append an integer variable to char variable in C++ - c++

I'm new in C++, I have a small project,
I should get 10 numbers from user and then show in result.
so I wrote this code :
int main() {
int counter=1,
float score;
while(counter <= 10) {
printf("Your entered numbers are : %s\n",allNumber);
for example user enter 2 3 80 50 ... and I want show 2,3,80,50,... in result.
But I don't know what should I do !

I do not know what book you are using, but the authors appear to teach you C before going into the C++ land. Without discussing their motives, I'll write an answer to be similar to your style of code before discussing an ideal C++ solution.
You need an array to store your numbers: double score[10]
Array are indexed starting from zero, so change counter to start at zero and go to nine (instead of starting at one and going to ten, like you have now)
Since score is an array, use &score[count] in the call of scanf
To print ten numbers you need a loop as well. You need a flag that tells you whether or not you need a comma after the number that you print. Add a printf("\n") after the loop.
As far as an "ideal" C++ solution goes, it should look close to this one:
istream_iterator<double> eos;
istream_iterator<double> iit(cin);
vector<double> score;
copy(iit, eos, back_inserter(score));
ostream_iterator<double> oit (cout, ", ");
copy(score.begin(), score.end(), oit);
However, discussing it would remain hard until you study the C++ standard library and its use of iterators.

You can do it by declaring an array of ten numbers.
your code goes here:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int counter=0;
float allNumbers[10];
while(counter < 10) {
printf("Your entered numbers are : \n");
while(counter < 10) {
printf("%f , ",allNumbers[counter]);


cout doesn't works properly on my program, can somebody help me?

enter image description hereI am using the STL in c++ and inside a bucle the cout doesn't prints correctly a float.
my program ads values to a vector and then passes it to a function to see if the condition exist, actually it works perfectly but just the cout doesn't word, I already tried using printf() but it gave the same result.
note:please algo give me feedback on my question is the first time i do one and English is not my natal language
my code:
using namespace std;
void isthereanumber(vector<float> array);
int main(){
string ans;vector<float> array;float number;
cout<<"insert a value for the vector: "<<endl;
cout<<"would you like to keep adding values to the vector? "<<endl;
return 0;
void isthereanumber(vector<float> array){
float suma =0;
for(vector<float>::iterator i=array.begin();i!=array.end();i++){
for(vector<float>::iterator j=array.begin();j!=array.end();j++){
suma = suma+array[*j];
cout<<"there is a number that the addition of every number in the array except the number is equal to the number \n";fflush(stdin);
cout<<"the number is: "<<suma;/*here is the cout that doesnt works properly or perhabs is something else i don't know*/
cout<<"there is not a number with such a condition: ";
As stated by cleggus already there are some issues present. Those need to be adressed first. After that there's a logical error in that suma just keeps growing.
Given the input 5,5,10 once we test for 10 we would like suma to be set to 0 again for it to work but it will be something like 30 now instead.
That can be solved by moving suma inside the outer loop.
Working example for input 5,5,10:
I think you may have a couple of issues...
In your for loops you are creating iterators to the vector, but rather than just dereferencing them to access the indexed element you are dereferencing them and then using that as an index to the same vector.
Also Your last if statement has an assignment = rather than a comparison ==.
I believe this is closer to what you are trying to achieve (sorry I haven't had time to compile and check):
for(vector<float>::iterator i=array.begin();i!=array.end();i++){
for(vector<float>::iterator j=array.begin();j!=array.end();j++){
suma = suma+*j;
cout<<"there is a number that the addition of every number in the array except the number is equal to the number \n";fflush(stdin);
cout<<"the number is: "<<suma;/*here is the cout that doesnt works properly or perhabs is something else i don't know*/

Writing two versions of a function, one for "clarity" and one for "speed"

