Handling Apple events from console app on Mac [closed] - c++

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Closed 9 years ago.
Please give me some hints about how to work and, more practically, handle Apple events from raw console application written in C++ on Mac. I know that there is huge infrastructure for this purpose in Cocoa but as I think this is only a wrapper.
May be it's impossible?

There is C API for it:
But as you can see that Apple considers this as legacy nowadays, so for a new project, using the Objective-C APIs might be the better choice.


Online API to integrate C++ compiler to a website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I would like make a online code editor with a C++ compiler integrated into my website. Are there any API to do the same. Any service which allows to compile and execute codes from user.
More specifically ,is there any service like ideone.com which i can embedd on my site for free
ideone (ideone.com) provides its API and service (ideone.com/api) for free. You should try it.

socket.io with c++? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Please tell me can I wrote some c++ console application and connect on some node.js server(on nodester example) which using socket.io? Some (C/C++) -> (node.js/socket.io) library? Thanks
boost::asio based c++ socket.io client
Yes, it is possible. FWIW, an open-source project does this in Objective-C, which should at least give you some ideas on how to do it in C/C++.

Is it possible to use applets in C++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am trying to create a game in traveling salesman problem using iterative algorithm.
I need the output in an applet environment, in a new window.
Is it possible to use applets in C++ like we normally use it in Java platform?
Can anyone clear my doubt?
No. Java applets compile to Java bytecode and are delivered to a JVM running in a webbrowser. C++ programs (currently) cannot be compiled to Java bytecode, so they cannot be shipped to webbrowsers. Google is doing some work in this area (Native Client, NaCl) but that's far from finished.

What's the most recommended cross platform C++ library? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Is there something like jQuery that works the same in all browsers in the c/c++ world that will work consistently in all platforms?
Are you talking about for GUI elements? Qt is very popular.
Gnulib is intended to act as a facade for the system's native libc.
Depends on what you want to do. Boost is one of the most used one.

is there any references about mfc ui redraw... mechanism? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
please give me some reference about the ui rendering mechanism
MFC is merely a thin wrapper around the Win32 API. It provides an object oriented foundation that simplifies the use of the C style Win32 API, but it doesn't have too much brains built into it. If you want to understand the way MFC creates UI, go a bit further and take a look at GDI, which is the API used for UI stuff in Windows.