I designed (let's call it MyWidget). It's also working, but now, whenever I trigger a cell of QTableView, editor MyWidget is poping up as a parentless widget would do. I've been trying to understand what makes the editor appear at cell's location but without any success.
In short : I'd like MyWidget to appear at cell's location and be part of QTableView. As QSpinBox does in tutorial example. Is it possible ? If so, how can I achieve this ? Thanks
Solved : parent argument routing from MyWidget to QWidget was wrong.
Solved : parent argument routing from MyWidget to QWidget was wrong.

Custom class in qt creator

I'm new to Qt and fairly new to C++ but I need help with this issue.
I have a custom class called HybridStack and I want it to extend a QStackedWidget and a QMainWindow.
I want it to extend a QStackedWidget so that I can use as many pages as I need and I want it to extend a QMainWindow so that I could be able to make each page have it's own MenuBar with different content of menu for different page.
I want to add this custom class HybridStack to Qt Designer by
promoting it from a QStackedWidget.
Is this possible? If it is, can you brief me on how to do this? If it's not possible then what's an alternative? Most importantly, I need to use it in the Designer because I need to use qmake
You can't derive from both QStackedWidget and QMainWindow, because both of those are in turn derived from QWidget. If you did so, you'd end up with the Dreaded Diamond. You'll have to use composition instead.
Even then, I'm not sure if it would work correctly to put a QMainWindow within a QStackedWidget, since it is designed to be a top-level item (i.e. its shown directly as a window, not embedded within another QWidget). Another way of accomplishing what you want (menu bar changing when the you change tabs) would be the following:
Make your top-level item a QMainWindow
Make the central widget a custom widget derived from QStackedWidget
When the item showing in the stack widget changes, you can call QMainWindow::setMenuBar to change the menu bar. Each widget within the QStackWidget could have its own QMenuBar instance that it uses for this purpose.

How to add QLabel to QGraphicsItem

I have a QGraphicsItem that has text on it. I want this text to be editable, so that if the user double-clicks it, it will enter an edit mode. It seems like the easiest way to do this would be to change the text into a QLineEdit and let the user click away the focus or press enter when they're done.
How can I add a QLineEdit to a QGraphicsItem? I have subclassed the QGraphicsItem so I have access to its internals.
To add any QWidget based object to a QGraphicsScene, a QGraphicsProxyWidget is required.
When you call the function addWidget on QGraphicsScene, it embeds the widget in a QGraphicsProxyWidget and returns that QGraphicsProxyWidget back to the caller.
The QGraphicsProxyWidget forwards events to its widget and handles conversion between the different coordinate systems.
Now that you're looking at using a QLineEdit in the QGraphicsScene, you need to decide if you want to add it directly:
QGraphicsScene* pScene = new QGraphicsScene;
QLineEdit* pLineEdit = new QLineEdit("Some Text");
// add the widget - internally, the QGraphicsProxyWidget is created and returned
QGraphicsProxyWidget* pProxyWidget = pScene->AddWidget(pLineEdit);
Or just add it to your current QGraphicsItem.
Here, you can either add it as a child of the QGraphicsItem:
MyQGraphicsItem* pMyItem = new MyQGraphicsItem;
QGraphicsProxyWidget* pMyProxy = new QGraphicsProxyWidget(pMyItem); // the proxy's parent is pMyItem
pMyProxy->setWidget(pLineEdit); // adding the QWidget based object to the proxy
Or you could add the QGraphicsProxyWidget as a member of your class and call its relevant functions, but adding it as a child is probably much simpler.
QGraphicsTextItem::setTextInteractionFlags (Qt::TextInteractionFlags flags)
API can be used. But you need to create QGraphicsTextItem inside it.
Please check following link for details: Implementation details
You need to create a proxy widget by extending QGraphicsProxyWidget in the case you need some specific behavior or just use a QGraphicsProxyWidget. Take a look at the "Embedded Dialogs" example in your Qt SDK and the QGraphicsProxyWidget documentation. It has been there for a long time so it should be for your version. I hope this helps.