My professor assigned homework to write a function that takes in an array of integers and sorts all zeros to the end of the array while maintaining the current order of non-zero ints. The constraints are:
Cannot use the STL or other templated containers.
Must have two solutions: one that emphasizes speed and another that emphasizes clarity.
I wrote up this function attempting for speed:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void sortArray(int array[], int size)
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
int n = 0;
for (i = j; i < size;)
if (array[i] == 0)
else if (array[i] != 0 && j != i)
array[j++] = array[i++];
while (j < size)
array[j++] = 0;
int main()
//Example 1
int array[]{20, 0, 0, 3, 14, 0, 5, 11, 0, 0};
int size = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
sortArray(array, size);
cout << "Result :\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << array[i] << " ";
cout << endl << "Press any key to exit...";
return 0;
It outputs correctly, but;
I don't know what the speed of it actually is, can anyone help me figure out how to calculate that?
I have no idea how to go about writing a function for "clarity"; any ideas?
I my experience, unless you have very complicated algorithm, speed and clarity come together:
void sortArray(int array[], int size)
int item;
int dst = 0;
int src = 0;
// collect all non-zero elements
while (src < size) {
if (item = array[src++]) {
array[dst++] = item;
// fill the rest with zeroes
while (dst < size) {
array[dst++] = 0;
Speed comes from a good algorithm. Clarity comes from formatting, naming variables and commenting.
Speed as in complexity?
Since you are, and need, to look at all the elements in the array — and as such have a single loop going through the indexes in the range [0, N)—where N denotes the size of the input—your solution is O(N).
Further reading:
Plain English explanation of big O
Determining big O Notation
Regarding clearity
In my honest opinion there shouldn't need to be two alternatives when implementing such functionality as you are presenting. If you rename your variables to more suitable (descriptive) names your current solution should be clear enough to count as both performant and clear.
Your current approach can be written in plain english in a very clear fashion:
set write_index to 0
set number_of_zeroes to 0
For each element in array
If element is 0
increase number_of_zeros by one
write element value to position denoted by write_index
increase write_index by one
write number_of_zeroes 0s at the end of array
Having stated the explanation above we can quickly see that sortArray is not a descriptive name for your function, a more suitable name would probably be partition_zeroes or similar.
Adding comments could improve readability, but you current focus should lie in renaming your variables to better express the intent of the code.
(I feel your question is almost off-topic; I am answering it from a Linux perspective; I recommend using Linux to learn C++ programming; you'll adapt my advices to your operating system if you are using something else....)
Regarding speed, you should have two complementary approaches.
The first (somehow "theoretical") is to analyze (i.e. think on) your algorithm and give (with some proof) its asymptotic time complexity.
The second approach (only "practical", and often pragmatical) is to benchmark and profile your program. Don't forget to compile with optimizations enabled (e.g. using g++ -Wall -O2 with GCC). Have a benchmark which runs for more than half of a second (so processes a large amount of data, e.g. several million numbers) and repeat it several times (e.g. using time(1) command on Linux). You could also measure some time inside your program using e.g. <chrono> in C++11, or just clock(3) (if you read a large array from some file, or build a large array of pseudo-random numbers with <random> or with random(3) you certainly want to measure separately the time to read or fill the array with the time to move zeros out of it). See also time(7).
(You need to process a large amount of data - more than a million items, perhaps many millions of them - because computer are very fast; a typical "elementary" operation -a machine instruction- takes less than a nanosecond, and you have lot of uncertainty on a single run, see this)
Regarding clarity, it is a bit subjective, but you might try to make your code readable and concise. Adding a few good comments could also help.
Be careful about naming: sorting is not exactly what your program is doing (it is more moving zeros than sorting the array)...
I think this is the best - Of course you may wish to use doxygen or some other
// Shift the non-zeros to the front and put zero in the rest of the array
void moveNonZerosTofront(int *list, unsigned int length)
unsigned int from = 0, to = 0;
// This will move the non-zeros
for (; from < length; ++from) {
if (list[from] != 0) {
list[to] = list[from];
// So the rest of the array needs to be assigned zero (as we found those on the way)
for (; to < length; +=to) {
list[to] = 0;

Program to find greatest common divisor

Here's a c++ program i tried to write for the above question.Our teacher told us to use a for loop.
void main()
int A[30],B[30],m,n,i,j,x,z;
cout<< "enter two numbers";
{ A[j]=i;
{ B[j]=i;
{ cout<<"gcd="<<A[i];
The output displays " Enter two numbers:" and when i entered 15 and 3, the result i got was a blinking cursor. Working through the program, I realised that the divisors for each number when stored in the arrays of A and B were not stored continuously or had gaps in between. If there isn't anything in the memory for say A[11], what happens when you check it against another variable with a number? Can somebody please modify this to make it work and tell me what's wrong? I am new to programming, so excuse my program if it is clumsy.
Andreas has pointed out that there are other ways to achieve the goal of finding the gcd, but the point of the exercise is to get a better handle on some basic programming constructs. So lets go with your approach.
Your idea is to compute the two lists of divisors and then compare them. As you say, having a list with gaps in makes this harder.
So adapt your loop, only increment the storage index when you've stored something
for(i=1,j=0;i<=m && j<30;i++) // need the && here; a comma means something different
{ A[j++]=i;
Second, you have a typo you're not storing in B, so fix that
for(i=1,j=0;i<=n && j<30;i++)
{ B[j++]=i; //B here not A
That should help.
Try this:
int gcd(int a, int b) {
return b == 0 ? a : gcd(b, a % b);
As taken from here:

ARRAYS DEBUGGING incorrect outputs, complex algorithm

I made this algorithm, i was debugging it to see why it wasnt working, but then i started getting weird stuff while printing arrays at the end of each cycle to see where the problem first occurred.
At a first glance, it seemed my while cycles didn't take into consideration the last array value, but i dunno...
all info about algorithm and everything is in the source.
What i'd like to understand is, primarily, the answer to this question:
Why does the output change sometimes?? If i run the program, 60-70% of the time i get answer 14 (which should be wrong), but some other times i get weird stuff as the result...why??
how can i debug the code if i keep getting different, if i compile for release and not debug (running codeblocks under latest gcc available in debian sid here), i get most of the times 9 as result.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
/*void print_array
std::cout<<" ( ";
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { std::cout<<array[i]<<" "; }
///this algorithm must take an array of elements and return the maximum achievable sum
///within any of the sub-arrays (or sub-segments) of the array (the sum must be composed of adjacent numbers within the array)
///it will squeeze the array ...(...positive numbers...)(...negative numbers...)(...positive numbers...)...
///into ...(positive number)(negative number)(positive number)...
///then it will 'remove' any negative numbers in case it would be convienent so that the sum between 2 positive numbers
///separated by 1 negative number would result in the highest achievable number, like this:
// -- (3,-4,4) if u do 'remove' the negative number in order to unite the positive ones, i will get 3-4+4=3. So it would
// be better not to remove the negative number, and let 4 be the highest number achievable, without any sums
// -- (3,-1,4) in this case removing -1 will result in 3-1+4=6, 6 is bigger than both 3 and 4, so it would be convienent to remove the
// negative number and sum all of the three up into one number
///so what this step does is shrink the array furthermore if it is possible to 'remove' any negatives in a smart way
///i also make it reiterate for as long as there is no more shrinking available, because if you think about it not always
///can the pc know if, after a shrinking has occured, there are more shrinkings to be done
///then, lastly, it will calculate which of the positive numbers left is highest, and it will choose that as remaining maximum sum :)
///expected result for the array of input, s[], would be (i think), 7
int main() {
const int n=4;
int s[n+1]={3,-2,4,-4,6};
int k[n+1]={0};
std::cout<<" ( ";
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { std::cout<<k[i]<<" "; }
int i=0, j=0;
// step 1: compress negative and postive subsegments of array s[] into single numbers within array k[]
/*while (i<=n)
while (s[i]>=0)
k[j]+=s[i]; ++i;
while (s[i]<0)
k[j]+=s[i]; ++i;
while (i<=n)
while (s[i]>=0)
if (i>n) break;
k[j]+=s[i]; ++i;
while (s[i]<0)
if (i>n) break;
k[j]+=s[i]; ++i;
std::cout<<"STEP 1 : ";
std::cout<<" ( ";
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { std::cout<<k[i]<<" "; }
// step 2: remove negative numbers when handy
std::cout<<"checked WRONG! "<<unsigned(k[3])<<std::endl;
int p=1;
while (p!=0)
while (j<=n)
std::cout<<"checked right! "<<unsigned(k[j+1])<<std::endl;
if (k[j]<=0) { ++j; continue;}
if ( k[j]>unsigned(k[j+1]) && k[j+2]>unsigned(k[j+1]) )
std::cout<<"checked right!"<<std::endl;
k[j]=0; k[j+1]=0;
std::cout<<"STEP 2 : ";
std::cout<<" ( ";
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { std::cout<<k[i]<<" "; }
j=0; i=0; //i will now use "i" and "p" variables for completely different purposes, as not to waste memory
// i will be final value that algorithm needed to find
// p will be a value to put within i if it is the biggest number found yet, it will keep changing as i go through the array....
// step 3: check which positive number is bigger: IT IS THE MAX ACHIEVABLE SUM!!
while (j<=n)
if(k[j]<=0) { ++j; continue; }
p=k[j]; if (p>i) { std::swap(p,i); }
std::cout<<std::endl<<"MAX ACHIEVABLE SUM WITHIN SUBSEGMENTS OF ARRAY : "<<i<<std::endl;
return 0;
might there be problems because im not using vectors??
Thanks for your help!
EDIT: i found both my algorithm bugs!
one is the one mentioned by user m24p, found in step 1 of the algorithm, which i fixed with a kinda-ugly get-around which ill get to cleaning up later...
the other is found in step2. it seems that in the while expression check, where i check something against unsigned values of the array, what is really checked is that something agains unsigned values of some weird numbers.
i tested it, with simple cout output:
IF i do unsigned(k[anyindexofk]) and the value contained in that spot is a positive number, i get the positive number of course which is unsigned
IF that number is negative though, the value won't be simply unsigned, but look very different, like i stepped over the array or something...i get this number "4294967292" when im instead expecting -2 to return as 2 or -4 to be 4.
(that number is for -4, -2 gives 4294967294)
I edited the sources with my new stuff, thanks for the help!
EDIT 2: nvm i resolved with std::abs() using cmath libs of c++
would there have been any other ways without using abs?
In your code, you have:
while (s[i]>=0)
k[j]+=s[i]; ++i;
Where s is initialized like so
int s[n+1]={3,-2,4,-4,6};
This is one obvious bug. Your while loop will overstep the array and hit garbage data that may or may not be zeroed out. Nothing stops i from being bigger than n+1. Clean up your code so that you don't overstep arrays, and then try debugging it. Also, your question is needs to be much more specific for me to feel comfortable answering your question, but fixing bugs like the one I pointed out should make it easier to stop running into inconsistent, undefined behavior and start focusing on your algorithm. I would love to answer the question but I just can't parse what you're specifically asking or what's going wrong.

C++ program to compute lcm of numbers between 1 to 20 (project euler )

as the title explains this is a program to find lcm of numbers between 1 to 20. i found an algorithm to do this, here's the link
there is a java applet on the webpage that might explain the algorithm better
Problem: i wrote the code compiler shows no error but when i run the code the program goes berserk, i guess may be some infinite loopig but i can't figure it out for the life of me. i use turbo c++ 4.5 so basically if anyone can look at the code and help me out it would be great . thanks in advance
say we need to find lcm of 2,6,8
first we find the least of the series and add to it the number above it, i.e the series become
now we find the least value again and add to it the intitial value in the column i.e 2
so the next iteration becomes
as you can see at one point all numbers become equal which is our lcm
/*function to check if all the elements of an array are equal*/
int equl(int a[20], int n)
int i=0;
if (a[i]==a[i+1])
return n;
/*function to calculate lcm and return that value to main function*/
int lcm()
int i,k,j,check=1,a[20],b[20];
/*loading both arrays with numbers from 1 to 20*/
check= equl(a,1);
/*actual implementation of the algorith*/
k=a[0]; /*looks for the least value in the array*/
k=a[i+1]; /*find the least value*/
j=i+1; /*mark the position in array */
a[j]=k+b[j]; /*adding the least value with its corresponding number*/
check= equl(a,1);
return (a[0]);
/*at this point all numbers in the array must be same thus any value gives us the lcm*/
void main()
int l;
In this line:
You use j but it is unitialized so it's some huge value and you are outside of the array bounds and thus you get a segmentation fault.
You also have some weird things going on in your code. void main() and you use cout without either saying std::cout or using namespace std; or something similar. An odd practice.
Also don't you think you should pass the arrays as arguments if you're going to make lcm() a function? That is int lcm(int a[], int b[]);.
You might look into using a debugger also and improving your coding practices. I found this error within 30 seconds of pasting your code into the compiler with the help of the debugger.
Your loop condition is:
So your equl function will never return 1 because if n happens to be 1 then the loop will just keep going and never return a 1.
However, your program still does not appear to return the correct result. You can split the piece of your code that finds the minimum element and replace it with this for cleanliness:
int least(int a[], int size){
int minPos = 0;
for(int i=0; i<size ;i++){
if (a[i] < a[minPos] ){
minPos = i;
return minPos;
Then you can call it by saying j = least(a, 20);. I will leave further work on your program to you. Consider calling your variables something meaningful instead of i,j,k,a,b.
Your equl function is using array indices from 0-20, but the arrays only have 1-19
j in lcm() is uninitialized if the first element is the smallest. It should be set to 0 at the top of the while loop
In the following code, when i=19, you are accessing a[20], which is out of the bounds of the array. Should be for(i=0;i<19;i++)
for(i=0;i<20;i++) {
You are not actually using the std namespace for the cout. this should be std::cout<<l
Your are including iostream.h. The standard is iostream without the .h, this may not work on such an old compiler tho
instead of hard-coding 20 everywhere, you should use a #define. This is not an error, just a style thing.
The following code does nothing. This is the default behavior